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About The Dam chronicle. (Cascade Locks, Or.) 1934-1934 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1934)
3 L JB à. THE DAM CHRONICLE 2 *-*- T U I; |»\M ( IIK O N U J 2 . .I in .»i I Mich comp visiting with W ill M«»hr. C ASC AD E LO C K S FOR SALE «" 0 - « llrl\n . M rinll and .... . . . . .M i Ilclmrr Sund ‘ 1 ,,’ ""IK ,,tlkr| _ 'l» y . IS m, )U4 "V ' ■*** ^ 1 "kv mu, , l nailon to t.u,K| 11 sieri t)* |mÜL . mtw" weir »•-- vtwl"»» al lire t l)tle which mil give ' tq| 1 7 - A c r e R a n c h — B l a c k S h o t S o il 11 a c r e » i n p e a r * a n d c h e r n e » -------- 6 a c r e * in Kurt Burgen ,i„.n were l l - d visit of' Momlav g e n e ra l f a r m in g . G o o d b u ild in g * , e le c tr ic it y a it i. . tv rirtittitf IlntiiiMt .it— (Um t I* * iiutk* home V» I uni unlay evening BotUirvilIr Mrt 1 — u r V erm « Mac .iuiu*rment« .»I . lt»r -------- rvrnirtit vk Kivrr buwnrs* t'aril* ami «Um mg »ere the — <► —- a n d c it y w a te r . P r ic e $ 5 5 0 0 . 0 0 . T e r m * . IJoyii lull <*( IVrtUnd •' '•'*« ,„K al lhr K>*«c»l*ai k hi*tnr W . J. C A R L S O N C a s c a d e L o c k *. O re g o n —o — Mis I «»V«"II and M iv I hrlnu Ihtuvillr undement an opera in*« rally KrtrUy mnrnitiK Uitrf *lw o n removed «•» her home whrir »lie r* ra|» 4 dly m o v er ing. * U 'a t c li fo r O p ^ of *,rrr ll.««t Kiver vwitur* Hiday Katherine kafavanr«h i« leaving (uf ( Aliloirua nr»t week » h e ir Mr-s Jim Mrrnll. Ia*i* Merrill s)ir will vim « » ith tier *i»trr, Mr*. Mr Ihiuvillr and I n r were II ««l M»rgafet Kurt visitor* Saiunlay. --0 — aim m Q U A L IT Y A T M EATS mm PO RTLAN D P R IC E S N e x t D o o r to C a s c a d e F o o d S to re CHOICE HAMBURGER 15c Pound M a d e o f b o n e d o u t q u a r t e r * o f fr e s h b e e f. D o e * n o t c o n t a in a n y c e r e a l* o r t r im m in g s . N o b e tte r h a m b u r g e r o n th e m a rk e t. HENS A L L W E IG H T S 22c Lb ‘YOU CAN GET THE BEST AT ANDREWS, YOU KNOW’' o— (A n d why not? for our mill has weathered over 50 winters in this G orge) To Build Soundly and Well If Yon Plan To Winter Wisely Perhaps you’ve never seen a real gorge winter? Months o f turbu lent rains, gustj winds, stinging frosts and driving snow. Weil, the upshot is that you’ll be mighty uncomfortable if your horn- how ever small, is not sensibly built. This Means Dependable Lumber W e know from experience that a fe wdollars wisely expended on sound lumber (and to be sure, where can you buy better lumber than o u r!), clever planning and a good carpenter can jiiake a modest home a very comfortable one. BRIDAL VEIL TIMBER CO. BRIDAL VEIL, OREGON V . i r ntatiVe Wi" bC Tyrell’a Tu v it t i \|i. | un>l> um ! \ M'l.t .ire pi-ui riiriiC .i VIM 1 to Nev*|».rt in the neat ala.ul again alter having l«een (ulutr. «utilinetl 1» hi* r.«>m with a •■•hi —o— tlul threatened to go »nt«» |mru Mrs sun.lMrn ami Mr* K »«c» nunla. d r e s s m a k in g lutk were Portland viMlof* Uu - 0 —» •nd SEWING ., v*rrk. \ K Nichols Iva* l>een o il the — O— full 4« I lie ilam ha «he ju«r 10 0 Mr .uni M m Wei* luxe rex rut «lav* a* the re*ult of an atcidrnt ly moved into the • *! \r«iuhu ill wlmh he nearly «rvefe«J a NEW FALL 1 home ihuinh wiih an ave while cuttin g! HOUSE DRESSES ■ p ■ lie lu<l (he wound trealr*l SI .00 and Sl# Mr and Mrs It It«*iI «»I I "it al «hr h«>*|Ml 4 l 1 ur-wtay land were vi*rt«»r* here Saturday — 0 -— MRS. JESSIE MOHI I nv>*y I illian t»ray M iC orm k k.j K"l>rrt \mlrcw* » n r busmn» fejwrwnting «he Valva«M>n \fmy ( Ipponitu I ;t*caflf F visitor in Portland Monday. in Oregon ami S*u«hern Idaho. Store in C'tucadl! “ fT * •>|rni | iMrulay ami W nine**lay in Mr» Ralph Nrlv.n i* a m cn l (he lionnrville dam d iU lk t «hi* newcomer to our city. |uvl wrrk w.lHttir.g fund* h»i ||>r —-o— army. the We \*k l Inn tue l*en • ~o~— doing a thriving bu*me** Utrly. Mr* Paul M a «Ie*«l ami ilaugh ter, lojleen. <lrj*arie*l Sumlay ha Mr«. 1 iml'trimi of NtuimaiUl I'oCtlaml whefr they will en)u) a amt M m Carbon »I tt ivJn>u<al vK *< t Vl»l( were visitm*; olil (rirtnls in the i 0 ... , tank* Tuesday. Paul M< I e«al ami liiuu* I O— ». in wan(r«l «o p i <trrr hunting 11 when «lie «raauD oprne*l. bul were I j and Mr« \ 'umlstrn «¡cut Sun unahle to r * j|e ir>>rti la•Iwlajfe **» Cascade l/ieb pj».vc w j r\ujgj llir. >h ¡'.ilefnl «heil f I lie-* and *(tolled nil m l» (hr mountain»^ C i» ade I m is III tsaik »1 «own Nome la>ur* later | ||.««| Kivct ITl»< jlhry (elurnr«l with their «Iref WE’RE ADVISING YOU Call ■ H ■ 1 14 thren, manager ol live < a» 14,|r I umlm iulii|«any. 1 » up ami S h o p at Kh"L hH" r ,,la" Prompt I ruck Service 1KX)D M ARSH FUNERAL HOME O K \ lirll, mrmlirr id ■ I «trim' Hell K Malcolm, lurv on (hr Union Patila Ua< k removal > 4 >. I* iv>w Penn * I avern I he (trm j o m tiu fadf>«a*l' living at Mr ami Mr* r ari Reu«rr»koild ' wnr dinner gue-*r* of Mr ami Mr- M Wang La*l suri«lay eve rung - O— Silver l'arra» ha* tiren in Ihr mountain* lor a week in *earih «•! a d m ||r weni up al*>ve L a . lake la«( I htirwUy with «lie ilelrr mina I K,n in rrmam until he go« (he I nag limit. MOORE S GARAQ I rd ami l v c-.rnlrt lg vjw* u lu d Fender and Hdy l n luti l law P««*<*t .Velclynr WrÜM( flf« «hl Walrf-Vl C asi »de Lock* J •■"0 ",m B a n ta m A d o p ts K itt e n s o f " M o d e r n is t” M o th e r Trof. l*hlo Tba malrrnal In •non I» lirw if l/almy In I),» cilia bantam hrn !>r’<>t>flug r„ c'ourln»^ I ralin or .Nrw t amala. raa< of bere llailng firithrf rb|r* nor child of liar o»h «hr ad.i|>liat four klKrn* ■>f a wayfaring rnuthar cat t t il.a I'ralm home. lha molhrr cal r»turn» now and l«w*n in far«] her kltima. |t>if ai,» • a 'modernist* and ran1« I* bothered • Uh alay al ho«»# dulie« or any ihlng. In fact, «bai Interrerà* wiu, «>er ■ a rear The ben ha* never hatched an egg hilt ahe Inkea good e»re of the killen», r •••anting any alle«tt(d to renK»»e Ihrtn. In fnrl« »lir wrrfi'i rwn |i*tt%r »lo-n Ih. 'r . r- ,■ i .. .... , f- «l (hem And «hare la a.-arcaly r«»>ni In Hi* hut in ih» chicken hull »a for the congenial crowd when Ih*» alt ga| log ether. 1 h" haul» U a., engfuasect In her new )uli that she ha» no lime in lay any more. W hlrh ha« not made her an» loo pofintar with ih* younger memlH-ra of the »a h n family. THE LUCILLE BEAUTY SHOP l/rj I m - die //ra-jerw* laaalcd trmj»>f*rily *• rill • Bar B <) I W * |aiilitrnmUk CHECKERBOARD r o o m s A d r a n , « < iiih .fi i* ^ place 1« In* I )u r I n i * »fr d iu ip r 1 double dec k t.»*l H**# gi aal mal « r«^**** B oard und Boom Alaiv r U m kriburf !• ( ’.iwade b e ll, IV*