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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1924)
P •«* THJ ggBMXSTOM HERALD, HBRMXgTOy, PREGO», •rrwttrtm keräin SeiämiTÄÄ CM «very Thursday at Throe months before the Pilgrim Fa Umatilla County, Oragoa by thers left Deftshaven James V I sp- Crowder, Editor aad Maa- prpvsd the contract for the first mu : la the Matter of the Appllcat’on ot Henry J. Been and others to In clude certain Land In the West Ouflau? Q m m * i Could Be AB Fenunino at Time» W hen you have a Bell* Starr, outlaw queen v t the old I-end Irrigation District. Notice la hereby glv?n that on the days in Texas and Oklahoma, wore her first day of August, 1*24, the pet - hair short and was particularly sweet nicipal golf links at 8L Andrews, Scot to women, says the Detroit Newt. She land. Golf may have started in Hol tlong of H. J. Bean, P. Sheridan, E. lived for years on the proceeds of loot Altered ea second d u e metter, land, where a game called “kolf." a Snyder, Carl H. Shaw, Gertrude E. and lined up a gang of the meanest- December 1*0* at the poetofflce at crons between golf, hockey and bowl Shaw and Florence E. Attebury, W. looklng, hardest cursing, wildest riding Hermiston, Oregon. ing, was played on the Ice, within cov- I H. Quick, Mabel M. Richards, Aug and shooting hard-boiled customers In cred courts and even In churchyards. ust A. Paulsen, F. R. Dorn, Thoma i her particular parts of the cow coun I f the Scotch did Import the sport they Richard, Tillamook A lfalfa Lan 1 try. - changed It greatly. “Links" for exam For One Year __ _______ She used to call at women’s houses Co., George L. Wurster, and Lee ple Is the Scotch term referring to For Six Months ............... ..»l.uu rolling close-cropped shore fields which ■ I Savely, holders of title or evidence on her way home from leading her Payable In Advance. have become the model for all golf g v f title to land adjacent to the bound- band on a robbery, and ahe would talk feminine things with them, sing re courses. "Bunkers” are really cut ■ . arles of the W-«at Land Irrlgat'on Claanfied er Local Advertising ligious songs and tell stories to the banks such as are found along a 5 District, or within the boundaries of children. I t cents per line for first Insertion. gruded country road. Such banks with ■ «aid district but excluded therefrom, Several stories are told of the way Minimum charge 25 cent«. Subae- sand pits are natural to the Scotch | ln the order creating sa d pistrict, Belle Starr met her death. The gen shore. St. Andrew's cut bsnks are now quent Insertions 5 cents per line. ■ were filed with the Directors of said erally accepted one la that she was artificially created on golf links wher- - ■ ¡D istrict; praying that the lands of I assassinated by a man named Edgar ever golf Is played. For many years ' the original Scotch course consisted of . ■ ¡r a id petitioner» be Deluded In the 1 A. Watson, who had gone to Okla 11 holes, a match being two rounds, or g West Land Irrigation District. The homa In the '80s and started farming near her place. It la field they became 22 holes, but in 1704 It was decided to ■ namer of petitioners and description eliminate two boles, so today' the ■ of lands mentioned n said petitions enemies In a dispute over land rectal. Anyway, February 8, 1888, ao the ver standard course Is In multiples of nine. g arc ag follows: sion has It, a double-barreled shotgun Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie H a ll are the —-National Geographic Society. ■ Henry J. B e a n :-T h a t part of did the work. parents of an eight and a h alf pound ■ Sec. 13, Tp 3, N. R. 28 E. W, M. baby g rl born Monday, August 11 Early Navigator» Darad B g described as follows: Commencing Long Pedigree» Mother and baby are doing nicely. Peril» of Every Sort J ■ on the Northerly line of the rig ht- Royalty, as In the Hatfield chart, ■ bf-way of the Western Irrigation which traces Queen Elizabeth's de It Is a little more than 400 years ago ■ g j Company’s ditch where the same In- scent from Adam, Is not alone In Rev. Buchanan, Church of Christ since man made his first-known trip • minister, has been holding meet around the globe. The first voyage ■ g tersects the West line of the public claiming long pedigrees. On the tomb I ■ I road, on the East of Sec. 13, Tp. 3 i of a former town clerk of Burton-on- ings at the Columbia school house took three years, and they were years m of great privation and discomfort. The B N- R- 28 E. W. M., thence running, Trent that worthy Is described as for the past two weeks. early successful navigator was J. 8. ■ Westerly along the Northerly 1 ne | thirty-seventh In descent from Alfred del Cano, a Spaniard. He returned to the G reat Again, a distinguished ■ of said right-of-way about 1 mile i French family, the Magons (an Ad port on September 8, 1522. The expe ■ Mr. and Mrs. Bundy and Mrs. King j to where the same Intersects the dition numbered five vessels, and of '■ miral Magon was killed at Trafalgar) Bundy, formerly Miss H attie Gra the 280 pioneers who set sail only 81 l i g West line of said Sec. 13: thence shows a pedigree deriving from Mago, ham, have been v ’sitlng the latter's returned—ragged and broken. One of ■ North on the said West line of said . the brother of Hannibal. parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Graham. the objects of the adventure was to ■ Sec. 13. 150 rods; thence Easterly J An Italian nobleman, the Marchese test the theory that the earth was I In a direct line to a point on ahe Porro, traces his line back to Porus, round, and the ships took a westward I center or half sect on line af said' the Indian monarch who fought Mrs. Herbert H all returned Mon course to discover a passage to the In against Alexander the Great, while I Sec. 13, 30 rod3 North of the North- ! day from W alla W alla where she hag dies. Ferdlnnndo Magellan, a Portu !■ the Samson family who own estates ¡ e r l y line of said ditch right-of-way been visiting her sister-in-law and guese, after whom the straits are near Lyons claim that their descent thence easterly on a direct line to a Is from ths strong man of the Bible, named, was a leading spirit In the ex new niece. pedition. When the task was almost point on the West line of said road * “ d In support of the claim bear on accomplished he and 40 others were 30 rods North of the Northerly line Uielr coat-of-arms the broken column Phone 331 • Mrs. Charles Belrhec left Saturday killed by natives In the Philippine Is I of said ditch r ght-of-way; thence of “ Manchester Guardian. for Moro where she w ill make a lands. Only one ship, the Vittoria, ■ “ The Yard of Best Quality ” South 30 rods to the' place of begin under del Cano, completed the journey. short visit w ith one of her daugh ning, containing 120 acres more or Real "Robinaon Cruaoe’* H. M. STRAW. MGR. y ters, from where she contemplate) less. Also all that part of the NW Alexander Selkirk was an adven Modeet Maiden going to Cal'fornla to remain in i *4 of the N W U of said Sec. 13 turer, born In Largo, Scotland, In Exclusive Representatives of National Builders Bureau “John, I want to say, something to definitely with her children. Mrs which is north of and under the 1878. He was a skillful seaman and Belchee recently sold her place to a you!” ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ B l g g | g | I B g | g | | g g | g Ì lateral ditch now constructed there- made several voyages to the South "Say on, my dear,” replied John, ss sea. In one of which, having quarreled party from Moro, Oregon. 1 - — . , ° 11, c°ntaining 30 acres more or less. with his commander, he was put he looked fondly at the golden head ■■1 P. Sher'dan:— A ll that part of the ashore on the Island of Junn Fernan that was pillowed on his manly bosom. “This Is the year when proposing Is West % of the NE>4 of Sec. 33, dez with a few supplies. Here he lived Bessie Hammor, Georglanna anc rp. 4, N. R, 28, E. W. M. lying alone for four yearR and four months, Eleanor Briggs, James H all, Hornet done by the women.” “Yes." when he was rescued by Cnpt. Woods South of the U m atilla River. Stokes and Claude Haddox enjoyed "I hope you don’t expect me to pro Rogers. He returned to England In E. Snyder:— That part of the W a chicken try below the Addleman pose to you?” ’4 of the NW % (lots 1 and 2) of 1711, and Is said to have given bis pa place last Friday night. “Well, Mary, I have never given the pers to Defoe, who, from them, wrote FOR SALE AT MY PLACE Sec. 18, Tp. 3 N. R. 29, E. W. M„ matter a thought. To tell the truth, the story of ‘‘Robinson Crusoe.” Sel- One-half mi. out in East City Limits I lying north of the Western Land & kird died on the ship Weymouth In I've only know you for—that is to Claude Haddox entertained aboui say—” ’ Irrigation Co. canal as the same is 1723. ! constructed acres« snid premises. 30 young people n week ago Suturdaj “I am glad you don't expect me to at a hay rack party to the Cold propose. I'm not that kind, I hope. Carl H. Shaw:— Two acres In the Famoua the W orld Over Choice of Three Well-Matched Young Teams. No, John, I couldn’t be so Immodest. I Springs Landing. , Northwest corner and the South 14 Epsom, England, Is In the county of am going to let you do the proposing Twin Registered Jersey Calves, d topped in April, 1924. St. j acres of that part -of the N E ’4 of Surrey, IS miles southwest of London. yourself In the old-fashioned way. The Maweg breeding with gold medal sires on both dams and sires | the RW>4 of Sec. 31. Tp. 4, N. R. Epsom was formerly celebrated for a old-fashioned way is good enough for M r. and Mrs. F. P. Phipps ant side. 28. E. W. M., descr bed In deed re mineral spring, from the water of daughter returned Friday. They me." corded In Book 100 'age 554, Deed which the well-known Epsom salts The girl gave her lover a beaming Mitchell Iron Wheel Truck with good hay rack. spent their vacation In Portland and I smile, and the youth rejoiced that he I Records of Um atilla County, Oregon. were manufactured. A number of the M t. Ranier. Orchard Disc, Oliver 14 in. Walking plow, five foot Fresno had found such a treasure of modesty. Gertrude E Shaw ;.nd Florence E. sons of medical men are educated at the Royal Medical college, and adjoin three foot Fresno, one horse Cultivator, Potato Digger, Ank:r- Attebury:— The N t j of the SE<4 ing the school Is a home for aged Holth No. 3 Separator and number of milk cans, leather Cow Harold Belchee returned to his °ec. 33, Tp. 4 North Range 28, E. physicians or their widows. The prin Poieonoue Flower Bulba W. M. home In Sacramento, Call., Satur Halters, new, Irons for Pole Stacker, pair extra heavy Cheves, Daffodil bulbs, which superficially cipal attraction is the grand race meet resemble onions, have sometimes been day, after spend'ng six weeks w ill W. H. Quick:— The North 25 ing held on the downs, which Is at Sewing Machine, Go-Cart and number of small items. eaten for them by mistake and have his grandmother and grandfather acres of the following described tract tended by hundreds of thousands of caused serious poisoning. A case was Mr. and Mrs. C. Belchee. of land: Beginning at a point 495 persons. reported not long ago In Edinburgh, feet North of the Southwest corner where a cook took a daffodil bulb for of Section 16. Tp. 4 N. R. 28 E. V . OWNER an onion and used It to flavor a stew M r. Jesrie Tabor is visiting hl> M„ thence South 60 degrees 30 min subsequently eaten by five persons. brother Jauie;f Tabor. Phone 28-J utes East 1005 feet; thence Ea3t All were made acutely sick before the SHOE REPAIRING A SPECIALTY end of the meal. All recovered In a 477 feet; thence north 2244 feet; — AT— thence West 1327 feet; thence South Two slstsrs, n niece and nephew few hours and apparently suffered no 1749 feet to the point of betrifin'ng. have been vlslt'ng Mrs. Addleman after effects of the dose. The poison ing Is supposed to be due to a prin except the North 20 acres thereof. for the past ten days. ciple known as "narcteelne," found lu Mab10 M. Richards:— The W^4 r f I the bulbs of daffodils and Jonquils. the NE*4 of Sec. 32 Tp. 4, N R , The ladles of the Neighborhood Persona keeping daffodil bulbs la the 28, E. W. M. house should take care that they are elub accompanied by their huabandi □ot confused with onions. August A Paulsen:— The N W ’4 1 gave Mrs. Frank Beddow a delight* of the 8 W U of Sec. 33 Tp. 4, N. R ful surprise last Wsncsday. Every 28, E. W. M. Beginninge of Mu ate one brought their lunch which wa F. R. Dorn:— The E ’/. of the N E The beginnings of music-making, as spread on the lawn. Everyone be It Is practiced by uncivilised people, % and 8 W U of the NE>4 of Sec. Ing 'n high spirits, resulted In one offer curious reading. Among savage 14, Tp. 3, N. R. 28, E. W . M. rousing good time. tribes. It la said, the earliest acquired Thomas Richards:— Tho E ’A of musical phrase le derived quite die- ! i ~ I against the Tartars from the north, the N E (4 of Sec. 32 Tp. 4, N. R WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF tlnctly from a simple howl, the notes fjOoa M otto to r L ite } standardized money, transportation, 28, E. W. M., being 78 acres lr-!-- George Davis was a week end vis gliding down or up a scale by seinl “Bring Out the B e e f ARMY SHOES AND ARMY B X . IS . writing Rnd other things which aided aplo, and the NW>4 of tho NW *4 Itor of George Beddow. tones. And savages repeat over and DM you aver stop to think what centralization, and destroyed as much end the N % of the S W ’,1 of C o over again one phrase, their satisfac of the snelent classics and traditions tion In having mastered which Is child kind of a woman your wife would ns possible, with the Idea that the N W (4 of Sec. 33 Tp. 4 N. R. 28 E. j have been If you had not asked her to Catherine and Emmet Rogers an like, As the people rise la the scale history of the Chinese empire should W. M., 60 acres, 57 acres irr!~ablc. expected home Sunday from Union of Intelligence, their favorite musical marry you? Or did you ever liunglne begin with his reign. Tillamook Alfalfa Laud Cbrepiny: what type of ntsn your husband where they have «pent the summei phrases grow larger and become more — The SE*4 and the Etfc of the SW would have been If you bad not an- elaborate until a systematised making vacation with relatives. W of Sec. 32, Tp. 4 N. R. 28. E j swered "Yes” ? Guiana Blow Gan of music can l>e clearly discerned. Have you ever crushed any ambi W. M., containing 240 acre» mo e ! Perltnps the most elaborate form of tion, chased away any talents or driven blowgnn Is that made by the Indians or ,e8S' ®*c«Pt H e r ght-of-way for Famoua London Houae 'to. Insplratlou from your household? of the Gulanns. It consists of an Inner main canalof the Western Land Carlton house was a famous man What have you done to Increase or de tube fashioned from a certain palm * Irrigation Co., ns now construct- sion In Iatndon, which formerly stood relop your life partner's talents? whlch grows very thin and straight. I ed along the South boundary of said In Waterloo place, near Pall Mall. It Whether you are aware of It or not, The pithy center and the knots sre land and across the Southwest cor- was erected In 1708 by Lord Carlton, you have either brought «out the best knneked out with a hardwood .tick, ner of gaid Tesrherg who w ill teach In th< of the g w Irrigon public schools during the and was afterward the residence suc side of this partner's life or burled all and the bore, about one-half Inch In Scc 32 coming year have been procuied bj cessively of Frederick, prince of Wale« that was good In him or her, diameter, la ground to a machine fin- ' _ „ r (father of George I I I ) and of George A good many of us possess two Ish with a rough leaf which cuts like ’ Geor* e W "rater:— The N W « of the board. They are as follows: A IV when prince of Wales. The build sides. There are more Doctor Jekylls sandpaper. Thia barrel la then In-j , *'e «"d the N E i4 of thqNW W . Wheeler, Corvallis, principal; ing was removed In 1828. Carlton dub, nud Mr. Hydes In the world thnn we ° f Sec. 8. Tp. 3 N, R. 28, E. W. Eriytho Lee Tucker, Um atilla, seventh the famous Conservative chib, was realize. How frequently your opltdon closed for protection In an onter can- Ing made of two lengths of hardwood M., 5 acres of each 40 being Irr'g - and eighth grades; Fruncng Bradford, founded by the duke of Wellington, In of a than and some one else's do not grooved down the center, glued to- able. Seattle, fourth, fifth and a'xth 1881. It occupies s position near the tally! You will often say: “I esn't gether and bound with ornamental Savely:— The W U of the SE site of Carlton house, whence (he see how Brown tolerates Jones; he's grades; Mrs. C. C. Unrker, Irrigon enne Rnd beadwork, says the Detroit u anfl cw v # o c name. the meanest man In the world I" And News i * Rnd Scc- and aH fiist, second and tlii.d. »«=84 yet Brown has found the better side ' A lip piece of carved wood 1« care- ,h " ‘ p" rt of thp E * of Jones. fully lllte»l. and sights are added— of Sec 6' 'rin g East of the Western AH FAof Survive« On« Have you found the tietter side of Several neighbors of W. H. Grim | To be rich to be famous? Do these your husband or wife? Hare you actual front and rear sights, the latter «*■»<« * Irrigation Company canal open, the lower Jaw and cnnlne teeth ng constructed across ea'd Sec. 6. all gathered together last Sunday to profit a year hence, when other name« done anything to bring that better side of some small Jungle cat—and the in Tp. 3, N. R. 28, E. W . M., 280 seem louder than yours, when you lie to the front? -Chicago Journal. help him celebrate hts birthday. weapon Is then a completed zarahnlnn. aerc„ being Irrigable hidden sway under ground along with a flebl piece of s o « , eight to ten or x„ , lnU,rested the m„ t. ths Idle titles engraven on your colfin? twelve feet in length, st-conllng to the 1 Mrs. Marie Bing and two child But only true love lives after you, fol- China Had Great Ruler ter of avallahla length of the original I n n e r ! '" d *•><» "»«F be ren, Edward and Happy, of Seattle, I low* ,our m* nl"rJ with secret bless intere ted or affected by such tube. in Ch*in Shih Huang lags or defends you and Intercedes ate v siting at the Glasgow home. — .- ¡change in the boundaries of sa d Dls- for you. Now omnia inoriar, If dying, Fifty miles smith of the Chinese I yet live In a tender heart or two; city of I*ektng has been discovered Joke an Arehaalagiete A ra ry fins rain visited »hi« sec nor am loacpnd hnpeleaa, living. If a Ihe walls of an ancient city, which Fossils of prehistoric animal, which flourished over 2,000 years ago. The sainted departed soul still lores and lived during the great Ice age are ,or" of ,he " '" ’ «'and Irrlgaton Dls- tion re» - a t i , and helped to brighten praya for me -Thackeray. walls embrace greater area than the foun.l In certain layers of hlne dsy In tr,ct Hermiston, Oregon, on the thing« up quite a bit. walla of Peking and lie hurled at an Tennesaee. Man. It has been claimed. Second day of September, 1#24, at average depth of four feet. Late In arched on tbe scene thousands o f 10 80 o'clock A. M„ being the next Quite a number of -horse« have Herald Want Adi Brian Yon Results ,h* Second centnry B. c , there nrow years niter these blue clay deposits regular meet ng of the Board after a king In the then comparatively small died n the Irrigon aectlon lately, were made. Recently, however, geolo- , he expiration of the time of pub- t'hlna who compared favorably with gists working near the site of an old , Ki« „ ,, j apparently from some kind of poison. Alezander In conquests and empire Indian earthwork found » m e of thia ’ *" Ing. The state veterinarian was j bulkllng and whose empire lasted al same sort of blue clay. Underneath ' re ,O !'how c>us* ' lf * nF the* called and vaccinated some of the most until the present day. This was (hla clay were human bonaa. The dis- h«ve. why said petition should not Ch'ln Shlh Huang, or fihlh Huang Tl covery was exciting—the geological be granted. hors«« to see what effect It would e j L • r I { First Emperor” ), whoae rule have. Dated thia Sth day of August. o e n o us t h e p r i c e o r a y e a r ’ l ending In 200 B. C„ marks the close of evidence seemed to plate the first Tennesseeans back with lee age foe- 1*34. ■ d w -rip r i m i f VOU Are in 1 r rr .u 1 i the feudal period ami the beginning alia Then some kill joy In the party I , w . . FR Z SuvW I |he empire In Chlneee history. Rblh discovered that the Indians had evl- Mlaa Clara Corrigan and niece was J W ' M ESSNER- 1 Huang Tl subdued the feudal prince«, THE HERMISTON HERALD denMy transported thia day from some s«rrp ,* ’’y »be Board of D rectors via ting frlenda In Irrigon d u rin g ! : built the famed great Chinese wall distance and packed It down. Into flat of VaMNu»* Irrigation District, t>aat week. , god successful!/ ijefended the conufr/ layer» reeembltng geological strata. I <<*-«c) Coal Consumers job in our line give it to the home prin T ake N otice ..»«.M ter. The salesman from W e have taken th e exclu sive agen cy for th e F a m o u s U t a h A b erd een Coal. COLOMBIA NEWS NOTES an out-of- town concern m ay give you an oily line of * bunk ’ but the home printer is O R DERS SOLICITED entitled to your job ! ■ : ■ ■ ■ L et us know your n eed s work. T 1 you do Tar spend here will som e day re- Inland Empire Lumber Company turn to you. Th> dollar ser d you away is ever. rn O ir are sti ac is to be printed we Surplus Stock-Equipment can do i figure Reasonable Terms and Pjices f t us with you* HERM ISTON * T r L. a r .. a y J. W . CAM PBELL H A H N ’S SH O E STO RE Subscribe for The Herald~$2.00 Men’s H alf Soles sewed Olij tpx.xU W ith Heels, $1.60 " WEST END FAR. IRRIGON NEWS ITEMS Have k'arne ! h best butter wrappei-s. size. 9 by 12 inches. f 100 200 300 500 v. < i.av Our »r ? v s f for $ z.0 0 for ^2.6 0 for $3.75 Many a rn bv-i^tr therb tbc ’• < tities, but we are here ("sen - you want onl> a it out the name. These we sell as follow s- ,0, ? r*r 12 30 62 100 for for for for 10 25 50 80 cents cents cents cents DO IT NOW! “The Home of Good Priotìng” We Need the Money