Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1948)
The North Santiam’s Serving the North Santiam Valley Mill City Enterprise Timberwolves Looking Up and Down Win in First the Canyon League Game By CHARLES WOLVERTON Idanha Man Held As Fugitive John Schimpf, about 45, a carpen ter, was a: rested in Idanha Wednes day by Deputy Sheriff Larry Wright ori_a fugitive warrant. He was lodged in the Mill City jail Wednesday eve ning. Deputy Wright said he did not know the nature of the charge, but said the jailed man was accused of a felony by Meeker, Colo., author ities. Schimpf has been working in Idan ha for Justice of the Peace Ed Vick ers for whom he was doing carpen ter woik at the time of his arrest. Sriiimipf professed to be utterly in the dark about the charge against him. He said he had been a resident of Oregon, most of the time in Wood burn, since 1948. He related that he had taken a trip to Nebraska to visit relatives last summer. In July he stopped for about a month in Meeker and worked for a contractor there. Thence he left by bus for Nebiaska and then return ed to Oregon. He has ben in the Canyon several months. Schimpf said that about two weeks ago he sent a money order to his former employer in Meeker, asking that his tools be shipped io Idanha. “You can see blyat I haven’t been making any secret of my where abouts,” he said, “or else I wouldn't h<jve written to Meeker for my tools. I don’t know what it’s all about.” Schrimpf said his wife lives in Woodbum. In the eyes of the game commis iWith several one-sided victorie al sion, the various societies for the ready behind them, Mill City high pieservat on of wildlife anti most schools Timberwolves will meet their patrons of the out-of-doors, the deer strongest rivals in the Marion County are innocent creatures which must B League—the Sublimity Saints—on be coddled and kept harpy. B rt to the local basket ba’! court Friday Stony Wells, whose spent a good pa it night. The Saints won the championship of his 85 years wonying with the last year by only two points over creatures, they’re just one stjge be low a cougar. And that, in Oregon Mill City. The Timberwolves hope to is lower than a pl-ague rat in China. reverse that result this year. A fiist- Stony’s gaiden is the chief reason rate contest is forthcoming, because why he and the deer don’t get along. both teams are made up of veterans Stony—-when the deer don’t get them from last year. The Timberwolves won their fiist first—grows about the finest vege league game Tuesday night when the tables in these parts. strong Aumsville team was defeated, Of late he’s been raising crops he 35 to 22. figures people will like but the deer Miller, Mill City center, held scor won’t. He’s ti ie< ^cauliflower, cabbage ing honors for the evening with 12 and broccoli. What happens is that ipoints, and Hunter, foilward, was not the deer appear to adapt themselves far behind with 10. The two guards to any kind of a diet, so long as its got in more than their share of points grown in Stony’s garden. with 7 for Verbeck and 4 for Law- To protect his cauliflower and broc lance Poole. Leo Poole had one. Two coli, he erected a realistic scarecrow, subs, Thornley and Wirick, were in with red hat, red shirt and coat that the game. alrnos reached the ground. The first The Timberwolves journeyed to Sa night the deer stayed away. Stony lem Friday night to take part in the thought: Perhaps this time I’ve got B. League jamboree which officially ’em fooled. opens conference play for the season. Another night passed. The deer al The teams which took part weie ready had made friens with the scare divided into two groups representing crow—in fact, ha nibble cauliflow?r the north and south halves of the right from under the scareci ow’s county. In the southern group were coattails. Detroit, Gates, Mill City, Aumsville With thousands of acres of brush and Sublimity. Noithem section was to brows upon, one would think that Jefferson, St. Paul, Gervais, North the deer could get along without Marion, Chemarwa and the State Stony’s garden. I guess they figuie school for the Deaf. South defeated on it for their salad. North by 69 to 45. The creatures aren’t content with Mill City played Jefferson, winning grazing on garden stuff that grows 13-2. Scoring for Mill City we e Hun Two Canyon burglaries were solved - ove ground.' Theyve !g. ter, 1; Leo Poole, 8; Miller, 2; Ver this week by a coufeasion of a 17 how to grab hold of a carrot and beck,1. Lawrence Poole had a bad year old youth who was caught in pull it up, nibble off the root and all. night and went scoreless but other Nerwberg in the act of pilfering a One time Stony—as many others wise played a good game. filling station. have done—complained to the game The young man, accoring to police, In a non-conference game with commission. So one of the bigshots Stayton here last Tuesday, which the admitted breaking into the Mill City came up to advise Stony, a mere un Wolves won, 39 to 30. Gary Hunter Tavern early Friday morning and protected human being amongst a shared high point honors with Lyons taking about »8 in dimes and nickels horde of protected wildlife. of Stayton with 12 each; Leo Poole, and trying unsuccessfully the same Said the bigshot: 7; Miller, 9; Verbeck 3; Lawrence night to force an entry into the Hor “No, it’s against the law to have Poole, 8. ner store at Gates. a dog that runs deer. No, you can’t The youth also admitted breaking The B string fared badly, losing shoot them, except in season, and 47 to 27. Baltimore was high point into an Aumsville filling station and then just bucks. No, you can’t trap man with 10, for Mill City; Titus of seizing a cash register, which was ’em." found later by Sheriff Denver Young Stayton had 18. “In other words, theyve got an in a dump near Turner. Only a few open season on me, but I’ve got a dollars was in the rgister. B LEAGUE SCHEDULE closed season on them ?” Stony asked. Green made his confession to the Dec. 7 — Aumsvill vs. Mill City; “That’s right," said the bigshot. Sublimity vs. Detroit; Turner vs. Clackamas County sheriff in Oregon “Is it gll right if I say ‘shoo’?” Gates. City. asked Stony. Entrance to the tavern here was Dec. 10—Mill City vs. Sublimity; The bigshot of the game commis Turner vs. Aumsville; Gates vs. De gained by cutting a hole through a sion missed the sarcasm, at first, be- troit. door panel and lifting out the cross bore he said yes. Dec. 14Mill City vs. Turner; Gates bar. Byron Davis, tavern operator, “I tell you what you ought to do,” vs. Sublimity; Detroit vs. Aumsville. had estimated his loss at about $20. he advised. “You ought to build a The Aumsville filling station oper Jan. 7—Gates vs. Mill City; De high fence. ator, D. E Roberts, was expected by troit vs. Turner; Sublimity vs Aums “Can’t do it,” said Stony, quoting ville. Sheriff Young to swear out a crim the law right back at him. “I’s il Jan. 11—Detroit vs. Mill City; inal complaint aigainst Green. legal in his country to build a fence Mill, City Police Chief J. T. King Aumsville vs. Gates; Sublimity vs. more than four and one-half feet Turner. and Deputy Sheriff Larry Wright in high.” Jan. 14—-Mill City vs. Aumsville; vestigated the local burglaries and I asked Stony: “Why don’t you put Detroit vs. Sublimity; Gates vs. fingerprints were lifted at the tavern. Up a light at night?” Green also acknowledged breaking Turner. “Theyve got a light now. A street Jan. 18—Sublimity vs. Mill City; into a tavern at Molalla and taking light. It helps ’em pick out the food Aumsville v s. Turner; Detroit v s. according to police estimate about they like and not be bothered with 'Gates. $150. weeds.” Green was in the toils of the law Jan. 21—Turner vs. Mill City; Sub • • • limity vs. Gates; Aumsville vs. De befor for helping effect the escape Fact is, the deer problem in this troit. of another juvenile from Salem Jail, country isn’t a very funny matter. Jan. 25—Mill City vs. Gates; Tur by passing a saw hidden in a cream- Many local residents have seen an ner vs. Detroit; Aumsville vs. Sub puff. entire season's woik destroyed in a limity. single night by the prong - homed Jan. 28 — Mill City vs. Detroit; FREEDON TRAIN DOCUMENTS . predators. Al Millsap, in Gates, who Gates vs. Aumsville; Turner vs. Sub DISPLAYED IN REPLICA likes to develop new varieties of veg Photographic copies of documents limity. etables and fruits, has seen his whole shown in the Freedom Train are on new orchard almost wrecked by deer DETROIT LOSES TO GERVAIS displav at the Mountain Stakes Pow polishing their horns on young sap IN VALLEY TOURNAMENT er Co. office 1 ere. with a different lings. ripping off the bark. In the exhibit weekly. • Starting off the basketball season, Fem Ridge area, where a rich indus Currently is on view a copy of th« try of berry growing has been de Detroit high school lost to Gervais in famous Roger Williams declaration veloped. farmers had sooner risk a the tournament held in Willamette for religious freedom. The big fine for getting rid of the beastN University gym last Fri than to see their fields ruined. Be score was 22 to 4. Because of road conditions, the De cause a deer will devour acres of troit team and rootes stayed over young shoos in a single night. A game warden, who a<ked a far night in Salem. Jefferson and Chemawa won first mer there if any deer were bothering and second prizes for their cheering him. was told: “Yeah, there were five of ’em. but sections. three got away.” • • • That’s not so any more, because by Few cr.ips have enjoyei the exper freezing, a fresh berry ma ket has ience of finding an entirely new mar been set up the year round. That is ket like strawberries and raspberries, why many people who have ben in the now be ng grown so successfully in logging and lumber trades are turn hill land in the Canyon area. It used ing their thoughts to a crop which to be that once the fresh berry ar. 1 would mean an income in a couple of cannery demand, was met, then her years—instead of waiting a hundred pes bee ane a irug on the market years for the trees to grow up. Youth Admits Tavern Theft Mill City, Gatts, Mongold, Detroit and Idanha »2.00 A YEAR. 5 CENTS A C»PY MILL CITY. OREGON. THURSDAY DECEMBER 9. 1948 VOLUME IV. M 'M BER 4M Lyeni on Detroit Dam To Be Called Jan. 4 Younge Held I Bids In Detroit Assault Count Burdette Younge, Detroit hotel man, cam« out about ey-n this week in his numerous troubles with the law. In his favor was an order by Dis trict Judge Joe Felton in Salem on Tuesday, reducing one count from assault to kill to assault ami battery. This was the case of an allege 1 brawl in the hotel with Forrest Carey, Tur ner, several weeks ago. Jundlge Felton explained that tes timony that Younge had attacked Ca rey w-ith fists and kicks did not con stitute proof of intent to kill. A silver ring fashioned like a west ern saddle, was introduced in evidence as having been taken from Younge by a deputy sheriff after the brawl. Charles de Sully, Idanha first aid man, also testified as to his emergen cy treatment of Carey. Bail for Younge was set at $1000. life term in the assault to kill count, Younge would have faced a possible but a maximum of a year in jail and $500 fine in the reduced charge. Meanwhile, another charge is pend ing against Y'ounge over nrore trou bles last week end. In Judge Vickeis’ count ?T1 Idanha he was charged with assault in an alleged attack upon Joe Wright of Detroit. Younge is scheduled to return to Judge Fenton’s court Friday for a hearing on a charge of illegal sale of liquor, following the alleged pur chase by state liquor commission ag ents of whiskey from him last week end. Margaret Aieh, who was convict ed recently of the same offense, and Joe Cotton, are also charged. In a civil suit, Mrs. G. R. Dickie of Detroit, owner of the building now leased by Younge, is suing to have the contract voided. The case was filed last week. Polio Strikes Detroit Girl County health authorities were on the alert in the Canyon this week for signs of infantile paralysis, fol lowing a serious case of the dread disease in Detroit late last wek. The small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. E Fry was stricken. The girl was rushed to Salem, where Dr. Stone of the County Dept, of Health diag nosed her case as polio, and sent the victim to Dohrnbecker Hospital in Portland where she was reported to be seriously paralyzed. Miss Schneider, county nurse, told school authorities and parents in the Canyon that there was no occasion for alarm but to take certain pre cautions. They are: Be on the alert for colds and flu. See that children are given supple mentary vitamins. Report any ferous condition imme diately. Scout Parley Set A regional Scout meeting and din ner will be held in the social rooms of Gates high school Tuesday evening Dec. 14 A special speaker will be in attendance. Scout lerulers an9 committeemen from Stayton, Ly | s, MThama, Mill City and other towns in the aiea will be present. All adults interested in Scouting are invited to attend. Tw< dinner T<r ?1. The annual Christmas party of the Gates Women’s Club will be held the evening of Dec. 16 at the home of Mrs. Joe Joaquin. A short program and exchange of gifts by the mem bers will provide entertainment for the evening. Each member is request ed to bring a gift not to exceed $1 Report cards were handed out Wed in price for the tree. nesday at Mill City high school, and 20 per cent of the student body was ARMY RECRUITERS HERE Sgt. K. M. Smith, Salem area Ail listed on the honor roll. They are: Freshmen: Arlone Kuhlman, Dolo Force recruiting officer, was inMill res Pool, Alona Daly, Bob Shelton, City Tuesday to interview prospec Leia Kelly, Donna Cooke and Daryl tive enlistees for the army. None were signer! up. Farmen Sgt. Smith will return again Jan Sophomores: Wanda Vandermeer, Marlene Verbeck, and LaVetta Pow- 11. He said Air»Force recruits will go to Wichita Falls, Tex., and regu < son. Juniors: Dolores Brewer ami Phyl lar army enlistees to Ft. Ord. Calif. He stated that both services are of lis Timm. Seniors: Marian King and David fering extensive technical training, in one case, 43 weeks of radio training. Karr. The loeflf headquarters will be at the postoflice. Dog Show Presented. Tuesday morning Billy Watkins and his dog. Major, presented a pro gram for the student bodies of Mill City and Gates high schools and the local grade school. The program was one of a series of entertainment of the National Assembly. Major, an outstanding dog, could subtract, add, read an count. Newcomers to Oregon wbo have started out with green, wet wood to heat their home and cook by have troubles not near as great as the Heavy snow in the Canyon the past Byers Construction Co. which is cut- week halted virtually every logging ing a right-of-way up the Canyon operation and slowed lumber produc from Lyons to the Detroit damaite. For the Byers firm has to burn tion almost to a standstill. Construction work on the Noith several million board feet of wet and Santiam Highway also was affected, green woor along a strip of brushy with the Kuckenberg Construction land about 160 feet wide and 18 miles Co. marking time on grade work, the long. This week the crew had progressed Port Construction Co. closing down about five miles up from Lyons, but for several days on the Breitenbush it ’ s taken tons of old rubber, flame bridge, and thw H. O. Montag Co. throwers such as the army used and down for awhile on its wall construc a lot of patience to keep the fires tion work. Warm ran« and wind from the kindled. Merchantable logs have been piled west early this week brought some hope that the snow, at least at low to the side, but smaller stuff an f old, rotton timber, soaked by weeks of er levels, would melt. At Detroit over the week end 15 rain, h: s to be disposed of. So, if that fire doesn't start very inches of snow almost isolated the upper Canvon community tor a time. quickly this morning, think of lives Reports from the Little North and hi» j >b of burning wood that’s a Fork section irv heated that the same lot wetter fhan any that’s in your woodshed. weather conditions and effect on log The same job will be encountered ging were being experienced. by the contractor who wins the bid Tuesday the effect of the weather on employment was apparent with for clearing 78 acres in the Detroit I dameite area. Like Byers', his job the large number who were lined up for unemployment compensation of ' too must be ready by spring when fices terr*j>yarily set up here by the construction is due to begin. state commission. Honor Student List Announced Burning Green Wood No Joke on Bonneville Job Snow Slows Work $20,000,000 Project to Be Let In February Bide on at leant $20,000.009 of con struction on the Detroit Dam will be invited by the Army Engineers soon after 'the first of the year. The new announcement, made on Wednesday by Col. O. E. Walsh, dis trict Army Enginees, in Portland, indicates that the project has been advanced by several months. Prev iously, Col. Walsh had said bidding would begin in the spring. The district engineer said the for mal birl invitation on the main struc ture which is »part of the vast Wilam- ett Valley flood control project, will be issued Jan 4 and opening will be about Feb 24. The contract will not include the powerhouse on the Big Cliff regulat ing reservoir. Total cost of the dam, he said, would be about $65 million hfothing in the Walsh announce ment gave the reason for the »ptpar- ent setting up the time table on the project. The work will be awarded as a whole to one bidtier and completion will be required in 1300 calendar days —a little over three and a half years after notice to start. Prospective bidders will meet with Col. Walsh early in February for a conference with material* suppliers and review of specifications, he said, and then will inripect the site. Major features of the work to be included in the contract are: 1. Clearing the damsite area. (Ap- gaigaUy, h & h bids on a separata con tract for that job are not antici pated.) 2. Diversion and care of the river during the construction period. 3. Excavation nnd embankments re quired for construction cf the con crete dam foundation, stilling basin and outlet channel, approach road way and retaining walls, and for the power house. 4. Construction of the concrete dam and appurtenant structures. Estimated materials required i n- elude 1,400,000 barrels of cement, 1,- 450,00 cubic yards of concrete. 400,- 000 cubic yards of solid rock excava tion, 315,000 cubic yards of common excavation, 4,259,000 pounds of steel reinforcement, and 3,115,00<r~ipounJs of steel penstocks. Speaking to 100 persons attending a meeting of the Willamette Project Corum itte in Salem Wednesday, Col. Walsh said that neary $50 million in damage in the Willamet Valley had resulted from floods since 1943. Even worse flood* have occurred in the past, which today would do consid erable destruction, he said. Col. Walsh said $1,266,00 was ap propriated for the Detroit dam in 1948 and $3,500,000 for the fiscal year of 1949. Most of this year’s op erations dealt with the relocation of the North Santiam highway, whi<4>, he said, should be opened by June 1, 1949. HITCHMAN MILL SUSPENDS The Hitchman Lumber Co. of Fox Valley suspended operations indefi nitely last week. Mt. Jefferson Lumber Co. and the veneer division closed Nov. 30. Pre sent plans are to resume production Jan. 3. The new Frere* and Frank mill in Lyons plan* to continue operations with a short shutdown over the holi day*. Col. Walsh also said that the South ern Pacific line will be abandoned on next July 1. Lumber and logs now transported by rail will thereafter be carried by trucks over the new road. FIRE DI RM TOR ELECTED Huber Ray, sawmill executive, was elected a director for th« Idanha Ru ral Fire District. Election was held at the First Aid Station. Charles de Sully was a dinner guest st th« Foots home and enjoyed soms of the salmon they caught. Mr. and Mrs. Haseman of the Has« man Trucking Co. and Jat^j llyjmsn and hi* wife spent the week end tn For tland.