Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1948)
MILL CITY ENTERPRISE, DECEMBER 16. 19*8 LYONS . 1 By EVA BRESSLER The Women’» Society of Christian Service held its meeting at the home of Mrs. Lyle Kinzer Tuesday after noon with 12 members present. Mr». Alex Bodeker was in change of the business meeting and Miss Helen Queen led the devotion» in the ab sence of Mrs. George Clipfell. A good report was given on the bazaar, and plans were made for the next meet- ing which will be held at the home of Mr». Alex Bodeker with Mis. Roy Huber a» hostess. A Christmas party will be enjoyed iwith members bring ing gift« for their »¡lent risters and revealing their names. Gifts will be sent to the Children's Home. At 'he close of the meeting refreshments were served to M edames Alex Kui ken, Ramie Martell, Alex Bodeker, Roy Huber, Geoige Huffman, Albert Ring, Loren Chamgerlain, Daisy Johnston, Anna Johnson, Miss Queen and the hosteM. Faith Rebekah Lodge held its meeting at the hall with a good at tendance, with Ruth Morris, nobel grand, and Helen McClurg, vice grand, p esMirrg. The regular routine at business was carried out, with el ection of officers the main business. The following were elected: Helen McClurg, noble grand, Fran ces McCarley, vice grand, Garnett Bassett, secretary, Beulah Lewis, treasurer, and Alma Olmstead, finan cial secretary. Plans were made for the next meet- i i i J N | i i £ £ r ..A. i i Who says there isn’t a £ Santa Claus ! I When you Shop at the Mill City Furn £ iture Co. for Christmas gifts you’ll find I there is a Santa Claus who makes your $ » « gift dollar go farther. i £ £ £ I £ £ £ £ £ £ £ f ing when a Christmas party will Tie held. Each member is to bring a gift for the gift exchange, also a gift for MHI City, Oregon. their silent sister, at which time their Charla» Wolverton, Editor and Publisher names will be revealed. At the social hour dainty refresh Elsbeth Wolverton, Business Manager ments were served by Clene Taylor, B inche Wagner and May Patton. Entered as second-class matter November 10, 1944 at the post office at Mill City, Table decorations carried out the Oregon jnder the Act of March 3, 1879. Christmas motif. ENTERPRISE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING The Mill City Enterprise Ads received by Wednesday noon will run in the regular classified section and The Missionary Friendship tour, those received later up to 10 a. m. Thursday will run in the “Too Late to Classify” "Tomorrow Is Here,” was completed Friday evening with the final meet section. Errors in advertising should be reported immediately. The Enterprise will not ing held at the Methodist Church. This series of meetings was held be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion. CLASSIFIED KATE weekly, and found to be very instruc One insertion for 50c or three insertions for $1.00. Display advertising 40c inch tive. Mrs. Laurence Walworth and Miss Helen Queen were instructors. this week end. ny was held for Arlo Ashley. Den Miss Imogene Roye, a student at The Lyons Parent-Teacher Assn, Mothers Mrs. Aithur Olmstead and OSC, is spending the holidays at the held its meeting Friday evening at Mrs. Art Ayers were present with home of her parents, wd£i the school house with Buri Smith, their troop. president, as chairman. Plans were Leland Manning accompanied by made for the Christmas program and Bu.-ter Berry left Friday morning for tree which will be held at Rebekah Hall, Thursday evening, Dec. 23. Mrs San Francisco with a large truckload Floyd Bassett and Mrs. George Huff of Chistmas trees. They will return man were appointed on the candy committee to see about treats for the children. Glass jars were placer! at the stores and telephone office for donations for the treats. Contribu tions will be greatly appreciated. A committee, Mrs. Bassett, Mrs. Paul Johnston and Mrs. Wilson Stevens, was named to buy choir robas. Re freshments were served at the close of the meeting. A Friendly Place To While Away Your Idle hours Riehards Tavern GATES Mr. and Mrs. Norman Johnson of Portland spent the week end at the home of her parents, T Mrs. George Keeley of Portland vis ited at the homes of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Huber and her brother, Donald Huber and family. KMMRMMXI ; 'issmsw I I ! Directory Organizations The cub scouts held their pack meeting at Rebekah Hall Friday eve ning with a good attendance and an excellent display of work. A whoit program of accordion music was fur nished by Mr. and Mrs. Alex Muze- chenko, and a vocal aolo by Jeannine Bentley was heard, followed by other entertainment. A graduation ceremo- LYONS WOMEN’S CLUB Meets every Thursday at the Com munity Hall, Lyons, at 2 P. M. CAPITAL SANTIAM AERIE OF EAGLES No. 2945 Monumental Works Meets at Idanha Rod and Gun Club J. C. JONES, Prop. GIFTS FOR HER Cedar Chests SOLID TENNESSEE CEDAR Pottery Sets HOLLYWOOD, Strvice for 4, 6, 8 other Pottery Gifts 3750 MAKE YOUR ARRANGEMENTS NOW 59.5 12.95 18.95 1.00 & up 2210 So. Commercial St. Salem Office Ph. 6887 Res. Ph. 6887 THE TRAVELERS' GIFT CHOICE DRUG STORE FOR HIM 20 years of Oontinuou» Service 7-95 to 22.50 24-50 59-95 79.95 Ö995 Smoking Stands ALL STEEL Platform Rockers Davenos Daveno & Chair sets Aladdin|Table Lamps 1 F. H. ALBUS, RG. PH. BAND INSTRUMENTS STAYTON ACCORDION LESSONS • I ¡Tex’s Tavern kcqaith J J 13« N. IliKh St. COME IN AND LET US STRETCH THAT GIFT DOLLAR FOR YOU OPEN CHRISMAS EVE AND EVERY EVENING TILL 8 X <• PIANOS INSTRUMENT REPAIRING ¡49-95 6.95 to 11.90 Mill City Furniture Co PRESCRIPTIONS SALEM A friendly family atmosphere prevails I. W. A. - C. I. 0. LCtXlAGE Rp^iliir Meeting Nights BII j LFOLDS BELTS School Ring Binders for Notebooks Cowboy >>nd Cowgirl MILL CITY—4tb Friday Monthly IDANHA - 2nd and 4 th Thur= ay LYONS - 1st a: 1 3rd Friday Monthly Second Friday open for special meet ings. RECONDITIONED WOOD’S STORE Ladies' and Children’s DRESSES GENERAL DRV GOODS MILL CITY Service Station C.E.”Pink” Mason Prop Shell Products Auto Storage, Batteries SHAFER’S Fishing Tackle LEATHER GOODS 125 N Commercia Bell & Devers SALEM ATTORNEYS AT LAW Stayton 124 All types and makes to choose from Selling and servicing transportation is our business I Herrold-Philippi Motor Co. staytom ? HARLOW L. WJNRICk Attorney at La* t Drop in and let us show you what we See Vern McFadden or (\ F. (Buzz) Cheffings kooiærwave [\ You ve never hid 1 permanent like tbit before’ Thrilling Rilling K<H>I I R WAVE 1» the prvltui, *.tl mt ttut Ktu.llv mike* ar/er happen bring» vou the flattering. MMXith enJ »era . *e«n you adore’ It» »oft. en »eloping lap. > mean- a new kind of lo«eline»« no furry end* — e»»ier •»’ «et liMifcr bating Cail foe v«w appointment rod»• SH IRLEYS BEAL 1A SHOP Ph Mill City >Ut »a SIS RraaUalban Altwijr Mill City S»ate Bank Mill City. Oregon A Home Bank.Owned and Managed by Home People. Established in 1919 AD Depositors Insured up to $5000 00 Under the Term« of the federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Fire and Automotive Insurance Notary Public. —Zenith Tires