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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1923)
PAGE SIX mtdford mate twbune. medford Oregon. Saturday, march 1923 i?-irn FQEFABI Home Making a Profession Opinions on the Farm Bureau What the Farm BureairHas ' Done for One Community 10. . ' - ' I, I il 'i i I- CALIF. DAIRYMEN In a recent Farm nureau mcetlnR the point was brought out by the creamery men that Oregon butter would not bring the same price on the San Francisco market as would Cali fornia butter of the same grade. The reason Riven was that California con sumers will not use on an equal foot . log, any product produced outside of the state wben their own state is pro duclng tbe same product. That Is the "California- Spirit," und that Is one of the reasons why bur sister state is prosperous. We need that same spirit here in Jackson county.' The farmer needs tbe Jackson county spirit, the busi ness man needs to develop It, and the general public should think In terms of Jackson county first. Successful cooperation Ib a matter of give and take by all concerned. It means that every one must be willing to sacrifice at timet) for the good of society as a whole. Along with the work of the Farm Dureau for a better, bigger, more pros perous Jackson county 'Will bo carried this thought of looking out for our selves first. The Farm Dureau is strong for the Jackson county spirit. ' Ono of the plans of the Farm Dureau l'or 1923 Is to boost for the dairy in dustry from every angle possible One 'question they will attempt to answor is: Why Isn't the dairy Industry thriv ing hero In Jackson county? ' Mr. Nllcs, manager of the Illvor banks farm near Grunts Pass, ono of the most progressive and successful dairy men tn the Kogue River valley. Bays: "The farmers of this section must learn the valuo of corn silage and alfalfa bay." He states that the Illinois experiment station, over a period of six years found that an aero of corn silage and alfalfa bay will pro duce three times as much buttorfat ns, an acre of the best blue-gras pas ture. 'We know that Jackson county noeds a lot more silos. Tho suggestion of Mr. Nlles Is worth considering. : Wo hope that we may got somo data on tho subject hero In this locality. Announcement To Farmers, Livestock and Fruit Growers i. . of Jackson county !. It has been our OPPORTUNITY and PRIVILEGE to help organize and sorvo tho FARM LOAN ASSOCIATIONS nnd personally endorse OVER ONE-HALF MILLION DOLLARS of LOANS for the Modford and Roguo River farm loan associations, In tho past five and a half years. 'THE OPPORTUNITY IS NOW OFFERED YOU through tho agoncios to be provided by tho recently enacted Farm Credits bill to so organizo nnd 'pool your Interests that you will be able to GET BETTER and MORE UNIFORM PRICES for YOUR PRODUCTS. We have had our part in getting this legislation nnd wo are pro pared to give you INFORMATION and HELP If you so doslro ! ' ' Address or call, P-: . E.H.Hurd,402MedfordBldg. Phone 42 Effective March 1, 1923 Change in Schedule of Stages li.With through service to Portland and way points daily ? .-NORTH BOUND leaves Medford dally 8:40 a. m. for Orants Pass I and Itowburg with direct connection to Portland; also 8:00 nnd 0:00 p. m. for Grants Toss only, ,' HOtTIl HOUND Leave Itowburg daily 4:S!0 p. m.: Grants Pass ) ' lli:00 noon, 4:00 and 8:09 p. m. for Medford nnd Ashland. ' FABK8 Medford-Grontfi Pass, $1.13; Mcdford-Itoseburg, fl.1.1; ' Mod ford-Port land, $7.83. WK SAVK YOU MONEV Stopovers permitted nt Itoseburg, Kiifno, , Haleiu If desired. Tickets on sale at UNION ST.VGU UKPOT . Nash Hotel Hlilg. Phone UOO 321 ' J. O. Cl'PP J. W.'SHIKLKY We Sell OLYMPIC Flour' Poultry and Stock Feeds See us for Rolled Oats, Scratch Feed, Laying Mash, I , Little Chick Feed, Mill Run, Etc. . ' We Buy and Soil Poultry and Eggs CUPP & SHIRLEY PRODUCE CO. ; Phone '95 128 Grape St. A house is built of brick and stone, of I sills and posts and piers, Dut a homo Is built of loving deds that stand a thousand years. A house though but a humble cot, within Us walls may hold A home of priceless beauty, rich In love's eternal gold Waterman. Development of a Home The words "house" and "home" are often confused. The home expresses the family life lived within the house. Tho house la tho place where tho homemaker gathers furnishings to make the home more comfortablo and beautiful. Hern the homemaker works out standards of living, holds up ideals before her family, all of which aid in creating the "homo spirit," which we talk about. All homemakers should recognize the fact that a bouse may be elegantly equipped nnd furnished, may have every convenience and com fort and yet fall to be a "homo." Whether it Is to bo a home not sim ply a house depends largely upon the homemaker. We are gradually coming to soo the nobility of the profession of . home making. The English people havo long been noted for their love of home and their skill as uomomnkers. Today American mothers ore not satisfied at having their daughters trained only In such subjects as Latin, muthomatlcs, and music; but thoy are also demand ing that thoy bo trained In the great , business of homo-making as well, Today oducators are showing . us that our daughters will bo bettor wives and mothers and happier home- makers if thoy are taught definitely how to. apply their chemistry, litera ture and art to tbe real problems that thoy will moot lutor as homemakers. The home should stand for rest. comfort, health. Inspiration nnd for the spirltuul development of each momber of the family. In the Ideal homo the father and mother work to gether in accomplishing the desired alms. Each home has an individuality, but no family should be a - disorganized group, living selfishly in the "four walls of home." It has been said that "no community Is better than the nvernifo home In that community." Thus tho ideal homemaker will befte ' fit tho community through her cooper I atlon In community affairs and thru tho influence of her homo. A RELIABLE BATTERY Whon you think In terms of buying a now battery think of tho battery wo offer for sale. It Is n proven thing of merit. Users of our bat teries will tell you that they give consistently good nervlco under the most adverso conditions. Radio Battery and Electric Shop -7 No. (it-ape. Phone 211 O. O, Vrninnn, Mgr. 1. R. thinner. Prop. What Business Men Think of the Farm Bureau "Business men are sold to the Idea." "Sure we will boost for the work. We know where our bread Is buttered. When tho farmer prospers wo pros per." "The business man needs the far mer more than the farmer needs the business man." "Any time I can be of any help to you call on me." "You have sold us a membership.' "How can I join your organization?" "Never thought of it that way be fore. You are right. It is to the inter ests of the business men to boost the farmers' interests." "Tbe farmer must put his work on a business basis." "We sure want to help in this move ment." "Wo have, boosted for the Farm llureau from the very start." More Opinions on the Farm Bureau "The Farm Bureau is the same to tho farmer that the chamber of com merce Is to tbe business man." A Farmer. "In my estimation the Farm Bureau has been the source of the greatest uplift that has come to the farmers of Jackson county." A Farmer's Wife. "Its greatest good will possibly come through legislative channels; It has made tho Farm Bloc possible and for that reason I ought to Bupport It." Farmer. "If you don't belong to the Farm Buroau you are a 'Scab.' A farmer who has been a Union Man." "We have been told on good author ity that this valloy is an Ideal dairy section, yet tho dalrymon aro not prosperous. It the Farm Iliiroau suc ceeds in putting the dairy Industry on a paying basis, it will have fully Justi fied its existence." Farmer. ' "Maybe after a few knock-downs and drag-outs and a number of fresh starts It will come out all right." Farmer. "Tho bankers get together occasion ally for an exchange of Ideas and if the Farm Bureau servos no other pur pose It will be a great benefit to the farmer." A bankor. "That 'In. unity there Is strength' has never been more fully demonstrat ed than . during tho comparatively short time the Farm Bureau has been in existence. Can you give ono good sound reason l'or not becoming a mem ber now?" Farmer. Of courso tho work that the Farm Bureau is doing Is good so far as it goes, but it you wont a real job that will touch every .armor's, tender spot, tackle tho job of reducing Ills taxes." Farmer, 1 The Farm Bureau Idea Is Ol K. but. In my opinion, the former la his own worst enemy, continually stand ing In his own light. If the business man is really In earnest about desir ing the farmer's success ho can ren der no greater service than to explain to his farmer friends or customers why it Is desirable that lie should be long to his own organization nnd to urge him to do bo. This is tho answer to the business man's question as to what ho can do or what tbe Farm Bur- roau wants him to do." Farmer. Boost for Dolrylng s MINNEAPOLIS, Mar. 10. Organ ization of a national whoat growers' sales agency to bo known as "Ameri can Whoat Growers' Association, Inc.," will ho undertaken today at a meeting of tho Northwest Wheat Wheat Growers' association here. Georgo Jowctt, gonoral manager of tho northwest organization, said that addition of stato units for Minnesota, South Dakota, Kansas, Nebraska and Texas to his organization was con templated. Tho organization now represents growers In Oregon, Wash ington, Idaho, Montana and North Dakota, with an annual production of 50,000,000 hushelB. Cut This Out It Is Worth Money Cut out this slip, encloso with 6c I nnd moll It to Foley & Co., 2S35 Shot- Held Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your nnmo and aditrcsa clearly. You will receive in return a trial package con taining Foley's Honoy nnd Tar Com pound for coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills for pains In sides and bark; rheumatism, backache, kid ney and bladder aldments; nnd Foley Cathartic Tablets, a wholesomo and thoroughly cleansing catharUn tor constipation, biliousness, hoodache, and sluggish bowels. Sold everywhere. Adv. Selling; Fairbanks-Morse Pumps and Engines and Hayes Sprayers Williams Implement Service f WM&SSttJBM ' He! i LJ triraTOr i iii yMav!' sri-v I ' ' j ' 1 NOW Is Time tO ' BUREAU THANKS TRIBUNE ! in Diido ! Our Furm Bureau signs have ar rived; they are surely attractive. Thoy have cost the Bureau 10 cents each. Tho Fair association nnd- tho Medford Itetall Dealers made, thorn possible. Wo feel they aro well worth the money. Both farmers and business men should pay up their dues for 1923 and receive ono of these signs. Your executive committee is watch ing every expense item. If you will mail your dues, $5.00 for 1923, to n. R. Rcachert, Talent, Ore., you may pay them at the county agent's office, or ut the Farm Bureau Exchange, you will save any expense of collection. Kindly attend to this matter at once as your committee wishes to get this matter of organization out of tho way us there is a full year's work to he done, nnd the quicker we can close up our membership drive tho more time we will have to put Into construc tive work. . General Mill Work TROWBRIDGE CABINET WORKS Windows and Doors Window Glass . 4. i Door Frames Window Frames All Kinds of Interior Finish Honing Cylinders after reboriiig loaves a glnss finish which does not wear out tho new rings in a short time. It is tho latest and most approved method of finishing cylinders. Sec samples of the work at tho Riverside Garage. Got our prices, on your overhaul and rcboro job. Our shop is well equipped and manned to do YOUR job of overhauling on ANT mako of car. Brake inspection FREE. Wo use the Multibestos method of brake relining, which does tho job without removing the brakeband, and , saves you money. $1 per hour, spot cash. Riverside Garage 132 So. Riverside HAVE YOUR CARPETS CLEANED WITH ISH-KA-BIBBLE A PERFECT CLEANER AND CLEANING SYSTEM , Removes greases nnd all forms nf dirts, ltilghtens tho colors and makes the surface, like new. It don't destroy tho sizing. Will call for them. Wc specialize on Oriental ami I'erslnu rugs. Fine upholster- nml treatment for moths. 11AVK VOVK CAKl'KTS UVI1HK U-SIZKM. THKY WIMj VK.Ut twht: as i.oxo. ASK ABOUT OUR The executive committee of the Form Bureau feels that very farmer In the county owes to the Medford Mall Tribune and Sun a voto of thanks for- the efforts thoy have made to make our Farm Bureau Week a success. They hove surely shown them selves a friend of the farmer and his organization. ' The farmers can show their ap preciation by patronizing their friends. The success of the campaign has certainly demonstrated that these papers reach the people and that advertising in them brings big results. ' 4. D URNS 1 Cover with wet baking m& afterward apply gently- V ICRS V ARORUB Over 17 Million Jan Vied Yearly CLUB RATES In the past the community in ques- ; tion, like all communities, has had Its ups and downs, its dissentions and I divisions, but tho Farm Bureau has supplied a work which has proven to be common ground for all and the people have applies themsolves with considerable enthusiasm. Last December a Farm Bureau unit was organized. There are 30 families in the immediate vicinity and so for I this year 20 memberships have been secured and all but five of these are paid up for the year 1923. , Up to the present time the 'members themselves havo furnished their en tire programs. In fact so many prob lems have come up for consideration that they havo been obliged to hold two meetings per month. Such topics as the need of a cannery, Improved I market conditions for the dairymen and the poultrymen, rood . improve- I ment, etc., havo come within the scope of their deliberations. From time to time outside speakers, pictures, etc., will make up part of the pragrums. While tbe legislature was in session Do you know that we ship our goods in car loads direct from the factory? Do ypu know if you will compare our cash prices with the: cash' i prices oft catalogue houses and' others, we can compete with them on the' same class of goods? , Do you know we carry large stocks ; of, re-' pairs for the implements we sell? This ser vice is worth money to you. "" '' i Do you know ycu do not have to order weeks 1 in advance, but can see the goods before you pay your money? Come in and Talk It Over With Us' We will take in one or two small second-hand 5 tractors on new ones for a short time only. HUBBARD BROS. 5 Discount for Cash On All Purchases Standard Standard Incubators and Ilrooili rs nro made in all sizes. Electric or Hot Water heat a patented feature found only in the Standard. Mado In tlie West for 'Western conditions. Practically every larne poultry plant In Southern Oregon equip i ped with Standard Machines. There's n llcasou. Let us show you . how to make 100 profit per year on the cost of an Incuhator. What other business can show such returns? Standard Manufacturing Co. Xo. 1 Mitchell Way Tel. 3I18-R..I Medford, Ore.. PLACE ORDERS NOW FOR Sherwin-Williams Dry lime Sulphur: Bear Creek Liquid Lime Sulphur Call for Terms and Prices Independent Phone 226 the legislators from this district were informed of the sentiment of this groupe of. people regarding soveral bills that were before tho legisloture. ' This Is a practice that might very woll be more generally followed by Individ uals as well ns by orgonlzed bodies. ' The splendid spirit of cooperation developed in this community has made it much easier to do other things which were not strictly Farm Bureau projects. . It seemed very desirable to have the mail route 'changed and ex-'' tended nnd. by meeting the county T court half way on the necessary work the road was Improved and the post office department allowed the change. In another meeting arrangements were made for the improvement of another stretch of' summer road by putting in a culvert, picking off the ; recks and by dragging. Each community has its particular problems and the first step in their solution is the neighborhood gather ing whore these things may be freely discussed. Having secured that much tho remainder comes much more. easily. H. R. II., Talent, Oregon, Incub ators i Fruit Company PARMER 1 Warehouse So. Front St. iS So. Iluillclt riionc 20.1