Image provided by: Hood River Library; Hood River, OR
About The Dam chronicle. (Cascade Locks, Or.) 1934-1934 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1934)
1 HI H\M C llk O N K ’I.K CHURCH SERVICES Community M K Church GET GRADE A BO N N EVILLE < 4 « » d r I m I h K rv j S>l(..|4\ m ilk IQ „ l*uhbr Worship H a m Kvrnlm Srrvk« 7 10pm I’n y r r Daily service. Get our milk at any grocery »tore or have it delivered at your home. Il y Aino Trrrington l.r»u y Smuh, I'aator. M -iim g W rdnrw Uy Community C en ter KvrnmK Chapel Honnrvdlr BRANDES CREAMERY. Inc. Kr\ S ti T rrfirn . I'lM m SumUy S«huol l*rrs<hlng KiiirrtAinmfnt ROY S IN N E R , P tiir r l*ublk iitwtrrl to all trrvu rt. |Q * m || 4 m H p m At the regular Thursday night program held last week at the Community Center, four Kiwanis < lulis, representing Portland, Mon- tavilla, (»resham and Beaverton, put on a musical entertainment. — o— ( J BHIarts, whose home in on The Bonneville school is having I .inner creek, is undergoing treat great difficulty in getting enough ment at the veteran's hospital, Imoks for the children enrolled, — o— due to the increase over attendance l.iwile ('ummins, Portland pian last year. ist and teacher, will lie in Bonne- , — 0 — ville on Thursday», In-ginning 5 Miss iTorothy Hanna, who is lk toiler 4 Anyone interested in studying piano, communicate with I working in the tlephone office, sfient the weekend visiting in Stev Mrs. O. Hubbard, enson. Visitors driving through the I Samuel Lancaster, who hatchery grounds are attracted to the beautiful liegonias that are onw confined to his home in in full bloom along the whole side on account of illness, is to much improved and of the hatchery. with us again soon. * \\ k i ■*7». M ^irtul fur thu Imuv u n I» |Mir>h.iw<! tor only JW I hi* in dotle* window*, (tool*. plywoxl lut inlrrtor Imuh ami rhmmry I hi* houtc, with (O iu r lf foun- d-itiofl, (dumbing ami wiring all ready to nrcupy, u»*t» only fJBO I hi* imludr* all tal»>r (<«*!* OWN THIS o /VM/Jt f- /« HOME In Beautiful D , CASCADE LOCKS has lieen Portland refmrted will fie Mr. anti Mrs. I.arry Sherman At a meeting of the executive have moved from here and are now living at Lamb's inn just be committee of the Women s club at the home of Mrs. Trank l.inton low Warrendaie. j last Monday afternoon, a club cal Mrs. Collins, dejiot agent at endar for the coming year was Bonneville, has just returned from I discussed, but the program wil not lie decided upon until the next her vacation, which included visits meeting. The memliers have been to a unrulier of places. asked to designate the committee die prefers to serve ujion. which it The steam shovel is busy exca ho|»ed will simplify appointments. vating east of the Sherman garage where the National ( 'ommissary Rev. S. I). Trefrcn, of the Com will start building within a short munity Center and Chapel, an time. nounces that the progkram for the —-o— coming Thursday night entertain Samuel Hill, Jr,, is now attend ment will be made up of local tal ing the ( 'atlin xhool in Portland. ent. Several fine acts have already Anothrr room is lieing to the lieen mentioned. new school building under con C. E. Robertson, new principal struction just east of Bonneville. of the Bonneville school, will soon Work has also started on the move to Uodson to occupy one of grounds. the Joe Buscher houses. It is very interesting to stand near the large ¡»»»Is at the hatch ery and watch the salmon that are coming in to sfiawn. Monday a steady black stream was coming in and some could Ire seen half out of the water. (>. ('. Wood is now o|ierating his liar her shop u|»tairs in Tyrell’a Tavern. He has a modern shop with entirely new furnishings and fixtures. Object» to Financing Her H ubby’» “ P a r tie .” Media. P a .— “I didn't m ind." Mrs. E lizabeth lim n *. ¡Tí, w lf* of Mar eo» Hook, »aid In divorce court, "w hen my husband lost his Job, I didn’t mind supporting him. I didn't mind buying him gas and nil fo r his ear. W hat I did ob ject to was his driving girl» around town on my money.” T h * Judge agreed that was e x i s t i n g a lot and gave her a de cree. Four-Legged Chicken Is The entire upstairs of Tyrell s Hatched on Kansas Farm Tavern is lieing remodeled. Mr. Atchison. K an.— Added to the and Mrs. Cook are putting in a lunch counter and bar upstairs, host of oddities produced In K an but are undecided as yet what sas Is the four-legged chicken th at w as hatched at the B erry broth they will do with the remaining er»’ hatchery here, tt has two ex floor space. tra leg« and feet, which are |»er- I>. E. Root sjient a few days at Coulee dam last week. Thursday and Friday the C. S. police ami government officials en joyed a ride in the Standard Oil airplane. Their trip took them to (irrsham and along the Mt. Hood loop and over Mt. Hood. fectly formed, but drag behind tha two regular legs. S t e a l W o r l d W a r P la q u e Salt Ijik o City -Vandal» »tote th e Inscription plaque from a monu ment honoring I'ta h soldiers who gave thetr llvea In the World war. Inscrthod on the plaque was “From th e living to the dead r— " Over 200 choice homesites to choose from; close to grade and high school; water; electricity; telephone; churches; hourly bus service to dam. Restrictions for your protection. A real home town to live in. W arrantry deed. SIOO $5.00 d o w n — $5.00 a month. 1 he»e lot. are up to 50x100 Some larger. See BILL K EELER AT REAL ESTATE OFFICE, Or IRA OWEN MANAGER CASCADE LUMBER CO. J. B. LA BER , 821 Failing Bldg., Portland. ATwater 6521 MEATS MEATS AND SEA FOODS QUALITY AND SERVICE Featuring Steer Baby Beef— Roast and Steaks — Pork— Veal— Lamb Chickens. All kinds of Cooked and Smoked Sausage. FR E E D ELIVERY SERVICE TO BONNEVILLE DISTRICT LAKESIDE MARKET