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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1924)
©íp limuista Wralh XVIII MILES GANNON TALKS BEFORE COM. CLUB HERMISTON. UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 14. 1924 High School Girl Win« Essay Frias LEGION SMOKER DRAWS BI6 CROWD COREY THANKS THE COLUMBIA NEWS NOTES BOARDMAN COUPLE ARE N«. 23 FARMERS’ EXCHANGE WAREHOUSE ROBBED Springfield, Illinois, was the home PARENTS OF TRIPLETS COMMERCIAL CLUB of Abraham Lincoln. His body waa Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Skovbo, of Interred in that city. A magnifi Resolution Adopted B rings Letter of cent monument, erected largely by Appreciation Mrs. Otto Helnl arrived home Sat Boardman, are the parents of trip lets born early Wednesday morning the pennies and small coins of the urday morning after .an extended children of the nation, shelters his A few weeks ago the Hermiston visit In Terre Haute, Indiana. Mrs. at a hospital in Portland. The first URGES CO-OPERATION BETWEEN body. HUMBER OF NEARBY TOWNS Commercial club passed a resolution Shaw, Mr. Helnl’s sister, accompan weighing five pounds arrived at 1 GAIN ENTRANCE BY PRYING THE An association has been developing DOOR OPEN BUSINESS MEH AND FARMER commending the Public Service Com. ied her home and will stay here tor A. M., the second three pounds and ABE REPRESENTED six ounces at 4 A. M., and the third through a number of years to stlmu. mission for the action they had taken several months. two pound« and seven ounces at 4:20 late the study of Lincoln throughout ln providing lower rates on hay, A. M.. all girls. The Thursday K js Believed Job W u Done by Local the world, to mark those places In grain and other farm products. Say« the Future Outlook of Reclama All of the B oats W ere Above the Some of the farmers attended the the city and nearby, which he made In a letter dated February 7 and "smoker” held ln Hermiston Tues morning Telegram carried a picture Partie« Who Were Fam iliar tion W m N ever Brighter.. Pre Average. Spectators are Treat of the three babies and a lengthy sacred by his presence, and other addressed to Otto Pierce, secretary of day night. W ith the Premises dict« Prosperity For the ed to Some Real F ighting story concerning them. wise to make it worthy of the world the Hermiston Commercial club, H. Project Mother and babies are reported shrine it has come to be. H. Corey, chairman of the commis Mrs. Udey was hostess at a house doing well. ion, thanked the commercial body Last Wednesday night the ware The Illinois Watch Company, of warming at her home laBt Tuesday Over two hundred people attended for the resolution. house of the Farmers’ Exchange was Springfield, has undertaken to create evening. Among those present were Miles Cannon, field director of the the smoker sponsored by the Ameri W hen Spring Gets Into the Blood entered and robbed. The railroads are fighting the re Interest and increase knowledge and Mrs. Watson, Mrs. O. Felthouse, Mrs. 1 Reclamation Service, visited Hermis can Legion at the Hermiston audi duction of these rates. The bright and balmy days that Sacks of feed that belonged to R. L. admiration of Lincoln among school Waller and Mrs. Finder. ton Tuesday. During the morning torium Tuesday night. Quite a announces the coming of spring ef Addleman was taken from the build In view of this fact the club at the children of the United States. As a he met with the directors of the number from nearby towns were in meeting Tuesday voted to draw up fects people in various ways. When ing. This so far as can be ascer civic duty and part of the Lincoln attendance. board of water users both of the The Columbia club boys and girls we park ourselves along the sunny tained was the only thing stolen. additional resolutions of commenda program this company Is offering a Hermiston district and West Exten All of the bouts were above the tion and forward them to the Public met Saturday night at the school side of some building and bask in Sidney Barnard, who Is the local beautiful bronse medal to a pupil in sion. At noon be was a guest of the house to organize their clubs. Clubs warm bright sunshine, while nature manager, found the east door pryed average and furnished thrills enough Service Commission. each high school In the United States commercial club. At this time he A committee was appointed to take taken up were Purebred Jersey Calf, around us herald the coming of the open and the sackH of feed missing for writing the best short essay on to satisfy the most ardent fan. spoke to the business men concern Purebred Poland China Pig, Pure long summer days we are apt to dis. when he visited the warehouse The battle royal was the cause of care of the matter. the life of Lincoln. ing Irrigation and the conditions and bred Duroc Jersey Pig, Holstein Calf, play certain traits in our make-up Thursday morning. mueh mirth. It was a side-splitting Below Is the letter received from One of these medals has been on needs of the Umatilla project. S. C. White Leghorn Poultry, Bee, that ordinarily are dormant. affair well worth the price of admis Mr. Corey: Il is believed the Job was done by He Is a pleasing speaker and de display at Ogden’s jewelry store and sion alone. Around and around they Mr. Otto C. Pierce, Secretary, Sewing and Cooking clubs. Another Last Tuesday was an ideal spring local parties who was familiar with will be presented to Marie Pelmulder livered one of the most interesting meeting will be held Saturday, March day. The school boy was out with the premises and the contents of the went fighting under a handicap of a Hermiston Commercial Club, student in the Hermiston high talks that the commercial club has 1, at which all officers and club lead, bat and ball. Here and there along building. blind fold but this ln no way lessen Hermiston, Oregon. been privileged to hear for some school on Washington's birthday, ed the steam of the wild and heal Dear Sir: May I thank the Hermis ers will be elected. Main street groups of men had gath February 22. The medal Is three time. thy swings. Luckily only a few of ton Commercial club through you for ered and stretched out lazily against Boardman W ater System Improved Inches in diameter. The head them connected and for this reason the resolution adopted commending Fossil to Debate Here February 16 some friendly telephone pole or "The government has loaned you Some of the Boardman residents the money to build and develop the Lincoln Is a reproduction of Douglas no casualties were recorded. ^Albert this commission for the recent action Dcbators of the local high school other means of support were dis ure celebrating this week. After two Folk’s famous painting, "Abraham Kennings was declared winner. The In providing lower rates on grain will meet the Fossil high school orat cussing the latest disclosures of the years of drouth there is now an project, Mr. Cannon stated, and this Lincoln.” The sculpturing Is the main bout was between “Frenchy” hay and other farm products. money must be paid back. In order ors here Saturday, February 18. The Tea Pot Dome scandal or settling abundance of water. The mains to do this you must have factories work of Charles Louis Hinton, an ar Smith, of Irrgon, and Wagner, of question will be “Resolved the United various national issues. It was a have been dug up ail over town and It is so seldom this commission tist of note. Both artists are Amerl Boardman. The go was scheduled receives commendation of its orders States Recognize the Present Gov scene of peace and tranquility. and manufacturing plants to use up lowered to prevent freezing and some the products of the soil. By this I cans.' A space is provided on the for three rounds. At first "Frenchy” It is indeed encouraging now that we ernment of Russia.” Hugh Walker Presently a rider mounted on a new pipe laid. By the end of the back of the medal for the name of the seemed to be feeling out his man and have issued an order which meets and Earl Bensel will take the affirm fiery steed galloped down the week everyone will have water.— mean cannaries, packing houses, winner. No advertising of any kind was Inclined to let Wagner do all the with general public approval. As ative here. The negative team com. thoroughfare. As he drew near it Boardman Mirror. etc. is found on the medal. leading. Later it begin to dawn up you know the decisions of this Com. posed of Wallace Reid and Frank proved to be E. P. Dodd. He drove “There must be a closer relatlo* The first medal was presented to on him that he could wade ln and mission are based upon the facts of Swayze will go to Fossil on the same between the farmer and merchant. up to another fellow who was hold Business men do not acquaint them, Lloyd George on the occasion of his smack Wagner on the beak and get the casee presented and for this rea night to meet the affirmative team ing a horse and dismounted. We visit to the tomb of Lincoln In the away. son are not always In accord with at Fossil. selves with conditions. You must were unable to hear the conversation fall of 1923. Others have been Uuless Hermiston wins the debate but by the gestures used it was ap. From this time on he waded in the public’s desire. bdp him work out a plan whereby placed in Lincoln collections and it will be the last one held here this parent that sn argument of some sort Very truly yorus. and even though the contest was call he may be able to maks his payments. libraries throughout the country, but ed a draw, Frenchy had the better Public Service Commission ot Oregon year. Ills problems are yours." was In progress. Our curiosity was none have been sold or none will be By H. H. Corey, Chairman. Both teams under the direction of aroused and we drew closer. And WILL BE GIVEN TO RAISE MONEY Mr. Cannon urged the business men sold; they are not for sale at any of the fight. FOR CLUB HOUSE There were four other three round Professor Guilfoll have been gather would you believe, he was trading and farmers of the project to keep in price. bouts. Carl Lomax vs. Joe Neary, ing material and working hard and horses, b’gosh. Just Like a Printer close touch with their representatives draw. Les Lomax vs. Manny Wood When a printer wants to buy by the efforts put forth are able to Yes sir, the bright and balmy days at Washington. "They are doing all Three Barrels of Mash Found in ard, draw. Ralph Longhorn vs. Er present the question in a manner that announces the coming of spring To Be Held at School House Saturday — some clothes in their power to help you but are Butter Creek nest Parrish, draw. Logan Todd vs. that Is both Interesting and instruct effects people ln various ways. a few groceries February 23. Small Admission unable to know your wants and needs Last Wednesday while officers Jim Todd, draw. The Legion real ive. some electric light Fee W ill Be Charged unless yo muake them known.” —I------------------------ were on a “still hunt” In the vicin ized a nice little sum from the a pair of shoes Last year the High School was TO W hich We Say Amen! "There never was a time In the ity of Butter Creek they happened smoker. — or a pint of booze short one hundred dollars of paying The various reclamation projects history of reclamation when the out across three barrels of mash hidden some tooth paste expenses ln debate. This should not are widely different ln character The Neighborhood club met with look was brighter. During the next away In a secluded place. They left UMATILLA EXPERIMENT STATION occur again. The boys are putting ln many ways— in the kind of soil, ln Mrs. Brooks on Wednesday afternoon some meat for dinner five years a wave of prosperity will things as they found them Intending forth every effort to give the best the kind of climate, ln the supply of of this week. After the usual busi a ticket for the show HOTES sweep over the project and you will to hide nearby and thus find out the they have and their perseverance water, in the kind of market, In dis ness session Mrs. Canfield read a He gets busy do more business than you ever have identity of th e owner. For five and talent should be appreciated by tance to market, ln freight rates, ln paper on the Population of Japan, — on the phone (Under this heading from week to done before,” he said. nights they kept up their vigil but week will be published brief notes of the public. You should show your transportation facilities, and many which was fine. — or sends out a flock of "re- Mr. Cannon stated unless taxes to no avail. The person or persons Experiment Station results and items appreciation by attending next Sat other maj’ecf that attest the actual quests for bids” could be reduced the country would Mrs. Brooks had her house beauti to whom It belonged was evidently of general agricultural interest.)— And he says urday. suffer. "You cannot put the tax ful!} decorated with festoons and productivity of the lands. wise to the fact that they was being Editor. — I want you to get busy burden on the large corporations for A very careful Investigation should hearts and her refreshments carried watched. The officers destroyed the — and send in your samples COMMUNITY CLUB TO If this is done it would eventually The lamb feeding tests this winter be made as to what Is the real net out the same Valentine suggestions. mash and another man was left to — and your lowest prices come back to the consumer.” HOLD ART EXHIBIT cash value of the Irrigated land, the There was a good attendance. The mourn the loss of the makings of are being ocnducted with 270 of cross — and your special discount to blood lambs. Each lamb is being He added a touch of humor to his some good corn whiskey. fair and ordinary cash return to the next meeting will be held with Mrs. fed all the hay he w ill clean up and ME For I’m the guy that The Community club art exhibit farmer on each of these projects. Joe Udey on Wednesday, February talk. "You have been talking today — wants the best 75 pounds of barley. This Is a will be held at the Hermiston Hotel Find out what he can reasonably pay 27th. about the reduction of freight rates HEW POULTRY CIRCULARS — and wahts It quick rather low grain ration but our Tuesday and Wednesday, the 19th after his living and other expenses This Is a subject I am Interested In. Mrs. Paulsen will read a paper on READY FOR DISTRIBUTION problem here Is to use as much hay — and cheap and 20th. The opportunities for and properly caring for his family, Social Conditions and Customs of I own a place in Idaho and the freight —;now show some speed and as little grain as possible. The Improvement along cultural lines are educating his children and having Japan and Mrs. Simmons will give rate I had to pay last year was enor — and perhaps you’ll get an so limited in the country that every something fair besides for a hard Current Events. mous. I was unable te make a liv Experiment Station Issues Informa grain is being fed at different order tion on Housing and Managing amounts per day to determine the one ln this vicinity should avail him year and unforseen contlngences. ing there and this is the reason why The Neighborhood club has de best length of feeding period and And don't forget that some day self of this one. All the pictures And wherever the charges on any Flocks for P rofit I am here today taking care of other — I’ll want a lot of stuff which rate gives the best return. will be copies of masterpieces, with project are more than he can pay, cided to start a building fund tor a people's business Instead of my own. — this order is Just a starter which everyone should be familiar, those charges have got to sooner or Community Club house to be built Three nsw poultry circulars arw The hay offered and refused Is care, — and It’ll pay you but of which most of us know very later be reduced. And It Is much bet In the park. ready for distribution to residents fully weighed to ascertain the feed Fonner Herm iston Boy Honored The entertainment to be held at — to make It for nothing consumption per 100 pounds of gain. little. There will be talks on the ter and fairer, more humane and Pacific University, Forest Grove, iof the state. How to convert the the Columbia school house on Satur. — almost The lambs are weighed at the begin, different groups of pictures. Tues portable colony house into a brooder Just to reduce them now and keep Oregon, Feb, 10 (Special)— Dean D. — Just to Btand in with ME. ning of each feeding period and once day afternoon and evening there will the original settlers on the land than day, February 23, at 8 o'clock, is Sellers, a former student of Hermls. house, the new 400-hen laying house month after that. A lamb will Now, Isn't this be a ten cent silver tea, to defray it Is to starve them out and then ex their Initial effort to raise money and the Oregon Agricultural college ton high school, was elected presi eat approximately 2 1-4 pounds of — Just like all the printers expenses. In the evening there will pect some new settlers to come ln for that purpose. portable colony house are the names dent of the Alpha Zeta fraternity — you know? hay per day and waste 3-4 of a pound The following program Is being be music. Wednesday the room will some time and try to work out.— last night when the member« met of the new bulletins. of the coarsee material but the lat. — Cottage Grove Sentinel be open for the school children and Representative Edward T. Taylor, of prepared: The portable colony house which in the large living room of their ter Is good feed for wintering horses all others who wish to go again and Colorado. Music .......................... The Crosslands new house. Mr. Sellers has been is 8 by 12 feet in size Is described or stock cattle. The various lots re Chas. Durfey returned last Thurs become more familiar with the pic Song ..............................Florence Udey in station circular 52 by A. G. Lunn, active in student affairs since his celve 1-2, 3-4, 1 and 1 1-2 pounds of day from Portland where he bad tures and artists. Many plan to at Infant Son of Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Drama............"The Sniggles Family" entrance Into Pacific University in professor of poultry husbandry at grain per day. spent a week dodging street cars tend all three times, in order to de. Dies Sunday fiong .....................Hermiston Quartet 1921. He has sung in the colloge the college. This house is built on and listening to cops "bawl” him out rive all the benefit possible from the Jimmy Phelps, the infant son of Recitation ..................... Anita Paulsen runners to facilitate moving, which glee club for three years and In the The two children of Mr. and Mrs. for jay walking. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Phelps, died at Song and Dance.................... Joe Udey exhibit. male quartet for one year, has been is an important consideration where Ted Parks, who have been confined their home in thin city Sunday. Song ....................... That Gang-o-mlne disease Is prevalent. on the Index staff, the university to the hospital ln Pendleton, are Ray Cook was a Pendleton visitor Bob Tuttle was visiting his sister Measles combined with pneumonia Reading...........................R. C. Canfield How to convert the portable col newspaper, was editor of the ’24 much improved according to reports. Wednesday. was the cauec of his death. in Pendleton Wednesday. ony house Into a brooder house is Song .....................Hermiston Quartet Heart of Oak, Pacific's annual, last Funeral services were held at the year and is now general student man told by Professor Lunn in another After the program refreshments home Tuesday morning at 10 o’clock. circular. In It he also emphasizes ager of the Associated Students. will be served. Rev. J. K. Mumau, pastor of the The Alpha Zetas. the only organ- the necessity of clean ground for the There will be an admission fee Free Methodist church was in charge. led fraternity at Pacific, was Incor. production of healthy, and vigorous Jimmy was three years and nine of 25 cents for adults, and 10 cents porated in the state of Oregon In young stock. for children ln the grade schools. months at the time of bis death. The building plans and bill of 1922 and since then has built a 315,- Mrs. F. P. Adams has written the 000 hoise which Is accepted by ar materials for the new 400 hen laying MARKET ROAD FOR COUNTY following tribute to the little boy: chitects as one of the moet modern house recommended by the depart Oh the days are so long and so dreary ALLOWED AT SALEM fraternity houses In the state. The ment is given In station circular 51 Since Jimmy was taken away. wall construction of the house Is of by Frank L. Knowlton, assistant And our hearts are so lonely and The Supreme court Wednesday the thermo wall type, built of con poultry husbandman in charge of ex weary, periment work here. handed down Its written opinions crete, finished on the outside In a And nothing seems worth while on the county tax supervising and This house is 20 feet deep by 70 dark grout and plastered on the in today. feet lotig, Including a feed room at conservation commission cases on side. The lower floor consists of a ilow we long to reach out to our dear which It passed orally several weeks one end, which Is 10 by 20 feet. large front room 35x20 feet, used as , one. an assembly room for all programs W ” 8,X feet hl«h ln th* r“ r- *‘<ht ao. The wgrltten opinion confirms And clasp him once more to our the oral opinion which held that the given by the fraternity members and ‘ ,B the front’ , "d te" feet ,our heart. county tax supervising and conser ln which there is a picturesque fire nC ** ln ,he pealt' And hold him so close and so near vation commission act was void be place constructed of clinker brtek; a one L ittle K m H u Birthday Party cause of defective title. dining room 20x20 feet, containing He can never from us part. Mary Skovbo. the little daughter two long banquet tables, a kitchen O Jimmy our baby, our boy. Chester Barney, clerk In the J. Lee and guest room. The upper floor of Mr. and Mrs. Jean Skovbo. was Why must you leave us so honored last Monday afternoon when Parker grocery, Is confined to his contains six study rooms, lava young? : home with a bad case of blood poi tory and sleeping porch which will a number of her playmates and Our hearts have Inst all their Joy, son In his hand. accommodate thirty men. The living friends gathered at her home in And there is only woe on our tongue. honor of bar fourth birthday. room and dining room are finished Then ws look at your dear face so The little Miss Is a member of the The Ladles of the M. E. Aid will in oyster gray, while the study rooms peaceful. Cradle Roll of the Baptist ehnreh serve the Mother and Daughter Ban and balls are of drift wood gray fln- And we My dear God above. and received a certificate of promo quet at the church on Friday even We know you will care for our dar tion at thia time from the depart- ing, February 29. Other officers who were elected are ling. Harold Roberta of Sumner, Wash., meat. And keep him safe in thy love. vtce-predlSent; Earnest Rannow of Those present were Rev. Davis and Sam Boardman, of Boardman, was Goodby little Jimmy, good bye love. Hillsboro, secretary; and Hiram Ver family, Mrs. Darby aad children. Mrs. We know you are safe in God's in town Tuesday and spoke at the in llyea of Dilley, treasurer. Hugo Psako and children. Mrs. Mil Commercial club luncheon that day care. ler and the Cradle Roll saperlstead- Your life here on earth here Is ended concerning the planting of trees F. L. Kelley, who is employed with ent, Mrs. Jack Harmon. But your work will go on over along the Columbia highway.. The the Newport Construction Company Games were played after which ro . club were intereeted in the matter * *-»tlste. at Oatrrlo, Is home for a few days. freahmeate ware served. So with hearts full of love for our and will spnnMr a campaign for thin Mr. Kelley expects to leave soon to The little tots Named to enjoy , purpose of beautifying the highway Father, resume his vork. every moment of the party. through the irrigated sections. We lay our darling to rest. NEIGHBORHOOD CLUB TO GIVE PROGRAM America’s Foundation LEI US IVdSE A S ÏÂ K L W VO « IKE VOSE -ÂKP *-V<Æ£ B f f i KlUeVGK ï Odi liEP/dR —