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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1924)
TOB mCBMISTOa ggR A L D , HERMISTON, OREGOy. ïâs High School Mirror LOCAL AND PERSONAL ■ BREVITIES ■ SPRING GOODS ■ glB Urrtl GteaaW Hat. and Than About the O r aad ta ta re« end Development of the Hermiston Schools ToLl Tjn. Sheet m etal work and Plumb ing. CaU 7 «S. I. B. Putman. 11-lfe. Some good buya In Kellogg & Schimke. A Complete Line- Ford cars. 11-tfc LADIES Flaxons It In need of a coat. suit, dress, skirt. blouse, material by the yard, made to measure corset, underwear or hosiery, see the new spring styles at Mrs. Emma Johnson’s, second house east of Catholic church. 23- 2p Mercerized Batiste Ginghams Percales Devonshire Windsor Crepe Jap Crepe Rev. J. K. Maumau; pcstor of the Free Methodist church, filled the pulpit of the M. E. church last Sun day. Cotto Chine Ratines Voiles Jens Skovbo was a Boardman visi tor Tuesday. Collar Tabbing Rev. Young, pastor of the local M. E. church, is confined to his bed. Collar and Cuff Sets Dr. Leech, of Portland, district superintendent for the M. E. church and In charge of the district that In. eludes Hermiston, was In the city Monday. Dr .Leech delivered a ser mon Monday night. Shampoo Jackets W. A. Swartout and T. S. Town- end were In Pendleton on business Friday. O t t o C . P ie r c e K IN G S L E Y 'S ' H E R M Ig T O N g H O U e e In a recent letter written by Earl Kingsley he stilted Mrs. Kingsley bad been confined to a hospital In Port, land, but at the time the letter was written was better and able to leave for her home. IN C . O F Q U A L IT Y A N P B E R V IC Z " 1 Janies Kyle, of Stanfield, was in Hermiston Tuesday. Mr. Kyle Is president of the Oregon Irrigation Congress and talked to the members of the Hermiston Commercial club concerning Irrigation at their lunch eon Tuesday. IF WINTER CO M ES- CAN SPRING BE FAR BEHIND? A few days ago Mr. H. J. Stillings received a letter from E. H. Samp son, of Genessc, Idaho, containing i an order for a Poland China boar, i New It so happened that twenty ; years ago Mr. Stillings was a school ' teacher In the vicinity of Lewiston, Idaho, and had a boy In school by I the same name. He wrote to Mr. Sampson inquiring whether or not he had attended school In a certain district when a man by the name of Stillings was teacher. A reply was | received by return mail Informing him that he was the boy In question and remembered well his old teacher. By the order Mr. Stillings was able to renew acquaintance with a pupil who had gone to school to him twenty years ago. Repair your flumes and drop boxes NOW. Get your Screen Porches and all Farm Buildings in shape. The man that has these things done when the spring w»rk starts is always ahead of his work, running his farm, and not being run by it. We have stocked through the win ter for the Flume and Repair busi ness, and will assist you in every way possible to do this work in the best and most economical manner, TUM-A-LUM LUMBER COMPANY Phone 111 J ■ J ■ J • ■ ■ CHIX! CHIX! 8. C. White Leghorn Tancred Strain. Strong, vigorous, healthy chlx. We have been In the business for 20 years and It Is our aim to have better chlx each year. We Invite you to have a look at our flocks. (We take pleasure in showing them. Chlx— 318.00 per 100 delivered to your home 100 per cent very much alive. If you live close In. Alto hatching eggs at reasen- able prices. Horace Addis, field editor of the Oregon Farmer, was a Hermiston vis itor Tuesday. Mr. Addis was calling on the livestock breeders of the pro. Ject. He stated that some of the best pure bred hogs in the Northwest was bred and raised in the vicinity of Hermiston. He made a trip to the ranch of H. J. Stillings and compli mented the gentleman on his Poland China hogs. “Mr. Stillings has made a name for himself through his pure bred hogs. Where others have failed Mr. Stillings has made good.” Did You , Ever Try to Draw lemonade Through a Broken StrawT Or you men—Does a cigar draw well when the wrapper is broken? Just the same with a range. How can you expect it to work well when the air which is supposed to come up through the fire, leaks in through gapping joints in the range body? To avoid leaky joints. Monarch Ranges are built with every joint riveted — the steel held tight and solid to the iron parts. But to rivet the joints of a range, a tough, un breakable kind of iron has to be used. Monarchs are built of malleable iron. The other kiml of iron will not stand dose riveting necessary for permanent tightness. No stove putty is needed to make the Monarch tight. It stays tight torever, and gives the same satisfaction after many years’ hard use as when new. We a re pro u d to te ll M o narch R ange*. Com e in a n d eee them . You w ill be eur- priead th a t th e p ric e * a re *o eery reasonable. Oregon Hardware & Impi. Co. A road crew is camped about one mile north of town near the drain age canal on the highway. They are at work resurfacing the highway. Ihe Hermiston Herald—$2.00 SUBSCRIBE NOW Jack Biggs and Jay Pelmulder left the latter part of last week for Portland. Jay made the trip to look over a piece of land in that vicinity with an idea of pure* .ring. WE ARE NOW SHOWING THE The government pipe yard has opened and the nianufa.'tare of pipe used on the project resumed. A large amount of supplemental work Is planned this spring by the Reclama tion service. Just as soon as suf ficient pipe Is available several pipe lines will be put in. A crew is work ing on the rock work at the Hermis. ton drainage north of tov.n. A tun- J nel will be under construction soon. When the drainage system is com pleted it is believed there will be little water standing in the low places as It has in the past. SNAPPYBUYS R. A . B r o . n son , Mgr. »■■■■■■■■a■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ICHIX! The debate teams gave their try-1 play Echo here. This Is the last outs before the student assembly I chance to see our team In action on last Friday afternoon, and the judges the home floor because the rest of rendered their decision in favor of the games are away from home. the affirmatives. Those composing Another one of those Intense and the two teams are Hugh Walker and Earl Bensel, affirmatives; and Wal exciting games of basket ball was lace Retd and Frank Swayze. nega played between the Hermiston and tives. February 15 the negative Umatilla eighth grade teams. For team goes to Fossil to debate the come reason or other the girls al Affirmative team there on Saturday ways seem io come up smiling. They and on that day the Fossil negative defeated the Umatilla tossers by a team debates the local affirmative score of 17 to 11. On the other hand team here. The teams are both in the boys were defeated by the Uma good shape for the coming contests tilla boys 12 to 6. 'Twas too bad. as proved to the students last Fri. for luck seemed to play against them. day and the question Is one which Nevertheless they displayed that old will excite much argument. Every flhgtlng ability which is a charac one is urged to attend the debate teristic of all Hermiston athletes. here, for not only Is it a help to the When asked as to what the cause of high school but it will also be a this difference between the two benefit to those present. teams was due, Mr. Bensel replied, ‘It must be that boys raised on the Some time ago the Springfield irrigated projects do not thrive as Watch Co., of Springfield, 111., sent well as those raised on dry land tout circulars stating that a bronze farms.” medal would be awarded to the per “But,” he was asked, “what are son In each high school writing the you going to do about the girls?” best essay on ’’The Life of Lincoln.” "Well,’’ said he, “I guess that Is due The contest was open to the senior to the superior quality of our girls.” class of any high school In the United Another “bob” by the name of States. The seniors of the Hermis ton high school wrote essays on the Luella Foos has appeared In the subject as part of their English work. eighth grade. Classmates have to The essays were read by different adhiit that she loks rather stunning. teachers in the high school and the Beware, boys! beet selected from among them. The grades wish to remind the Tuesday morning Professor Day an nounced that Marie Pelinulder was public of the program which Is to be the one chosen as the writer of the staged in the near future. Remem best essay, altho many good papers ber that it is for their benefit, since the money Is to be used t o , finish were written. paying a debt contracted by them, Our trips to Echo and Umatilla and to buy new athletic equipment. were but partly successful, our girls Boost It among your friends and be losing to Echo 25 to 22 and to Um«. sure to come. tilla 24 to 4. The boys were more Ernie P.— You can all say what successful, winning! /both of their games, from Echo 25 to 16 and from you please about Ethel, but you’ll Umatilla 17 to 15. We thought have to admit she’s refined. Herbert H.— Uh huh. Been thru Echo’s hall was small, but Umatilla's was smaller. Friday, the 15th, we the mill, I suppose. A. Glasgow, of Irrigon, was In Her. mlston Tuesday representing the water users of the west extension at a meeting presided over by Miles Christian Science Services Cannon, director of the reclamation The Christian Science services are service. Mr. Glasgow Is a member held in rooms next to the Auditorium of the board of directors of the dis. every Sunday at 11 o’clock. Sunday trlct. school at 10:15. All are cordially Invited to attend. A. E. McFarland, of Umatilla, was n representative of the west exten sion at a meeting of the water users held In this city Tuesday. MATERIALLY YOURS, No. 20 <lí X Mb. MS C. W. Kellogg left Wednesday nie-ht for Portland to attend the auto ’ Jesse Gossage, proprietor of the show. Hermiston broom factory, made a trip 20 ACRES WELL IMPROVED, BEST the latter part of the week to near Mrs. Sam Rogers Is visiting in land, 3750 cash, value 32250; easy by towns taking orders for his Portland for a few days. brooms. The business he received terms. was very encouraging. He hopes W. A. Leathers is driving a new soon to have his broom a well known Ford roadster that he recently pur 20 ACRES, HOUSE, STABLE, FENC- product on the market. chased. cd, small tract in alfalfa, 31000. Terina. 10 ACRES, HOUSE, BARN, CLEAR, cd, ready to go; 3600. 1 Have several good trades 'other parts of Northwest. q fe ____ - 'Mg GORDON QUALITY AND STYLE Gordon Caps Too THIS WILL BE A GORDON WEEK WITH US Hermiston Produce & Supply Co. •-THE BEST OF GOOD SERVICE” S P R IN G T IM E is drawing near. We have seeds of every variety. Big assortment of Flower Seeds, Garden Seeds, Field Seeds, Alfalfa Seed. The garden and field variety in package and bulk. Something New— Banana or Sweet Potato Squash. Onion Seta. . ^ from New Style Spring Hats for Men FOR DETROIT Come early and get your pick. CHAS. CLINESMITH s E. P. DODD ONE MILE NORTH Hermiston, Oregon THE STORE WITH THE BLUE FRONT L = “The West Side Eat Shop” = J. Lee Parker, Proprietor Bring in Your Films Don't Overlook Aluminum A Striking Value*—at ’295 Considering the improved appearance of th e new Ford Touring C ar, one would naturally expect a proportionate advance in price. and Auto Goods Special as outlined in circulars mailed this week. SAPPERS’ INC. HARDW ARE FURNITURE ---- — - IMPLEMENTS L « A M O OUTFITS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Larger scale production, however, baa made it pos sible to incorporate in thia new type to u rin g car a ■umber of d ecid ed im provements w ith o u t in O ur finishing d e p a rt ment, through up-to-date methods and equipm ent and expert handling, can help you get the kind o f pictures you want. 11 T o use a sla 1 ’ -xpres- sion: “ W e’re th tr t a . the finish.” MITCHEL! DRUG COMPANY Phone 101 Hsnnátoi», Ort. Telephone 413 creasing its coat to the purchaser. CITY MEAT MARKET A comparison extending over a long period of years w ill the fact that the present price is actu ally th e lowest at which the five-passenger open car has ever been sold. JOHN ELLIS, PROP. Choice Meats The Ford T o u rin g C a r stands today, as it always has, a most rem arkable value in the motor car field. Hams : Bacon : Lard T b i, Car caa be ebteiaed through the Ford Weekly P ert hate Plea Fresh Fish Kellogg & Schimke City Meat Market t : W e Deliver ■ ! níS