Image provided by: Hood River Library; Hood River, OR
About The Dam chronicle. (Cascade Locks, Or.) 1934-1934 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1934)
•114p 41.*1 Mill I m - |<>|« III g rlrf ll t l i u 1.1 |« not 4 tlrn < lr.l to M ith M ith M tth m 1II ^ ll( ,r II th r y i4 tin .it In- to v r r r d .litt th r y sh o u ld |jr m i 4 | . | h -.| I rritim i n I m im i ion </ i /<./»/ f, y building | m | « i .ui.) Imar.l in iM.uhl I h I.A-ll v im .I ii t I x * g la .l 4 M Mr Myn* «.Il iMvr .. I matter O u r I* k .il |iliin ilM f> / / n \ ft ohi ii I In- <x-||ji,f<i gu, mi. <>> «li'h ili.- .lut I m >111 tiif initiation tu ad v ix - in tin larty lutli.-r night, 4 ml M'rin' a« l."M I m m .ni. <>f the victim-., here K'H III*' |Mfty I oti.nielli ,(| |,,ng l«mt H . 1 « l.x k .ili.l wlirn all tin- n Iml.ut l««|y rivr .1 an.) assent in il» gymnasium thr |Mtty Marini .uni Mr M.-ir givrn the Moil- 1 Sul.-, having ratrn a . oiiplr .lo/rii r.iMi nystri* an.I lx- ill« '.kulilr.l . Ir.if ai r.H 4 thr gym* ii.iMuni (loot on my «toma, h, I li.ul .< |irrtty gn<*l time, hut I «lo vi) tlirin thar sophomore* arr no grill Ir lami* CASCADE FOOD STORE,,«. IT PAYS TO PAY CASH Special* T hru Monday, October l FELDMAN'S NAPTHA SOAP, 6 bar» 7}c RED BEANS. 3 lb» 14 c FANCY BLUE ROSE RICE, 3 lb* 7 Qc cauf SALT, full 3-lb. bag gc PLAIN ROLLED OATS cello bag, 2* z lb. j Qc COFFEE Superior in Gla**. Per lb. ? 0 c LUX TOILET SOAP 3 cake. 2 3C SARDINES Oval M u.tard Tomato 2 ,or \ Y gc LUX SOAP CHIPS package VEGETABLE DEPT. Art CARROTS 3 bunch«* |Q C GREEN ONIONS 3 bunche* jQc Hoyt' ilh lrtu j With thr rn- tollnirut of new student* till* Mrrk thr pros)«-. t* lor thr ha trib ali x iv m arr motr rn- .ounging Supt llrtulrrv.n of thr high vhool Mill (..a. h thr guards, m hilr 1‘rin. i|ial Autruih of thr vh<*»l Mill h.indlr thr for ward* Mr Mitruth Mill alvi mai h thr *j*-r tiall tram, j lo ..Malti thr mem lier* of thr *rc- \irangrm m t* have !«rrn made orvl tram lettrr* a* Mrll a* tliosr mrmlx-i of thr first tram K uept for tiring »mailer thr Irttrr» will I lx thr viliir for Ixtth tram* l*ing |»'iig 1 « another game of uilrirst among l»>th Ix.v* and girl* mil |tlan* air Ixiug uutlr to have a tournament. I hr fir-hman initiation Mr.-»* a t tended 1 . 1*1 I r»*!.»> evening hy tlx »ludrnt Ixxfy, thr faculty, the alumnae aiwl a lew out of town V ISltof * fogc APPLES Good Cooker*. Bo* APPLES D rliciou. Jo n a th an . Spit* 8 lb. ORANGES 176 »ixe Juicy. Sweet. Dozen 70c t o-jnty Su|xrintrndrnt Gibson .a a * .1 vi-ilot at thr vh««>l* Friday. 1 lx- 7th and Mh grade* have ft a io. .1 a «ludrnt Ixxly and have rie. ted thr folloMring officer*, krm irth l ’i|xr, j«rr*i.frnt, Ruth I aulitali vi. r | «resident, Nathrlia standoli, *r< irt.iry . t layton Kyk*. trra*urrf, ANNOUNCEMENT We art- prepared to nupply you with ornali n ece^itiw at Portland prict*.*. Shop this list ami save. No item over 49c. port Ham Pull « hain Rrvepljulr* 10c kiuhrn Current Taj»* J5c ir Sc 20c 25c Friction I a|«r Fuse* Hi »** k r\ S. x k rt * lira** Pull t ham S x krt* Fla*h Light lla l t r n e * R \ |x t fix.t LA tW ¡DY Tute*. 2 for Iani|i* I Hop t "ofd, i e r fixit Twin s,X k rt* Hoof or \\ all Hug* Swit. hr* FctriiMon ( o rd *ct* Outrt |to»r* '"»itili an d P in g P la te * s 'lk C ord. jx*r f 1 xit s t.l|ilr> Wi.l,, ItlviLlliTS RD ) md A ttachm ent I ’lug* Vttachrornt Ca|i* K'-m.ix, |x r fixit H | Tail Sot k rt* < an I tjxnrr* teg rtallir Illusile* Op* I0 i 4c Sc 20c .k knot*. 2 for Shaving llm*he* Shaving t reant Talcum PoMtdrr Money A \lnx»n«l Hand lotion Cold ( “ream I t o h h i r Pin* Razor Blade*. * for Paint Bru*h*** Suction Sink Stopter* Wall S « p lh*he* 1 hrra.l I Sc I noth Bru*he* t Oftll»* shelf P.»|er *rt of Small I Hill. Curtain R'"l* I St Shelf Bra. krt* 20c 1 Sc I*. SSc 5c Ic Sc Sc Sc Sc 20c 5c 5c C arjet I a* k* Machine Oil Hinge*. |er *H Mirror* Moti*r Trap., 2 f"r Button* Bachelor Button* Birthday t ir«l* Stationery EIMER ELECTRIC & VARIETY STORE mm 5c 25c 10c 10c 10c 10c Sc 10c 10c Sc 10c Sc 10c 10c 10c 2 Sc 10c 10c 5c 10c 15c Vt! 5c Sc 10c 5c ioc GERMAN BARON IS GIVEN 20 YEARS AS MAST ER SPY Nig! t Life F ig u r e F c u n d G u i l t y of S t e a l i n g A r m y S ccre* .* . WARRENDALE Hy Aino Fcrrinifton Mr* J. Waugh ha* as her guests this week her mother and sister (rotn Seattle. Pr.'igue I '/ h’ ' • I I I , ,ikix I', iron • iei.r,'.* von So iiowxkl. fmiilliMr flg Mr* Charles Clifton and Mr*. or.* In ... 0 1 , 110 ' nrlol." rx.-v xml on.- Jai k Rowe weekend in of llif KH)r*l Itgur.*« In llix inii.i Varx Oliver, Wash. M tilrl of |io>t >ur r.i-rlln night life, — o— lx In • .ic rin a n Jail u nder ■enlenee Mrs. (>eorge F.llis returned Sun of 'JO y m rx ' |x*nxl x rrv ltu d r ax a ■|<jr. arro rd ln g t«i r.»»orta lirrr. day from an extended visit in I>»s U llh him, a.-ror.llng 1 » th«*»r xanx* Angeles, Cal. r.*jx.rta. la th r tx n u llfu l lilon.l I'.nroix.xa ll-n ila rein Ih-rg. illio r. r«l A big dinner was held Sunday wife of Itlrh ard v«n K a lk o ih a n i to celebrate the birthday of B. •on of th.* hit.* .¡.-n K rlrti vori Kulk m h a y n of World xrnr fam e, and Camillo. now 1 h r x lf e of Huron Joxrph von It. rg. |>runilnrut av iatio n r n g ln rrr. W. E. Aue and family will make Although ax initial, a a trlrt a e rr* their home in one of the Steiner r y aurr.xjri'la th r ru tlr e affair, th r re lx rv rrjr n -a -ili to tx llrv r. accord cabins. Mr. Aue is working on the log In one tn rm h rr of th r Itrrlln relocation of the railroad. d lplotnnllr rorjix. Hint Mir tx.'.uttrul harofn-«* lx lilflrr th r xi.nie h ravy The tall tree* across the road a r n ln i i. for h er all.-g*-'l |>art In th r from the W arrendale store are be a|>y plot. ing cut down, making the interior Th* M u t i r 8py. of the store much lighter and again Boanowakl, who lx know n to hi* making it possible to see the frlrn d a ax Vnrck, lx th r |x -rfrc t c*tn* rm a conrofitlon of a rn aa trr atiy. mountains from the front of the Kuavr, of A uxlrlan arlxt.x-rary, h r store. line alw aya lx*rn th e |x*rfr<*t grntlo- mnn. Ilia frlrn d a »ay h r hax n r v rr Mrs. L. S. Gardner and Mrs. hern k n o u n to m nkr a rm lr rrm a rk . Ia-e Jabbora enjoyed a hike up h r k riim i rv rry one. an d la hand Herman creek last Sunday. BOOM». Mr and Mrs. R. l>etlow visited Siix(il<ioua g o v rrn in rn t a g rn ia do- < ldrd th a t aurli a man lirwra Mutch with Mr. and Mrs. 1). Bergman lug T t.r " tirh r lm r S taatx t'o llirt." last week. and U rrm an <5n ka, k.*td an r v r on him for flvr yrara. T h ry ta(>tx*>l hlx Mrs. Royal Morgan was in Port lr|r|> hone wire« and k<-,.t recordx land this week to visit Mrs. Hill o f hlx ronvrr*»ti«lia. Sh.x-k,**l t>y wild rrv rlx and ac«n Flllis who is recovering from an dnllMoi |>y id rltirrx th ry found In operation at St. Vincent's hospital. hlx aix irtm rn t a f t r r wild |*nrtlra. (h r *4-.ret agrrita. nrvrrtlirlrw a. Mr and Mrs. Ray N orthcutt of hung «n grimly. Bradford island enjoyed a card I Inatly th r hrenk f»r w hich th r party at the W. F. Bennett home ag rn ta x r r r M alting ra m r. Karon rxx v o n IScrg intr.M|u<-rd Soanowakl Saturday evening. lo tw o «'»men M h o M e r e em ployed The Royal Morgan and M. Sel tri th r » a r m lnlxiry. I tr n a tr von N 'attm rr and K rau lrln von Irn a lers families went to Portland Sun T hry recalled th a t K aron von Iterg day evening and enjoyed a dinner Max d ire c to r o f th e a ir m otor d e and show. p artm en t of th e huge S ir m etis plant. T h r ag rn ta derid ed th a t th e h a r Mr and Mrs. Wm. Beecher and onr-x and Hoxnnwxkl'a m any frlrn d a In olttclal |x»«ltlonB w r r r paxxlng Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Beecher were on arm y a rc rrtx to him. Then, early Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Beecher were |a*t March, w holesale a r r e t s w ere dnner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy m ade. McDonald at Cascade Locks last Soanowxkl and th r b aro n ess w rrr Sunday. Jan.*) on rlia rg rx of explonogr and high treason. I te r husband ant! r* Mr. and Mrs. Harold Withrow Imataind. Ilerg. an d K alkrnhayn. M-rre xelrr,). Iten a te von N alim er motored to 1 ndependence recently and k ra u lrtn von lena w ere tm p rl» and returned with Mr. Withrow's oned. ctiarg.Hl w ith atcalln g arm y brother and wife for a short visit docum ents an d su rren d erin g them in Warrendale. to HornnwxkL Fifty A rrsxta Mad*. W. Trubeth and M. A. B utter Many o th e r friend* o f t h r nn lucky V urrk w ere erlsrd . A ltogeth field are busy landscaping their er alx.ut fifty a rrra ta Mere made, yards, adding much to the a ttra c hut .to tx>r*»nx w ere released a f te r tiveness of their homos. a xrvere grilling. T h e xeU urea In «•Illde<l inetuIxT* of *«H'lety ax well A. E. Johnson, carpenter ofre- nx o th e rs of le«*er rank. Among tln.xe rel*vexed Mere K slkenhajm and tnan for the General-Shea con Ilerg. m e n d « of th e fo rm er anld tractors. has purchased a lot on his h a ir tu rn ed gray during hi* the W arren Packing company M.-ck In prison. grounds and will build in the near M.-nriM hlle Sosnowskl * n . rep o rt future. •*t n.-ar th e hreaklng t>o!nt In Ms confinement. Friend« of th e In. prisoned m an have been told th a t J. Wcstorlund was in Portland „ new m e.|l.'lne had ta>en discovered last week on business. , which. If ad m in istered w ith fmal, Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Hak of c.,niptetety break* down th e ro*l*t sjx'nt the weekend visiting with ance of th e prisoner. W hether th is I* tru e or not, political hostages with their daughter. Mrs. Henry sh u d d e r when th e prison doors Mason. clang behind them. Although a »trlct m ilitary censor- I_»st Saturday several little • l,|p ha* heeii clam ped on th e en friends of Carroll Bennett gath tire a (fair. It la w hispered th a t th e secret* Involved In th e nf- ered at his home to help him cele fntr deal w ith a »team pow ered a ir brate his birthday. Those present plane capable o f m aking a nonstop were George N orthcutt, Pauline night from B erlin to San Krancla- Morgan. Norman Sellers. Dorothy - co ; a device thnt en ab les aln>lan.*s Rowe. Stanley Sellers. Kenneth lo light In fog. an d a new and m ore Carpenter, Howard Bennett and deadly poison ga*. It Paid to B* Thin \V upping. tVinn.—'T h ere are tim es Mlien It Is convenient to he "«kln- ny." At a su p p er given hy w orkers of th e F ed era ted church, th e ch arg e wn* a penny for each Inch of w aist m easurem ent. . k t Carroll Bennett. The time was en- joyably spent in playing games, and after all the fun Mrs. Ben- net tt served a very lovely lunch of animal shaped sandwiches and other novelties. Carroll received received many beautiful gifts from his little friends. ■ ;