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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1924)
TUE IHGBMISTON TTTHlArn, HEBMISTON, QBBGO1T. Highways of Argentina Extensive highway conatructton In the province of Buenos Aires Is pro Published every Thursday at Her vided for In a recently enacted law. miston, Umatilla County, Oregon by The act provides for the progressive Haymond Crowder, Editor and Man- construction of about 10,000 kilometers (6,214 miles) of highways within the province. The office of publicity of the ss second class matter, ministry of public works of the prov Dei canrtfcr 1908 at the postoffice at ince ts preparing a pamphlet contain He »riuhdon. Oregon. ing information on the project. Includ ing the law Itself and 14 plana. Subscription Batea Por One Ykar .......,......... — ......»2.00 F o r S is M ouths ______________ 21.00 Payable in Advance. Classified or Local Advertising eenta per line for first insertion. Mla'mum charge 25 cents. Subse quent insertions 5 cents per line. 10 NEW She Likes the Show Did you ever see a show so Interest ing you could sit through 128 perform ances? Doris Syinonds has seen the musical comedy, “Little Nellie Kelly,” that many times in Boston. Volun tarily, too, Aie paid admission; wasn't an usher. Doris is fortunate. She demonstrates that she can go through life without monotony. Life Is a repe tition of the same old show. There ts novelty only during the Intermissions. U. S. Roquefort Cheese BIG PACKAGE America ts to have Its own roque- fort cheese, which will look, taste, and smell Just like that which has been made near the village of Roque fort in southern France for 2,000 years. The French roquefort Is made from sheep milk and ripened in Cool, windy caves. Lacking the strain of milking Sheep and the windy caves. United States government experts have successfully substituted cow’s milk nnd built Insulated curing rooms where conditions found tn the original Roquefort caverns are simulated. Efficient Graf ling Tomatoes on Jimson Weeds 3. M. Hilton, a resident of Kershaw, Lancaster, county, 8. C., has had con siderable success In grafting tomatoes on Jimson weeds and growing a very hardy tomato, which Is blight and drought proof. According to speci mens exhibited, the meut of this toma- to-Jhnson fruit is llrmer than tlie regu lar tomato. Mr. Hilton plants his tomato seed according to custom, and when the plants get to the height of six or more Inches he grufts branches to the Jim son weed. A flrin-tieshed tomato and a bush that resists drought and blight have been the dteani of truckers. If his plnn, which has worked very suc cessfully on a small scale severul sea sons, can be enlarged to a commer cial scale, the graft system may be come a hobby with truck growers. 500,000 Miles of Cables Submarine cables are expensive things to make and lay, the 500,00(1 miles of cable In all at the bottom of the sen representing $.500,(XX),000, each line costing about >1.000 a mile. The average useful life of a cable nowa days Is between thirty and forty years, according to conditions. Some 10,000,- 000 messages are conveyed by the world’s cables In the iourae rtf A year, and under present conditions the working speed fs up to 100 words a minute. About nine-tenths of the cable messages are sent ill code or cipher. Tko Man of It Itoland domineered, over his tittle alsler and mode her fetch and carry for him quite a lot. When she was going away for the entire winter with her aunt, Ronald started bawling. "Why are you crying, dear!" asked his mother, “You are always fighting with Muriel and don't seem to love her." “I don't love her,” sobbed Ronald, “but I need her.”—Boston Transcript. Willis—How is the efficiency expert coining on at your office? Gillis—Fine. He was such a success for the boss that we employed him for a week. “Did he make good?” “I'll say he d id ! He ehowed us a new way to beat the time clock, taught us a lot of brand new excuses for be ing late, and how to hook the boss's cigars without being caught.” Ostrich-Feather Industry The United States formerly took about half of the South African pro duction of ostrich feathers, but changes In fashion have reduced the American demand, und the Industry to day Is In a very depressed condition. South African experts of ostrich feath ers amounted to about $2,000,000 In 1022, compared with $15,000,900 tn 11)13. In the Spring *1 wonder what Is wrong with my watch?” said the father. "Possibly It wants cleaning.” "Oh, no, daddy,” said his little son. "It Is quite clean. I had It In the bath room yesterday and I washed all the wcuks!”—Boys' Life. Their Account Squared The foreman was going from one man to another with a sheet of paper In his hand. When he reached Sandy he said: "Sandy, this ts a subscription to gel a wreath for Jack Stuart, who died last week, and all your mates have given a shltllng egeh toward It.” “Och, mon,” replied’Sandy, “that’ll make me an' Jock square, noo. lie owed me a bob, anyway.” Qualified at Last west door of tho County Cout House tn Pendleton, Umatilla County, Ore gon, Mil the right, tttlo and Interest ■ A vivid picture of the amount of rain the said F. B. Knapton had In and to ■ that fulls upon the United States ts the above described property on the ■ given by a Washington scientist. I t Is 28th day of December, A. D. 1923, ■ equivalent, he gays, to ten Mississippi or since then has acquired, at pub. rivers flowing constantly. Otherwise measured, It equals 30 Inches of water He auction to the highest bidder for for the entire area, sinking a total vol cash in hand, the proceeds to be ap ume of 152,000,000.000,000 cubic feet. plied In satisfaction of said execu Rut this Is only half the amount that tion and all costs. would be necessary to maintain the Dated thia 22nd day of January, A. full productivity of the soil of the whole country. One-third of thia D. 1924. Zoeth Houser, Sheriff. amount runa down to the sea and riv ers. The problem for engineers to 20-5tc By T. B. Buffington. Deputy. eo*v»i»8$ solve Is the utilization to the utmost of the supply that nature furnishes. N0TICF OF SH ER IFFS SALE UNDER EXECUTION Notice is hereby given th a t by vtr- j tue of an execution issued out of the ' Circuit Court, S tate of Oregon for PENDLETON j Umatilla county, and to me directed i and delivered, upon the Judgment and I decree rendered and entered In said ! Court on the 21st day of January, j 1924, in favor of F. L. Jew ett as | P lain tiff and against Llewellyr SPECIALIST Brownell and Jennie B. Brownell, his in Internal Medicine for thii j wife, as Defendants, for the. sum of past twelve years I $1000.00 w ith Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent p er.annum DOES NOT OPERATE ' from November 9, 1921, the fu rth er ] sum of $135.00 attorney’s fees, and Will be at ! for $25.35 cost and disbursements, D0RI0N HOTEL which said decree. Judgment and TUESDAY, MARCH 4 Office Hours: 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. order of sale has been docketed and J enrolled In the office of the Clerk of said Umatilla Court; and whereas ONE DAY ONLY (Those who have not received one ofour 1924 calendars call by said Judgment, decree and order and get one.) of sale it ■was directed that the fol No Charge for Consultation lowing described real property In Dr. Mellenthin is a regular gradu U matilla county, Oregon, to-w tt: ■ ate In medicine and surgery and is i Beginning at a point 1870 feet licensed by the state of Oregon. He west and 1826 feet north of the ■ does not operate for chronic appen common corner of Section Nine (9 ), ■ dicitis, gall stones, ulcers of stomach, Ten (10), Fifteen (15), and Sixteen » s tonsils or adenoids. (16), Tp. 5 N. R 28 E. W. M. thence ■ He has to his credit wonderful re north no degrees 8 m inutes east 814 Phone 331 * sults In diseases of the stomach, feet to a point, thence north no de 8 fi liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, grees 8’ m inutes east to a point on “ The Yard of Best Quality ” ■ heart, kidney, bladder, bed w etting, the meander lino of the Columbia H. M. STRAW. MGR. ■ catarrh, weak lungs, rheumatism, River; thence westward down said sciatica, leg ulcers and rectal ail meander line to a point where the Exclusive Representatives of National Builders Bureau ments. same intersects the north and south Below are the names of a few of center line through said Section Nine his many satisfied patients in Ore: (9 ), thence south no degrees 6 min gon: utes west to a point; thence south J. A. Smith, Ontario, Ore., ulcers of no degrees 6 minutes west 966 feet tomaoh. to a point: thence no?th 82 degrees Leona Ford, Washougal, Oregon, 55 minutes east 979.8 feet to the adenoids. place of beginning and there W. H. Kellendonk, Estacada, Ore., term inating, containing 3 4 acres high blood pressure. more or less, all being situ Mrs. Ed. Eberhardt, Scio, Oregon, ated in the West Half (W H ) of the gall stones. East H alf (EMs) of Fractional Sec E. C. Nichols, Lebanon, Ore., ap tion Nino (9 ), Tp. 5 N. R. 28 E. W. pendicitis. M. together with the tenements, Remember above date, th at consul hereditam ents and appertenances tation on this trip will be free and thereunto belonging or in any wise th at his treatm ent is different. appertaining, be sold by the Sheriff X^FILEAGE and non-skid Married women must be accompan of Umatilla Count” Oregon, to set_ ied by their husbands. A security are important Isfy said Judgment and all costs; Address: 211 Bradbury Bldg., I will, on the l t f ’i day of March, factors in tire performance. Los Angeles, California. A. D. 192! at the ! our of 2 o’clock in the afternoon of said day at the Ajax Cords furnish these NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING West Door of the County Court House advantages to you in full IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE In Pendleton, Umattlla County, Ore gon, sell the right, title and In ter STATE OF 0GEG0N FOR measure. est the said Llewellyn Brownell and UMATILLA COUNTY Jennie B. Brownell had in and to the In the M atter of the E state above described property o n the 9!h of day of November, A. P. 1918 or since A JA X C O R D , R O A D K IN G , P A R A G O N Frank E. Payne, Deceased. then has acquired, at public auction Notice Is hereby given th a t the to the highest bidder for cash tn KELLOGG & SCHIMKE executor of the Last Will and Tes hand, tho proceeds to be applied in tam ent of Frank E. Payne, deceased, Hermiston, Oregon satisfaction of said execution and Hermiston Auto Co. has filed his final report with the all costs. Clerk of the above entitled Court, Dated this 5th day cf February, I Notice is hereby given th at tho when and where hearing shall bn and th a t the Judge of Raid Court has A. D. 1924. undersigned, adm inistrator of tho es had hereon. All persons interestd designated Saturday, the 8th day of Zoeth Houser, Sheriff. tate of Corwin Chamberlain, deceas are hereby notified to then and there March, 1924, at the hour of 2 o’clock 22-5tc By T. B. Buffington, Deputy. ed, has filed his final account with appear and show cause, if any they in the afternoon ns the time, and tho clerk of the above entitled court, have, why the Final Report should the office of the ounty Judge In the NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING County Court House In Pendleton, IN THE CEUTTY COURT 0 J THE and th a t the Judge of said court has not be approved, tho adm inistrator designated Monday, February 25, discharged and his bondsmen exon Umatilla County, Oregon, as the STATE O r OREGiu FOR 1924, at the hour of 10:00 o’clock In erated. place when and where hearing shall UMATILLA COUI TY Dated this 14th day of January, the forenoon as the time, and tho be had thereon. All persons Inter loom of tho County Judge tn the 1924. ested are hereby notified to then and In the M atter of the E r'a te of County Court House at Pendleton, JOHN M. SMITH, there appear and show cause. If any Corwin Chamberlain, De.'.a ed. Umatilla county, Oregon, as the place 20-5tc A dm inistrator. they have, why the Final Report should not be approved, the exe_ eutor discharged and his bondsmen exhonorated. Dated this 5th day of Febru ary, 1924. William J. W arner, 22-5tc Executor. Suicide and Climate U. S. Annual Rainfall Are Closely Related Thirty Inches Deep T he relation of suicide to climatic and other factors presents the results of the extensive statistical analysis of the relation of suicide to climatic and racial factors, and to Industrialism, occupation, urban conditions, age and sex. It has long been recognised that the suicide rate Is higher among the Nordic race than among Alpine or Mediterranean peoples. Mixed i>eo- ples usually have a higher rate thun either of the pure races to which they belong. Foreigners In New York show a higher suicide rate than in the countries from which they came, writes Dr. J. R. Milner In “American Journal of Hygiene.” The lowest rate Is found In Ireland and the highest In Saxony, while the rate varies In different parts of France, according to the racial com position of the population. Among Asiatic peoples, the Japanese and Chi nese rates are high, while tn India It ts low (4.8 per 100,000). India ap pears to be the only country where fe male suicides exceed the mate. The general trend of suicide rates has been upward during the Inst cen tury, but the higher rates tend to be come stabilized. Germany, France, Denmark and Sweden have high rates; Britain, Norway and the Netherlands low rates. In the United States the rates are lowest In the South and higher In the West. One Tagged Codfish Hooked Three Times Up to date the records of the re capture of 128 tagged fish have been received by the bureau of fisheries. Considering the vast area of the fish ing grounds off the New England and Canadian coasts these returns are thought to be quite satisfactory. Since the last week In October 15 tagged fish have been taken off the New Jersey coast. Indicating that the codfish are migrating toward the South. It ts expected that a compar atively large number of tagged fish will be caught in the vicinity of New Jersey during the coming winter and spring, and practically all pleasure fishing boats frequenting tills locality have been notified to watch for tags. While assembling the duta at hand a matter of unusual Interest was dis covered in connection with codfish, tag No. 231. This fish was tagged June 28, 1023, on Nnntucket Shoals, Mass. It was recaptured by the Halcyon on Oc tober 3, 1023, and again on October 15, 1023, In each case on Nantucket Shonts, where It was first tagged. It must be considered a rare occur rence to catch the same fish three times on n fishing ground many square miles In area nnd i t least 20 miles from land.—United States Fisheries Service Bulletin. First Telegram in 1792 The average person, if asked who Invented the telegraph, would answer unhesitatingly, Morse. In reality, how ever, what Morse invented was the electric telegraph. While Morse was still a child, a French scientist ijamed Claude Chnppe had perfected the first long-distance telegraph In the world. The first message sent by the new telegraph, from Lille to Paris, told of a glorious victory over the Austrians: “Conde Is restored to the republic. The surrender took plnce this morning at (1 o’clock.”—Detroit News. Manager (te applicant for office-boy Yes, He Said "No” vacancy)—Aren't you the boy who ap A little boy had returned home after plied for this position a fortnight ago? having been out to dinner. Boy—Yes sir. Said the mother: "I trust that when Manager—And didn't I say I wanted It came to the extra helpings you had an older boy? Boy—Yes sir. That's why I am here manners enough to say ‘No?’ ” "Yes, ma; I said ‘No’ several now.—-The Safety Valve. times.” “You did?” exclaimed his mother, skeptically. "Yes; Mrs. Stout kept asking me If —TRY THE HERALD WANT ADS— I had enough." N e s t S p r in g - W ith over 200,000 orders for Ford Cars and Trucks already placed for delivery during the next few months, we are facing a record- breaking spring demand. Each successive m o n th th is w in ter has witnessed a growth in sales far surpassing that of any previous winter season. This increase w ill be even greater during the spring months, always the heaviest buying period. These facts suggest that you place your order early to avoid disappointm ent in delivery at the time desired. Detroit, Michigan It it not necessary to pay cash for your car in order to have your name placed on the preferred delivery list. You can make a »m ail payment down, or you can buy, if you wish, under the convenient terms of th e F o r d W e e k ly P urchase Plan. See die Nearest Authorized Ford Dealer Build Your Own Home and Quit Paying Rent comingtc T Dr. Mellenthin ■ 1 Let ¡he rent money apply on your S own home. Come in and see our plan books ! Let us give you cost price on a model 400 capacity hen house Inland Empire Lumber Company ‘ T IR NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE UNDER EXECUTION Notice Is hereby given th a t by v ir tue of an execution Issued out of the Circuit Court, State of Oregon for Union County, and to nte directed and 1 delivered, upon the Judgment rend ered and entered in said court on the 16th day of January, 1924, In favor of Sappers’ Inc., a corporation as Plaintiff and against F. B. Knapton as Defendant, for the sum of $67.12 with Interest thereon a t the rate cf 6 per cent per annum from July 12, 1922, the further sum of $57.10 with Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from July 22, 1922, the fu rth er sum of $25.00 a t torney's fees, and for $15.25 coet and disbursements, which said Judg ment, nnd order of sale has been docketed and enrolled tn the office of the Clerk of said Union County; nnd whereas by said Judgment and order of sale It was directed th a t t h e ' following described real property! In Umatilla County, Oregon, to-wtt: j The, East Half of the Northeast Qunr. ter of the Southwest Q uarter of Sec j lion 5, t p . 4 N. R. 29 E. W. M. ly-j Ing north of the U. S. R. S. Canal ■'A.” which property was attached oa the 26th day of December, 1923, and ts now held under attachm ent, be sold by the Sheriff of Umatilla County. Oregon, to satisfy sqld Judg ment and all eoets: I will on the 27th day of February, A. D. 1924. at the hour of X o'clock tn the afternoon of said day. nt the 5'