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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1924)
V. •». Œfo Urrmtaíntt îîmtlh VOL. XVIII HERMISTON, UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. AUGUST 14. 1924 GARS COLUDE ON HIGHWAY No. 49 pectlve drainage need?, and the re STATE ASKS COOPERATION lation of this subject to the ability FOB DEFENSE DAY * OREGON WEEKLY * of the farmers to pay the cost. ♦ INDUSTRIAL REVIEW ♦ Refractory lands.— The topogra Governor Pierce W rites Letter to ♦ DEPARTMENT <• phy and soil of the irr'gable area Mayor of Hermiston Asking Him ♦ o ♦ •♦ ♦ « » ♦ I of each project shal be studied, and To Appoint Committee Columbia saw mills sending report made as to any area prticular. Co-operation, production control, 7 . A. CHEZTK RECEIVES INJURIES 260,000 feet lumber to Australia. MOST THOBOUGH INVESTIGATION ly difficult from ,any cause to pre The following is a letter received tariff protection and eoonomy are ,$1200 IN PRIZES WILL BE GIVEN TEO !! ACCIDENT pare for Irrigation, In order that from Governor Pierce and addressed vital to the welfare of agriculture, EVER TO BE GIVENIRRIGATION EXHIBITORS Waterloo— W ork on the 610,000 It may be derided whether it would to the Mayor of Hermiston concern- but they will not be able to restore bridge over Santlam river to begin. be feasible for the government to ing the National defense day to be prosperity until there is a more Car Driven by Charles Harrington, of assist settlers in preparing such land held September 12: equ table relation between the buy- Information Expected to be Available Stock From Pilot Rock, Helix and St. Helens— Sewer bonds for 606*9 W alla W alla, H its Ford Delivery for use. Hon. W. W. Illsley, Mayor, ing value of the farmer’s labor out- For Opening of Congress in Dec. Other Localities in the County sold to complete construct’on work AT August Benaal Place on Excess land holdings— All excess Hermiston, Oregon. put and that of the manufacturers* recently started. Promised For Show Investigations of Five Hew The Highway Irrigable land holdings shall be My dear Mayor: output. It Is thia disparity in dol- Projects to Be Made. listed, with a show'ng in each case I am asked by the Government to lar values that Is forcing the farm- John Day—Public hall. 88x100 ns to whether the provisions of sec cooperate in the matter of a test er8 off their land, and this condition feet, being built. The Hermiston Dairy and Hog About two o’clock Tuesday after tion 3 of the act of August 9, 1912 of our National Defense to be held w ll to a large extent continue un- noon a Ford delivery car driven by A survey of Government reclania- (37 Stat. 265), are being observed. September 12 of this year, the sixth tU there Is the same dollar In pur- Show will be greater till, year than ever before. Vernonia—Automatic telephones t’on projects for the purpose of F. A. Cbezlk, of this city, collided Vacant lands.— All irrigable vac- anniversary of the battle of St. (chasing power generally At a meeting of the beard of dlr- Instated by Oregon-Amercan Lum- classifying the soils, determining the ant lands shall be reported with the with a Ford coupe driven by Charles H * I ' n t h e n i l a b n i l l l n M hlel. • Agriculture can do much to bring «»4 m j e n 4 n .. cftoia recently plans were formulat her Co. through all Its departments, financial condition of the water reasons why the same are not being Harrington, of Walla Walla. Inasmuch aB I am in hearty ac- a return to parity by fuh eo-opern- users, fixing the lrr gable areas Irrigated. Mr. Cbezlk wa, traveling west on cord with the government plan, tion In doing away with many mtd- ed and d rcussed concerning the St. Helens— Five men will be em against which charges may be as show. A great deal of interest is the south hill road and had turned Agr'cultural advice.—The report believlng that In a well maintained die Interests— by taking over these ployed in Union O 1 distributing sta sessed will be made by the Bureau into the h'ghway when the coupe shall Include a statement upon this provision for our national defense activities and marketing their own being shown in the coming event. tion, built at cost of 650,000. of Reclamation In accordance with subject as to each project, showing and an active nterest in patrotic products. No matter what the sup- It was decided to feature shep and reached the Intersection at the same the recommendations of the special what, If any, benefit to the govern matters, our national security de- ply or demand: no matter whether poultry more this year and a large Instant. Ne’ther was aware of the Fossil to have public camp exhibition along these two l'nes Is advisory committee’s report. presence of the other until it was ment Investment may be secured pends, I am very destrou, that Ore- I the farmer make, or looses on his ground. expected. Stock raisers fio.u Pilot too late. The coupe hit Chezik’s In addition, field investigations o f. through uuuugii the m e giving g iv in g by ny the m o guvtirir govern- gon’s part In the national program crops, Ihe middlemen make their pro- car breaking the windshield, tearing five new projects will be made dur- ment of expert agricultural and eco. be successful in the fullest extent. fits just the same. The products Rock, Helix and other localities in Heppner— Unon Oil Co. opens big Patriotic exercises of some sort, go to the consumer with about two the county have promised to be off the left front wheel and damag lng the summer. They include the nomic advice to ihe farmers, in- distributing plant here. proposed Owyhee project In Oregon, | clud’ng an outline of a practical in which the h'gher duties and re dollars added to the one the farmer among the exh btors at the show. ing it in other ways to a consider the Vale project 1 nOregon, the Salt plan of procedure. sponsibilities of American citizen gets. This l8 one of the ways the 61200.00 in prize, will be offered able extent. Mr. Cbezlk was cut St. Helens— Cornerstone laying this year. and bruised and It was thought best ceremonies held for new Methodist Lake Basin in Utah, the Spanish Improvement of general condi. ship are discussed by speakers sel farmers dollar s demonetied. The annual catalog will be In --------- to call * doctor to find out the ex church. Springs in Nevada, and the Kittitas tlons.— Recommendations shall be ected for the occasion. The cities I the printers hands In a few days in Washington. A new jflan has made as to each project on the mat where there are national guard or tent of his Injuries. Dr. ^ple was By force of organization the man- the ufacturers, financial interests and and will be ready for mail ng at called and administered first aid to Klamath Falls— Condret being been adopted by the Bureau of Re ter of improving general project con reserve corps organizations, in early date. the injured man. Later he was poured on Gerber irrigation' stor clamation with reference to the ditions, as distinguished from tndt- exercises should be conducted in labor organizations refused to takf conjunct'on with the local instruct brought into town and It Is be age dam on Miller creek; dam re final recommendat’onB on these new vldual conditions, through the es- a loss when depresalon and deflation lieved nothing serious will result quires 50 carloads cement and will projects. It provides for the ap- ’ tabllshment of creameries, sugar- ion test mobilization which has been time came They were powerful HAY ASSOCIATION MAKES POOL PAYMENTS polntment of a committee made up beet factories, etc. from the severe "shaking up he re be completed this fall. ordered by the Secretary of War. enough to elim'nate the law of sup ,1 am asking you as mayor to name ply and demand. They continued to of one member of the bureau, one ceived. Ultimate losses.—This subject During the last few days the Mr. Harrington came out without Forest GTove— Cedar Canyon farm- recognized authority In farm man shall be exhaustively reported and a committee to take active charge keep wages and prices up. The Northwest Hay Assn, has mailed agement— preferably from the De a scratch. The right hand fender erg meet w ’th Chamber of Commerce clear and convincing showings made. of the patriotic program In your manufacturers were willingto con out pool check payments making a nnd the radiator on his car was torn to plan for new Inland Loop high partment of Agriculture or the State The full assets and Habilit es of each city. Such commttee ordinarily tinue wage scales so long as they total of over 6170.00. This is for should Include representatives of were able to control production and agricultural college— and one finan off. It wa8 towed to a garage and way. project Bhall bs carefully set out in .pproximately two-fifths of the hay. cial authority— preferably a banker detail. The subject shall be treat the local patriotic organizations such , fix selling price, that would con after a mechanic had' replaced the The balance o f the old hay of the as the American Legion Grand , tinue the'r profits. It all Industries In -whom the state has confidence— rdlator and fender, Mr. Harrington ed both from a purely legal stand Monmouth— West side highway alfalfa is sold and delivery Is ex to consider the facts and data col point and from an equitable stand Army, Foreign War Veterans, Dis- j were thus strong and all could force continued on to Portland. south of here nears completion. abled Veterans, Sons and Daughters profit prices, ail would be on the acted this month. It is hoped thnt lected. After considering them this point. inal pool payment, for these.pools Sellwood— 87 000 service station committee will fix the costs of de Transfer of operation and main of the American Revolut'on, Nation, same level and have the same buy ÎTVE YEARS AGO an be made in the month of Sept velopment, the probable value of pro tenance.— The feasibtl'ty of trans al Guard, Reserve Corps, etc. ing value dollar. to be opened here. ember. Some delay wll 1 be en Detailed information will be sent ducts which can be grown, the con ferring to the water users in the Item s Clipped From The Hermiston Albahy— New Cameron saw mill, ditions under .which settlement near future the operation and mainte you from Defense Test headquarters But agriculture wa, not strong countered with mixed hay. Herald August 16, 1919. The total money received from the 25,000 feet dally capacity, starts In ought to be made in order to ren nance of each project or division of at Salem from time to time, but it enough to hold its place. The far ale of hay up to July 1 was 6170,- cutting. mer has mantalned his earnlg vaiu< der the project feas’ble, or, If the a project shall be discussed In the is highly desirable that your local H. J. Stillings returned from Port •tnd the total amount of money paid conditions are unfavorabel, will report. committee be named by you imme but he can't meet his expenses. Hit I land Tuesday morning whither he ,ut to growers on the 1923 crop s Eugene— Two bu’ldlngs on Fourth dollar has come so h’gh ha ha, beer state that the project is not feasi Recommendations. — There shall diately. went a cbuple of days before w ’th 6217,J 63. There is not a single Will you please advise me of your compelled to exchange ao much o be attached to the report of each a carload of cattle. Mr. Stillings street, recently damaged by fire, ble. llstrlct but In which more money will be rebuilt as fireproof struct his product for it, that It doesn't The surveys will cover every action in fliis matter. I would also project recommendat’ons as to what did not tarry -long In Hermiston ins been .paid growers than has been phase and It is hoped the Informa action should be taken to bring the appreciate any Information you can buy enough so that he can keep on boarding the eastbound afternoon ures. ecelved from the sale of hay from It must be made to buy more or the tion will be available for subm selon give me now as to your probable project to a prosperous and success passenger train the same day en ’he District. Newport— New pumping plant tor future of agriculture will continui plans for the day, as well as any to congress at Its opening session In ful condition. route to Fairfield, Idaho, to vls’t The past season developed a car suggestions you may des’re to offer. to look dark. his family and look after big 320 city water works In operation and December. The plan of these sur novement of about four-sevenths an adequate supply is assured. All over the country there are Very truly yours, veys follows: acre grain and grazing ranch locat SWEET CLOVER MAKES movements to help the farmer. Ir iorraal, yet the wv rage pries Of a ll Walter MTPTetce* Classification Of Land— A soil sur ed nqgr thpt city. A GOOD PASTURE CROP Portland—Work begins on new vey shall be made, and all irr'gable Governor, I congress many bills are introduced bay shipped from the alfalfa produc- ng sections of Washington nveraged to this end, but few results are ap I. D. Latham, auto salesman for pavilion for Pac'flc International lands classified according to their io n eleven to twelve dollars per The advantage of sweet clover Increase in 0. A. C. Summer School parent. And many farmers are be Sappers’ Inc., this week sold a Livestock Exposition building to productive capacity, in not exceed on at loading point. Two years ago cost 8350,000 and to be completed over grass as a pasture crop are that Summer session registration th s j coming susple'ous of the movement- ing four classes. No land shall be Denby two-ton truck equipped with when the c?r movement was espec- excluded from such classification sweet clover requires less water, is year totaling 4 73 regular students, are becoming skeptical of the hon pneumat'c tires to W. B. Beasley. by October 25. ally light nnd a small carry-over esty of purpose. One of the fanne established quicker, and Is a real unless it clearly appears that It is st week he sold to O. O. Felt- reveals a grand total of 880. Stu vas left in the spring, there was Harrisburg— Second street to be leaders at the recent state grange soil bu'lder rather than requiring dents listed for swimming but tak Incapable of successful irrigation. house a three ton truck equipped widened and opened to traffic. convention made the statement that l little over a six-sevenths normal Financial condition of water users manure. The disadvantage is that ing no other work number 187. with 42x9-36x6 pneumatic tires. •ar movement, a carry-over of about —A censu, shall be taken on this a new field must be seeded each year Mr. Felthouse will use this truck All Oregon counties are repre the agricultural leaders who wen 10,000 tons ag compared to nearly Corvallis— New plant b ein g -b u 'lt subject upon blanks In form approv for pasture the following summer, sentpd (n the ragistratlon, exclu in close touch with affairs in th' principally for hay hauling, while for Corvallis laundry. ’iffy thousand tons this season and ed by the commissioner. Such cen and should there be a failure in clus've of those specially enrolled east, bel'eve that the big interest Mr. Beasley will use his In the trans he average price to growers was who steer national transaction sus shall be for t'he purpose’ of as- getting a stand the farm would be in swimming. The total registra fer business. Stayton— Mountain States Light , round seven to eight dollars per certa’ning the assets and liabilities without pasture the following year. tion for the state, including the have decided to let agriculture work & Power Co. buys Stayton Light & Perhaps the best time and method boys and girls in club work nnd out Its own salvation while they g< ton. i The shipping of peaches will start of each water user with the view Power Company. In the face of these facts, the In thia vicinity the first of next of proposing a plan for refunding of seeding sweet clover lg early in eleven auditors, 1, 776. Other states on and make goods. The Chaoibe Issoe'ation claim, to have been the of Commerce of tht United State the spring with barley as a nurse week. The var ety that will go out are represented by 111 students. Rainier— Two fireproof buildings,, the Indebtedness of Individual water >rl,nary cause of bringing more than first la the Yellow Crawfords. The usera, other than amounts owing to crop. The following four-year ro Caltforn a. with 45 studenti en has taken this position—That tht hotel and theatre, are to be bu'lt. Ive hundred thousand dollars Into h'mrelt out. farmer must pull tation Is suggested for those who Elberta» are coloring and It la ex the United States as project charges, rolled, leads the other states, and he valley and to have made It pos- pected that another two weeks of Cottage Grove— Anderson-Middle-' at lower Interest rate, and on more wish to grow sweet clover for pas Washington is second with 34. Two ib!e to have marketed the full crop And all over the country the farm ture: (1) Bailey and sweet clover; students are registered from British the present weather will see them ton Installing new machinery in the favorable terms otherwise. . t fair prices. ers aro trying to pull themselve ripened and going out to the Kings Brown saw mill and building rail Irr’gable areas— The report shall (2) sweet clover pasture; (3) pota- Co,umbia and onp from Paru. Plans are now under way for mar ut. Thousands of cooperative as toes, corn or beets; and (4) corn or Product, Co. at The Dalles. Most show in each case what irrigable Benton county leads In registra road extension into b'g timber east keting coming crop much earlier beets. As grasshoppers do not sociations are building up. nnd n 'of the growers have sold their crops of Rujada. areas may be depended upon to re tion for Oregon counties w th 193 han last season and .'t Is expected to thia firm at 6<0 per ton In the turn the charges assessable against damage sweet clover seriously, a students. Enrollment from leading they affiliate they are becoming I hat pool payments will begin upon big force In demand ng that thet stand of it is not so difficult to get orchard. counties Is: Multnomah, 105; Kla Klamath Falls— Six tunnels will them, and what must be excluded he new crop about the first of Jan taxes be lowered; that railroad ml" be eliminated from Oakridge-Klam from further consideration. This as alfalfa. It 'a evident that sweet math, 82; Linn, 42; Washington, 33; uary. Indications as to price are Mr. and Mra. James J. Neary and ath cutoff of the Southern Pacific. shall be made as specific as feas clover has a beneficial effect on Marlon, 32; Lane, 25; Douglas, 24; be reduced and that their product? xcepttonn’iv bright at this time. be given the same tatiff exelustoi fam l^, ranchers on the Furnish This is the largest (a ’lroad con ible. If any additional areas may be succeeding crops, Just as is the case Tillamook, 24; Clackamas, 22; Jos Northwest Hay Growers. i as of manufactured articles. Ir project, moved into their new home struction now going on hi the U.. 8. 'rrlgated from the project, a report with alfalfa.-—Reclamation Era. ephine, 22. Iowa massed fa rm e r, a te dem andlnr on Ridgeway avenue Tuesday. They shall be made thereon. Fay» $103,000 For Produce J of the incoming leg stature that will reside here permanently, and Drainage— Careful consideration Brookings— Courier newspaper Is Coquille— Vote to be taken on Government Is spending 8186.090 A total of 6103,000 was paid out I their taxes be based on their ne froth this point Mr. N etty vnll of Forest Service funds on North shall be given to present and proe- bc’ng established here. 68000 high school gymuasium. super ntend exarations on his ranch. returns and that they be given equal or produce by the Cottnge Grove Santlam road from Niagara to Det annery during the years 1918 to I consideration with the railroad: * roit In Marion county. 1923. Dur ng the same period the that are guaranteed profits In carry Commercial Club W ill Discontinue annery paid 615,000 for labor dir ' ng the farm products that they are Luncheon U ntil September 2 et let for two- ' loelng money cn. Many cooperative ect, 612.000 for articles produced A motion was Introduced and pass story tile and cement building. organizations are building their own locally nnd 63000 for wood and ed last Tuesday at the Commercial warehouses, butter and cheese far labels. While this is not as much Club luncheon to discontinue the Pendleton— State highway com j tories Others are working out •a a month’s payroll for Ihe lumber weekly meet’ng of the club during mission authorizes bridge across the I plans to sell direct to the retailer Industry wh?n active, the Inrger the rest of August. The two rea U m atilla river to cost 618,000. some even to the consumer. Some part of the amount was paid for pro sons given was the hot weather and are manufactur’ng their own pro ducts thnt would have gone to waste the fact that a wood many members Sandy— B lu ff road toward Sandy duct» Into food products. Many except for the cannery and It was HOW TIMES HAVEP" »are out of towil on vacations. be'ng rushed to completion for fall l canning factories. Ice cream, but almost entirely money which cam1) C H A N G e O -THE <5OOP TIMES W E The next meeting of the club will use. I ter and cheese factories are highly from the east In payqient for the USED To HAVE VIS fT/NO W HILE be Tuesday, September 2. successful, and many cattlemen finished product.—Oregon Farmer. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ • « as DETAILED SURVEY OF GOVERNMENTPROJECTS and hog show BIGGER THIS YEAR a m a A t the Fair Grounds D elightful Birthday Party Large body Douglas f ir timber sold by Forest Service to corporation re presented by George H . Kelly. Tim ber Is on north fork of the W illam ette near Oakridge; average etand te 44,099 feet to acre, aad w ill be cut at .rate of 60,900,009 feet a year. On Tuesday evening a very pleas- (j i t time was spent at the home of Mra. J. D. Leghorn. This w a , to celebKate the 16th b’rthday of Mrs. Wegborn. Mrs. Hugh Taylor and Mrs. Frank Silvey, whose b irU ^urs cur oa the same day. Everyth ng was carried on like i Lebanon— Bids ere be’ng received children's party, the games con for construction of a 619,909 gym- sist lag of kindergarten plays and ) naaiui tar union high school at Song« | Sweet Home. Twelve districts are The refreshments, delicious Ice salted for the consolidated high cream and cake, were served fr e t, school. after which all enjoyed the games until a late hour when the " three Eugene— Rapid progress be’ng little girls” were presented w ith a made on surfacing of London Springs beautiful birthday eake bearing 16 j road U b „ county. eendlee. d«P“ rt« * wish- ______ of lag . I« *’ Roseburg— Two story fir pi— s”A •••■= » ' apartment house to he built. jp rlrg fle M — W ater turned In Ir- Portland— Plans for new Catholic ■tlon can: 1 to Irrigate 29.099 cathedral to eoat 6299,000 under F I 4 »yr THE FOLKS VVfRE IN THE fA lR -B U T AlntAf ALL YOU HEAR IS TALK. 2SS t W °F BASE SPAR« PLU65 Oft PUNCTURES on ít > P IS W S T IN 6 W Ï&J have their own stockyards. Some Returns From Gresham I c ties successfully operate murilci Mr. and Mis. Ben Jory returned pal slaughter houses and packing plants for the benefit of both stock, j from Gresham the latter part of last week, where Ben had furnbhed the | men and consumers of meat When the farmers will get to horses and riders for the rodeo In gether as labor organizations do; connection with the Multnomah ns the manufacturer, and all other county fair. Ben slated the fair was interests do; when they will once a huge success from the standpo nt get to thinking organization and of attendance. Dick Lockett, of affll’atlon and app’ylng It, they will j th„ c| (y, won second place In the { not then have to beg for a fair bucking contpst. deal They will demand it. and get ,t. CARD OF THANKS —— —— “ “ We wish to express our sincere R. T. Cookingham Speak» Here ,hnnks to those who so nobly offer- R. T. Cooktngham, the Independ- pd t^elr services and a ded us In ent candidate for sheriff of Uma- our reeent bereavement. Also for tIlia county st the election In |h(( ktttuttfut floral offerings. We November, spoke at the Methodist ilw,ure that your acts of klnd- ehurch here last Wednesday after- new| wl„ nPVcr he forgotten. I noon. About fifteen people » « • Mrs. C. H. ftelshee and family, pr. cat to hear Mr. Cfxthlngham. ( ------ ----------------- Th? ma n plsnk In Mr. Cooking- Hnterpr’se — 12 dosen Chinese ham’s platform Is the enforcement ' phw,MBt« released from game farm of the prohibition laws In the county. at Corvallis.