Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1924)
TOE RXRMISTOH HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON. Refuge in S iltn ti N o t A O n e -S id e d A ffa ir Why Not Ship Your Eggs to Us? Oar Shipper, W in TeU You Why They ship their Egg, regularly to a . t . M c C auley , inc. Bank'ng la not a ono-elded affair by any means. When you borrow money, security Is expected, of course. But when you deposit money, we are expected to guarantee your deposit— AND WE DO. Every dollar of thla Bank's capi tal and surplus stands as a guaran tee that depositors shall have their money promptly on demand. Also every stockholder is personally liab le for double the amount of the stock he holds. Even more. Our officers d rectors, stockholders, ALL feel a personal responsibility to our pat- rons and therefore conduct a con- servatlve business always. S'lO E. Davis St., Portland, Oregon Reference: Ladd & Tilton Bank MEET Hoot Gibson in p erso n F ir st N a tio n a l B a n k ef Hermiston Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profite Over SI 0,000 F. B. Swayze. Pre«. R. Alexader, Vlee-Pre A. H. Norton, Cashier W. L. Hamm, Asst. Cashier NOTICE! T he H erald publishes more genuine paid want ads than any other* paper published in a city of the same size in East ern Oregon. THERE’S A REASON ▲GENTS— Sell guaranteed hosiery direct from mill to wearer; all styles and colors; salary paid for full time or spare hours; no money needed for samples. International Mills, 1038, Norristown, Pa. Burk’s for bargains. Polands for Profits. -.4 Stillings. 87tf I AM MAKING REGULAR TRIPS TO Pendleton Tuesdays and Fridays of each week. If you have anything to be hauled to or from the above named city, I would appreciate your business along this line. I am also In the market for chickens and veal. Ray Challis, Phone 20-R. Pendleton phone 400. 9-tfc ELECTION NOTICE Notice is hereby given, that pur suant to an order of the Directors FOR SALE— 1 ensilage cutter, with of the Westland Irrigation District, 15 horse engine. Will take good made and entered on the 5th day of team and harness in exchange, or August, 1924, an elect’on will be will sell the eng’ne separate. S. held at Westland school house, In L. Carson. 49-4tp said District, In Umatilla County, Oregon, on tho 27th day of Septem FOR SALE— Fresh milk delivered, ber, 1924, from 8:00 A. M. to 6:00 10c quart. A. M. Smith, Hermis P. M. of said day, to determine ton, Oregon. 49-3tp whether a contract shall be author ized between the Westland Irriga FOR SALE CHEAP— Maxwell tour tio n D lstrct and the United States ing car. F. Mays, Stanfield. of America, for securing approxi 48-tfc mately Twenty-nine Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty acre-feet of water FOR SALE—Team of horses. J. K. from the McKay reservoir, on a ren Shotwell. 18-tfc tal basia for a period of ten (10) years, beginning with the year in AUTOMOBILES— Fords and other which such water will be available * makes, 935.00 and up. Kellogg A Schimke. 36-tfc in amounts and with the annual ren tal payments as follows: iFirst year, 10,000 acre feet, >7,- For Rent—six room house. Large 000.00. barn. Silo. Large garden tract. In Second year, 12,200 acre feet, quire at this office. 42-tfc 88,540.00. Third year, 13,400 acre feet, |1 0 ,- For Sale—Jersey cows. L C. Todd. 080.00. 42 tf Fourth year, 18,800 acre feet, 911.820.00. Fifth year, -18,800 aere tek . MISCELLANEOUS 818,160.00. Sixth year, 21,000 acre feet, 914,700.00. WANTED— Man or women to taka Seventh year, 23,200 aere feet, orders for genuine guaranteed boa. 918,240.00. Eighth year 28,400 aere feet, lery for men, women and children. Eliminate darning. Salary 975 a 817,780.00. N ’nth year. 27,800 aere feet. week full time, |1 .5 0 an hour spare time. Beautiful spring line, 819,320.00. Tenth year. 29,250 acre feet, International Stocking Mills, Nor ristown, Pa. 39-20tp 320.475.00. And for the -Ultimate acquisition WANTED— Phone, write or*see W. of aald water by the District for A. Leathers, when you have alfalfa permanent use therein. by payment hay for sale, in any quantity. annually during an additional per Phone 40-J-3. 9-tfc iod of twenty (20) years follow'ng the termination of. said ten (10) 111 care for ch'ldren afternoons year rental period, of 5 per cent of and evenings. Marjorie Pelmul- the proportionate charge or cost o(_ der. 45-tfc construction of the McKay reser voir, not to exceed a maximum Try Burk's for bargains. amount of One Million Twenty-three ” ■ to reach us when you Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty ■”>r clothes cleaned, pressed (91.023,750.00) Dollars, plus a or repaired. Just phone 91-W-2. charge for operation and ma’nte- We’ll call. 19-tfc nance of McKay reservoir, and ex clusive of penalties and interest. r -.i rovA TF BXCTTANGBS AND Dated this bth day of August. ■ '-n T n s ff i m BIGGS. RE- 1924. 28-tfe J. W. MESSNER. Secretary of the Board of Directors Burk Is hearquarters for Array of. Westland Irrigation District. Hines. 48-5tc AND MINGLE WITH » Imagination was well known In her neighborhood, was cajled as a witness In a damage suit. "The evidence which you will give to the court shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the triyl^” said the clerk. “Ten," quavered Mrs. Scrubbs, now thoroughly frightened and unable to think of one word of the story she had resolved to tell—a story In which she was the heroine. “Well," asked the judge, “what have you got to say about the easel" "Well, Judge." she replied, “with the limitations I've just had put on me, I don't think I’ve anything at all to say I" Q ueen estheb cbapteb n «. iol o . & K athryn L. Garner. Sec. V ineyard lodge no . wa. l o . o . r . ▼ m eets each Monday m t i t a r n Odd FMtowa hail. V isitin g m em bers cordially *•*•* W. R. L o r e horn. Sec. M l a W a t N S .ll. Ge RECLAMATION LODGE N e. 10Î. K. o f P , m eets each Thursday ev e Mack’s Mali. a t P .J f . Vtofttia« brothers cordially invited. W. H . McMillan R. A . Brownaoa. K. R. and 3 . CLC. ONE ELEVEN PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. FRACIS P. ADAMS Physician and Surgeon Legal Blanks for Sale at This Office Office over P i n t B .a k P h o n « .- Office 661, KMidence 191 Office Hour.: 9 to II JO a. m .; 1 to 6X0 ». K. E y e. treated, te.ted and G l u m Fitted H A U L IN G Electrical T r a a tm .,.u .X-Ray work. o n e Electrical Massage. I am now prepared to do haul ing Trips made to the country. I soHcit a share of your patron age Pendleton, O regon S atu rd ay N ight, A u gu st 2 3 H ap p y C anyon Pavilion Dr. R. G. GALE, Surgeon Loation, Bank Bldg., Rooms 1 and 8 Phones: Office 931. Res. 681 Office Hours: 10 to 11:30 A. M., 1 to 5 P. M. G eorge Challis D R . F . V . P R IM E WHEN IN BIG RECEPTION AND DANCE lit, TO ATTEND Admission (including tax) $1.00 8:30 P. M. J/irvuqA Raizad Trig MAKE YOUR HEAL QUARTERS — AT— I Excursion Fares W E S T E R N A U T O CO. o n » a le d a ily to S e p t. I S Cottonwood and Water Sts. vc/eies K ansas C ity $ 6 7 . 0 0 St. Louis . . 76 50 8 1 .0 0 D e tro it. . 100.62 C leveland . . 103.L6 __ , F. 0. Woughter Agt. ‘ Hermiston, Ore. WM. M c M urray G eneral P assen ger A gen t P ortlan d . O regon Send for your/ree copy of this book today! T h e book tells you h ow you can hunt on posted prop erty— how farm er and sportsman can get together to their m utual advantage. Three-quarters o f the h unting grounds is already ted. Wh ;re w ill you hunt this fall? Read the k, " H u rtin g Posted P roperty”— it’s fre e . E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS A CO., Inc. Sporting P ow der Division WILMINGTON, DEL. Bank Bldg. Hermiston, Oregon Office Residence W. J. W ARNER Attorney-at-Law Hermiston Oregon DR. W. W. ILLSLEY H O W ’S T H IS ? H A LL’6 CATARRH MEDICINE will do what we claim for It—rid your system of Catarrh or o e a fn e ss caused by Catarrh. H ALF’S CATARRH MEDICINE con sists o f an Ointment which Quickly Relieves the catarrhal Inflammation, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which acts through the Rlood on the Mucous Surfaces, thus assistin g to restore nor mal conditions. Sold by druggists for over 40 Years. P. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O. Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Phone Res. 712 Office 733 M c K enzie & lieuallen Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Has removed from hi« form er location in the Bond Bldg, to Roonn 1, 2 and 3 Inland Em pire Bank Bldg. SEE Pendleton :: Oregon >1 ■ H IT T CALL 2 5 4 — FOR— For H au lin g GUNS T. H. G aither Dray and Transfer : ■ ■ ■ ■ I —AND— Sunday Schedule Leave Umatilla, 9:00 A. M. Leave Pendleton, 5:30 P. M. DR. THEO. BELETSKI, Veterinarian AMMUNITION Treats all Domestic Animals. Inter state Stock Inspector 81.75; A FULL U N E 81.25; cents; D en tal X-Ray and D iagnosta COMPLETE GARAGE SERVICE Tires— Tubes—Accessories ALWAYS OPEN PHONE 530 Tom Swearingen, Mgr. UMATILLA RAPID TRANSIT CO. E. R. Tell, Umatilla, Oregon Operating Stages Between Pendleton and Umatilla Schedule Effective June 9, 1924 Leave— p. M. p. M. Pendleton ................... 12:01 4:00 Ecluy......................... 1:15 5:15 Stanfield ............... 1:35 5:35 Hermiston ............. 1:35 5:35 Ar. Umatilla ...__ _ 2:15 6:15 Leave— A. M. P. M. Umatilla ................ 8:00 12:15 Hermiston ................. 8:20 12:35 Stanfeld ...... 8:45 1:00 Echo ......f.................... 9;oo 1:15 Ar. Pendleton .......... 10:15 2:30 FARES Umatilla to Pendleton round trip, 82.50. Hermiston to Pendleton, round trip, |2.25. Stanfield to Pendleton round trip, 81,75. Echo to Pendleton, 95 round trip 81.50, Dentistry l ’E N B L E T O N W a s h i n g t o n . 1 3 6 .5 6 N c w Y c r k . . 1 4 2 .4 0 B o s t o n . . . . 1 4 6 .5 0 Corresponding fares to other imi>ortant center». Final return lim it October 31, 1924. Liberal Stop-over privileges go ing and returning. A side trip to Y ellowstone at small ad ditional cost. —— Call on ■ 1 ^ a n k W in c h Vibrator» Day or night calls answered promptly D e lig h tfu l M o v ie A c tr e s s e s A IL ARE CORDIALLY INVITED g. (newts second Tuesday e v a a ta « « f «adbsM Btb at 8:00 sharp in Masonic hall. V ioitin« M a h a n . I .1 ’ FOR SALE F ot Rent—Good 5 room house, Fair EAough 1 mile out. Good road and water, $10 Rents were exceedingly high In that per month. Charles Clinesmith. part Of the city in which the young 4« tfc couple felt they had to live. After looking at apartment after apartment For Rent—3 room cottage on west they began to get discouraged. At length, after looking at one that side. A. W. Agnew. 21-J-J 46-tfc just suited them, they expjpssed in 919 REWARD— For the return of a dignation when the agent told them the dog lost last Satudday in Hermis rent would be 8150 a month. "I can’t ask less, because of the ton. Description is as follows: view,” the agent said. Long dark brown ha’r; body long “Well, m tell yon what we’ll do," and legs short, built like German the young husband replied, “Ton knock Dachshund; wh'te hair under neck off 800 a month and we’ll sign a con and shoulders, short tail, answers tract never to look at the view." to the name of Shorty. Telephone or write L. M. Ralls, Echo, Ore Circles Areesnd Mi gon, care of Bauers ▲ Bauer«. 3tp Circles around the moon a n canned by moisture In the atmosphere. If FOE RENT— For the school year, frequently happens that the sunlight house three-quarters of a mile reflected from the moon to the earth out of town on the Diagonal road. la ao refracted by the atmospheric Eher Moaato. 48 4tp moisture that a ring or circle Is formed. The more moleture there la WANTED— Roemers, mea preferred, In the atmosphere the smaller the lira. W. B. Beasley. 47-Stp circle will appear. The form and six» of the ring will depend entirely upon the particular condition and quantity ' ADDING rolla at the Herald of moisture in the a». LODGE DIRECTORY i t n . Scrubbs, whose highly colored ■ * J. L. VAUGHAN Electric Fixtures i and Appliances ■ Phone 13« ¡2 0 3 f f. O o u r t 8 t . P e n d l e t o n , O r e . $ e fl Residence second house west of the Catholic church. Phone, 82-R. R E M E M B E R s A LL SH O ES — THAT— ■ ; 2 5 per cent o ff. J OGDEN — FIXES— W ATCHES W M . H. O G D EN Jeweler and Watchmaker BERT MULLENS Barber Shop And Bath Agent for the Troy laundry ■ M en’s H alf Soles 5 ■ $ 1 .2 5 ¡W ith H eels $1.75S : 5 J ■ OAK TAN SHOE STORE Sam Rodgers, Prop. Shop at S ited ’» Confectionery WhDWofry About Rs? M O TH DESTROYER Kills Themf Destroys their eggs T h o u sa n d « o f h o u s e w iv es h a v e q u it w orry in g a b o u t m o t h s . T h sy m s s CF.NOL M O TH D E STR O Y ER . K i l l s t h s l a t - v s s t h a t d o th o d a m a g e . W ill n o t s ta in » Is« tin g o d o r. U sa U tocU y. Sold by Mitchell Drug Company Cenol Agency H a t Y our Subscription E x p ire d ? Come in aru. reneio il nexi Urns you an in loam : t J .S . £ > w rrl C O N F E C T IO N E R Y S T A T IO N E R Y K rause’s C hocolates Bur-Bee Bars T h e Best in C andies Newt stand Cigars and Tobacco ® *