Image provided by: Hood River Library; Hood River, OR
About The Dam chronicle. (Cascade Locks, Or.) 1934-1934 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1934)
THE DAM CHRONICLE the Until October 15th. we will give our $5 00 Oil of San dalwood Permanent Wave for S3 50. including Sham- poo. Haircut and Finger- wave, BONNE - LEE BEAUTY SHOP E u qu ist Addition to Bonneville L OUI E FOLSOM Jeweler If we don t have it, we will get it for you. We repair watchea and jewelry. You will appre ciate our prompt aervice. Cascade, Locks, Oregon DR. F. F O L S O M Dentist C ascade L ocks , O regon RAPIDS BARBER SHOP R alph M att ley , Manager Dave Dims more. Attendant ladies' and Children's Hair Cutting. Our Motto Courtesy, Sanitation and Ejjkieney SHOES SH IN ED Stand is o|>en all day. Best shine in town for 10c SERVICE SHOE SHOP H aney Carey, Prop. Repairing at Portland Prices With Modem Machinery C ascade L ocks , O regon W. L. GROVE, Barber At Shady Nook Auto Camp mile west of Bonneville First Class Work Hair Cuts, 35c MEN’S HAND LAUNDRY Mrs. Pearl Pitman, Owner Modern Prices— Prompt Service C ascade L ocks , O regon BRIDGE OF THE GODS HOTEL Rooms by day, week or month We serve regular meals. 7 lean — Hospitable—Comfortabl C ascade L ocks , O regon TOOTH ROCK GARAGE Auto Electrician Battery Service and General Repair Work 1 el. 817 John /Cavanaugh, Prop BONNA VILLA F, Vino Let ringt on T. L. Jones and family sjvnt the weekend in Portland. ■ -o ■ Mr anti Mrs. V \nd«r-m of Portland ate visiting a few days wiih Mr and Mis Hud Hawkins —©— Mrs. Frank Hays and Mr and Mrs Win. I*t>ulson sjtrnt Friday in Hood River r>\M c h r o n ic l e Mr« I y lr T »mg bas l«rrn in Portland thu »«*ck visiting Mrs K.t> \ndrison <d Bremen.m Wash., and Mrs I o n a \a»ter ■ ■ Mr and Mr* M /aramim new lv wed*. am! Mr. ami Mr* Wolf Hagen of Portland » n r the guest* of Fail She.tier and family Sunday V big irlrbration » a* held in ht>m>r of the newlywed* ami al-> the srevnlh wedding annivrivitv of Mr and Mr> T>» h f - Nrxt tuesday evening the M en* Bridge club »ill meet at U m Bob Whit# ban# and the w men's Bridge club »ill meet with Mrs H R Skinner —-<►-*- Mr ami Mrs Finest Nelson and daughter of Portland ami Mr anti \ J Brown d « a» ade lin k * »ere Sumlay visrlot* at the Glen Howard home Mr ami Mrs. Ellis !>onovait | and Mr and Mrs K. Donovan of Portland »err guests Monday of , Mr. and Mrs Win. IVuU.n, —o — The new houses Iving built by 1 Mr Ribier will !*• rradv for ox cupancy in almut a week. - o - —— o~ *• Hal Hahltitl accompanied Ku* Roy Vheufele of Portland was sell Kelly ami his mother to * or a rrvrnt visitor at the Eddy S<he- vallis last week where Russell »«11 ufcle home. enter the Oregon state lollrge William Mishey. Arthur Ed Mr Kelly is known to many here month M d Miss l 1.true Midirv at Bonneville where he has worked all of Gresham, visited at the Bon on the dam, ami has also avustrsl at the Bonneville lavrtn ny Villa Tavern Sunday. Mr and Mrs J M Fitigefald Mr ami Mrs H Schuler and Mr and Mrs. E l F«M#R of who have teen making their home Minneapolis, Minnesota. are visit at Moffitt cieek left Tuesday foe Seattle where Mr FiUgerald w«H ing at the L. Schuler home. do some art work Mr Tit/grrald Rev. and Mrs. Trefrrn were will be rrmemlieretl by the two dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. A. fine [tainting* of the dam that arr now in the Bonny Villa lavetn. R Myers Saturday evening. M F'.. Collins, brother of David Much anxiety wax mused M<*» Collins, visited at the Trrd Worth tlay evening when the three Myers home last week. brothers ami Obert Niggard fade«l to return from a hiking trip Miss Byers and Ted Ratelle of in the hills After ilark Mr. amt Portland sjwnt the weekend at the Mr* Frisby hiked up Tanner G. L. Oman home. creek to the falls whrre they lo- jcaled the boy*The hoys wetr all Mrs. Walter Beebe anil ilaugh- right but said they were lira ami ter. Nr Ida Jean, returned this week would slay thrrr for the night from a two weeks vacation in Seat They returned next morning and tle. t..|.| about hearing a woman scream F.vidrntly there are wane Jack Bain ami Pierre Drpaqw I cougars "in thrm thar hills of Portland visited with Clyde Hubbard List week. R. Knapp, member of the sur vey crew, suffered rather a severe cut from an axe not wielded ex actly accurate. CLASSIFIED One Cent a Word Wm. Poulson and Mr Whittsett FOR SALE OR RENT Urge were deer hunting in Flastern Ore furnished, modern house, fur gon at the o|jening of the season. nace. close to graile ami high schtmls; beautiful view, mid Mrs. Eddy Scheufele, Mrs. way Iirtwren Portland ami Bon Eddy Wolfe, Mrs. ami neville dam. It leal location for Mrs. R. Knapp enjoyed a trip to one looking for high class resi Portland Wednesday. dence; 3 acre* rich loam, term* easy. Evening inspection or Mrs. Glen Fcrrington went to phor.e Gresham 240. S. 1» Springdale Wednesday where she S. I>. Harding, Corbett, Ore. entertained the Springdale Needle club, of which she is a member. LOST- I-adirs blue leather purte Return Iaike Side Meat Market Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hoffman Rewrard. spent the weekend in Portland on a combined pleasure and business FOR SALE— 1926 Ford Roadster trip. tiood rublier. Will tell cheap Inquire Chronicle office. Bud Hawkins and two compan ions returned Sunday from East GROUND TOR LEASE On the ern Oregon from a hunting trip highway at Warrendale Suitable and brought back three deer. for store ami cottage*; watrr. lights. Imbuire at Chronicle o f James Tanner of Corbett has fice. been assisting with the work at the Bonny Villa Tavern during the With an average increase of two absences of Hal Babbitt, who is pu|jil* a week the grammar ami away on a short vacation. high schools of Cascade tanks have more than doubled (irevious The Earl Shearer family attend enrollments. At the present time ed a jiarty at the home of Mr. ami the high school ha* 42 jiujnls. A Mrs. Fred Woodward in Corbett year ago it had 20 and the gram Saturday evening. mar school has 125 against 55 in —O— past years. No major difficulties Joe Shank and v>n Roland, Mrs. are being encountered with this Ora ( ook and son Russell and added enrollment, Vernon G Hen- Miss Maxine spent Sunday at the derson, superintendent of schools, A. J . Moore home. stated yesterday. lit MUß Will 11 _ Now Fast Auto Truck Service between pwrti^ Casottil«* lsx’ks, Bonneville und liri.Uj Veil trave l\*llan*l 10 00 A M 6 00 P. M ¡rat* Can a^i* Im h i : 10 P M 10 00 P M. v* Ar I 10 p M ’ >ohi At 4 10 M l Multigli •» "«au Portland Office Ninth Avenue and Irvin* Telephone HKoadwty 0441 Cascade Lock« Office On Mau» street in lv red warehouse Molding R J. WUNER. Agent CASCADE LOCKS PROGRESS NO N Tyrell’i» Ta vera ut Ronnevilit* U a nnro. stitution thul is ffoing int»» action tu caler u>| .telect tru»le. Mr. ('»«»k is remorlfling insmsa. ner t*» make his place one umong th r nu*t *. t ruoti ve on the highwuy. \N «• offer »iur ne jjratulatiofus un thè progreuaive spirit Mr. C«à U showing. WÜST COAST TOWük CO Famous for Ita Good Food DEW DROP INN Club Breakfasts Regular Meals Sunday Dinners A Quiet Refined Flace BLUE RIBBON ON TAP Under the iVrxonal Munagemcnt Mn«. F. B. Anderson. • • • • s • I o f Mr. »ai FIRST ANNIUERSARV BONNEVILLE DAM SPONSORED BY DAMSITE POST V. F. W. W ED N ESD A Y NIGHT OCTOBER THIRD BRIDGE OF GODS HOT0- TICKETS 50c LADIES f&\ OLD TIME MUSIC HOP GOLD Donated by HAL BABBITT and ROLPH ENQ^J of the BONNY VILLA TAVERN