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About The Dam chronicle. (Cascade Locks, Or.) 1934-1934 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1934)
ik. T H E D A M C H R O N IC L E w - *- - 1111 n\M ( HRQN’tn r « h h >• «< \ I fI T I I ih» o n \ > n o . th* * « ■ , ., 1 I . *•> • r III».* II.» * a t !•»»»• 9 rl»**lrt< otb*n* ,if » >ik I*. II.» Ir » «ml (lir » « ( r scale 1 ’ 1 tile in.In..i) f,.r ea.h . .««•in. atloli ...... H «PI...... «" ' - **2 |.ie»:drtil It*“ • » . ell w»a Highly ,, ,, t ». |lo |tl,I»*, w.wd rejwwt |Wrt h baby kl<lna|»lni « " ‘I ........ of I be hoard »»-I e*p» eMS'l ht» b*.|w wytterir Th» I" •»«•■*. “ It wottbl »bow the way to en.l • »••u Ihlrtj #*«• 1 ^ *•»*»»♦ •< n.ii.U'i after he h.a * i the .tr kr I J the .Irik*-. su» oUieil t*» the W lM t'l Riling Stall.’»» «WM» * question of L in d b e r g h B ah \ K id n a p in g B r o u g h t N e a r S o lu tio n 1 "> h ...t »»* l" r‘ ! r«e*ut>«» cu .. n ei» . the . . . t o n to the ,,f lit# nui*1'»! paid I' i ." huln»|>*’ta I , A rrest P r e s i d e n t 's H o a r d O f f r i ' P l a n f o r af range .ne*, ta ' ' • «liH • |«'li«!ilk# 1 hjf l»r Mm r < , , ding th r w de , cemetery a all I» • I iunt I • t *' • f liuti - «ir r • hot been t* • u. grt U..- I r r t u r w H » urUt • It**' It ary protect! .ft, In IUai>on..nii • i * r » ( v I» * I U u |. i » mi oprnlti i| tit»J«rr fuuiM M & 'M I « .tr.h er» b » J *r*Jt|**t liront Hi«' I B y E D W A R D W . P IC K A R D mitt in nil fled « » part rr«utti!rdl Ib r lf I. of i|..t»«<* ihich at»*» » If by \V»'it#r«t NVw .i«*p*t t t; !» rotta l>l>«**ly . » TOMR the tace f ■ gold rtly t# I of t’hrrr* »»r fr fit ¡„in and Naltng 1 Of Alaska * In r h .vine ,. . i ’ munir ■f« |ie( * «*» |(tl|,it|t) «!»* New I ngiand. b»en »wept by with dam „r,, being mn.le under •ur gathered to p roie II.» al ISu taf %}« tu«* tt , ,,| hr « '• II . ania. tiootgla age estimated at Four ! pja n . an<i f r„ n, e\|«*rlen.e In one o f the guilty no n N * M \ <tl k l**w 1 • ,r- ' • trt hundred persons were rendered p)||lt eommnntty modernisation .-am partially l.t«->d « I <“v •K*»'*"r ‘ " homrlFM. «ml m.**t o f th«» food sup the <|.w>rdr . at*atrd and the »ta t» palgn* we are «tire that double thnl don. a« well aa by » l lb » » * « " lr».>( t were being dem«diii l t ' l |>llo» »e ro burned up. liollof vm amount of oa«h buelneaa U being Who M id the prisoner • sels » lit i Nini medical supplies done." who gate hlm >1 r ie »ell d a )» l ,,w (V I 9 t f \ mg iJUI > • l lid tv* f » r »1 to carry a not# to wore rushed to |ho pino» and tlion* i|)# |0 • II |»f aim ' br# the kldtiai Itli lb * wan no four of *hort:u*». The gov 1 ¿aif tit#«» hi. h I» the third Jafsle one. v o . o f (b * last Ll# onmioni at Washington ¿ranted ♦ ly rrt 1«» rf# *» J 1 ■rttl «ntl I In irgeat cr p ia t l i nlladSI »«•«. jLMVi.d In direct »distance an.I ha» always lawn wlth.Hd an organ Jin' o ant. > > «Liti the )r )n (»4 planned other relief measures. The |te<1 future» market. Hut It ha» one mam « h.t ' * * * »' .era • e re #U|I m Tl cltlsen* were hurriedly produc n..«, for the Vow Tarii Tohneeo that o f ransom i J itti 119* » IT. • mot W *** fntf * • 1 at lie II ugb n ing lumber and other material» In Ft.-hange, Inc., on llron.l »tr.vl.h n » k dr >u * Nit k » .In i. itnstof f.w hla attach the hope of at least partly rebuild I oponed for business after two tear» j F »V iiim l** >ner John l*o on the strike at a nw»t!fc* at code lajK tha dtjr baiar* It t* taolatad by , . ant '... r "i.-s la New V is i llerbafgevl winter I c e . _____ !n »hl.-h the federal depat the » >!k ' it » s s I » “ *l>».|*l» ! agricolture . ... i... — - ,b. .ktiuimi... I l.iini » for i a at.d I X New o w J Jr * * Jointly t " T V. V . w » l 1>rh eo-noperated % lo‘ A ■ li'li of Id RlAvlff by TAM ES A. MOFFFTT. federal The contract basis 1« I'nlled gey author!Iles •• well as M the If** I f i d IfiM * » «U h housing commissioner announced States standard flue cur.'l tip«' 12. fi'leral IVjui of J.. «1 kv, dr I? «• f u i r f ir t ¡4 U »f J*t* ** Ttkl# that on November I he would be grade IMF. There are nine types dared that Ilaupt mann alm e lit)lot» Ic*» Irr« f$riklTv| -s fl«1 I gin releasing funtl» for the con and numerous grades deliverable under sei .-re questioning th«! It# t’ , , I d |»»r ol I struction o f at least a million new under sped lied differentials under bad been emi .l.iye.1 as a**- IV »♦• f ’ Ttl «4l>$ I homes. the form of contract that hns been near the 1 Iteriti honte at II «U> ri»i In » Concerning the home modernisa adopted. The unit o f trading Is Writ Rfiy lit 0 In Ihtr M l A •• •• I tion and repair phase of the pro ti'Ki.m also a«*. ted that p< 10.IM! |n»titi‘ls and uu. t.itl"’ s nr.- n <»rf.*-fï>l Joi. ' .f. <» itiU fm lof o f I gram. the administrator declared .-ects and fl'e one hundredths of a had e.t I .! Ilaupt inn •w R ftlr« • !lrfrfm ?hlh| » that more than 1.«*■ * communlttew cent tvr pound I v llie r i i».lnts had had a e."ess to the ll umber srd If ft»*« r !f) ( r fr >s<rff A ^ntRlf have set up or are «..'ting up corn haie In 'll established to date at In which I muter w as f.u and heart Ing I fit * v * - H r id •! b* • - £ t*t to f# mlltees to direct the program lo Norfolk and >‘ewt.«»rl N> ■> *. da a pwuUa r mark, situi! tar I » that ^ >e Nihf# th«t cally. He predicted tl a? hy Thanks and t.oulsvllle. Kv. found on the ladder I. rf t at the -« .. jf i}«*« * » r»* 4*1 i?»l WHn III giving more than ' <»«» municipal I t . ¡.t «rene of th» kblaapts ig u J.-' ?*.» n f.* ft>r \|t % olita# ities will have es; 'tillshed such C- tu - s rvqntry additi. Is In t ltKMIKK MI S s i d l M r.-: eat. 1 mann. he rf fr» n t r N il A *!r mlttees. IR fb« ! ' id > is a ly assert» that Italy wants no 1 Financial stip|>ort. he said, has eome from 7.»»»» banks and such more war. but he Is taking no fen i . r - "I ■* t'oU«..| and Mrs I • rgh who loan« hare been made In all states chance«. In an order designed to t|. ' l e S i f p it th *■ • In make Italy an “ armed nation," bis w.-re In I .-s \n, w.-re sel l to but three. U.i I 1 * e of ti.e It * le ie it ad eahlnef has dlrerted that alt male« have known In a !• m.-c tbil tt.e ar a l ” n t b« Ir. th* netl ahore the age of e ght and below rest Wis rip . - ’ «-»I ! e y *, . V*l n. !stf»t thirty thre»\ »ball rceeiie military themselv.s and « i 1 «ay ti ‘ h.'bg Ct £•> II I " g .r pam lo th* .New IV « erw Ja es ll training for pubi ration Ile* b of |>un*yl At the same tin e It was revealed t j ni*. ie rd lh » as that Italy's fanning Industry will thertly "t» Ih* <‘n*l be br "light Into *tr \g rat n il or IIIIS M T of Itultlm re hand ganlzation under the rorj»>railc# ed down an opinion hot "-.g that t’ e • Ptut.on t a i an wtlt state sisrem. to tv inaugurate.! N«»- farm moratorium amendment to : nolane**) he vemfier 10, the fe«!eral t.ufikrui ; y a. t passed n-’t are» f» eisn «|o» The working eta«» will l»> weld hy Congress lust June Is uncmstl ' he«- »n .e co" £ * ess e<l together In one group and th* Int uii. 'I: • ar.•.• taier.' kt -a lu i ber. tu* a roh owner manager rla<s In another. as the Trailer l.enii•* law an* r t er stamp * Ile Ha«* been miei ri» i o* l e.» The two classes will he united la I • $4.65 the central corporation*. bui preferì n.,f lo federal courts ar I red . « thetr ob Two major national coordinating ligations lln a ft r f, I ’ . . judge held that tl rut» hoilles hare tieen crested for the violates the r! ghf* rre.1l tors #« •4milhllffBtlott I sejuirate group». Th e«-» are th* outline.) In th # four». ■enth amer.4 fH>« b# rr'iirt#*! 1'asclst Confederation of Agrlrul- ment to ttie ! IMehil« ! !»n and U at f • $9.75 turlsts. for the ow tier manager«, It Mvka to su I iffM ilr th* rights t tb# aril th.- 1 "»< -t r. ri'.-leratb.n of ■tate courts "I » in not retiring from public Agricultural Worker«. Th* court pointed out that racb lit*." Ur llrrk espiatori). “ T b it • tate hai ■ » S to - ... t t th • e Is no t|n>e for any ritism to irwsra A l STRIA I s thoroughly ar. s»-.| creditor and the d »1'or The 1rs tils » r* 1 * ip r« In * n :r of (Hit form ** < of government I sin rsdlflrg fr<»m I (ted from Itruas.-l* that former Kmt.r.-ss »way the sa'egu.irds ' r r. ;p r, $2.75 ■* 1 b e l i e f I cs- /.Ita Intends to establish her rest- »ml am • 1 t„ , “ ■allori fie p n th!» gr> wl h i m O o f» ef dene* In Austria, j f»l)* e ly In !.'.* fr-Je-f al o .* r U a I ) n g with her p :\ n : in the tottlle Industry i • ber* I t i n practiced tor nt«r* eight children. In I * was aio. st In * gtll a'ter the ‘ than Oft y year# than I » r»ngr*ww, e lu d in g Arrhduk* Fresbb-nt'a sj .rlal On .I at „ ,r.j » lie r » th* minority Is gagged and • <tlo, pretender to ! re.luceij |o Impwlrnc* reported to bm Its plan f..r ero.iog Cascade Locks the thrones of both ! ••Our form of government run th* hl.Mi.ty strike that country and " y t » sair-l by m toratloR of th* that bas twi n going Hungary. If was i on for weeks 'I tir ! Hepobn,«n parly to j-'w ef. and I asserted that this I rr|M>rt was rarr.e-t hogw with my |»s and <o|r* fo llapsbiirg fa m ily I to Mr It. m .m ieli at Sc-'ie I! »» party a* effe, t tally In Ih* had been granted | 11} de Tarit hy bec*- j ranks aa In rc.egreaa " pr-rtnlsslon to r* I retnry of L a b o r ’ Tattles for Ladies turn as plain clfl- y l f ! I IN ' I N <4 state primary Terklns and fj«»v. reri» If otto would was r-s|w. tally In’ erratlng <*> John (I. Wltuint, j pr .nilse not to ae*'k In any way to chairman of t he | cause of Hie fact lhal (be lieto«, bring about restoration of the mon leiard It pr.ijM s. I | ersts polle.) the largest vote by a archy. the following four i wide margin, the 1 « Toilette l*r« gnlte unofficially. It Is said re# greaa|vt*a and the llepubll. ans trail l*«lnt program: toraflon of the Hap*t>tirg monarchy The I «rfu.M-r ala re t,»m inaled I. Appoln’ ment i log would not l>e oppose d by either Trance or Italy, but the Rrltlsh for I by the President of a (. itile labor • Sov Altieri fj. Hchedetnan. vigor eign office «/-<iut**<l the Idea. 'Hie I reia.jons b»nf.| of three fncmtirfa otta supporter of the New f*ea! lie - s (,f ijit f,.r will 1 m * op(e.s*d by Thll I a ) ..Urti*, little entente would t>e strongly to si'ttle all <| * testile mills who re.eite.1 the l*r»g rrislta nom against It. but might not hold the ognltlon at the ». • ballon wlfboiit r. nte«f. an*1 ll*»w and to him.11.* all oth.*r employer Vienna government entirely r»-«pon J. A . M E R R I L L , P ro p . ard T lire, be It.■> u bile*» who d«> • slide. feete .1 former fl..vem or Xltnmer ». An Iniestigntlon hy the I>e In Vienna a spokesman for the muti mid J N 7 memore foreign office said that the return p tr tM n i at L WEINHARD'S and ALT John N t ’allahan. f. rmer n* to Austria of the Hupshurg family, Irade rommlsalon of the testile In even as private Individuals Is "still dustry's ability to meet n,.. higher Honni coi,, u ti., s„ wn( nameil HEIDELBERG on TAP lm[en>slble ” wage p a )menta which the union I* for th* art ate by tb* | i.-m-M rata, and Jolin II i'hn|M.|le waa the tin Some member» of . n- Hapstuirg demanding. A moratorium on the "atret. h- Op|M»M.d choice of tfie llepublbaiia family may f>e slloucd to return to represent the fnmlly In the long our »> stem, whereby, th* union Senator IloU-rt M In Toilette. Jr„ pending lawsuit over the Hap« Claims, employers are adding to Ho* was of course nominated hy hla new party. burgs properties he »sid. hut this * ' ,rk "r •mploye.-s; dur Is not likely to be Archduke Otto, ,ri* moratorium the testile |n beoaure of the danger that disturb f," r r,,|B,l"bs board shall appoint a Senti the ('brunii Ir lo (rim ila. ance* might result from Ida pre# testile work assignment control »nee. bo.ird to p i « « » p g r u iw il mntnH o f the stretchout Kr-.ul I hr ( hr.> i i it |c .iris. News Re view of Cimvnî Events the Vi oriel Over r o RI EASE >» WE HI . 1*1.EASED MERRILL'S B A R B E R SHOP Seitling the Textile Strike. N T BONE LIMBWOOD * While It Lasts $5 A CORD lH* t%t P DRY ‘U r n is a H a r t U o o d «¡^ tiu lu ilr v M a p le ituj Ik { v s i h h I j i i .I s u p p ly si>mc • if. Tk* 1 « lim it « il. T H E HARVEY W O O D YARD R rar Of L a k r » le w Mjrirl () MEN’S F FREE HI-CUT DELIVERY SHOES A N Y W I 1ERE to IN DAM AREA Phone BOY’S SHOES Cabcacle Lock» S2 M e n ’s S h o p CASCADE DRUG CO j j i Open All Night MERRILL’S BARBEQUE U B O N N Y VILLA One-half Mile We»t J B o n n e v ille ICE CREAM CANDY CIGARETTES B LITZ, WINEHARD and HOP GOLD Beer on Draught and Bottled Beef j» .d A MEALS lunch es and LUNCHES Sit snd Sip by Ow ° » Fir«*pl*ce