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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1922)
m* Bwmtefcm ïbntW U.*1 VOL. XVI No. 36 HERMISTON, UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1922 COMMENCEMENT FOR 1022 EDUCATION HELD CLASS IS FRIDAY EVENING TWO NOW LEADING Will Be at School Auditor ESSENTIAL IN LIFE Exercise» FOR GOVERNORSHIP ium; Dr. McElveen to Deliver THIS THE SENIOR CLASS EDITION ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ HERMISTON AND ECHO WIN AGAIN Today’s H erald Is d ifferen t <• the Address ❖ from most of the Issn 9 in con- < HESSER EMPHASIZES NEED OF 11GHT IS BETWEEN OLCOTT AND ❖ ta in in g several a rticles by mem ♦ LOCAL TEAM DEFEATS The g ra d u a tin g exercises of the SCHOOL AND COLLEGE ❖ bers of the g ra d u a tin g class of HALL SAYS GOSSIP FIELD 13 TO 8 (lass of 1922 of th e H erm iston union "INSIDE OF THE CUP" NOTED NOVEL TO BE SHOWN HER!' Churchill Bock to be at Piny House Saturday Evening; Power oi Wealth is Theme HERMISTON HIGH TAKES 2 GAMES E very read er of c u rren t lite ra tu re STANFIELD AND ECHO DEFEAT w ill recall the sensation caused by ED IN EASEBALL HERE ❖ th e H erm iston union high <• th e publication several years ago of | high school w ill be held tom orrow ❖ school. ❖ W inston C h u rch ill's pow erful novel, (F rid a y ) evening a t th e public ❖ Instead of h av in g a class day ♦ Class President's Address Shows the school au d ito riu m a t 8 p. m. Echo Takes Thrilling 10 Inning Con “The Inside of th e Cup.” Tho story Game W ith Stanfield Results in 6 Little Change is Seen Elsewhere; Klu ❖ exercise th e class decided to <• attack ed the alleged hypocrisy of cer- ' T here are 12 m em bers of th is y ear's Actual Money Gain in School to 2 Score and is One of test From Umatilla; Score is Klux Kian Seems to be Big ❖ publish the valectory speech, the ❖ ta in clergm en and men of w ealth I class, n in e boys and th ree g irls. They and College Training ❖ salu tatio n , th e w ill, th e prop- O identified w ith th e churches as v est, Fastest Played Here Five to Two Issue This Year are: Misses A loha H am m er, Mae R og. ❖ hecy and the o th er tim e honored <• rym en. Iera and Doris Swayze, and th e Messrs. ❖ class docum ents in The H erald, ❖ T he p ictu re rig h ts having Deen ob- ' , Dewey Payne, H arold W aterm an , H erm iston an d Echo w ere again tained by C osm opolitian at g reat ex-i The high school baseball boys ❖ th u s giving them a w ider circu- <• By F rederic H esser In th e p ast few days th e race for ¡Gwyn H ughes, P au l Stockard. F red ❖ iation am ong friends of the ♦ w inners in S unday’s irrig a tio n league Pense, th e story w as picturlzed by ¡brought th eir season to a successful F o r a num ber ( y years th e people eric H esser, Jam es H all, M athew governor of Oregon seem s to have ❖ school and enabling th e stu d en ts •> games. The local boys w en t to S tan- A lbert C apellani, a fam ous directo r ¡elore by b eating Echo in a ragged of th e U nited S tates have been be an d C arl I narrow ed from th ree men dow n to Gordon, H ollis Gordon ❖ to have a p erm anent record of •> field and took th a t luckless aggrega- nnd th o film version w ill be show n game here Friday by a 12 to 3 score com ing converted to th e idea th a t I two. Myers. <• tion in to cam p by a 13 to 8 count, a t th e P lay H ouse S aturday. ¡and th en by d efeating S tanfield in a good education is an asset. The A week ago th e ta lk w as th a t Ol ❖ them . The com m encem ent program is as T herefor today’s H erald w ill ❖ w hile U m atilla and Echo Rtaged an- tim e has come however, w hen an ed- T he story deals w ith th e R ector of one of the fastest high school gam es co tt, H all and P a tte rso n w ere the ❖ ucatlon has become more th a n an as- follow». O rchestra selection, sa lu ta t- ones th e lig h tn in g w as m ost likely ❖ serve two purposes, its usual ❖ o th er fast gam e a t U m atilla in w hich a fushlonable h u rch who tu rn s upon ever played here by a 6 to 2 score set, and has become a business and by Dewey Payne.t valedictory by to strik e, now th e contest is believed <• one of tellin g the re g u lar com- ❖ the visitors again came off victor! jhis w ealth y p arish io n ers w hen he ¡Monday afternoon, social necessity. Dori8 Sw ayze- Presentation of a sta- to have narrow ed down to O lcott and ❖ m u n ity news and the special one <• ous w ith a 5 to 2 lead a fte r 10 in discovers them p arad in g under a o f tb e E ,.ho ganie , t b etter jtu e to the school by Frederic Hesser, ❖ of giving publicity to th e sen- ❖ n ings of play. m ask of hypocrisy and Invites th e say , i t t ,# Th<j were a5ollt T his fact has only too well been c,BgB pre8| dent> address by Dr. Mc- H all w ith th e P a tte rso n vote slip p in g ❖ io r class articles. We are sure ❖ common people to a tten d his church , h(j nit.C : ,ooklllg bunch of boys th a t Scoring Begins Early dem onstrated d u ring the p resen t per- 0 v w n of th e F |rs t co n g reg atio n al in ,° tb e ° .* T ° t n J ❖ th a t the la tte r w ill be especial- ♦ T he game a t S tanfield sta rte d w ith I' Idon U arr, a vestrym an, u n scru - ,1;1S pjayed bere p lis year> b u t hav- iod of depression in w hich unskilled church of P o rtla n d , q u a rtet selection, ,h e o th *r candldate8 a PPea™ a t pre8’ ❖ ly enjoyed by th e readers. <• bang, H erm iston g e ttin g four ru n s pulou8 and ty ran n ical, alienates his |n g s.l)(J th at one has said it all. labor w as unable to rind w ork. The p resent a tion o i diplom as by F. B. cn t to have a gho8t ° ' “ ch ance' ❖ ❖ in th e first inning. B ut Stanfield 80n and d a u g h te r and is finally k ilt- Th(,y couidn*t p!ay ball. And the lo- m an w ith an education, how ever, Swayze of th e board education. 1 Klu Klux is Issue came rig h t back w ith th ree in her ed by 8 m an w,lom be has ruined. caj teatn a (te r m aking fo u r ru n s in h as not hud as g reat d ifficu lty to find song Alma M ater by th e school. I G overnor O lcott sta rte d th in g s late h a lf of ___________________ _____ the firs t and added ____ tw o _____ more 3’here Is n p re tty love rom ance be- th e first in n in g reg u lated its pace em ploym ent. Sunday evening the class atten d ed ,ast week w hen he jum ped into the in th e second w hile H erm iston w as tw een *’ie R ector and P a r r s dnu g h t- t0 tb a t ()j |b e ViHjtorH and played tho b accalau reate serm on a t th e H m e-llght w ith a red h o t le tte r de- Work Sometimes Hard m aking one in th e second. T his e r w h,ch cnds happily. The lead only a little b e tte r ball th an they did. M ethodist (Church, Rev. W ann preach- nouncing th e K ian. T he Kian came F o r the la st tw elve years we, th e m ade it five all and it looked like a ing roles are played by W illiam F. Echo Fields Poorly class of 1922, have been going to ing. The accom panying program in- rig h t back th e n ex t day w ith a re- C arleton and E d ith H a,lor. tig h t game. school alth o u g h a t tim es th e idea cludcd a piano solo, a selection by a P'X In w hich th ey tried to Justify Echo made two scores in th e fo u r T hen H erm iston tasted blood again palled upon us, we do not count m ale q u a rte t, in cluding H arry W ann, ¡their purposes and m ethods. inning by clean h its, but aside from w hen she added tw o in the fo u rth and Then th e O regonian sen t a le tte r those long years w asted. We are be F ran k W augam an, F. P. Phipps and th a t was held down by the p itch in g to all can d id ates ask in g an expression TOTAL COST PER TON OF HANDL one in the fifth and sixth, giving her g in n in g to recognize the need of a A. C. V oelker, a solo by Irw in Shot- of V ernon W aterm an . T he Echo as to th e Kian. Several cand id ates re a fo u r ru n lead. Then in th e sixth firm foundation on w hich to build well and a solo by Zona Benscl. ING KAY IS $1.05 pitcher did w ell, b u t w as given no plied a t once, h u t a t th is w ritin g th e S tanfield did her last scoring of the o u r fu tu re lives. F or the past tw elve support ut all. In one in n in g w ith K ian issue seem s to have narrow ed day when she ham m ered in throe years we have been developing both H erm iston men on bases he stru c k down to th e tw o m en, O lcott and H all more m arkers. In the lucky seventh m entally an d physically, to provide out two men, but w ere safe on first ¡the form er an o u t and o u t opponent Plan to Advance Part of Return to H erm iston made h er last fo u r runs, th is firm foundation. A lthough some of th e K ian and th e la tte r receiving Phelps, L onghorn. D urfrey and Gil- VOMEN NCT TO GIVE SCHOOL ¡on bad throw s from th e catcher. Grower in Fall Considered; of th e su b jects have seemed both hard W hat th e fans m issed F riday, its support along w ith th a t of th e e tte b rin g in g them in. LUNCHES NEXT YEAR and useless, nevertheless th ey had a Final Payment Soon however, they got Monday w hen the federated p a trio tic societies. The o th T hornton pitched for S tanfield, purpose, and th a t purpose w as the fast S tanfield team cam e here to e r cand id ates tend to tak e a m iddle Phelps and G illette for H erm iston. developm ent of our b rain s and a reas ¡cinch th e cham pionship of th e w est ground. P a tte rso n refuses to regard B oth team s m ade 11 hits. The best oning powers. Follow ing a series of local d istric t Home Bureau Holding Last Meeting end of the county. '1 hey d id n ’t. Tho WEAKNESS OF 1922 HUM0R- it as a m ajor issue and he is p ro b w ork a t th e bat on eith e r side was m eetings a t w hich th e m anager had T his education has been necessary local boys defeated them in one of tho of the Summer Today; Other ably rig h t to th e e x te n t th a t it o u g h t done by Dave M ittiesdorf w ho made OUSLY TOLD given a complete re p o rt of the past fo r us to assum e our place of respons- fastest and best played high school not to be one, b u t in th e m inds of fe u r h its and four ru n s out of five Interesting Items y ear’s work the m em bers of the Ore b ility in th e w orld of affairs. games over seen here. “S h o rty ” Long- m ost people it is one and th a t w ill tim es up. One of the h its w as a hom gon Co-operative H ay G row ers m et In The unskilled laborer, a t c u rre n t ----------- born pitched and w as given p ra c ti- line UP th e v o ters for th e tw o lead e r an d an o th er w as a triple. What They Like to Do and What H erm iston Monday to hold th e An w ages, receives perhaps $2.50 p er ,, t . \ »< n- .. son R r. ussell „ c a l l y J errorless support by h is infield ing candidates. Ja rv is D urfrey played h is first Mrs. R.\ M. T u rn e r and n u al m em bership m eeting and elec They Want to Be Set Forth ■ i «. , . ay for . „ Pendleton j, . during th e en tire game, dey th a t he w orks. However, in bas gam e of the season on the H erm iston are leaving on F rid Olcott’s Chances Best tion. in g the average num ber of days nt H erm iston got a one ru n lead in team and showed up strong. He field w here th ey w ill spend a few days, by Class Statistician I t is h a rd to p red ict th e outcome. The m anager gave a b rie f sum m ary 300 for a y ear, th e estim ate is p er P ersonally we are b e ttin g o u r pennies of th e past y ear’s o perations show ing ed several d ifficu lt chances a t short before sailing for A nhorage, A laska ¡*^e second and follow ed w ith two haps h ig h er th a n th e average, b u t on O lcott as th e K ian can n o t poll a th a t the organ izatio n h ad handled stop w ith o u t e rro r and m ade a h it w here th ey w ill m ake th e ir fu tu re more in th e fifth . 1 lien S tanfield it w ill serve. D isregarding accidents By A loha H am m er big vote in th e sm all tow ns and ru ra l 10485 tons of hay including 2823 an d a ru n a t bat. Ja rv is w ill bear home. It is not know n definitely scored in the six th w hen Reese cam« th e average man w orks ab o u t forty w h eth er they will sell th e ir place in ° " M cCoys h it to left. T he scoto In spite ot th e easy success of sections w here O lcott is bound to be tons of hay sold local feeders, and w atch in g in the gam es to come. years, or 12,000 days, e a rn in g $ 3 0 - or lease to somfe relluble party. .The wnB ‘’tree to one and both sides were s ta tistic s th ere are m any item s of strong. T he H all cam paign has been th a t th e cost of h an d lin g th is hay Echo Finally Wins 000. On th e o th er hand the m an w ith in te re st a b o u t th is class w hich have well m anaged and aggresively c a rri w as only $1.05 per ton w hich was A t U m atilla it was a fig h t all the com m unity reg rets losing the fam ily P laying a ir tig h t ball. N o th in g liap- at least a h ig h school education re At but ow ing to M tr . T u rn e r’s poor pened in the seventh th o u g h butij never been b ro u g h t to lig h t. ed o u t and th e election w on’t be ov held to be reasonable fo r the first w ay betw een Echo and U m atilla. ceives an average salary of $1503 per th e end of the n in th it w as tw o to h ealth the change was com pulsory. Kldf:s Pot llien on bases T herefore, by a system of o ur own e r till th e votes are counted. Reason’s o p erations an d hjnpe was yonr, or. In 40 years $60,000, jti-l we have collected these item s to put Waterman Gets Hits T he o th er races do n o t ap p ear to h eld ou t of a low er selling cost for two, b u t in th e 10th th e v isitin g ¡Good luck and God speed is th e w ish tw ice ns m uch as th e m an w ho neg on future- record. A class so b rillian t have changed m uch. The G w inn cam th e coming seaRon especially if a team slugged th e ball bn the nose o.’ th e ir friends' here. In th e etg?t1 It "V ernon W aO rm an lects :o o b tain an education. as th is class of 1922 can not fail to paign seems to have pepped up a b it larg er tonnage could be secured. and b ro u g h t in th ree runs. B lakely T hursday. May 18 will bo th e la s t But on and Ills In oilier H arold sent I be an exam ple of intelligence, indus- in th is section and he m ay c arry th is Cash Value is Shown Mr. Ed. Movak, a mem ber of the pitched again for U m atilla and K ing m eeting of th e home bureau for tho out a tw o bagger th a t w ent alm ost tw elve years th ere are 2160 t r T> and g en eral good behavior to th e county, th o u g h n o t th is project. The 'C alifornia H ay G rowers association of P ilo t Rock again h u rled for Echo sum m er m onths as the officers a re to <he dairy show b arn . H arold In o l'd scho ay s? T herefore?’dividing“ t h e ] ’“ «*™ cla88e8' A list " f J»*8“ » " 8 waB more d is ta n t p a rts of th e d istric t stated th a t It cost th a t association I t w as expected th a t th e U m atilla an busy or leaving for vacation very brought in three of the six ru n s on his long h its to th e o u tfield, besides difference, $30,000 by 2160. for every «Iven to each n,em ber of th is mass to seem, by th e papers th a t reach us to from $2.00 to $2.50 per ton to m a rk gam e would be a hot one and alm ost soon. as m any from here w ent th ere as to w ith th e closing of school tho ’’lu tin g once him self and waa th ere- one of the school days in th e tw elve answ er. T herefore. I am, in no w ay re . h e com ing o u t stro n g for S in n itt and et its hay. years, th e educated m an o r woman «Ponslble fo r an y th rillin g facts his chances seem as good as ever. home bureau w ill discontinue b an for w alked purposely by th e S tau - It was show n th a t the average sell. S tanfleld. In te re st in th e leg islative fig h ts ^ng p rtce, gross, a t shipping point receives $14. T aking all facts Into j may be disclosed here, A t is stan d s now, Echo leadB the dn ng the school 'lu n c h e s and tho field h u rle r w hen he cam e to bat h as w aned In prop o rtio n as th e in- was $12.02 for No. 1 hay o u t of th e league w ith a record of four victor- BChool board will su p erin ten d it n ext w ith a nian 011 «econd ,n th ® n in th , consideration, would you ra th e r go J The rep o rt is as follows: to w ork a t h ard labor for $2.50 per I The class en ro llm en t is 14. I t Is terest in th e governorship has g ain - '0 C8Cb u tes D istrict and $11.24 for th e leg and one defeat. H erm iston and y ear if It Is Io be continued. Owing 1 ‘>e man scored anyw ay, for V ernon day or earn $14 per day by stay in g not necessary to sta te th e nam es of ed . The h o t fig h t on th e K lu K lux la Morow and U m atilla D istrict, fo r No. U m atilla are tied a t th ree and two, a jo lack of room and funds it may he W aterm an stole th ird and cam e in th e m em bers of th is class. It is 8ue | 8 expected to b rin g o u t a record 1 hay. In N. W. T his was believed sta n d in g of 600 S tanfield lias now necessary to discontinue them u n til wllen th e throw to th ird w as missed, in school? enough to say th a t not one has for- ¡vote in all p a rts of th e Btate. '»'he w hole H erm iston infield play- to be h ig h er th an w ould have been alm ost cinched a place in th e cellar n.ore buildings a re erected. It wl)> The b e lte r the education a person g o tten his nam e.— no t even his secured w ith o u t the association. I t la w ith five s tra ig h t defeats. The boys be a g reat loss to th e d istrict as w ell ed w onderful ball fo r h ig h school receives the g re a te r his or h er chance L middlo name. Gwyn. pointed out th a t in past seasons the up th e line get a good s t a r t In every as the children If It Is found necess- boys and but for some bobbles it. tho for success. In college, vocational A verage age is 18 years, n *ne o u ter garden w ould have held S tau - Most conceited boy, Nell. prices of Oregon hay has u n lfo n n ally gam e they play b u t seem to lose th e ir ary to q u it serving tho lunches. w ork of an alm ost indispensable ¡m onths; average h eig h t 5 ‘A ¡feet; lield to a sh u t out. Olio of the fast zip before the end of it. Most conceited g irl. Doris. been less th a n In the Y akim a valley L ittle Lewis D exter, son of Gene c h aracter is given, w hich would take est double plays ever seen here oc average w eig h t 147 pounds. Class dude, F rederic, a model boy w here m uch m ore favorable freig h t Echo Here Next D exter, celebrated his fifth b ir th y ears of w ork to make up if th e col Marriages N ext Snday w ill see Echo playing day last week. A large num ber of curred in tlie fifth , w hen a S tan field end a g reat fav o rite w ith th e girls. rates are available. The best evi lege education were lost. No m arriag es have occured In th is V ainest. Mae. dence seems to prove consluslvely h ere In a gam e w hich w ill eith er hildren called d u rin g tho afternoon h it to left put th re e men on bases Comparison to Journey | rla8s and only tw o en g ag em en ts;— L east studious, O rval. th a t the average price received In b rin g H erm iston again Into a tie for nn(, onJoye(1 tl|0 f,.8livltles. Games w ith one out. As th e ball w as re . . . ¡we w ill n o t say how m any broken tu rn ed from left to tlie infield, tho F a cu lty ru sh er, H arold. the Y akim a valley th is season has firs t place o r give Echo a d istin c t ad Bfresh- The sam e p rin c ip e app les o i engagem ents th p re has been, b u t as S tanfield ru n n e r on f iis t sta rte d to van tag e in th e p en n an t race. L ast Best dancer am ong the girls. Doris. not exceeded $8.00 per ton. nients w ere served, a fte r w hich tlio y Journey ot life as does a jo u rn ey on gpeak w(j week it looked like U m atilla’s kiddies were retu rn ed to th e ir homes. w ard second, ev id en tly to draw a Best dan cer am ong th e boys, Gwyn In ad dition to th is it Is generally a railw ay tra in . Suppose one wished )n eng>ge. Dea F am a (C lass gossip,) Mae. adm itted th a t from 50 cents to 65 chances w ere best; th is week it looks Mrs. D exter, his gran d m o th er, wus throw to first to le t tho nian on to go to P o rtlan d , would It not seem M at„ ew wh„ a m otb. ¡third ru n home. like Echo. If H erm iston can w in the sponsor for the affair. cents was saved In baling. Amusements and Studies foolish to s ta r t o u t to w alk instead er-in-law , is th e only one of us who team w ill fig h t h a rd to do it, th is N iel’s most indulged In am usem ent The to tal saving to m em bers Is He was successful in d raw in g the of w aitin g for th e tra in ? A lthough i Mr. and M ih . F led Dixon who bnvo by w alking one m ight get an earlier d o e B " ot ° Ur hopeS wil1 Bomej«8 c ar-rid in g in a F ord, and his estim ated as about $1 50 per ton, be team wil Ifight h ard to do It, th is been In Mil,on for th ree weeks a n throw , fo r A ddlem an ¡h o t a fast s ta r t, those who took the tra in w ould <a> bo re a ‘ile d ' favorite study is h isto ry G w yn’s fav . ing reduced to th is figure through tow n w ill have a good chance a t the a t homo for a day but will leave at throw over to Hick C orrell who ta g - orlte am usem ent is dancing, w hile Bmali prices received for th e last flag. soon leave th e pedeatrain fa r behind A boy tQ tb e cnee to do relief work a t W allula. ged the S tanfield ru n n e r a step off And so it is in life, w here the college "M ash er” club, o th ers to th e "W its” | Mrs. Allc« II. N ugent w hl had a H ist and w hipped tho ball home C ontintted on page tw o) (C ontinued on page tw o ) (C ontinued on P age tw o) education is represented by th e tra in . All belong to th e "U nited B ro th e r -! - r-arrow escape from a broken arm when Leo Sm ith c a u g h t the ru n n e r T he educated m an soon fa r surpasses hood of L oafers.” All th e g irls belong j w hen she fell last week is still laid a .-tip off home plate for th e th ird up but the arm Is not broken as was out- H nipped w hat m ig h t have been th e uneducated, and in so doing, has to th e “P rim p in g ” club, and th e "K ill 1 m ore tim e fo r the pleasures and rec tim e Society.” Mae is chairm an of the j first supposed. Dr. Logan w as c a ll a big b u ttin g rally fo r S tanfield. Hermiston Has Lead Now ed and rushed the p a tie n t to Dr. Il's- reations of life. "G ig g lers” and Doris th e "G adders.” | F o r S tanfield Rees w as probably ly for X -ray w hich showed bad bone Some may make th e statem en t th a t Jam es is a very p rom inent m em ber | and nerve bruises. She Is In a good (lie o u tstan d in g m an, both as b a tte r a college education is so expensive in th e "K n o ck ers” club and H ollis ' i r deal of pain and tho w orst pain is unil catcher. lie m ade both of th e ir as to be prohibitive to th e young 1 Is chairm an o f th e "W hy do It ! being unable to get out and do h er runs nnd was stead y an d h andy be people of th e less w ealthy class. T h at i^,ague_” j really do not w ant to Join u su al work, it Is tho rig h t irm . hind th e plate. Jiow ry pitched a tim e, how ever has passed, and an ed- any c| ub On m others day Mrs. N ugent was good gam e nnd had the local boys ucation is to all those w ho desire it General Statistics very much rem embered, ns she was e atin g out of his hand most ot th e enough to w ork for It. By V ote of th e E n tire Class the recipient of a num ber of boque,s tim e, blit*becam e w ild w ith men ou Class beau ty , Doris. College Training Possible ami allowed h its when h its and fine messages. She is very g rat i. I bn The handsom est. H arold. (Looks m eant runs. W ith good support b e C onditions a t both Oregon A gri very ch arm in g as he goes down the fui to her many sym pathlzent. hind him the locals would have c u ltu ra l College and the U niversity stre e t w ith h a t on southw est corner Z for exam ple, prove th is. E very year found it bard to get men aro u n d th e of head.) J. T. HINKLE IN EAST END buses, however. a large num ber of men and women The meeker.t. Frederic and I have J. T. H inkle w rites us from F r e e m ake th e ir way th rough college. I t ic fh A honor- Tim resu lt of th is gam e p u ts H er w ater Ih it In- is cam paigning the said at tb e U niversity th a t p ractical- Thp ,a r iest. C arl m iston In the position of cham pion east end th is week. He had ju s t r e ly two th ird s of the men a re self of the w est end. If p ercen tag es m ean G reatest social lig h t. D oris, sh« tu rn ed form Union county whore the su pporting. Many men and women has m any social engagem ents as she an y th in g . T hey have beaten S tanfield republican organization composed of have gone th e re w ith a few dollars, hns escorts. tw o out of three, defeated Echo nnd niitl-K Iu Klux Kian men declnred for o r even tw dhing. a»d y et have made broke even w ith U m atilla, b u t won iu G reatest favorite, H arold. him . In perferenre to his opponents th e ir way th rough a four year course, these g a m e s '16 to 2 and w ere de The fresh est. H ollis and Gwyn. from Union county. Mr. llln k ic ex receiving an education and were feated 10 to 9. U m atilla h a s a s ta n d Most versatile. Mae, she can talk pects sim ilar action from p arty o r highly respected by th e ir fellow stu - more th an any o th e r g irl in H. H. S. ing of tw o w ins and tw o losses, w hile ganizations In the o th e r tw o coitn- dents. S tan flc'd has th re e tosses and tw o Most eceentrie, Nell. ¡tlM and th in g s a rc lin in g up Just The a tta in m e n t of an education <fe- victories, not c o u n tin g th e Echo Best ath le tic . H arold. rig h t for bis success. He w rites th a t gam es a s Echo did n o t defeat any pends on th e man or woman. They Slow est. M athew , he w ill re tu rn homo to n ig h t. Mrs, of the o th e r th ree team s. have the opp o rtu n ity , w h eth er they N erviest. H ollis. H inkle Is w ith him on th e cast cu I 7'he lineup: w ill profit by It Is up to them . Most likely to succeed, Paul. »rip. H erm iston S tanfield A m erica spells opportunity for ev ery Biggest fusser, Jam es. I Addleman 3b. If. P rlg n lty one P overty Is no handicap, as th e F airest, m yself. HERAI-P PUBLISHED EARLY v. W aterm an cf. B aker Ftudents w ho m ake th e ir own w ay Most m elancholy, Orval. c. Reese The H erald Is being Issued a few II. W aterm an 2b. »re often th e best scholars. Those The b rig h test, Frederic, he sets rf. K ennlson w ho w ork th e hardest m ake th e mos< a pace in h is stu d ies th a t his elass- h ouis e a rlie r IJtan usual th is week Sm ith e. 2b. S m ith on account of the p o lillral ndvertls- Hail If of th e ir lives. So. p ro fitin g by th e ir m ates don’t find easy to keep up. s t,. McCoy lag w hich good fa ith w ith those who P a rk e r cf. exam ples we as a class w ill carry on Best n a tu red . Hollis, 3b. S tu rd iv a n t paid for It required th a t we get in to lladdox rf. in our endeavors to a tta in g reater Most religious, Dewey. lb . Johnson education and to fulfill o u r obliga- the han d s of our readers before d e c . C orrell lb, W ittiest, Hollis. p. Lowry (tons to ourselves and to hu m an ity . Biggest bluffer In the classroom. tlon day. L onghorn p STAN OREGON HAY ASS’N. HAS ANNUAL MEET UMATILLA FAMILY GOES TO ALASKA THESE STATISTICS NOT A HIT DRY D Radio Bill 0