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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1922)
THE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON. There are several patients at the Drain to build »18,000 water sys times having a blackish stripe down this disease. Umatilla hospital and all seem to be the back. Is quite commo nin all tem. Wilma Waugaman visited Hermis getting along nicely.. Eugene gets »60,000 telephone Im fruit trees, where it feeds on foliage Published every Thursday at Her. and blossoms. Lead arsenate sprays ton high school Monday. provements. mlstou, Uniutilla County. Oregon by J. B. Swltsler who was operated St. Helens April lumber shipments will control it but should be used on the Herald Publishing company, Inc. The Neighborhood club met Wed on Sunday by Dr. Pierce, eye speci stone fruits only where the pest Is totaled 14,000,000 feet, Entered as second class matter, i Corvallis hatchery ships 50,000 ba unusually bad as there Is considerable nesday, May 24 at the home of Mrs alist, of Portland, for cateracts of December 1906 at the postoffice at danger of spray burn, Young grafts Dan Parker. The following Interest the eyes, seems to be doing very by chicks. Hermiston, Oregon. nicely. Dr. Pierce dressed the eye Contract let for »30,000 school j or similar tender growths may be ing program was rendered. protected with cheese cloth covering. Marcus Whitman ............ Mrs. Phipps Wednesday night and was well pleas building at Mitchell. Subscription Kates Review of Lewis and Clark Centen- ed with conditions. Dend— 17 homes. »25,000 Mason- j For One Year ........................ ....»2.00 ial .....„......... Mrs Rena Waterman ic lodge under construction. ....»1.00 For Six Months ..................- Early in June there will be Whistling s o lo .............. M ri Joe Udey Warrenton to get theatre and lodge - I Payable in Advance. school election, one director to I accompanied by Mrs. M Watson. hall. , AM ERICAN The meeting last week was held elected. A new building is bud, Wedderburn hatchery has 2,000,- Advertisinj; Rates at the home of Mrs. A. R. Fisher with neded here also, and there Is talk of Display ............. . ..20 Cents per Inch 000 salmon. LEGION Mrs. Watson and Mrs. Felthouse as a petition being circulated and pre Hood River— New power plant to Classified or Local 10 Cents per Lino NEWS NOTES sisting the hostess. Instead of being sented to the school board. If there for First Insertion, 5 Cents for Sub- held at the home of Mrs. Watson, a3 is no new building erected it is Baker Herald puts on non-union sequent Insertions. doubtful whether the hot lunches printed. force. will be maintained for lack of room. Ashland— Ashland Granite Co., | Special convention rates under TIIE AMERICAN HUMORIST’S Mr. and Mrs. Lou Rogers and son with capital stock of »150,000, files (he certificate plan have been obtain- CREED articles of incorporation. ed by the Oregon Legion for Its Keith spent Monday and Tuesday at From Life C O M IN G TO Eugene— Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. fourth annual state convention, the Pendleton. Keith underwent an op- I Believe: spends »60,000 on Improvements 8econd annual state convention of eratlon for tonsils and adenoids That married men Invariably de- PENDLETON here. the auxiliary and the first btate while there. test their mothers-in-law. Unprecedented good roads activity promenade of La Societe des 40 ---------- That all doctors wear beards. ®*d. Beddow, Mrs. Frank Beddow That a collar button, when drop is progressing in Hood River valley Hommes et 8 Chevaux. A good barn increases the value of your Pendleton— Contract awarded foi Reduction of rates to The Dalles and MrR- w - w - Felthouse motored ped, rolls under the bureau. farm. It saves you money, lightens your the later part of July include a to Pendleton last Thursday. That a marriage between an Amer new warehouse. SPECIAL’ST Eugene shows »700,000 Increase (are an(j a balf to the convention ! work and does away with needless waste. ican heiress and a foreign nobleman Columbia school closes today with 1 in Internal Tledioine for the In bank deposits since March 10. ¡city on the Southern Pacific, the is bound to end unhappily. Corvallis— Methodists start »100,- Oregon Trunk and the Union Pacific a picnic at the school house for pup- past elcven years. That all reformers are solemn- vis- system. 1,8 “nd Parents. aged, lantern-jawed fellows, wearing 000 building. D 0ES NOT 0PERATE Clatskanie has assurance of pickl- Provision is made under the new funeral high hats. Prince Albert arrangements, for children between PORTLAND MINISTER GIVES coats, white cotton gloves and white ing plant, the ages of five and twelve going BOARDMAN BACCALAUREATE wash ties. W ill be at for one-half the adult fare, Sale .. . That all Englishmen are dull-wlt- ♦ ♦ ♦ ted; all Russians are unshaven: all (♦ dates will be July 27th to August Reverend E. Benson of Portland Our building service is yours for building Chinamen are in the laundry busl- <• 0 . A. C FARM REMINDERS * 2nd Inclusive. .... delivered the baccalaureate sermon ST. GEORGE HOTEL THURSDAY, ness; all negroes are lazy, and all <• to the graduating class of the Board- ( a home, barn, garage, silo or other build JUNE 1ST. Spaniards are unusually passionate. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ <f ❖ <• * ’> ♦ The aged father, lying at tlia man high school Sunday evening. That a blind beggar is always Fake Cures Abundant ing. Come into the office and inspect the point of death is calling pltteously I After paying tribute to our national ready to step out of his role long Before adopting any new or un- for his 8on according to word re- an(j local educational systems and Office Honrs: 10 a. m to 4 p. m. designs. enough to take a squint at every tried cure for plant disease or Insect ceived by Department Headquarters tbe persistant effort that had made who pe8ts, It Is a safe plan to check up on from the Frank Burns Post at Con- | t possible for the class to complete ONE DAY ONLY prettty. shortskirted woman passes by. it with the local county agent. He don, Oregon. All efforts made by their courses. Rev. Benson outlined That all golfers are liars. keeps in touch with the experiment Harry N. Nelson Department A d-iciearjy and vigorously his main No Charge for Consultation station and Is prepared to rccom- jutant to locate Fred Clarence Ries'theme, “The Battle of Life.” At tho Phone 331 mend any worthy preparation. The have been | n Valn and this final re- morning service his topic was I Dr jjellenthln is a regular gradu- SIDELIGHTS in medicine and surgery and Is Lady Asior says I hat "one sex exporiineut station is always ready 8Ort tB being made to the press of ••Christ.” I A congregational meet- “ The Yard of Best Quality” cannot govern alone." We know of io test out carefully any new dis- the 8tate to assist in finding the boy. ing followed this service at which it licelised by the state of Oregon. He H. M. STRAW. MGR. men who can t govern at all. — covery and reputable concerns reg- | Ie was last heard from In December was voted to meet with the Uma- vlgjts professionally the more im- Crant County Journal. ularly submit their products for siiuh when he was In Bremerton N a v y jtina church officers to formulate portant town8 and cities and offers Exclusive Representatives of Nati Since the radio, those persons who trials. Companies that refuse or neg- Yard but he left there leaving a plans for carrying on the work of aIJ whQ call on tbig trlp free con. invariably were late in leaving home leet to do thiH lay their material open Portland address which ho never'the two places in cooperation. “ Dr. ¡sultation, except the expense of Benson will take care of this work treatment when desired. I reached. for the concert stay home and hope to gravo suspicion. ¡until a regular pastor is Installed. the concert won’t be late.— Haines According to his method of treat- Sun Damages Hay Record. A party of legionnaires headed by ¡ ment he does not operate for chronic It is rather startling news to hear Feeding value of hay Is often re- c. R. Morrow, Commander of Frank r Boardman now has two trains appendicitis, gall stones, ulcers of that tile payment of interest in the (lured 25 per cent or more because g Brown Post No. 91 of Wasco, each way dally. In addition to tho stomach, tonsils or adenoids, United States goes on and on at the of poor methods of curing. Huy Oregon traveled 40 miles south of day trains 1 and 2, night trains 23 He has to his credit wonderful re- rate equal to the cost of the war at should not be long exposed to bright their city to Grass Valley for a short and 24 stop on flag or to discharge 8U| t8 in diseases of the stomach, liv- its most expensive period.— Wood sunshlne while in the swath or wind- meeting with the ex-service men of passangers According to informât- er> bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, burn Indeimudent. tow. curing as far as possible should (hat district. Newspaper advertising ¡on received from Wm. McMurray. Sidney, bladder, bed wetting, catarrh, If some politican would invent a te accomplished In the cock. Added a„d handbills announced the coming G. P. A., all agents have been bull-i weak lunga, rheumatism, sciatica, scheme to divert the money spent on quality to the hay will more than of the legion men which resulted In etlned to sell tickets with the above Ieg uicers and rectal ailments, political campaigns to the use of the offset the extra watchfulness re- a great number being present. The understanding. If you have been ailing for any county, state and nation, the tax bur quired. meeting culminated In the desire of length of time and do not get any den would be lifted —Washington — ------ - the 50 men of the district to form a better, do not fail to call, as improp- HEPPNER, O R E G O N County News-Times. Cutworms Are Numerous post of The American Legion. [ er measures rather than disease are Tlie voters decided that »3 a day Every Indication points to a g e n - ------------------------- . | very often the cau-3. of your long was pay enough for a legislator. Tho eral outbreak of garden and field Will pay highest market price for butterfat. i standing trouble. legislators dlscoveied that their cutworms this season. The efficient The Home Bureau held its last Remember above date, that con- Honest weights and test. Give us a trial shipment. wives and their sisters and their results In control obtained nndfeT meeting for the summer last Thurs- sultation on this t i ’P will be free BPBCIAL CORRESPONDENCE cousins and (heir aim's are worth almost all conditions from the bran J day, with a good number of members'and that his tieatment Is different. morf than they and they pay them mash treatment warrants an urgent Mr. ai^d Mr». O. O. Felthouse spent present. All outstanding bills were Married women n>ust be accomp- »5 a day for doing cl«i w w o r k - - recommendation that It be generally pay it out of the taxpayers' pockets. need. For enough halt for one acre Saturday and Sunday In Pendleton, ordered paid and all unfinished busl- anied by their husbands. ■■ — ness concluded. The club will not re- Address: 336 Boston Block, Min- — Halsey Enterprise. use bran, 15 pounds, calcium or lead Mr. and Mrs. Whitaker of Pendle- iUme its regular work until Septeni- neapolis. arsenate, one-fourth pound salt, one- I .......... ■ ❖ -> •:• ❖ ❖ ❖ <• ❖ •:• •:• ❖ ❖ •:• fourth pound, syrup, one pint, and ton are visiting at the home of their her. . ♦ ♦ enough water to make a crumby mash daughter, Mrs. W. A. Leathers. The dance given by the Home < V. r- Vv.t ♦ OREGON INDUSRTIAL ♦ Broadcast It over the infested area A •“ A ' • Banks has tented his •arm and Bureau on Friday night was a de- <• REVIEW ♦ in the evening, nr place In small elded success and well attended. The ♦ ♦ heaps— one thimble full— adjacent to expects to leave seen. music was very fine and furnished but not in contact with the plants. The Neighborhood club met at the by Mlgg Marjorie Logan and brother Klamath Falls »387.000 Jo he home of Mrs. Dan Parker Wednesday Hugb and AIfred steven8. The young ' ■ Í7 spent on Lanell and Horsefly pro County Agent W ill Help ject. When diseases and insect problems with 20 members present. Mrs. F. P. i„rche8tra received a great many com- / f; ; Phipps gave a very Interesting paper , pllmentg aB the)r mu8lc purpa8sed /..U.. : / Portland gets charte, for Oregon- arise it Is a good practice to get In some of the older orchestras. The touch nt once with the county agent on the life of Marcus Whitman. Washington Land Bank. floor was In good shape and the elec- Oswego-Ductch Town road contract ns he Is directly connected with the Mrs. Mae Hanan of Union, Oregon ^jon returns were enjoyed and appre- let for »7939. experiment station and Is usually in i / •> and Miss Ruby Shirley are visiting c(ated Pun(,b wag Berved durlng thc Astoria Times to be revived by a position to be of assistance without at the home of their sister. Mrs. Roy dance by a committee coll8iBting of Owen A. Merrick. delay. Rogers. ^|rg Logan and Llewellyn. Monmouth Io have new Evangeli cal church. Another Beetle Shows Up Mr. and Mrs. Kendle and children Mt. Angel has opened a new cai- The Syneta lenf-beetle, a creamy Friday was a gala day In Umatllla of Weiser, Idaho, arrived Wednesday nery. white, medium sized Insect somfc- . - . - a a « * a i___ everyone was very busy. Several were to look after property interests here. . / . , Z a . «. , .. .. kept on the alert constantly marking Mr. Kendlo recently purchased the . ,, , A . ballots lest some one not well versed Adair farm. A 4 should cast a vole wrong., rne Kian candidates were all nominated in The entire teaching force at Co- Umatllla ln I11O8t lnstance8 , wo to I lumbia has been re-elected for the ¡one. ( The name of Mrs. Nugent was 1 coming term; Mr. Robinson as princ ipal. Mrs. J. H. De Moss, as Inter clnct committeeman, but the name mediate and Miss Hattie Graham as of W. A. Ford was written in by 1 primary teacher. ! enough to defeat Mrs. Nugent. The : Irik« Is on Bal we ran get eoal fro n tho Utah fields w:. ‘ Relatives of A. U. Raymond from Mrg Nugent and Mr„ Run,ck ftre We have a car of lump lhat will lie here about the 28ih. Thit , Penn., have been visiting at his home oxpec(lng to attend the federat,„n Is Hie In si and hardest of Utah eoal. and will storo and keep In I, the past week. convention at Tillamook next week. good hape for next winters use. Two or three tons stored now will put you safe for the early part of tho winter. Mrs. Nugent is a delegate. (Last Week's Correspondence) We are filling our bins to rapacity. But our bins full Is a Mrs. Barham entertained a number , Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin left for small pioporliiin of the amount of coal needed for the year. If o fyoung people from Columbia and Portland „„ g „ nday Mr Benjam- you want io lie safe place your order with us at once. Hermiston last Friday evening. In's father’s ear. They will first go to Portland and later Mr. Benjamin Dr. B. F. 8lmms of O. A. C. and J will go to school. He is not decided Aladdin summoned the genie of the lamp and Harold Dean visited a number of whether he will attend ln Oregon or any wish was immediately gratified. dairymen In Columbia on Wednes- Colorado day. j ---------- Jljp ^riuiarton irralfi It’s a Money Saver No Waste h a y Dr. Mellenthin GOOD BARNS Make Better farm s Inland Empire Lumber Company Morrow County Creamery Company COLUMBIA NEWS NOTES W . C. Cox, M anager ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a : ■ ■ A re You Going to P lay S a fe on Fuel ■ : for N ext W inter? ■ The Genie of the Wires s T H E T U M -A -L U M LU M BER C O M P A N Y : : Mr. Hoopers, assistant superinten- I ,dt„t of the Salem schools delivered ’ ■ R. A. B row nton, M gr. Phone 111 _ , he address here to the graduating close on Friday ntght. He was a : ! guest of the Benjamins while here '■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I Mrs. F. P. Phipps entertained M b . nnd spent several days looking over and Mr«. Frank Waugaman and our country. He was much impressed, children at dinner on Sunday. ! _____ We are slwwiag a new line of of three-quarter length Mr. and Mrs. Mathison, formerly Mrs. R. A. Reid came Thursday ¡ranchers on the project, drove up Silk and Mercerized Lisle Socks morning for a visit at the home >f i|n their car on Monday and spent in the new brown heather shades at 60c* her son, J. II. Reid. several days here. They say they en- ' “ Joy their new country much better , Novelties in I adfos Handkerchief, a t 35c, In the new popular shades. The Farm Bureau met at Colum- and are doing much better there, ' We haxe some prettv M l'se and < h ik in 'n s s tra w H ats a t 75c to > 1 .5 0 . Just bla school Wednesday evening. A with lees work. They are located at tin* thing for thi- season of th year committee was appointed to confer Mosier and have an orchard. with the llrectors of the Irrigation In M en's S hirts we are featuring district In regards to forming « Mrs. A. E. McFarland, treasurer of T h e A rro w S h irts plan whereby It would be possible the Home Bureau, will have a straw in the soft cuff patterns at »2.00, for the farmers to get concrete pipe berry feed on her ranch soon, and offertili from the government. Another com- entertain members of the Home ul Men’s Sallo» Straw Hals worth.up to »J 00 at »1. mittee was appointed In regards to Bureau. The invitations will be ex- pooling orders and buying eoal and tended to paid up members only. It feed for next winters use co-opera- ' Is planned for the day the delegates tlvely. Dr. B. F Simms of O. A. C. Yelurn from the convention, so their thoroughly explained contagdous report can be rendered then and “ Tht R til o f " T h t B e tl o f abortion among rattle and outlined everyone get the benefit of It, while G o uJ Service’ ’ G<xxt Service * • a p*an whereby the farmers can co- it Is still frerh In the minds of the , operate with the college In fighting delegates. H e r m is to n Produce & Supply Co. ' Mrs. Henry Sommerer entertain- ed a few 'riends and neighbors Iasi Thursday afternoon. A t your command there is the genie of the wires. He will take your voice instantly—without regard to distance—wherever you may desire to send it. You are familiar with the conveniences of local telephone service, but have you ever thought of the pleasure or profit available in the use of the long distance lines? The genie of the lamp was the servant of a single individual. The genie of the wires will respond to the call of every telephone user. Every Bell telephone is a Long Distance station. The Pacific Telephone And Telegraph Company .7