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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1923)
rim Pfff !MEDronD matt; TRrarere, arengoRp, onKOpy, Saturday;, march io. t92.t J- CENTRA LP. 10 GIVE A PLAY I efforts of several young boys and men throwing stones or other objects on It The said young men had to stand tht cost of re-roofing the said domicile. Another voice was stilled by the omnipotent hand of death, when il was laid on Mr. Winter, well knowr pioneer of the valley. Mr. Wimer hat . been ailing for the past year on ac ' count of Infirmities to' the advanced age of "). He has resided in thiB little city lor about three years. He woe many friends while here. He was a 1 pioneer firm and staunch, always en deavoring to better the conditions ir which ho lived. As a young man h managed successfully a flour mill In 1'hoenlx, which by a very queer colnol donco passed out of existence the snmo day he did, being destroyed by fire. For miles around pioneer far mers brought him their grain to grind into flour. Ho was laid to rest in the tnl. and no ilonl.t will ! vorv comoiery at Asmunu. yulte a number fM'the eye. The stage settings will ' Cf ntral Polnt friends accompanied also be expensive, very much better i w l" Bn,ve than those of the plays preceding. The I Tno Epworlh Lcaguo of the Brick date of the presentation has now been church recently held a formal part: changed three times, it was first , at tl,e home of Clifford Itoswell. Tin CENTRAL POINT, March 9. The senior class of the Central Point high school wlli present a play,' "Green Stockings," next Thursday evening in the Central hall. The east Includes all the class and also Ray Henderson, a very capable actor. Rohearsals have been going on for two months. The costumes are of very expensive mater evening was spent pluylng games and singing. At a late hour delicious re freshmcnts were served. All . the guests left hoping that soon another party would bo held and more good times enjoyed. The city council passed another or dinance at its last meeting. This one embodied tho fact that no person undor eighteen Is to bo allowed to be scheduled on tho evening of March 9, but, due to the fact that one of the leading ladles, Miss Leola Hossel grave was ill. It was changed to the 13th. For sevoral reasons it was again changed to the present dato. The tlckots have been on sale by the high Bchool students for the past several days, at the prices or thirty I Mtf8 aQd "ftjr conts. A novel method used to advortlso the play, which present at tho class dances given at ' was a largo green stocking measuring tho Dancing Academy, unless he or three feet In length, was stuffed with she Is accompanied by their father oi straw and tied on a rope. Tho ropa mother. This makes it quite Incon- was stretched across the main thoro-. venlent for Beveral, whoso parents l'aro, thus the stocking is right over wish them to go, but they themselves iue center oi uiu wroei, attracting tne aro unauio to accompany mem. no attention of all. . doubt if the ago had been sot at six- The proceeds, which heretofore teen it would have been more satlsfac have been used for senior class ex- j tory to quite a number of the youngor penses will this year bo usod as a W-onoflt for tho annual published by the high school. Last evening tho "F & E" theatre was opened for Its Initial performance which 'was very good. W. C. Lecver addressed the audionce In a very cred itable manner, pointing out the advan tages of a theatre to the city. The element On Thursday evenings the Centra' Point Enworth league team plays a chosen team from one of the 'Medford churches. The Thursday preceding they met defeat at the hands of the Prosbyterian quintet. Tho defeat wbb due to the fact that the players did not have proper team work. As no two Powers CU machines were In-1 hall 1s available they are more or less stalled Wednesday . by an export, handicapped In playing, but no doubt Paul's Electric company of Medford will do much better in the next two or completed putting in the electrical . three games. effects giving very good lighting. The I A large number of Central Pointers performance to be put on tonight is ' are attending the trial of the defen Marv Miles Mlnter in "South of Suva" The management will present, Satur day "Get Rich Quick Wallingford," and on Sunday and Monday they will present Lon Chaney in "The Trap." Mr. Grey was taken ill with a stroke of paralysis the first of last week and his illness become so critical that he wag sent to Eugene Sunday to be with his brother, but it was too late to do the man any benefit. He crossed the Great Divide tho following morn ing at 11 o'clock. lie was very well known In this city, having lived here for many years. After his loving wife, iSada Grey doparted from this earthly -)We heleft for Eugene. He returned to his homo after nn absence of a year. Ho appeared to be more gloomy and lonesome and appeared not to enjoy life as well as before. For many years he worked at his trade as miller in the local flour mill while H Ellsworth was in charge of it. Since then he has been employed at various things, always doing his work satis factorily and sincerely. In all of his dealings he has been known to be honest and fair, never trying to take advantage of any one. He always had a cheery greeting for everyone he met, hardly ever having harsh words with his townsmen. He ha,s resided hero for, the past twelve years, but spent most of his life of slxty-nlno years in the Willamette valley. His remains were Interred in the same cemetery as that of his two children near Eugene. The entire community ex tend their sympathy to the bereaved. Dr. Jouett Bray of Medford spent Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Sellor of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Belcher returned from The Dalles, Oregon where they Wivo been visiting tho past several weeks, to their home in this city. Donald Ross has been very ill with a severe siege of pneumonia for the dants. Hittson, Bray and Hill in Jack sonville accused of participating in riot. Rehearsals are being carried on reg ularly for the presentation of a oper etta entitled "The Windmills of Hoi land." The cast is made up of high school students, under the able direc tion of Miss Davies. Clifford Boswell has been chosen to take one of the leading parts. Miss Elizabeth Ferguson and Mrs Wood were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. Inez Ferguson in the afternoon. Mi-s. Wimer is quite ill, the cause being attributed to the fact that the trip to Ashland to accompany her hus band'a bod7 to the cemetery was very taxing to her strength. R. II. Poxson is now on the road to recovery from an attack of pneumonia W. ' and will probably be at his place of business in a short time A large bunch of gysles took posses sion of the city auto camp ground lust Friday evening. They spent the night there, but were promptly ousted the next morning by J. Cummings, city marshal. All the other droves passing thru were not allowed to stop there any length ot time. Tbo roof on the new telephone of fice was completed this week and the work is progressing fast on the other parts of the building. Mrs. O. R. Pankey who was taken to the hospital about two weeks ago was brought back to her home last week. She is still in about the same condi tion. L. H. Root Is now in full possession ot the garago formerly owned by Bud Adams. Mr. Root exchanged a tract of land on tho foothills for It. He no doubt will carry on the same work as his predecessor. Archibald Parker is planning to work as machine man in the sawmill past two weeks, but is now improving. belonging to Mr. Reichstein, situated His presence has been greatly missed at the local high school that' he at tends. No doubt ho will soon be able to be among his classmates. The members of tho local lodge Re bekahs held an informal social ftinc- ktion at the home of Mrs. Inez Fcrgu- on Evans creek near Wimer. He ex pects to start about the fifteenth of tho month. Mr. Mnndovillo has discontinued his shoo shop lor an indefinite period. His family havo moved to Medford so that it will be more convenient for his Von, Monday evening, to celebrate her daughter Geneva, who' is attending brtilhday. The evening was enjoyed high school there, b- Jplaying cards and other games and Frank Cochran was busjly engaged avter this dainty refreshments were ; roofing one of. his houses, Wednesday Bervod. Tho guests all felt sorry that j now tenanted by Albert Terrlll. the evening had passed so quickly. E. R. Gleason is now the proud Clarence Long and an efficient as- owner of a new Star automobile which Blatant, havo restored the roof of his j he purchased last week. He is also domicile to a sound and good condi-' agent for tho Star car In this com tion by the use of several rolls of tar munity. paper. The roof ot his habitation was Central Point furnished the music put into a bad condition through the ' for the regular Monday night broad- SAY "BAYER" when you buy -Aspirin TTnhM you fee tho nsmo "Caver" on package or on tablets you are not get ting tho genuine Bayer product pre acribed by physicians over twen4y-two vmra and proved safe by million for colds, headache, toothache, earache, neu ralgi, lumbago, rhsumatioD, neuritis, and for pain in gnieral. Accept only "Bavor" package which contains proper directions. Handy boxes of twelve tab let cost few cent. Druggists also sell bott-lm of 24 and 100. Aspirin ia tho , 1 .1- t flan, Tir.iifoMii m l1 Monoacoticaoiderter of EalicyUaicW. I cast from Radio K F A Y, Medford The music was furnished by Mlldrei and Bernlce Burger on violins. Mist Eduma Carrol, BOlolst, and Mrs. Koj Jones on the piano.' The music wat declared by many of the "listeners in' to be as good as any program tha they have heard from this station Miss Leola Hesselgrave has been confined to her home for the pas week on account ot a Blege of If grippe. She is now well recovers and out among her classmates. Mrs. L. E. Hartwig, who recentl moved to this city, has moved back to Medford. She acted as nurse dur ing tho illness of Mr. Wimer. Charles Painter and family of he Willow Springs district were business visitors in this eity Friday afternoon Clark McDowell Journeyed to the Anderson creek country Friday tf visit his brother James. He returned to his homo Sunday afternoon. John Alberts bought tho house be longing to Mrs. Orris of California re cently. He also bad It painted I in proving tho appearance of the nous many times. Mr. Leu Grlgsby is now living in it. Oof' tho Pocket Gopher EAGLE POINT EAGLETS By A. C. Ilowlctt (ills Nichols and -wife made a busi ness trip to Medford on Wednosday of .aat woek, and Mrs. Gus Nichols took dinner at the Suunyslde Thursday, March 1, and so did Charley Manning ot Peyton. Among the other business callers Thursday were Mrs. Ed Condon, Mrs. John Miller and Wort Pool; also the .layes brothers, two of the sawmill men who are oporatlng a sawmill upon Long Branch, and Joe Hasklns, another sawmill man. The mlllmen were trading with Brown brothers. Henry French and his son Lloyd who had been to take their eggs and cream' Medford, came back here to do their trading and put their checks in our Eagle Point bank. They were also taking out a lot of .fertilizer, to use on their alfalfa. What we used to call one-horse squirrel ranchers are, since they havo gone into the dairy and poultry business havo de veloped into genuine four-horse far mers and are developing their squirrel ranches Into valuable farms and have their bank accounts and are indepen dent so far as money is concerned, and it is not ono Individual case but ( can name Beveral in this district who a few years ago had to go out and work for wages who turned their at tention to the poultry and dairy busi ness, and worked and put water on their places who are now independent, and I predict that in the next few years, after our irrigation project Is completed and some ot the old "moss backs" have died off or Bold out and the largo tracts of land that will thou ba under irrigation, and enterprising men und women take hold of the land that the Eagle Point District will be one of the beauty spots of the Pacific coast. But I don't expect to be able at that time to write it up for the read ers of the Mall Tribune, for I am now looking around to find some one who is willing to undertake the task. Fritz Edler, one of our prosperous farmers and stockmen of the Lake creek country was here Thursday for dinner with Jack Holloway. -JUiel Ilildreth ot Butte Falls, who bad been out to Jacksonville on Jury duty, and was excused for a few days came out on tho stage Friday morning and went up home. Mrs. Miles, also of Butto Falls, was also a passenger, a strange lady and two men went up on the stage at the same time. Thero were nine men camo In Fri day for dinner but I failed to'.get the names of any of them; so far as I could see they wore all strangers. F. J. McPherson, one of our popular merchants, reports that Mr. and Mrs. "C. E. Wymore, Mr. and Mrs. OUy Pruitt and Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Frey, tho latter of Lake Creek, were buying goods In his Btoro Friday. Mrs. Laura C. Atkins who Is teach ing In district "42 in tho Lake Creek couutry, came out and spent tho night at the Sunnysido. The following account of the Parent Teachers meeting that was reorgan ized here was handed in by a lady friend: A number ot the mothers of Eagle Point met with the teachers at the school house Wednesday aftornon for the purpose of organizing a Parent Teachers association. Mrs. R. A. Weidman was elected president and Mrs. Allen Dentun secretary-treasurer for the ensuing school year. It 1b hoped every parent will give this asso ciation loyal support. . Last Saturday the teachors In the Eagle Point-Butte Falls zone met for the second time In the Eagle Point scbool house. There were many help ful suggestions given. A delicious lunch was served by the newly organ ized Parent-Teachers association. Those present wore Mrs. Susanna Holmes Carter, tho coimty school superintendent and her assistant Ellz aboth Burr, Frances Greb, Gertrude Wiley, our prluiary teacher, Mrs. Jose phone R. HolmcB, the princlpnl of our school, Mrs. Gertrude Stanley, tho teacher of the Brownsboro school, Olive Hognn, Nlta Johnson. Sylvia Hukill, Miss Furry, Mrs. Laura C. Atkins and Mrs. Ed Monson. The last moetlng of this organization will be hold either at Butte Falls or Eaglo Point In April. The foregoing report was furnished by the popular princi pal ot our school. J. P. Hughes, a retired merchant or Butte Falls, who had been out to Jack sonville on jury duty, and P. B. Sandrn of Elk creek were here Friday night going homo Saturday morning. A. E. Hlldrcth of Butte Falls was a passenger on tho Eagle Polnt-Ilutte Falls stage Saturday morning on his way home. J. L. Robinson, Sr., one of our pros perous farmers, was also a passenger on the stage. He bad gold a horse to a. man and ho paid down ten dollars' and was to pay the balnnce In monthly payments of ten dollars each si taking the horse he skipped out and that was the last be heard of him for some time, so he started out In search ot him and heard ha was up on the Applegato river near tho California lino. So off ho went and finally found him, nhd fortunately the horsa nisi and when the mnn found that Mr. Robinson was going to take tha lioise he promptly paid the balance nnd kept tho horse. E. V. Brlttson who is on tho P. S. Anderson farm with his brother, wan in town Saturday having our black smith do some repair work. Carl Von der Hellen of Wellen and A. J. Anderson, the Standord Oil mon of Medford nnd Mrs. Lee Bradshnw of Brownsboro were' business visitors, hero Saturday. I Among tho diners nt tho Sunnyslde baturday wero Glenn Haley. Gold HIM and wife, A. J. Florey and wife ani their mother-in-law, Mrs. A. J. Ander son) and at night Frank Simpson of Medford came In and spent tho night. On 8unday thero was no one from Medford but quite a number of our regular comers and Roars, among whom wero Oeorgo nnd Harry Lewis who bought the A. J. Jonas farm, and Harry told mo that they bad rented the Allen Dontou alfalfa field, twenty acres, of Mr. Donton, had been cover ing it with fertilizer, had taken his nix milk cows to milk for one year and that they ha,d procured a registered sow of the Rod Duroc brood and with tbelr sheep, cows and hogs exported to come out on top axd so do I, for they are hustlers. Boont for Dnlrjtne LITTLE APPLEGA1E This neighborhood whs . visited early Monday innriiing by a nice lit tle snow storm. turr.liiK a little later into rain. Edna Hall has been absent from school almost a week on account ef sickness. A farewell party 'was given at the homo of Cyrenlus Cnmbi-st lam Kni urduy for Nlchul:iB Mllehel and wife who left this following Tuesday to visit with Mrs. Mllchi-r purentu In California. Tho Mitchols plan to be away perhaps two yours. Clifford Dunniiigton drove In to Medford last Tuewluy to meet lilx wife wtio has been visit Inn in Port land for several days. Clifford had a happy smile on his face in anticipa tion of his bachelor dayB ending onco more. Wm. Heckman hart the n-isfortunn to loso his home and nlmoKt the en tire contents by fire lust Tuesday night. It Is not known how the fire started. : . ' Mrs. E. A. Montgomery of Prlne- vllle, Oregon. Is vlsltlnc with - her dauuhter, Lottie Montgomery. airs. Montgomery plans to slay all spring woHt of tho mountains. Hoping uie cllmato will benefit her health. Mrs. Cora Crump spent the week end visiting nt tho home' of Mrs. L, J Combest. Those neither nbsont nor tardy from tho Unlontown school for the Inst month are: Edua.Hiill, Virginia Cameron, Olivett nnd Frances fllnet. Mary and Lnurenco Sellers, - Wills Fisher, Lloyd Preslar, Donald Allen nnd Louis Buckley. Everybody Co-opcrnti- EVANS VALLEY Mr. and Mrs. T. L. 6rr' and' Frank' Orr aro visiting relutlveu In this lo cality. , ! ', Mr. EStell is carrying the mail tnis week while Mr. Martin U ptt on well framed vacation. : . Tho ieacher and pupils of tho Mayio Creek school, gave nn csrid U'nt entertainment at tho school housd lost Saturday ' night. There was a good sized and appreciative- au dience present. MIhs - llurr. couuty supervisor, showed some stereopllc views after tho program. ', Tho pic tures wero very much iippreclntcd by tho audience, especially ,1110 children. Mr. nnd Mrs. Balpb (ttolnnients nt Springfield, Ore., . speht . Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Carls, return ing to their home at Hprlngfielcl Hurt day Mr. nnd Mrn. Klzer of Eugene, Ore., have rented Mrs. (icortfe Smith's farm near Wimer nnd movoj onto tho placo this Week, i .. lllllle Carter, wife nml Paiiy, who havo been vlsltlnit Mr. Carter's par ents for tho past month, havo re turned to their home at Grants Pnss. T. O. iHomer was tranr.fictlng IjUfI- newt In Granti, Pass Friday. Mr. Carls and Mr. Klzer wero trnftrt acting business In Omnia Pass Wed nesday ot this week. Bwat tho Ulguer v TRAIL ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. C. IJ. Pritehott had as Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fry and llttlo son, Earl, Mr. and Mrs. Holmes, oren Adamson nnd Wesley Itagsdale. Mrs. M.. E. SIldUieDUfliier nun daughter, Enid spent Burtd.'iy.p, m with tho former's daughter and fam ily on Elk creek. Mr. nnd Mrs. M penco Just recently moved to Elk creek from Applegnte.' They wcr accompanied by Mrs. 8. 'deary and daughter, Claro. 11. It. Dawson nnd I. H. nowo were branding their cnttlo Wednesday pre paratory to turning out. Mrs. W. Stewart motorou xa ji en- ford Hnlurday. Hhn wn accompa nied by Mrs. L. M. rhllllps and daughter llernlee. 1 Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hutchison were very pleasant callers nt the Howe homo Sundny. Mrs. Viola Peterson returned to her home at persist after n few days' vtidt at tho Poolo home. N. C. VniiKhn and C. Whitley were Medford visitors Thursday. Mrs. Radio Anplegnlo of Medford Is visiting -her friends at Trail thi. week. Mr. and Mrs. fl. Hutchison motored to Medford Saturday. , Every Time We Sell a Car We Make a Friend The very definite progress which has marked each succeeding year in Velie manufacture is more emphatic in this year's models than ever before not alcne because of our own Ve lie-built motor, giving a degree of power and flexibility heretofore unknown even to Velie cars, but also because of the refinement of craf tmanship in body-building and finishing. There are specially-designed parking lights and drum-type headlights of distinctive design. An interesting removable tonneau light on a reeled cord serves as a portable light when needed. Nickeled trimming adds a note of beauty to even the smallest units. Beautifully-curved, full-crown fenders accen tuate the lines of the body itself, adding greatly to the finish ed effect. The Velie-built motor is as free from vibration at sixty miles an hour as at six, is automatically lubricated, dirt and dust proof, overhead valve gives maximum power. The general sales manager for Oregon is in Medford with a latest model Velie to establish a distributor for Jackson and Josephine counties for these popular cars and is located at 118 South Central ave. Phone 769-J. W. R. DeLAY MOTOR CO. Portlan d, Oregon , A Public Utility ..' A public utility, to .realize its largest fmeeeKS, must have; t lie.'-vonfidene-c of the people it serves, it must recognize that ouly in service lies its greateHt reward that Lu confidence was it bom. Thero is a new typo of public utility abroad in tho land. It can not profit to itself. It cannot be removed from the community it serves, its success lies in service; and it has ouly the common good to. sell. Ruch is the nature of the new typo of public, utility it is the Chamber of Commerce. ' ' Since man must live with his neighbor he must build something more than his own house, lie must help his neighbor to build. The work of the Chamber of Commerce becomes therefore an integral part of every household. Because its energy, is com munity energy, its ideals arc the composit dreams of many,' its hopes represent the highest type of community thought. The Chamber of Commerce public, utility supremo, directs the ideals of the community bocauso its inspiration for service . springs from the hearts of those who love to serve. Chamber of Commerce Days March 20-21-22 H. W. C0N0E& UNDERTAKER SifcceMOf to Wceka-Confcr Co, MoUonl, Ore, j MACHINE WORK j Repairing I Babbitting and Welding i Crater Lake Automotive Co t USED CARS That have not been misusqd IMrJ rlitht Crater Lafce Aotomotlrs C', k