Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1948)
MILL CITY ENTERPRISE. Elkhorn By JEAN ROBERTS A card party was given“ Friday- night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Robeits. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Knox, of Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Longnecker, John Bob and Bill. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Biekett, Mr. and Mrs. Ike Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Russell and Bob Sischo. Mr. and Mrs. Cail Longnecker have been remodeling their little h-ouse across the road' fiom Frank’s mill the past week. Word was received here that Mr. and Mrs. Phil Dooley who recently went to California on a visit were expecting to continue on to Mexico. Mr. and Mrs. Ray S?\ io i were un- able to attend the wedding • of Mrs. Sischo's niece. Miss Virginia Vander- meer, in Mill City Sunday beeause of the road slide. AUTOMATIC I a 4- i « a cvrri never hove Stayton Hardware Furniture STAYTON, OREGON •M» l>on't borrow. Subscribe! LET’S TALK TURKEY! Much is being written and said about that great bird at this season of the year, but we would like to MtinuuMitniMuttumNiMuiintmi mi iniiiM-niLuiiiinMniruuiumMiMiiHriiiiUMiiuii TALK TURKEY ABOUT HOUR LUMBER DOLLAR Due to strikes, car shortage and inventory time, lumber prices are at an unbelievable low with most mills shut down because of this puce condition. VV O O D R Y MARKET NEW AND USED FURNITURE Compared to other commodities, lumber at present is cheaper than for many years and most authorities think it is an un natural condition that will be of short duration. The Store with the Lowest Prices in Town 1605 N. Summer The E. A. Benfords of Salem were guests last week end of the Vernon Todds. Mr. and Mr». Loyall Rugh of Eu gene, were recent week end guests of their son, Fredrick Rugh, a high school teacher her, and Mrs. Rugh The C. E. Rogers aie planning to spend Christmas with their daugh- srte, Mrs. Theo Burtilson and Mrs. Troy Waumbaugh and families of ] Oregon City. Clyde Jr. will join them there. Clyde Rogers Jr. spent Thanksgi ving with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rogers. He is now a senior at Oiegon State College. Robert Mundt left thia week for Tillamook where he will be employed by the S. P. Railroad, Mrs. Mundt ami son will follow him later when housing is available. Mrs. Gayle Hunziker and Wayne i ..A subscription to the Enterprise aie visiting her relatives, the Rich a year ------ round Christmas gift. ■ .s nngugp- « - U. FURNITURE Mill BUY NOW for that new building or remodeling job you have in mind and you will really be surprisedl at the saving over a few week« ago or the near future. SALEM S ANT I AM GARAGE I GENERAL AUTO AND TRUCK REPAIR ARC AND ACETYLINE WELDING No guesswork as to grade, as all of our lumber carries the M est Coast Lumbermen’s Association grade mark. I^et us help you anticipate and estimate on your future needs. Remember, we are as close as your phone! PHONE 3452 ard Nystroms of Niagara and Mr. FREE METHODIST CHURCH and Mrs. Delbert Jenkins of Mill Mrs. Paul Mason and Pauline, Mrs. "The Church of the Light and Life Rosa Daly and Alona Fay, Mrs. J>m City. Hour" The Ladies Auxiliary of the Lions Kerber and Rose. Sunday School The Kerbers spent the week erd Club is having its gift exchange par in Mill City and then returned to Morning Worship ry AFTER Christina* p.m. Young People’s Service Cutler City. Miss Pearl Allen, who taught in the 7:30 Evening Worship Mrs. W. W. Mason is planning to ■ high school here last year and is now 7:30 Wed. Prayer Meetir^ retired, has been visiting the W. B. spend Christmas with her son, Arthur Sun. Radio hour KWJJ 9:30 and family in Harrisburg I Shueys. She attended Women’s Club Side North Donald Hinkle, Pastor Mr. and Mrs. John Montgomery I last week and visited school. spent the week end in Albany at the About 30 attended a shower given Detroit Church of Christ last week at the Piesbyterian Church home of his brother and sister-in-law, Sunday School at 10 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. James Montgomery. for Miss Virginia Vandermeer, who Morning worship at 11 a.m. Dick Turpin is up and about town. Sunday became the bride of Lyle Young peoples’ meeting at 6:30 Rush of Gates. Mrs. James Swan and Choir rehearsal 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays Mrs. Anne Dawes were hostesses. Prayer meeting Thursday evening. Contests were held, the flower Loren Arr.ett, Pastor game being won by Mrs. Charles Kel By MRS. SCOTT YOUNG ly. A trio, Mrs D. B. Hill. Mrs. Belle ‘ GATES COMMUNITY Trask and Mrs. Lee Ross, sang Visitors this week to the Marion CHURCH OF CHRIST “Sweet and Lovely” and "Singing in [ Fork area were: 10 a.m. Sunay school the Rain.” Mr. and Mrs. William Dietz of Can Morning worship, 11 a.m. Guests at the Kenneth Harris home by, on their way to Powell Butte. Walter Smith, Pastor Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hoyt Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Staiaasli, Bend, Morning Worship 11:00 ajn. and Mr and Mrs Jack Gulley and two returning from their honeymoon. 6:30 p.m. Christian Endeavor boys of Hillsboro, and Mr and Mrs. j 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship C. M. French. Pink Mason, Kenneth Harris, Chas. ' Frenoh and Clete Cuny of Albany 1 MIIX CITY left for Alsea at 3 a.m. to fish. Eight ' CHURCH OF CHRIST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH steelhead were caught Services Every Lord's Day ORDER OF SERVICE a:45 Mrs. Henrietta Quinn has moved to Bible School Morning 11 a. m. her new home in Seaside. I Morning worship 11 a.m. Prelude; Call to Worship: Doxology; 6:30 Invocation; Gloria; Psalter; Hymn of Seen shopping in Salem were Mrs. i Young People’s Meeting 1:30 Praise; Scripture; Prayer; Notices; Ed Cruson and children. Mrs. Norma Evening Worship Carey, Charles Kelly and Leia Mel, Tom Courtney, Pastor i Offering; Choir; Sermon; Benediction; Postlude. Dec. 19—Cantata by choir: "Pre pare Y’e the Way of the Lord.” Director, Mrs. Don Sheythe, Mrs. Rosamond Remine, Mrs. Fiances Mer rill, Mrs. D. B. Hill, Mrs. Robert Trask, Mrs. Charles Kelly and Mrs. Carl Kelly, Mrs. Lee Ross. Christmas Gift. Marion Forks Church Activities Christmas Cards Boxed cards from 49/ to $1.25 Open stock from 2 for 5/ to $1-00 This is the finest assortment of cards we have ever seen Y'ours for AND SERVICE PHONE 484 Gifts for All Mill City Pharmacy STAYTON CALL FOR EARL JUST AS borrow. Subscribe! WE HAI L Freres Building Supply Co YOU HAD COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. Wayne W. Watkins, Pastor 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Worship Evangelistic Service 7:45 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study Prayer Meet ing 7:45 p.m. Friday Evening 1 Hour Singing and Musical Numbers 7:30 p.m. Welcome, Young Folks. Don't YOU CALL QUALITY DECEMBER 16. 1948 WELL BE HEALTHY ¿2/1 // & HAPPY THIS ★ HEMORRHOIDS ★ FISTULA ★ PROLAPSE ★ ITCHING and other rectal disorders correct ed without hospitalization. Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic By Jack & Ted WART, the Speed Cop CHRISTMAS While Chnstmaa is a Season of Greet Joy to all .... moat of us find the selection of appropriate and un usual grits a real problem With this in mind we offer the perfect solution Give Books of Heppmesa to family and friends and you'll give weeks oi entertain ment education and fun Surely this is Decidedly Different ... then too. what more appreciative gift could be choeen Available in denom.nationa of $1 OO. $2 50 and $5 OO Get yours today AO- THEY'RE ALL HEY COO, ALL THE GARAGES CLOUD CLOSED CAUSE THE - — ZS TH/S A HOLIDAY* RKE BANKRUPT SURE- , EVERYBODY GETS THEIR CARS SERVICED RE SAocrr Nat uro -Proctologist 218 N. Liberty, Salem. Ore. T HEED Geo. H. Bel! SILVER Real Estate & Insurance PHONE STAYTON Arthurs Cafe FREE A friendly place to meet and eat. Chicken in the Rough LET US GIVE YOU a free estimate on overhauling your motor. All work guaranteed. We can promise you the: ^QUICKEST SERVICE IN TOWN. Information Center. Detroit, Oregon 24 hours a day Mill City Cafe I 1ASK ABOUT OUR BUDGET PLAN and pay a »mall amount each week. Also Estimates on Frame Straightening ■I WISE—ECONOMIZE U at the MILL CITY CAFE Steaks, chops, French fries, chili. MIKE’S Septic Service Septic Tanks Cleaned Tanka pricsd 313 50 and up, and Elsctris Roto-Rooter Sew- ar Sarrica. No No Phone 3-94»"8 or 3-5327.......... 4m 1*7» Elm St, W. Salem /ft ^/H-***/ SADDLE SERVICE STATION TRAILER COURT IN CONNECTION 24 HOUR SERVICE Christmas Suggestions Furniture Sale Now On ALL PRICES GREATLY REDUCED ■Ki7 ¡¡nM Bedroom Suites Floor I^amps Table Lamps Zenith Radios Bendix Washers & Dryer Frigidaires SHUX ELECTRIC COMPANY STAYTON Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance See Ed L. Davis Lyons, R. F. D. Phone 571 Mill City Jacob Spaniol & Son TINNERS •nd PLUMBERS STAYTON, ORE. Washers & Dryers nKi CHEVROLET CO PHONE 3188 SALEM 510 N. Commercial St. BABY BEEF FOR LOCKERS 1 Mill City Meat Market Montag Electric Ranges Frigidaire Electric Ranges Prestiine Electric Ranges General Electric Dishwashers Frigibaire Refrigerators Home- Freezers 8 to 18 feet International Refrigerators & Freezers Santiam lldwe. & Impl. Co. . .CHRIS NETTLING STAYTON, OREGON BARGAINS In Furniture, Storm, Dishes Clothing, Houseware» MAC’S 145 S. Church. next la Salem Parkinc