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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1924)
THB HBBM1STOH HERALD, HERMISTON, ORXGOX. A Natioe-Born Prince" W orth T rying The mere fart that one cannot please everybody Is no excuse for not trying to please somebody. At our bank we honestly TRY to please everybody. No, we didn't say that we succeeded in doing it, but we TRY, by being courteous, friendly, cheerful, accommodating. And it is worth the effort too. It has helped make our bank a strong, reliable, helpful Institution. Our services are at YOUR command. We have a few Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent. First N ational B ank , Daring the reign of Edward I. the Welsh rose against the English de claring that they would never acknowl edge allegiance to any prince “but of their own nation sad language and of unblamable life." Edward U waa born in a castle at Carnarvon, Wales, and ha waa presented to the Welsh people as “a native- born prince of unblamable Ilfs wbo could speak no word of English." From that date the recognised heir to the English throne has borne the title of Prince of Wales. Machine Alm ost Human I A clever device, called a serving ! machine, baa been patented for wind- j lng twine and other material on mar line-wound cables. Actuated by a 1-8- horse power motor, this little machine ! can ba started at the and of a long i cable and will automatically travel to the other end, winding the protecting material on the cable as it goes. It Is said to do the work faster and bet ter than six expert riggers could, and as the first cost and maintenance are low. It is thought that It will increase the use of marline wound cable. of Hermiston Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Over $90,000 F. B. Swayze, Pres. R. Alexader, Vice-Prea. S. C. Lochrie, Cashier W. L. Hamm, Asst. Cashier WANT ADS REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES AND INSURANCE. J. M. BIGGS. RE ALTOR. 2 9-tfc FOR SALK FOR RENT—Small alfalfa farm, house, orchard, berries, etc. J. H. FOR SALE— One red brood sow due Reid. 24-tfc. to farrow in March. Jas. Wins low. 23-ltp Auctioneer G. L. Bennett. See me for dates or call at bank. 18-tfc CLARK SEEDLING STRAWBERRY plants, the variety that made Hood FOR SALE— 25 head dairy heifers River famous. Hermiston should and cows freshening spring and be an ideal location for growing early summer, and registered Jer this most profitable berry. We sey sire for sale. Will sell sin sell them in lots of 100 or 100000; gly or as herd. These were bred also Rhode Island Red eggs for and grown on project and nearby. hatching. Write for prices. W. E. P. Dodd. 22-tfc R. Gibson and Son, Hood River, Oregon. Will trade cows for or buy, span 1500 pound horses; must be sound and FOR SALE—Or will trade for chick, young. C. J. Voliva. 23-ltc ens, good young milk goat. Price $10.00. F. L. Sampson. 22-2tp Our spring and summer line of Mad-to-Measure Clothes are here. Asparagus, grapes, berries. All Suits, $23.50 and up. Imperial kinds of fruit and shade trees. Cleaners. 19-tfc Home Nursery Co., Richland, Wash ington. 22-3tp Polands for Profits. Stillings. 37tf FOR SALE— Pure bred Duroc pigs. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN MILK, F. L. Jewett. 19-2tc ing machines? Will give demon strations of hand, gas or electric FOR SALE— Team of horses. J. K. machines. C. W. Belchee. 20-4tc Shotwell. 18-tfc POULTRY AND CHICKS FOR SALE— 5 acre chicken ranch; 400 hens, team, wagon, and other fixtures. Come and see. Chester FOR SALE— Geese. Tllford Still ings. 19-tfc Wright, 1 mile west, 1- 2 mile south. 10-tfc White Leghorn baby chix, April hatch, $19.00 per hundred. Place FOR SALE— An Improved 20 acre ranch 3 1-2 miles from Hermiston your order early if you want any. for particulars see C. H. Skinner. Wm. H. Ogden. 19-tfc 1-tfc. 3 H ton Public Truck for sale cheap. We are now booking orders for chix, Now on good gravel Job. Also has S. C. White Leghorn, Tancred flat rack for hauling wheat or strain, heavy laying stock, $18.00 baled hay. Inquire this office. per hundred, $175.00 per thous 13-tfe. and. Ten per cent down books FOR SALE— Delicious apples. Stark your order. Chas. Clinesmith, one Bros, variety, the original. See mile north. 19-tfe F. M. Guiwlts for your wants. 1-tfc FOR SALE— Purebred Barred Rock hatching eggs. Bred for pro. For Sale—90 acres on Diagonal ductlon. $1.00 per setting. Mrs. road. Joins city limits. Will cut Maurice Bays, Hermiston. 22-{tp to suit and give terms to suit or will trade for city property. E.D. FOR SALE—White Leghorn pullets, 10 months old, $1 each; 1000 Mossie. 14tc chick capacity Buckeye brooder and brooder house. F. E. Ranney, RADIO PARTS FOR SALE—Two cir Stanfield. 23-2tp cuit receiver and amplifier In cabinet, $30, Acme R. F. Trans, WANTED— Team of horses not over formers, $4, and many other parts 8 years old; also wagon and har at less than cost. Receivers made ness. A good Jersey cow to be to order. Paul Miller. 16-tfc traded in. Address Box 427, Uma tilla. 23-tfc FOR SALE— Trusty brooder, coal burner, 1000 chicks, new. Dan Lee, 1 mile north, 1-2 mile east TRY THE HERALD •'WANT ADS” of Hermiston. 21-2tp Insects Preserved in Amber 40,000,000 Yean COWS FOR SALE— Some milking and some will freshen soon. R. From a single geological era, th< L. Addleman. 21-ltp Tertiary, about 7,000 species of insect have been described, so Prof. Charlt MTSCFTTANFOUS T. Brues of Harvard assures us, wit. many more in collections awaitin WANTED— Phone, write or see W. study. And as to individual fossils, t A. Leathers, when you have alfalfa single collection, that of the xoologlca hay for sale, in any quantity. museum of the University of Konlgs Phone 40-J-3. 9-tfc berg, contained more than 100,0(* specimens—all beautifully and effe»- I AM MAKING REGULAR TRIPS TO lively preserved in Baltic amber. Of course it was not amber when Pendleton Tuesdays and Fridays of each week. If you have anything the Insects got Into It, 90.000.000 to to be hauled to or from the above 40,000.000 yeara ago. It waa merely resin exuding from pine trees, a na named city, I would appreciate tural tanglefoot, and the fly that it y o w business along this line. I captured was seeking food rather than am «Iso in the market for chickens a mausoleum. He assures na that nature, unaided, and veal. Ray Challis, Phone 20-R. Pendleton phone 400. 9-tfc did as neat Job in the way of Imbed ding and preserving these specimens THE COUNTRY GENTLEMAN AND as the modem entomologist can per Saturday Evening Post at re form with laboratory apparatus and duced prices. See Agent Gladys Canada balsam.—Detroit News. Whitsett. We wish to notify the Hermiston milk producers that we have opened a cream station the first door north of the Hermiston hotel, with Mr. Berry in charge. Mr. Berry will test your cream and pay for same as soon as the test is complete, and we assure you an honest, square deal. Yours for business. Mutual Cream ery Co. 19-tfe It Is easy to reach us when you want your clothes cleaned, pressed or repaired. Just phone 91-W-I. W ell call. 19-tfe WANTED—Board and keep for two children four and sis years of age. Inqi ire at thia office. 23-4fr Caustic Editorial Hits Flapper o f Century Ago Do the flappers of 1923 cause our editors to shake their heads and won der to what the race la coming? Lis ten to the editar of the Boston Reper tory, September 28, ISM, when be de livers a lengthy opinion on women's fashions, says the New Republic, and especially that of appearing "clad la transparent muslin when clad at alL“ “With regard te dancing vulgarltv baa proved equally successful. The Scotch step, the Irish shuffle and the | partridge «addle have triumphed over the graceful minuet sod elegant cotil lion. A strange rage for Imitating low life aaema the epidemic malady of the age, a compliment which democracy has extorted frets, us, or else It must be one of those anaceoaataMs freaks which fsshlop sometimes playa." How He Knew An old Scotch pilot professed to be able to tell the home port of any Incoming vessel within a reasonable distance by what seamen still call “the cut of her Jib,” meaning thereby her general appearance. To teat bis pow era an onlooker called his attention to one In the far distance. The pilot gaxed long and earnestly, and event u ally pronounced her an Aberdeen boat Ha proved to be right, and a chorus of surprised voice* inquired how he knew. “No seagulls following her I" he said. miston that the plans, specifications and estimates for such street Im provement be and the same hereby are approved wnd adopted, and that the city does hereby declare lta In tention to Improve said part of Hurl, hurt Ave. at a probable cost of $2515.00, and does hereby establish Local Improvement District No. 1 era bracing all the property specially benefltted by such improvement as follows: All the land between the termini of such improvement abutt ing upon the said part of Hurlburt Ave. proposed to be Improved, ex. tending on either side from the mar ginal line of such street back to the center of the blocks abutting on said part of Hurlburt Ave. proposed to be Improved; and , for the purpose of apportioning the cost of improving the cross sections of streets contained in said Local Improvement District No. 1, doee hereby establish Local Improvement District No. 2, comprising the NE% of Block 1 abutting on said part of Hurlburt Ave. proposed to be Improved. Local Improvement District No. 3, comprising the NW14 of Block 2 abutting on said part of Hurlburt Ave. proposed to be Improved. Local Improvement District No. 4. comprising the NEW, of Block 2 abutting on said part of Hurlburt Ave. proposed to bo Improved. LODGE D IR E C T O R ! Local Improvement District No. 5, comprising the NWW of Block I, Q U E E N ESTHEK'CHA ______ _____ JIU-W tO B. I abutting on eaid part of Hurlkurt mewu second Tuesday «venia« «CjadbjMfl 4t 8:00 sharp iu Maaoniè hall. lR Ä t f i « «MÂÀI Ave. proposed to ba improved. welcome Alle« C. Shotw«U. W. M Kathryn L. Garner. Sec. Local Improvement District No. I, I am now prepared to do haul comprising the SWW of Block 4, ing- abutting on said part of Hurlburt Trips made to the country. halL Visiting nu mbers cordially invited. Ave. proposed to be improved. W. H. Ixmghorn. Sec. J. A. Reevea. M. O . I so'icit a share of your patron- Local Improvement District No. 7. age- comprising the SEW of Block 9. RECLAMATION LODGE Na. 107. K. of P.. meets each Thursday twain« in abutting on said part of Hurlburt Mack a Hall, at 7:30 P. M. Vteftb« Ave. proposed to be improved. brothers cordially invfcad. W. II. McMillan R. A. Br______ _ Local Improvement District No. 8, K. R. and B. C C. comprising the SWW of Block 5, abutting on that part of Hurlburt — PROFESSIONAL CARDS Ave. proposed to be improved. WHEN IN Local Improvement District No. 9. comprising the SEW of Block 9. P E N D L E T O N DR. FRACIS P. ADAMS abutting on said part of Hurlburt MAKE YOUR Physician and Surgeon Ave. proposed to be Improved. HKA1 QUARTERS Eyes treated, teeted apd G law 3fr)ttod And that the City Recorder be, — AT— Otftof over First National Batik and he Is hereby directed to give OfT(CE, PHONE, ® W E S T E R N A U T O CO . HESIUENfcE PHONE. Me notice by publication at least once Office Hours: $ to 12 a. nuj 2 $£0 n. a week for two consecutive weeks in Cottonwood and Watr Sts. Day or night calls ana swered promptly the Hermiston Herald of the passage COMPLETE GARAGE SERVICE of this resolution and stating the Tires— Tnbes— Accessories boundary of the proposed improve, Dr. R. G. GALE, Surgeon ment, the district to be assessed and ALWAYS OPEN PHONE 530 Loation, Bank Bldg., Rooms 1 and 2 the estimated total cost thereof. Tom Swearingen, Mgr. > Telephone 931, Day or Night Passed the City Council this 6th day of February. 124. Office Hours: 10 to 11:30 A. M„ 2 Attest: Approved Hall’s Catarrh Medicine to 5 P. M. C. W. Kellogg, R. C. Todd. Those who are In a “run down“ condi tion will notice that Catarrh bother* 22-3tc Recorder. Mayor. them much more than when they are In D R .F .V .P R I M E ffood health. This fact proves that while H A U LIN G George Challis WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 20 RIVOLI THEATRE Catarrh Is a local disease, it is greatly influenced by constitutional conditions. HALL’S CATARRH M EDICINE con sists of an Ointment which Quickly Relieves by local application, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, i which asslath in improving the General Health. Sold by druggists for over 40 Years. F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio. Dentistry D ental X-Ray and Diaynosia Bank Bid«. Hermiston, Oregon Office Phene. M Rea iden ce Phone 761 W. J. W A R NER “I A Real Loss aee a girl giving the name of Queenle Regina has left Hollywood and gone back to Rutabaga Junction." “Queenle Regina, hey?" Prob’bly a name she manufactured for herself.” “Prob’bly.“ “Just another moth, I suppose 1“ “Yep; couldn't break In.” “What did you say her name was!*' “Queenle Regina." “It’s a pity to have a name like that lost to the movies.” A car bearing license number 25 was parked on Main street last Mon day. CITY OF HERMISTON, OREGON RESOLUTION Whereas, The City Council does deem it expedient and necessary to improve that portion of Hurlburt avenue in the City of Hermiston, ly ing between the property line at First street and the property line at Fourth street by grading and gravel ing the same and has required of the city engineer plans and specifications for an appripriate improvement, and estimates of the work to be done and the probable coat thereof, and where, as the City Engineer has filed such plans, specifications and estimates in the office of the City Recorder, now therefore, 1 It Is resolved by the City of Her . M A IL O R D E R S N O W SEE P r ic e s $ 1 .0 0 , $2 .0 0 , $ 2 .5 0 Plus T e x ! Attorney-at-Law Hermiston H ITT — MESSRS. SHUBERT PRESENT— M c K en zie : : : Oregoa a leeuallen Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Has removed from his former loegtion in the Bond Bid«, to Rooms 1, 2 and 3 Inland Empire Bank Bid«. — FOR— The Greatest of All Musical Comedy Successes Pendleton GUNS BLOSSOM TIME :: Oregon DR. THEO. BELETSKI, Veterinarian Treats all Domestic Animals. Inter state Stock Inspector —AND— AMMUNITION A FULL UNE CH' Residence second house west of the Catholic church. Phone, 82-R. ORIGINAL N. Y. CENTURY THEATRE CAST Large Chorus of New York Beauties ! J. L. V A U G H A N “ I Electrio Fixture* and Appliance* ■ J ' Phone 119 s The Particular Barber i 2OS V. C o u r t S t . F a n d l o t o n , O r o . g Shop at Siscel’s Confectionery REM EM BER — THAT— ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■n ■ i ■We Cive S. & H. Trading Stamp*« ■ ~ . n • O G D EN ? THINK 3 — FIXES— W ATCHES WM. H. OGDEN Jeweler and Watchmaker We Want Yon General Automobile Repair W ork B attery R epairing and R echarging SERVICE THAT IS RIGHT BERT MULLENS to keep in mind the fact that in addition to printing th is n ew s paper we do job work of any kind. W hen in need of anything in this line be sure To See Us g « ■ « Our new brick shoe store is now open ■ with a new line of goods. See us for 5 2 SHOE REPAIRING OAK TAN SHOE STORE ~ ■ J ’ Sam Rodger», Prop. ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I i CALL 2S4 S For Hauling KELLY SPRINGEIELD and GOODYEAR TIRES Pearson’s Garage DON’T FORGET --------ÜS-------- W h en you n eed any thing in the line of n e a t a n d a ttr a c tiv e Printing. D O IT N O W ■ ■ -------------------■ „ - .................. — ..................... .... Send u* the p ric e o f a y e a r’t subscription if you are in arrears We Need the Money — TRY THE HERALD WANT ADS— ; 3 j H. Gaither ■ S ■ T. Dray an d T ran sfer ® . Hyvi*, Mobile and Zerolene Oil i S ’t a r r l C O N F E C T IO N E R Y S T A T IO N E R Y Krause’s Chocolates Bur-Bee Bars The Best in Candies News slam! Cigars and Tobacco