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About The Dam chronicle. (Cascade Locks, Or.) 1934-1934 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1934)
AM CHRONICLE K||>\\ 1H IUHI ** '■ 1 **^ ORKSTARTED ON STORES AT TWO LOCATIONS rir,n,(rf* .»««• «» busy «»* ,«ritual Ur» •*« «wo building» j, 4 ir uifckf * ••nun« 1*011 in »Jlr l*> I*"«»* «b* I mil nr** * Ast v i'l. K m k \ O R K iil)\ , I k i i »\ v . O CTOBER S I <04 HOUSES A NECESSITY E.rly I-iii summer Ilk C hi.umle urged tlx- (rderal gov 1.» employe* on the »Konev,Hr .On. ,.i 4 ix.minal *„m N„th- I»K 1.4» I w i nothing 11 . 4 ) I«- <|, but The Chronicle U l.rsr-. that something -Ix-i.l.l (*■ ,|.,„r \,„| „ ¡» convinced lhal in ihr mtl thr hmnn. muxt l»r built. I..r Ihr r«|x-n»r of maintaining two hoiiw-lv.liK it making n im|>o*aible lor hun- Iltrtb „1 men ni.|4wyed on Hie huge jMoyrti to become tell- »upj ».fling M M B E R 27 NATIONAL WILL CONTRACTORS FEED EMPLOYES NOW BUSY ON OF THREE CAMPS RAILROAD JOB Oria, Bell \ Malcolm, contrac Contract» for feeding employe» tors on removal of the I'nion l*a- «•f all ihe contractors at the dam have lk«-n signed by the National ' 11'* fracks, are now employing a of 100 M l in 1 l.-.iring up I l»r i 4 in|n built 41 thr .I nn .nr among the lirvt rvrr in- j ln .rational center 4l the dam, Ihe (iuy V. Atkinson company ‘i " " " 1' 1 preparatory to the actual U 4 llr.| on 4 | mi bit. work» Job, ntxl ih rrr are no complaint» Hrimri* A Ju ilrv rtlr, r«*»lUnd. fed it» own men, but with the fin- « ,,rk of »»u.ldmg the new railniad ovrr fond or <|uaftrf« I lx-> ..Ifrr ideal living condition» lor n ihr n*i»i, 4 tl l*»i rm lln jc the idling of its contract has sold it» unmarried men However 4 majority of thr mrn at the dam >iiiU I “ l*oi»Mclrttl* I kitchen and equipment to the Ih r contractor» |»ut a steam 4 ir married Ih r bulk <■( tlirm reside in r..rtl,m .| Ih r e«- , (rntrf It* )“»• * r *« «»* ,hr t ¿ ( onstrlotion and J. K -hovel to work Monday digging l # ,n r "1 tunning back . iim I («-rth to thrir employment rat» ilruMwd vtalxm "b ile the shea (ompinies, whose men are to out a road to the new camp lira v ily into their earning». *n«l particularly i» thi» true Hmllc> (Utr^MUiy ha» the i>»n ■ >tiupy the hurikhousec which re- ground», which are ocated just be- fikti who are<.vr<l a» roninion lalnrrr». tX ,,(i ihr building I »ring r f n led iiiam property of the government, yond the schmd on tlie highway. Ihr highway 1«*» bu*iltr*» p u r Itx- dam * n inaugurated a« a public works project (or Ihe National Commissary com- At the fish hatchery employes wnb> the Nati-xul C«*mmi*»aiy Ihr |Hit|«.or ..I prow.ling work for ihr unemployed The (»any» to continue .»{»era- »re wrecking the building used as s.iuBV, \% «>rk «4» Commenced I hraonulr tx-l.rvrx I’trsidrnl k<»>«e\rlt desire* to Ix-tter the timi of the dining room and kiteh- » grinding room, while surveyors ( 4 HU) «»» lb*" budding •*» the eiotv>nii. rondilimi ..I ilk iikn al ilk dam. and it dor» not ■ n, and will frrd tlirre as well as »re busy setting stakes and run . hh I I ur*day »*»tk ur»drr»t.ihd cannot understand, Low thr employe» arr to I*-- it thr hunkb.uses in which etn- ning surveys, for the line. , aj/iol 'ii tb< building mi the p.yes of th.- <i.-nrral Construction Sub contractors are getting pre- f.r ik »rll »up|(nr|intf if tb<- vni.ill earning .nr rvjien.lrd in |k«iy jcmnpanv arc- housed. lift,inary w .rk out of the way and krrj iing up hotisrlv'Id in thr . it> and for lie nig rxix-nsrs at Koanrulh * • innmnily i cnirr, (»mi. Bell & Malcolm, cootrac- grting .1 force together for the pur- tbr < amp l ‘t . i <>l th w I !« (•> •■! hr rhrtk ' Ihr appli i» pulling U|> 4 building IUO» t■ 1 > .ii the I nion Pacific track p«se of beginning construction of cation» l<*r W'-rl ..n I Ik part of mrn who have l*rrn employed (tin* i all for * thc4trr 1« l«r removal, have signed with the N’a- the I aimer creek viaduct, .»ii ihr Vk.nv-i r ritr.ut T h fr men h.tsr had work for »i\ or K) i |«.i| hall St x*W, aixl a t. 'ttal ( .mini!-cry company. Its Engineers have said for weeks rv.-ht munih» but luvr lorn un.ibli 1«. vi\r .inything S . they 4 »|M r un t.i dining mom anil kit. hen will be that thrre of the hmnrs on the fish arr »(ill mi ihr reiki roll» ’ilSu Ox ir «till I» « liait«-» .teil at the n.-w . amp. near the hatchery grounds must come down S ft .1 < *’ .fi a m t|t>( anti ■“ iiool b.UM on the highway. but lo date only one has been or- I uxtuc ikxr. gei** ai U lien the work at the dam dered razed. This is the bouse oc- Ihr Nation C » mm im « ry c>>m i r iches its peak next year the cupied by Jrcs Bales. It stands ix h*» luv»! rv| moving Ihr «*t«l rejiar- Wmf (.xtl-erlx iWUpIfil b» men daily. mg lo move into the log cabin jrfTiun > . l l i . r 4 IMÌ I» p u llin g which was originally built for an an I xiia|«e«l «Ituciufr w ltxh ¡office at the hatchery. He is add HOMES AT DAM I hiuir a iliuii, 4 m l Irr ing another room or two to it. l*es.M(r thr lal>«r» of a fir'd 1 household utensils, nothing of -j, a ta«| tinMii, lu llir t *h"|i ARE H ASSIGNED ■ 4 1 I : r: t ' .f.e ! m -II Mnt. O JIU H LU '» *h«>{> [irrt -.(kit. * Ifrf*rf 41 rew ihr.iugK.ul the sutrmer, lite uixo\rrr«l <m island, TO ENGINEERS AUDITORIUM IS ¡tihaixl.xr ti T irti) th r Irle ■ ‘sniithismuan m»iiiulr ha> uncov liradlord island. Sullivan i»Luvl or ■■or (umilili) » Urline» ili* r \ ■ ered but bille evnlrtxrin Ihr dt» other q«.ts where the rrdmen Within the next two weeks the BEING EECTEO *P ( menber* of the l . S. engineering ir k I Ir.Mii Ih r Halles !.. Crown buried thnr dead ON RESERVATION Thr I err julm ( the culler shop I’mtH which Would uxlxatr that l*evinr of Curator Kreiger to furte who carry horseshoes in their <ar<l r«»an will I * .^wralfd by Ok Indian» migrated «with fn xn lp u rw h.» research w o r k 'P * ^ * »«» m ovin * into lew Work has r n m m m n i on a civic ('.ermi 1*1 ir> company, but thr Behring stra it» ami »tkead out ,n kastern Otero,» w.ll give rise wh,ch hav* ^ bu,lt on whlCJ ,he K°vrrnm "^tharul k \torr will br i.woe«l •i»rr N.ieth \mrrita thr.High the j0 M,mc highly speculative o p in -l,be reservation at the dam. »s ui ,nft »» n| c reservation I I S|< O .nald and I. 0 ( oiumbu river valley .ion» in w irntifk circle« due .0 (he ba'e been assigned to recreational purposes. aller Mr M .ltm uld 1 » »tee W ork ol .figging for « i m e n s fact that new evidence is constant- <»" f-llcw in * : Lieut. G. S Go - Ih e building w .ll be T-shap rswlml nul X( r U alia, r 1 » »rs * 14 . 1 ^ « Jn l.r i.lV ttr*perxlrt| lx upumed whkh ,m.ves '» **'• h contain club rooms. » stage, k«:. . . . . i xxxlwin, senior ragmeer. l.ieut en and have a seating capacity of I 'hr N at'.nal tonim i» resumed after the last that the climate rest of the l a s Colby Myers, engineering corps; 2 SO people in the auditorium. It is r» c»m|un> I he »t >rr will Ik ■ engineer; Ur. being built just south and west xirr the mana.rtnenl ■>( N l»i sician at the- of the pdice barracks and will it.e ..I I'xtland It will rmlirace Thor kelson, stand on the new road which is meat market, a gr.xery de guards; being built through the reserva- Mmrnt and dry (n d > and . loth Spice. associate engineer; V. tion. !.*xkv the workmen em tle»l n» a warm climate .1 I Glaze, associate engineer; K. C. Kmployes of the l*. S. engi The drue »lore will br <>|ieralrd ployed under Curator Kroger'» niov*.l v.uth ami east to eMajk White, in charge of surveys; \V. neers ar* laying the foundation, I W /enier, who recently direction turned up Northwestern the cold weather. W . I.jx to ii. assistant engineer; 1». but bids prolxibly will be obtained me 1 .. Oregon lr<»m Idaho Ih r Kur comjuny token mone), d.ted No evidrnce seems to have U*en M Marvin, principtl clerk; Hon for construction of the super rlrr sh.^. 1 » l>«nig ni»tallr.l by l.H *0, 4 txl at Ragle .reek ami at uneartheri by he xprdition now in Orput. director ol public relations; structure, one story in height. Mesrnw.n tur tier. >kam.ini 4 they luuod e»»eilent th firl.l which would throw any I K Burks, concrete technician; When finished the new building Vl»rk 1 » Ixung rushed on Ixrth qwvimen» ol picture Ii lit on habit* of the Indian* Ixr- R. M I.el’ere. chief of the cost will provide rev reati.inal facilities '•«lings a.xl li.(k I» expresses! voml I Vi y ritv «»r prove that they section. Hen K. T*qien, |wwer for all men employed on the data, Curator hm ger h.» lieen - lent builders that tlk »h<^>» atxl od ht» «liteover<e*. but in»! cation» lived on the Columbia at an earlier bous» engincet R ' Waggoner, but it b not known bon Car the > '• '-¡.e«!« j ’ h c ss dl Iw re id . »re that the informatxm glranrd !«• date than in other xstion- of the assistant et.g necr; T . F. J.»hns.>n. government will go in making the t«-n lefo r the en I of (Vt.dirr dale from tlie excavation* ltd •" ( nited State». ah -K'i.t»* engineer. L. W. Miller. aiklitor.uin available for public rh buildings are of frame con Sear out the theory that ilk 1 »!: the information obtained .is-a ite engin.-rr; Allieti Bauer, use in the B -nneville dam area. tlxm ai.d Ixith will Ik one tli . .. I the »immer'* work ( ur assistant engineer. umhia rivrt v.illev was the H) in height, ti' Kreiger may l>e able to pro- Of th" 20 houses, one has Inkn • MRS. W. WESTERLUND i who drifrd I» boat* <« migrât»d of n r thr net a.y apvojwiation set ;■. «)■ for »»iiicers .«nd other NEW POSTMISTRESS EW ROAD BEING BUILT to the American continent of their nc l.d «0 » »rry research work vis'to >.!i-> will ha» c- occasion to toril established themselves east < f the Hrschutes. ,-Hitd the ni' ir on the reservation. Cnless the unexpected happensr nc INTO OAl.l ESfcRVATION own Mrs. Wilbur Westerlund is going in th«* sec tion. 1*he prejsiiule'ani'e of inform 1 bt.Miixl a b?.ng cleared for a Bonneville. an»l unless something BONNEVILLE OFFICE REGISTRATION BOOKS *f"id int«> the reversal imi at lion obtained i» *»«l t»> b. t «» _ . ___ occurs to upset the apple cart the i lie t . ! r. iie ts opening its •''l.'tn I;.- ss ill Iraxr the fragamentary t»» p r " 'r anythin'; O rE iv UNTIL SATURDAY piWoifice will be shifted from the new offici' in Bonneville this leseni road d.'sen ibout the p.lice of imp rim er. Ih r curator i< rr- IN> 0 master Hall has the regis- railroad station to the building th;* second floo- of ! ' n “I’d o m e ogt at the high- x.rtrd to rileMaio thr opinion week on lratim books for C ascade Locks now being constructed on the high- Wihie ('«ok * I'avern I’he of- b 'V 's i t r ih» l.-lrpli.iiie • a i* .i|c,.,<ipri.iti<n' stonili Ik prcce'nc' end will register all vo- " a y to. a business center by the t■»-*• w II make it convenient for ifice. unde available f»1 rititihrr reseirch r- until .Saturday. Voters t iking N'fftioivjl Commissary comjuny. ,-ry ne living in the lowe. Thr st it. i ssu» the . rullivi on * rk in the Jr ht» Hay ctntntry end of the district to dr »;, in idvant.’. -e ef the opportunity to Mr. and Mrs. Westerlund ran ■f «• saim site of lite highway, ami on the high plateau west of rcAs. 1 1 you dcs re you . ••'iv'.cr with him will lie permit- IN tt H' s Taxern for a year, but arr j*1 "1 lyrell I averti l his Bend. in r pay voar subsc'r.plion lien? ud to vote in the precinct this now living at Eagle creek. Mon» Some of the best fin»l* ver< ["» |>r..|k ty In» lieen surveyed Have your want ads. These 1 lull. Ihose who have come into ago when the |x»stmaster gene kl will lx if eres I lor -sale. Il is nia le in .<»• " II Ind in bu ■ arnagentents will permit us t«> the district are eligible to xote. at Washington called for an 1* uvrtl tor bucine*» purp »er ». crouml within Ihe city limit» of c >v rr the news even more fully provided they have lived in the animation to fill the vacancy n< * load le citing out d the h.xxl River, but astile in-m the in the future than in the |»ast county six months and n the pre the postoffice resulting from the resignation of Mrs. Collins, only -« » a' ..n joins tlx highway ini piece* of white mrn t money, ar- an I make the office easily ac- cinct 30 days. ob- heads made from Bin! Mrs. Westerlund sough the posi dMtrly in ___ _ ,j,r , t rtt,. i __ _______ .otvnrati» cessihle to anyone who may tion. ,un*i -'her having ducked imder tainrd beyond the e- riva Send the Chronicle to friends. itch to »»hip the editor. ** Ianner creek railroad viaduct, »erat»* of |*»t* other piece* Expedition Kails To Find Clue to Origin Of Indians