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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1924)
öß» Wrmwfcm Kbralh ▼«ULXT1II HERMISTON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY. AUGUST 21. 1924 BURGLARS BLOW JEWELRY STORE SAFE CHILD HEALTH ASSOCIATION No. 50 that part of the continent whan the hardiest remained. He d d not real E. Hansen, of South Dakota, on a Saracens crossed from Africa and ise the vast importance of hig own tr p to Asia in 1906 as a special ex conquered Spain— 710 A. D.—and part in the process when each year plorer for the United States depart that was the last step before its in he gathered the seeds from the sur ment of agriculture. Informât»»» To T in t E ffect Received troduction to this side of the At viving plantg and planted them in In 1897 this investigator had gone Here by Mr*. R. 0 . Gale. lantic. The Spaniards introduced It new fields for further trial. to Russian Turkestan, ln Asia, where by the South American route some • ---------- He only knew what h s ewlger he found the common blu-flowered MW 11 FIGURED AT APPROXI STORY OF THE ORIGIN OF THE time buring the sixteenth century. Klee had meant to his own people alfalfa growing in quantity over a EVERYONE ON PROJECT URGED Pendleton, Ore.. August 9. '94. From Chile it came up the Pac in balmy Baden, and he possessed wide area, and near the city of Task MATELY >400 FAMOUS GRIMM ALFALFA Mre. R. O. Gale. Hsruiston, Ore. ific coaBt and wag introduced Into that attribute of perseverance which. kend TO ENTER.FLOWERS _____ ne _______ located _____ what _____________ he considered Dear Mrs. Gale: California somewhere around 1955. | fcept him stubbornly trying to raise f then to be the most northern strain As a result of O'tirgpppUcatlon for So It took more than 2300 years a crop when all the force» of nature of this common species, Í» Gained Through the the five year Child Health Demon Story i* told in Country Gentleman for alfalfa to get from Persia to Cali seemed leagued against 10m. And Front Door Some Time Dur- Not satisfied with this conclusion Date is Tuesday, September 2, aad How Minnesota Fanner Produced stration. we are to hare In Umatilla fornia, and it has taken less than each year the promise grew brighter he returned to Asia ln 1906, arrived . la g Sunday H ight Prizes are Offered by The Club This Remarkable Variety. county an inspector from the Nerf seventy years for it to spread all over and brghter, until ultimately it was at his previous terminus in Turke- For Best Collections York office of the American Child the United States. splendidly fulfilled. j stan, and began to follow the al- But all of this has nothing to do L m t Moday morning when Wm Health Association. It was simply a pocess of natural falfa lines north. And here he dis- The follow ng article on the origi with Wendelin Grimm or with the The Women’s Community club will Dr. Brown will arrive the latter Ogden came in from hla ranch to selection, or natural acclimatization . covered that, where the blue-flqwer. nation »a. of c Grimm alfalfa, is reprinted Grimm alfalfa. The alfalfa we have open hla Jewelry store he found*the Par’ ° f th,B raonth and prefer8 com' from — « aided and somewhat hastened by ed alfalfa— Medicago sativa—etopp- open Its fall session with a floral door unlocked. He went back into “8 unannounced- b«t we feel much rrora th® Country Gentleman of Aug- been talking about is the common man. The Inexorable winters of ed, another specie» of low grow ng, display and musleale at the home the rear of the building where the 8hould done ln Preparing our peo- U8t blue flowered alfalfa, known and Minnesota k lied out the weaker yellow-flowered alfalfa — Medicago of Mrs. F. D. Callahan on Tuesday. Standing by the open country road valued as,a forage crop and soil September 2. Everyone on the pro aafe 1« located. Here he found the ” 1® f° r h'8 *rr,T,L ____ 1 am _____ wrUln* in each community ' 8 de ln the do°ryard of a hilly farm builder in every part of the United plant» as they killed out the com- falcata— began and continued as far ject is urged to enter flowers. P ises knob and combination to the safe mon alfalfa; but always some of the north as the Arctic circle, pryad and sawed off while trays of asking that they work their own near the little village of Victoria. States where the winters are not hardier plants of the variegated al- } Furthermore, he found that be- will be given as follows: Jewelry were taken from the safe I d*"tr,ct hy ®,ther calling upon or ,n Carver county, Minnesota, there | too severe. Hanging basket for the best falfa remained. . I tween the tiyo alfalfa regions, where In the northern tier of states how •nd rtrtwn over the floor. Some telephoning the pres’dentB of local: 18 “ monun>ent in the form of a giant Each year Wendelin Grimm saved the two species overlapped, they general display. natural bowlder with a bronze tab ever, and ln the Canadian provinces, this naturally selected seed and Potted plant for finest asters, kind of high explosive had been used clubs, men and women, ministers, crossed with one another and form bank presidents, physicians, dsn. let fixed upon it. it was found that this common alfal planted it where the process of se ed stilt another species— Medicago dnhlias, roses and gladioli. to complete the Job. It was erected recently in memory fa wag not hardy under the severe, Ribbons will be awarded for tbs The authorities believe that not tlsts, educators, prominent business lection could be widened and cont n med'a— with variegated flowers, of one of the world's great benefac winter conditions which prevail in men and women, that would be in enough of the "soup’’ was used to tied. And each year there was more combining the hardiness of the eeond prizes. tors to agriculture, Wendelin Grimm. those sections. It seemed that the Flowers must be taken to the blow the safe and the yeggs resort terested explaln'ng that the demon of the hardy seed to save, and more northern parent with the excellent Immediately back oi the monu blessing that had come to the west- stration is to be given some western ed to a hacksaw and another instru. land could be planted, and some forage qualitle» of the southern. He Campbell store before 12 o'clock on ment grought into play a» a pry to city or county of twenty thousand or ment Is the little plot of ground on en and southern and central states seed could be sold to the neighbors brought samples home with him- Tuesday. more and is financed by the common- i was planted, sixty-six years was finally to be denied to their There will be a musicals followed gain entrance. An examination of for further acclimatization on other notably the Cossack, proving this to wealth fund, a fund of more than , ak°- the f rst seeding of that famous northern neighbors. by a silver tea. Every member of farms. the knob disclosed that a saw had be true. But during those years of trial and keen used and the combination pry sixteen million dollars that has V8r*®ty of alfalfa which has carried Wendelin Grimm moved to another It Is to this species— Medicago the club 1» asked to bring some one his name across the northern pact disappointment in the north, on that ed off. The explosive blew off the been given for ch'ld health work. farm in the same neighborhood and media—that Grimm alfalfa belongs. who has not yet Joined the club. There are four demonstrations to of the Unite,! States, to all parts of little hilly farm in Carver county, died there fn 1891. One o’ hi» sons Inside plate on the safe door lett Ranging quite freely over central Those who have not cars will please be given ln the United States, one Canada, an i lc most of the colder Minnesota, where the monument remained on the old homestead and meet at the Library at 2:30 o'clock in g out a quantity of asbestos built and western Asia, It spread as lu countries of the ,;lti’e. now stands, a new spehies of hardy many of the surrounding farmers of cerne through Central Europe and where cars will be wa'tlng to carry in for fire protection. Mr. Ogden is to the north, south, east and middle In the complete hint ry of alfalfa alfalfa was slowly beng developed positive that the robbery occured west, the fifth and last to be given Carver county were growing the naw waa ntroduced Into tha GTand them to the flower show. —so far as » • knew it by legend, that was destined to spread the al All are cordially Invited. Sunday night as he visited the store the far west. lucerne with great success, where Duchy of Baden about 1570. Much depends upon the interest tradition, »upp*i»,li*^n and fact— falfa lines north and east, not only common alfalfa invariably would Sunday morning and found every In that warm climate, and ln the there are iw j niiHiij ;fcu: stand for’n acrosg this continent, but ultimately winterkill. A P o u ltr y R a n c h to Crow About s thing as he had left it the n’ght shown and spirit of cooperat’on so three centuries of time intervening preeminently. it is up to ug to get our people ln a around the colder circles of the before. If you are interested in chickens People from outside who heard of it probably had lost much of Its One of theta 1 j Xerxes and the- globe. Charles Burke, proprietor of the receptive state of mind. I am sure this crop, or saw it, ascribed its quality of hardiness when Wendelin mil wish to see an up-todate poul other is Grim a It was in the year 1857— only two success to some special property of Gr mm and old Mother Nature com. try ranch In every detail, you should Burke store, located ln the same you will respond to this as you al The fact that some twenty-three or three years after the common al Carver county soil. ways do. Work hard for we want block with the Jewelry store, stated bined in Minnesota to restore that visit the Will Rhodes poultry farm 'About this time there was a quality of hardiness as a predominant located in the Columbia district that Sunday night about 1:30 he the demonstration to be given Uma centuries separated ¿lie two periods falfa was first Introduced into Cal of their existence does not altec, the ifornia— that Wendelin Grimm ar The poultry farm being used for young man teaching school in Car characteristic. heard a muffled report which sound tills county. exclusve kinship of tlieir two spe rived as a German immigrant in Sincerely, lemonstrutlon purposes naturally ver county who realized there was ed to him like someone slamming a If you live in th f north and want ial achievements. No others need Minnesota. He came from the little Mabel N. Hill. something distinctive In this new some of this seeed. Just wr'te to the we had heard a good deal about It, door. He thought it came from the apply. village of Kulsheim, near Wert- kind of clover or lucerne. His name Grimm Alfalfa Seed Growers Asso >ut not before last Tuesday were we front of his place and got up to in If you remember any thing of heim, in the northern part of what was A. B. Lyman, of Excelsior, Min privileged to visit it. vestigate. Seeing no one and be- ancient history you may recall the was then the Grand Duchy of Bad nesota, and in the spring of 1900 lie ciation at any one of the following Mrs. Rhodes kindly consented to llevelng the noise was caused by points: Blackfoot, Idaho; Boze year 480 B. C., when a gentleman en, fn southern Germany. brought It to the attention of Prof. man, Montana; Fargo, North Dako (how us the yards and buildings and the wind he went back to bed. The by the name of Xerxes, king of the In hts home country and over a W. M. Hays, then agr'culturlst at report he heard was no doubt the t was Indeed a revelation. Every Persians, took it Into his head to large part of Europe, a forage the Minnesota experiment station at ta; Rapid City, South Dakota; or explosion set by the thieves. thing is modern and up-to-date for Morris, Minnesota. invade the rival empire of Greece. plant known as "lucerne” was St. Anthony Park. Mr. Ogden estimates h's loss to be And now they have erected a the raising of chickens. The pro- Crossing the Hellespont with an grown extensively, which ig a spe approximately 9 <00. No burglar in That summer Professor Hays with monument to Wendelin Gr'mm, on led nas a right to point to this surance was carried. The list given HOOSIERS AND FAMILIES TO E N army of something like over 2,000,- cies of alfalfa with a variegated or his assistant, Andrew Boss— now ag the old farm where he plantad thal poultry farm with pride. 000 soldiers, horse and foot, he pass, many colored blossom. Grimm knew to the authorities was as follows:' riculturist at the Minnesota station first little bag of "ewtger Klee”, Mrs. Rhodes has made an exten- JOY OUTING AT COLD SPRINGS ed through Thrace and Macedonia to the value of this crop, and he brot went out to Carver county to look slxty-six years ago, and Just In lve study of ch'cken raising and 920 in cash, two watches, 1 watch Greece, and then received a set to America with h'm a little bag over the ground. They recognized ease. 90 rings, one dozen watch Is well versed upon the suoject. back at the battle of Salamia that containing fifteen or twenty pounds the value of the crop, w thout iden front of the spot where the firm chains, 8 necklaces. seeding is still produc’ng crops. It Mesdames H aneline and Blessing sent him home ln considerable haste. f the seed. Deputy Sheriff Anderson, of Pen tifying it botanlc^lly, and began was erected on June 10, 1924, by County Death Rate H igh What has that to do with alfalfa? Compose Committee Who W ill Arrived in Minnesota, at the age tests of it at the experiment station farmers and business men o( thi dleton, visited the scene of the rob Children Well, it is generally understood of thirty-nine, Grimm settled on h's in 1901, sending samples of the seed Arrange For Transportation bery. Finger prints found on the locality, with credit given to the In Umatilla county (8 babies out that the alfalfa plant originated little farm In Carver county, ln to North Dakota and other stations associations listed here. door of the safe was photographed To The River. f every 1000 born alive die before somewhere in Southwestern Asia, 1857. The following spring, on a for further trial. and with such evidence as the au- reaching the first year, 98 never though I don't believe the orig'nai knoll back of the farm buildings, thorltie» have an endeavor will be In 1904 Prof. J. H. Shepperd, of SITUATION AS TO RAPIDS SURVEY reach the tenth year, and 47 of our he sowed his prec'ous supply of lu the North Dakota exper'ment sta made to round up the culprits. The annual Hoosier picinc of the prototype ever has been found. mothers die. These f'gures rank But the ancient Persians must tion, sent a package of the seed to SINNOTT WILL SEEK LIGHT ON among the highest In Oregon. It la Umat'lla project is one of the big have known its excellent value as a cerne seed. Grimm himself called tt "ewiger the department of agriculture at HOOT GIBSON WILL events each summer. forage crop, and It is supposed that Klee"— everlasting oclver— from the Washington. The 'following year July Reclamation Report At Hanc for the purpose of reducing this high APPEAR IN PERSON nortnlity rate that public spirited For a number of years those who Xerxes carried It with him on h ’g perennial character of its growth. Professor Hays went to Washington, Predicts Crocker to Have Report men and women throughout the The cit’zens of Hermiston are to live on the project and who claim long overland march to ration his On a part of that very knoll today as Assistant Secretary of Agricul Ready in August country are try'ng hard to obtain ha given the opportunity to meet Indiana as the state of their blrtb horses, with seed to plant along his with never another reseeding since ture and aroused the department to the five year demonstration In child In a phone conversation from Th< health, also preventive measures, Hoot Gibson and his company of have banded themselves together ln conquering way, and that this was the spr'ng of 1868, a thrifty crop of the importance of this new crop. Its first introduction to Europe. Dalles yesterday Congressman N. J that is to be given In some far weet- alfalfa is growing, as it has grown Universal movie star» at Pendleton Ih 1906 Charles J. Brand and J. an organization known as the Hoos The cradlt is given to Xerxes be every season for sixty-slx year. the night of Saturday, August 23, M. Westgate, of the bureau of plant Slnnott stated he would communl. >rn coaimunity of between 20,000 At first the crop did not bear out industry, came out to Minnesota to cate at once w th officials at Wash :nd 25,000. when Umatilla county will honor the ier club. Each summer they ar cause his was the first great over The Commonwealth celebrities at a mammoth reception range for a picnic to which nil Hooe- land Invasion, with horses ln con all the promise - which Wendelin Investigate It officially for the de ington to secure further light on fund with some 916,000,000 behind siderable number, whore forage Grimm had brought 'n his heart partment, and began a series of the survey of the Umatilla rapid: and dance at Happy Canyon pavil ers and their families are Invited. t, will support the demonstration. would be needed. with It from Germany. This seed tests, establtshng Its botanical char project. Mr. Sinnott is In the dark We will have an opportunity to ion at 9:30 o’clock. This year it will be held Sunday, But be that as It may, alfolfa did had come from the valley region of acter and pronouncing It really a as to the subject as his Information Hoot and his company, which in August 31, at Cold Springs Landing voice our enthusiasm some time come to Europe from Southwestern Baden, where the climate is warm new strain of alfalfa and really from Wash ngton was to the effocl cludes the winsome Marion Nixon, on the Columbia river. very soon when the Inspector from Asia, and it Is first heard of in anc and where such crops a» grapes, al "hardier than any then known. the report on the survey would b( headquarters, Dr. Brown, comes leading lady, Miss Jos e Sedgewlck, In a communication received from sympathetic lead, Director Edward E. Mrs. W B. Graham, who is secre ient Greece. Three hundred years monds and walnuts flourish. In the In the last fifteen or twenty years ready thi» month. quietly in upon us, interviewing e't- In a letter to the East Oregonian izens and drawing his own conclu Sedgewlck, and a host of others well tary of the Hoosier club, we pr'nt after Xerxes went home, the Rom more severe climate of Minnesota tt Grimm alfalfa has been thoroughly ans conquered Greece and they learn had to acci'mate Itself, and this tested at exper'ment stations in all Mr. Slnnott quotes as follows from known In western films, are making the following: sions as to how much we really want ed at first hand about alfalfa, and meant a slow development of many the Northwestern States ot America a letter he had recently received this splendid a’d to our children Pendleton their headquarters during All Hoosiers and their families are took it over Into Africa when Cleo years. the fllm n g of two pictures. and the western provinces of Can from ths chief clerk of the reclama and women. cordially invited to come and enjoy Among those who are expected to the day with the fellows from your patra was entertaining the Roman He did not recognize tha handi ada, and at practically every trial It tion service. "I have your note of August 4th he In the receiving line are Mayor Old home state. Bring lunch bas generals on that side of the Mediter work ot that greatest of all plant has proved its hardiness. FIVE YEARS AGO James A. Fee, of Pendleton, Presi kets, also plate, cup, knife, fork and ranean. It may be that the Roman, breeders, Nature, when during the The real secret of the natural requesting copies of June and Julj Items Clipped From The Herald of dent Henry Collins of the Round-Up, spoon for each Individual in your took It also to Western Europe, but first winters in Minnesota many of i hardiness of this variegated species monthly reports on the Unintilla rap A ugust 23, 1919. certain It is that alfalfa reached ids 'nvestlgatlons. President James S. Johns of the Pen family. |A fine place to swim, "Wt have nothing here in the way dleton Commercial association, Pres bring along your bathing suits Mrs. H. T. Fraser and son Hugh t 1 ------------------- - of separate reports of length on that ident L. C. Scharpf ot the Happy enjoy a real swim. We will be ' are enjoying the ocean breezes at study, but we do get a monthly re Canyon board, and other well known Seaside this week, having departed Umatilla county citizens. port comprising brief statement» on o o Tuesday or that well known and The entire eounty is cordially in each of the Investigations under way Ing Hermiston their home. For fpr- popular summer resort. vited to attend and it Is expected by the Bureau, and from such re . . . . thar particulars please call Mrs. B. P. B. S seel and Dr. J. A. Peed »here _ will b e. a good delegat on of „ ane„ ne Mrg. WaRer ports for June and July, I am be Hermiston folks present. low quoting everything of value re were business visitor» to Pendleton Those who have no way to get to Monday of this week. gsrd'ng the Umatilla Rapids. Cold Springs call these ladies and " 'Umatlila Rapids Investigation— FAREW ELL RECEPTION Wallace and Howard Reid, who they will try to arrange for a means WILL B E HELD FRIDAY ^ 'u an äp oV tau ö«? Engineer In charge E. It. Crocker. have been passing a week In Spo Denver, Colorado. kane visiting at the home of their A faewell reception will be held " ‘Work on the preparation of the father's sister, Mrs. Thomas Hayes, METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH next Friday night ln the parlors of report was continued. Designs and returned Thursday morn'ng. the M. E. church for Dr. Adams, M. estimates for the dam on three alter F. D. Stanley last week disposed Week of Sunday. August 24: native locat ons have been prepared L. Nell and James Gent. The above Sunday school at 19 A. M. by the designing section of the Den- of the nine acres of hla ranch that named familiea expect to leave Her miston some time in the near future, j Morn'ng worship at 11 A. M. 1 ver office. iJestgns have also been lies on the west side of the track All of them have taken an active l n . , Epworth League at 7 P. M. prepared for the discharge line Just north of town to Herman Bott, terest In the affairs of the local ' Evening worship at 8 P. M. j from the several pumping plants ger. receiving therefore 92700. The Methodist chnrch and will be great- ! Weekly prayer and bible study Designs of power and pumping plants reason for disposing of thia acreage Thursday evening at 7:45. have been suspended dur'ng most of by Mr. Stanley was that It was cut ly missed h^-tke church. off from the main port'on of hie We had twenty at prayer and the month.’ June report. " 'Work on the preparation of the alfalfa ranch by the railroad running la x Dies in Portland Bible study last Thursday.There Is room for you. I report was continued. Estimates of through It. and the Incentive for ita George Franklin Haney, of Stan Fourth quarterly conference will ! coot for the Irrigation system were purchase by Mr. Bottger was that It field, died 8nadny in Portland. Rev. j be held Saturday evening, August i completed with the exception of the Joined onto hl» farm. Young, pastor of the local M. E. j 39. Dr. Leech, the district superin Harry Todd'arrlved home the first ' items concerned with power develop. church, was called to conduct the tendent, w ill pres'de. of the week from Boston, Mass., ▼'» m«nt. A number of drawings were funeral services. Henry Young. Minister. i made and the text of the report, ex ¡Camp Lewis, where he received his Mr. Haney was 25 years of age and eept for art eles on power develop discharge from the navy. a sou of W. J. Haaey who tires at Carl t t Thaxki ment but Including articles on pos Andrew Schilling,- uncle of Pro- Stanfield He leaves a wife and sible use. was practically completed ject Manager Schilling, accompanied one child. We wish to thank our many It Is expected that the report will be by hl» wife and little daughter, were ■■ — - friends for their kindness and sym- completed during the month of Aug- \ welcome v'sltora et the Schilling B an ts nt U m atilla j pathy during tbs IHaeas sad death ust.' " July report. hom, On the West Side TueMay sad oceuped by A rchip^tch- of our loved one. George Haney, and As will tfc seen there wea nothing , qvednesday of this week. They cam« o h and family burned about..«Id > ¡for the beautiful floral e tte r ia * . in the July report te indicate that from EUmore. Cal., and wera on a Bight Tuesday. A mattreae an i ■ - Mrs. George Haaey and son. sufficient money vne not available O( the northwest states. It has few thlaga off the dresser was ths Mr. sad Mrs. W. J. Haney sad for the complete survey.— Pendleton len »Ince the gentlemen on ly thin;# saved. Fam ily. East Oregonian. met. OFFICES TO VISIT COUNTY ALFALFA FROM XERXES TO GRIMM COMMUNITY CLUR TO HAVE FLORAL SHOW HOOSIER PICNIC IS AUGUST 31 Seeing Things