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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1923)
1 ' t. it 1 I 5 1 A BRINGING MltS-iJ M WADTED SITUATIONS WANTED Job driving Fordson, four yeara experience. Call 97U-Y after six p. m. 298 ANTED MISCELLANEOUS ANTED 2000 feot 2 inch pipe. Ilox 303 U II, Mall Tribune. WANTED To buy Royal typewriter, ; late model; will pay good price. Phono 969 after 6 o'clock. 23S WANTED Bring us your eggs and poultry for ttie' highest cash price. 4 poultry Producers Ass'n. 299' WANTED We will sell your dressed hogs and veal for tho highest cash price, charging you only V4 cent per pound. Poultry Producers Asb'd. 290 II y Mlt5b DE PEVSTER.- ENTER.- fl r7Ifrtt TA.W-A HER. WHILST. I FIY SOME P.iASrr OH-.HELUO-1 4 I WANTED Hauling and storage any if kind. Medford Transfer &' Storage. 4 Guy Cox, Mgr. 301 WAKTED Guernsey bull calf. F. Heimroth, R. 1, Medford, Ore. Phone 857-H. 298 WANTED 250 lawn mowers to snap pen. Liberty Repair Shop. tt WANTED vnl must be Eood aual Ity and have liver attached. John son Produce Co. WANTED FurMsned apartment, small furnished house or bungalow, or part of furnished home. Refer ences oxchangod. Phono 14S-Y. WANTED Good 3 and one-quarter inch wagon. Valley Fuel Co. W1NTPII f'nah n.M for neltB. hides. wool and furs. Johnson Produce Co.. 241 N. Fir St. Phone 97. tf WANTED House Tionug and repair ing. Phone 4X8-M or 4S8-X. FOB KENT P.OUSHKEEFING UOOMS FOR RENT Two large housekeeping rooms, 511 per montn. m o. ven tral. 298 FOR- RENT Single housekeeping room, nicely furnished. 232 E. Main St., over Palmer's Music Store. Bath and hot water. 298 FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms. 435 S. Fir St. 301 FOR RENT Housekeeping room. 310 N. Bartlett. 298 FOR RENT Modorn housekeping rooms, steam heat. 249 S. Riverside. Phone 292-H. 302 FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms. 511 S.1 Central. FOB RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Desirablo. sleeping rooms, new paint and paper, bath nnri nhnwnr. Phone 612-H. 222 S. Holly. 299 FOR RENT Furnished room, furnace heat, hot water. CIobo in. Phono . 322. FOR RENT Well furnished sleeping room. Tel. 905M. FOR RENT Room and board, men. TermB reasbaablo. 406 S. Riversido. Phone 645-W. 258 FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, bath; men only. 245 N. Grape. 300 ; .EN't Rooms, 2 per weekT j: only. 445 S. Front, 314 ?'" . . tCEfPFVell lighted front sleep--oom. with hath privileges. 325 ' liverslde, Phone 701-Jj tf FOR RENT HOUSES RENT Modern house. R. Phone 298 jient Five room bungalow; 10 aero garden tract Phone day time. 318 IENT 122 Portland Ave., a six i modern plastered house, now- snored and painted throughout, r 1 fruit trees, a chicken yard and so, age on place. Call 58-R. tt JTon -RENT House at 1239 West O Main, 7 rooms and garago. Not for j sale. C. A. DeVoe. FOR RENT OR SALE 7 room house, East 9th St, easy terms. Inquire : Jackson Co. Bldg. & Loan Assn. tl FORRENT 7Twmbus67lurniBhe3; or would sell on payments like rent tJn-. Ve.otV Rn. NO. 15 N. uuiu iw.i.j Grape St., Phonejey PfTWhtfNT Houses Crown ft White.' PERL FUNERAL BOMB At Your Service Day or Night Information Cordially Olven UP FATHER DE PEVSTER. - ENTER- HER. WHILST. I FIY SOME FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Modern furnished apart ments, reasonable. 532 S. Ivy St. 300 FOR RENT At once, furnished apart- riient in Mail Tribune building, hot and cold water, Bteam heat, other conveniences. No children. Call at office. tf FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Furnished cabin for 201 men. 445 S. Front. FOR RENT Ranch near Eagle Point. F. P. Farrcll, Jackson County llauu Dldg. 298 FOR RENT 83 acres or land under water, 2 miles of Meurord, goou house. Address Bert Anderson, room 302 Liberty building. tf FOR RENT Garane at 1103 W. Tenth St. Phone 82. v LOST LOST Brown leather purse contain ing Jj.UO bill, two silver uonars auu i-hnniro Onll at Selbv Cigar Store. Rwnr,l. 298 FOUND FOUND Man's black glove. Owner can have same by calling at this office and Davlne for ad. 297tf FOUND Pair of spectacles. Owner can have same by calling at this office and paying for ad. mnvn rt, l,o atvoat two kevs mu ...... rWnai- trnt alUA fit tills offiCB by nnvlni? fnr notice, tt MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN Loans city and business properties. Building loans, W-. G. Wright. 701 W. Eleventh St., city. Phone 445-Y. 304 FARM " LOANS Medford National Farm Loan Association. F. P. Far rell, secretary, Jackson County Bank Bldg. j MONEY TO LOAN on unproved ranch security, ouvu or iwno, w i, vc Interest. O. C. Boggs, Attorney for State Land Board, Jackson County. Choice of 3 Good Cars $150 Each We have cut the price to the quick to move these cars early in the season. A real opportunity to save. Terms to responsible parties BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. Used Cars 1918 Ford Touring $15000 Fine Rubber. 1922 Dodge.Roadster $650.00 Lois of extras. Buick Six Chassis $325.00 Overhauled complete Medford Auto Co. Buick Dealers Cor. Main and Holly MT5PF0HD MATT. TRTR1TNE. MEDFORD, OmXiOK, SATTTKDAV. MARCH 10. 192.1 i : i v.,, Q - v.,L, 1 HI f , , If i motonawrt 1 1 i 1 . ( 1SS13 dv Int'L Feature Servicb, Inc. Ksl.-' 'Y 3 Q POP. SALE POCLTRY AND KGtwl FOR SALE Al'TO.v.OBlLES P I OR EXCHANGE "FOH SAU-:-LIVKSTOCK I BUSINESS DIRECTORY FOR SALE Turkey eggs. Joe Met- teruick, R. F. D. 3, Phone iil-J 303 FOR SALE R. I. Red hatching eggs 7c and up each. Phone 909-R. 3 is FOR SALE 28 White Leghorn hens. Spring St., near Orator Lake Ave.. C. F. Monnlch. 298 FOR SALE Hanson- rancred bite Leghorn hatching eggs, farm range, vitality unsurpassed, large eggs. Manlehuist Poultry Farm, Jackaon villo. Phone 351, evenings. 298 FOR SALE Eggs, from high quality dark Barred Rocks, the kind that lav. weieh and nay. $1.50 a sotting. Mrs. Chas. Lammoy, Central Point. Route 2. 302 FOR SALE Pure bred Buff Orping ton cockerels, Illinois strain. Mrs. Frank Besv.Mck. R. F. D.. Box 176. Ashland. Ore. 29S FOR SALE Light Brahma eggs and birds. Mrs. C. Carey, Talent, ore Phono 341-J-l. ' FOR SALE Oregon Agricultural Col lege Barred Rock hatching eggs, i per 15; ?5 per 100. mono zjxj, W. M. Tetherow. Central Point, Ore. 298 inn rai.F Bnbv chicks and hatch ing eggs from 2 year old Hogunized hens. S. C. Rhode Island Reds, win ners and layers; won 5 firsts Ash land Rhow. and 3 snecial ribbons from Rhode Island Red club of America. S. C. Wlilto Leghorn pure Tancred strain. Rod Wing Poultry Yard, phone 865-Y, Medford, ore. 309 FOR SALE 'Hatching eggs.. Dark Barred Rock, $3.00 for f'.ftecn. J. W. Cook, K. 3, Bos 4S. Phono 969-R. 311 FO!t SALF; Hr.lchlug eggs $6.00 hun dred, from Single comb White Leg horns. All breeders selectod by use of the trapnest. No pullets or low producers used. Dr. C. A. Winans, Phone 344-M. ' 200 FOR SALE I hatching, O. 201-J. iarrefl A. C. Rock eggs for strain. Phone 298 E a o FOR SALE One of the best small ranches In the valley, mile south city limits, 6 acres fine alfalfa cut last year 3n tons should cut 4 0 tonB this year; J acres 25 year old fruit trees, straw berries and garden land. Ranch con sists of 10 acres best land in valley. A 6 room houso, modorn, sleeping porch bathroom, closets, woodshed, garage and barn. All in splendid or der.' Good well and pumping plant. All under Irrigation.' Priced at what tho improvements aro-worth; good terms. 'Would lake house in Medford or Ashland as first payment. IV E. WYXKOOP " Bul'galns In Houses. h m U 0 - nirm 1 Sdl"ll Wol Main FOR SALE SO ACRES WITH WATER, RIGHT PAID IN FULL. Some fruit. Owner leaving for California. A bargain; torms. , 50 acres V4 mile from paved highway; good buildings; Tree soil; some fruit; lond in same locality selling for $350 per aero. l ls; attractive terms and lake Medford home as part paymont. Prlco U,uuu. 38 acres Bear Creek, free soil. Non-resident owner will give terms at (5300; a bargain. . . , ' ' ' Will i.rade 20 acres alfalfa; good bungalow; large barn, foi city property. Good ranch in Iowa to trade for valley ranch. C. S, ISUTTERFIELD . OWNER HAYS HELL PART Garden Land and Pears 18 Acres 8-'00 ' ' Talent District, Just off Highway. 6 acres Bosc and Bartlett Pears, 9 yearB old. 8 acres finost Bear Creek Bottom, loam soil. '3 acres beautiful building spot, nice oak shade. or Will Sell 20 Acre Orchard, (I000 14 acres in 9 year old pears, 3 acrcB Newtown Apples. 3 acres Alfalfa. Talent DlBti let. One of the beBt locations for a pear orchard in the Rogue River Valley. Llea perfect for Irrigation; 700 feet front age on paved highway; city water. Here 13 a chance to got something that can bo developed into the very beBt. See 3. C. T1AHNES " Phono 784 -L New Location, -III Center RuDdlng TRI CK (iAItDEN DAIRY BOTTOM LAND !15 ACRES AT CITY LIMITS Wo offer, what we believe to be, the only large tract of BEAR CREEK BOTTOM LAND real close to Medford THAT CAN BE BOUGHT AT ANY SUCH PRICE A3 WE OFFER THIS. Only one mllo from Med ford, stone's throw off Paved Highway, good graveled County rood, fine shaded pasture, abundance of water and excellent building site. WK WILL TAKE PROPERTY AS PART PAYMENT. SEE IS TODAY. FOim-SITK REALTY AGENCY Rooms 4011-110 Medford Center Illdg. Real Estate Business Opportunities Exchange! FOR SALE One ton Maxwell truck, 1918 model. Good mechanical con dition. Was taken on debt; will sell cheap. Box II II, caro of Mall Tribune. 3l)3 FOR SALE Dodgo roadster, 1920 model, 1923 Ucoiibo, cord tiros, other extras, good mechanical couditiou. For quick salo $350. Cun bo seen 136 N. Oakrfalo. 29S FOR SALE A 2-ton Atterbury truck in Al condition, ready to go. Will Boll at very low figuro. Can bo Boen I at Colonial Garage. 29S Cadillac delivery car in good me- chanlcal condition, just been over hauled. Victor Danlelson, 113 N. Central. 299 FOR SALhi Vnusual bargain in 1-ton Ford truck, motor overhauled, in splendid condition. Call 202 or seo it, 123 S. Front St. 2S8tf FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR"sALE 150 - acres mountain ranch, four miles off Crater Lake highway. 16 acres in cultivation, good water right, house, barn and outbuildings, mile to school. Plenty of outrnuge. If interested communicate with I W, caro Mail Tribune. ' 298 FOR SALE OR RENT 360 acre ranch 100 acres in cultivation, good water right. See W. E. Barber, Nash Bar ber Shop. . or Herman . Messlnger, Provolt, Ore. . 29S FOR SALE Cheap,, 5 room hoime mid 15 acres on Spring St., in cultivation I J. N. McCano. R, 3, Box 39. .311 V OR SALE, RENT OH TRADE Alt- , .r,; also city Property. Gold Ray Realty Co . No. 15 N. Grape St., Phono -. - J BARGAINS f A 11 l ' ' ! iHnr HIP KfHlPllPri I Vl HMIIVIIVI I . : Hawthorne Cream separator....? Old Trusty Incubator and Brooder, $25.00 Pruning Hooks, long handle.... 1.50 Cross Cut Sawn......: S50 Buck Saw, Rood as now..... 81.05 Dlston Hand Saw, 4iko new $2.50 Use,! Axes from $1.00 to $1.25 Crowbur, IonK handle $2.00 Used Picks from '. 50c to $1.00 Stump Powder Augur, 2 in $1.00 Victor Traps. 23c, 5c, 50c Pulr No. 8 High Top Shoes $1.00 NEW GARDEN TOOLS New Garden Hoes, each 05c New Garden Wecdor....,; $1.33 New Sniiaro Point Shovel ...$1.75 Now Guidon Hose, per foot 1MC The Bedford Exchaiige ,Iione FOR EXCHANGE Ford truck for dairy cows. Phono 7S8-R-1. 299 BUSINESS OPPOKXUNITIKS GOOD BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES at No. 15 N. Grape St., Phone 4C5-.I. tf FOK TOR SALE New modern huuae, $500 down, balance monthly' payments. 408 Edward. , 299 F0R gAjE Seven room modorn bun galow, furnished or unfurnished, 3 bedrooms, hardwood floors, laundry room, large enclosed back porch, fruit room, garago, largo shade treoBi host residential section, on paved street. Terms. Phone 343-M. 302 FOR SALE Account leaving town must Bell 8 room, bungalow, fire place, hardwood floors, sleopiug lorch, garago, east front. 59 N. Orange. Phone 447-R. Terms, tf FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Homo I in Ashland, three acres of fine fruit and berries. Brown & White. 298 FOR SALS! Homo on Geneva Ave. See H. H. McCurdy, Phono 123 tt FOR SALE Modorn tour' room, house and good lot; assessments all paid; enKy pavments; room No. 4, College Bldg., 31 N. Grape St 281tf FOR SALE Houses and bungalows. furnished or unfurnished; also acreago. Insurance. C. S. Bul- terflold.' Modford National Ban Phono 389. - ' FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE-Reglstered largo type Rh(),0 lHlnnd Leghorn chicks and eggs. Eniest Webb, Coutrui Point. 299 FOR SALE Heavy team, wagon and harness. Phono 311-11. JOJ If FOR SALE Shouts. Am booking orders now lor weaned pigs. Also fom.tcen tr p. stover engine, pump I mid nl nl n i comnlete for Irrigating. Leonard Oorthuys, Talont. 293 FOR SALE Fres:i in;;;, Fox, goats. Phone Lake Creek, 298 12-F-32. H. II. Oregon. FOR SALE Three or 4 good teams. Call lll-J-2 30L FOR SALE Good work horse. Bound und true. Also Volio hack and double harness. Phono 28-R-l. 298 FOR BADE High bred Jersey cow. two vears old. .1. W. FlBh, one mllo south Phounlx. 300 FOR SALE Registered Hereford ' bulls priced rensnnable. James Campbell, Route 4. Box 35. 306 FOR SALE Grade, pure bred and registered Duroc Jersoy bowb, to furrow In March ana April; aiso one prize winning registered Duroc boar Cull Bort Anderson, Medford, or MlraviBla Orchard. tf FOR SALE 95 head ol ewes with 80 lambs. K. L. Beeson, Tulont, Phone 372 J-4, Ashland. 29i FOR- SALE Milk cows, calves and freshening hnlfors; also baled grain bay. Fred Puhl Ranch, Inquire Hubbard Bros. 305 FOR SALE Work team, well mntch ed and time. Phono 23xx2, Central Point. 298 FOR SALE Cows ust freBh, select, fedoral tested. M. Walsh, ono mile NE of Modford on Crater Lake road. 307 FOR SALE Work horses, small and large, Blnglo und double. Phono 59I-R1. 325 JUST RECEIVED Another shipment of those celebrated $12.50 Cords Crank Capes and Trans missions drained free JONES & KIRKPATRICK Next to Nat A Real Service , Station By George LOO'S. - THE KM' OO'oT TAKE A.'i.LAKr A.T THE. WAY tT't. II50HEO! jFOll SALE Work ten in weight 2200, ; prlco roasonalile. .ls') heavy liar- noss in fine condition. Phono SI6-X. i , 301 FOR BALK MISCKLLANKOl'S FOR SALE Fiirulture: tablos, stoves, boils, etc. onco at 401 S. Nowtowu St. FOR SALE Soft shell almonds 21 cents per pound. Phone 539-R-l. 300 FOR SALE Senit-Dolsel engine typo I Y, 25 h. p., line condition, run only 90 days, good us now. Address G. II., News Review, Roseburg, Ore. 29S' i FOR SALE Corn, on King's lllghwnv Phono 25-J-l. 30i FOR SALE Dry lime sulphur, Bardo, nrsounto of load in small packages for the homo owner uud gardener. Monarch Seod Co. ttc FOR SALE Baled hay. Inquire of F. J. Newman, Medford, Oregon. 299 FOR SALE Large dlalngroom tublo and ice box, new; sjme other pieces. 220 Bliss, just off Nnrregan St. to right. ' 298 FOR SALE ljird barrels . Dough troughs, can bo used for watering stock i - Flour sacks. , . : 'Pullman Baking Co. FOR SALE Early Suniiao seed pota toes. Phono 1S9-W, C. M. Parker. 299 FOR SALE Quick Lunch seed pota toes, mountain grown, specially solnctod, best quick growing early potatoes. Distributed by tho Farm Bureau Co-Opcrutive F.xchango, Modford. A. D. Moore. Persist Oro gon. . . .' ' 299 "FOR BAMSwry wooo uur. ! N. Ivy. 29D FOR SALE 1 disc prow, 1 John Deoro binder, Van Brunt seeder, Big Six mower, double A harrow, spring tooth harrow, 3-sectlon splkotooth harrow, sulky plow, hay fork and carriage. Cull 665-J-2. FOR SALE Baled hay.' Phono 317. 318 FOR SALE Strawberry atld rasp 304 berry plants. Phone 280. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorneys O. C. BOGGS Lawyer. Specializes in Real Estate and Probate Law 30 North Central Ave. A. E. REAMER Lawyor, office In Llborty Building. . Chiropractic Physician DR. HARV151 P. COLEMAN Chlro nrnctlo und Electro-Therapy. 427- 28 Modford Bldg. Phone 965. tf DR. A. R. HEDGES Nno-Eclcctlo Phvslclan. DR. LOUIS1S is. HEDG'iS Naturopath Chiro practor. Mochano-Therapy, Spon dvlothcfapy, Food Sciences, Chlro practice. Office: Stewart Bldg., 235 E. Main St. Phones: Office, 170; Res. 170-J-2. DR. 15. W. HOFFMAN Chiroprac tic Physician. Office hours 9 to 12, 2 to 5. Suite 203-04-05-06, Lib erty Bldg. Office Phone 680, Res 1027. ChlropodJ CHIROPODY At office or Dr. Hal stead, Electro and Mochnno Therapy nnd tho Burdlck Deep Therapy Light treatment for ncuto nnd chronic diseases. Phipps block, 223 E. Main, Phono K63-J. ' 1920 Oakland Completely Overhauled Good Tires $350- I I I Soe this before buying. Terms if desired C. E. Gates Auto Co. P'ACITT SftVENT McManus cCST THE. I Abstractors Ml'FU'AY - BROS. & GREENE Abstioctn of Title. Rooms 3 and f No. 82 North Btalm. Central Ave., Uf Jnrkxon County . ABSTRACT OO. Tho only complete Ti tle System In Jackson County, - llwlrarts of Title and Title Insurance. ' " WATSON & KELLOGG Rellnbl' Jackson counly abstractors of i r ,d , 0rt,K, Building Materials MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK 4 BLOCK WORKS Spcclnllie in al) liluds of cement building products. Cor. Fir and Tenth Streets. Pei'.ttsts DR. O. J. JOHNSON Dentist, 228 E. Main St., over M M.- Dept 8tore, Medford. Oregon. Phone 669, Res. 1002-Y. Office hours 9 a. m. 6 p. m. Evenings and Sunday by appointment. ' Expert Accountant WILSON r.tiDlTING CO. E. M. -V11 son, C. P. A. Attention, given to anything In accounting and In come Tax requirements Look, Into our simplified accounting method. Liberty Bldg.. Medford Phone 157-R Money to Lo , R. ANDREWS Buys and sell mortgages and loans money u good security, 31 N . Grape Si Phono 53-M. -' - - ,84- Mjinnments THE OREGON GRANITE CO. Monuments. E. A. Hicks, general manager. P. M. Kershaw, sale manager, .103 E. Sixth St.. Med ford. , ' tt Osteopaths ' DR. F G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAIN! CARI.OW Osteopathic Physician! 410-413 Llborty Bldg. Phon 904-J-3. Residence 26 Botttu Laurel St . DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia Physician. Special attention given to eye, ear, noso and throat. 800 Liberty Building. Phone 496. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. WM W. P. HOLT Physician and Surgeon. Offices Medford Bldg. Phone 165. Residence 118 Gcneseo St. Phone 165-J-2. DR. A. BURSELL Physician and Surgeon, 312 to 314 Medford Bldg. Entrance 36 N. Contral. Special attention to spine. Phone 29. i" Piano Instruction STUDIO OF MUSIC Mrs. John .0. Cupp, 913 N. Contral; private classes in piano, harmony, counterpoint, composition and history of music. Phono 1018-M. tf FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher Ot Pluno and Harmony. Composing, Arranging. Studio 318 Liberty rtldf Phono 72 - ' 1 1 . . JAMES R. FISH Teacher of Piano. 31 N. Grape. College Bldg, Printers and Publisher MEDFORD PRINTINO CO., has the best oquippod printing office in Southern Oregon. Book binding, Ioobo leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices, 27 N. FIT 8t. Rug Weaving MEDFORD FLUFF RUG r WORKS makes fluff rugs from : old .and Worn carpets and rugs ?hon 610-M 76 Pino St. Transfer EAD8 TRANSFER & STORAGE- CO . Office 42 North Front St. Phon 815, PrlceB right. Service guar anteed. 1 DAVIS TRANSFER AND 8TORAGB CO. Anything movod, day or night. Service guaranteed. S9 S. Grape.- Phone; 'Office 044, or resi dence 1060 or 200. tf ' i t'pholsterlng ' J. WEIS Upholstery, Manufacturer 1 of overstuffed furniture. Full line of materials. ' Draperies made to . order. Wn do all kinds Of UPOOl- terlng. We deliver and will call and show samplrta ' Phon,1 10S iKaurarsCC p Irweshrvarvta M. P, BC1IM1TI -V ; i rinv. nth anil OaKflalB