Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1922)
Stye lîrntttainn Hrralh VOL. XVI- HERMISTON. UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. MAY 25, 1922 KLAN CANDIDATES MAKE CLEAN SWEEP UMATILLA WOMEN EXPRESS THANKS FOR ASSISTANCE Mr». McFarland Write» Appreciation of Help Received in Improv ing City Cemetary MEMORIAL DAY TO ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ CLASS OF 12 IS ♦ BE OBSERVED HERE ♦ GRADUATED FRIDAY « •» BUSINESS HOUSES TO CLOSE TUESDAY It was voted at Commerc ial club meeting Tuesday to have all stores close on Mem orial day that would close on Sunday. This will include all the stores and shops except the drug store, coafeetioneries, eating places and perhaps the garages. It was also decided to have no Commercial club lunch at the Hermistoa hotel next Tuesday on account of the probability that the services at the cemetary will not be over until after the hour of the gathering. The next Commercial club lunch will be Tuesday, June ( at the Hermiston hotel ♦ ♦ d d d ANITA PAULSEN WINS FIRST IN NATIONAL ESSAY CONTEST Hermiston Girl’s Essay on Making the H ighway Safe Judged Best From This State HERMISTON TEAM STEPS ON ECHO ❖ With the white washing of the SERVICES are at play house ♦ ❖ COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES ARE A report from Washingtbn, D. C. J OCAL BOYS NOW IN TIE FOR Cemetary fence, the work of the TILLA COUNTY ♦ TUESDAY AT 10 A .M . d Monday gives Miss Anita Paulsen, a HELD AT SCHOOL HOUSE ______ 'Home Bureau is finished. FIRST IN LEAGUE ♦ d student in the Hermiston public I To those who have helped in this ♦ d schools first from Oregon in the na- ' Vote in Hermiston and Colombia Fav- wor'<- we wish to extend our heart- ♦ ♦ * Diploma» and Honors Presented felt thanks and especially to those All Ex-Service Men Axked to Appear ♦ at tional essay writing contest on "How Final Score i i 7 to 2 in Sunday’» or» Sinnott by Small Margin; to make the Highways More Safe.” I who had no personal Interest in the in Uniform ; Rev. Clark t° ♦ the Close of the Speaking; Dr. The contest has been staged under ■ Game Here; Hermiston Flay» Hall Carrie» Local Precincts Cemetary, but showed 'he true Com « Be Speaker of Day the auspices of the bureau of edu- McElveen Delivers Address Best B all of Seaton munity spirit in helping this work ♦ (cation at Washington and the prizes along and give freely of their time « are being awarded by the National The “Invisible Empire” turned out and labor, do we wish to express our Memorial day will be observed by ♦ The first class to be graduated ¡.Automobile Chamber of Commerce. How They Stand to be a real empire as far as Umatilla appreciations. the American Legion and towns « from the Hermiston union high (Three prizes are awarded from each W, L county was concerned and the entire To the City Council we express our people next Tuesday May 30 at 10 ♦ school received its diplomas last (state and Miss Paulsen takes first T ermiston ..... ....................... 4 list of candidates endorsed by the thanks for their hearty co-operation a. m. at the Play House. <67 ♦ Friday evening at the public school (,ronl Oregon. ¡Umatilla ..........................4 Kian and opposed by their opponents in relation to the work begun on the «67 ♦ The Legion has prepared a pro auditorium. ( Mr. Voelker as superintendent of Echo ...............................4 were successful by a margin that will much neglected Cemetary. 667 ♦ There were twelve members of this “ >e sct.0013 here has Just received Stanfield ........................0 average about 600. It now remains for those who are gram which will include the fol « 000 year's class, three girls and nine boys, ‘be gold medal and cash prize of $15 ' — personally interested to keep the trees lowing: Orders of the day by the ♦ Gwinn Carries County poet adjutant, prayer by the post The girls are Mae Rogers, Aloha ior Mi»s Paulsen. In addition her es- j Sunday's Results For congress Gwinn won a strik growing, which the Home Bureau has chaplain, vocal solo by Mabel Brawn, d d d d d d d d d * d d d d d d d put out. Hammer and Doris Swayze. The boys 88 Y will be read in competition with Hermiston 7, Echo 2. ing victory over Sinnott in this coun brief address on the purpose of Mem. are Dewey Payne, Harold Waterman, ¡‘be winners from the other 47 states (Umatilla 7, Stanfield 2. Signed: Minnie McFarland, ty, though he was defeated in the orlal day by the vice commander, Carl Myers, Gwyn Hughes, Paul of 'be union. The winning essay there ' — Chairman Cemetary Com. districts at large. He carried Pendle Stockard, Frederic Hesser, James (wl11 entitle the writer to a gold ( In their best played game of the Umatilla Home Bureua Raymond Longhorn, music by the ton by a two to one vote over Sinnott - - - high school band, a baratone solo Hall, Mathew and Hollis Gordon. watch and a trip to Washington, D. season Hermiston defeated Echo by a and took the county by a three to two by C. P. Adams, introduction of the D- , 7 to 2 score here Sunday and tied Two Student Addresses margin. The three precints here all peaker by the vice commander, ad Miss Paulsen is a daughter of Mr. |"P ‘be league again with Hermiston, gave Sinnott majorities and were al The program opened with a selec dress by the speaker, benediction. tion by the high school orchestra. and Mrs A. A. Paulsen. They live on Echo and Umatilla tied for first as most the only ones in the county that Rev. Clark to Speak The salutatory address was given by ,he diagocal road two miles east ofI 'bey were two weeks ago. did. The speaker of the day is to be ENTERTAINMENT IS AT M. E. Dewey Payne, followed by Doris town The game here was well attended Hall carried the county for gover CHURCH JUNE 2 Rev. George L. Clark, pastor of the and close until the sixth. Hermiston Swayze who gave the valedictory. nor by a big margin over Olcott and First Presbyterian church of Pendle had a new man in the box, Bennie Doris led the class in scholarship, carried the three precints at Hermis ton. Mr. Clark is one of the best Culver of Portland, a federal agent while Dewey was second. ton and Columbia to the surprise of SEVERAL WILL TAKE SUMMER speakers in eastern Oregon and the Mr». Sifton of Hood River to Give who happened to he in town on bus- most observers. Patterson ran a poor After this Frederic Hesser, presi SCHOOL WORK local post has been very fortunate ADAniiATFn r n i n i w llne#" and wh0"° Kervlce« were utiu«- dent of the class, presented a beauti third, most of the vote aligning with Popular R eadings; Also Some in getting him for the occasion. He the two leading candidates during ful statue of Sacajewea to the school. Home Talent Numbers is well known to many people hero No Score in First the last few days. Hall carried the Voelker Fam ily W ill Leave About A quartet composed of Doris Swayze, He spoke before the Commercial Charlie Hoskins got to first on a county by a big margin over Olco't Pauline Voelker, Dewey Payne and club in behalf of the county Red June 15 to Spend Summer in WEEK FULL OF COMMENCEMENT 8lngle ln ‘be first and Easelstyn waa James Hall sang a selection. with Patterson third. Cross drive last fall and is known to The Ladies Aid of the Methodist ACTIVITIES bl‘ by the P“ cher- but Hoskins was For Joint senator Eberhdrd was The address of the evening was W illam ette Valley many former O. A. C. students as he church will give a benefit entertain caught napping off first on a remark- elected, carrying both Union and served for a time as student pastor ment at the church building Friday given by Dr. W. T. McElveen of - ably quick throw from Culver to Voy- Umatilla counties. The indications at Portland, pastor of the First Con- at the Corvallis Presbyterian church. night of next week, June 2. en and sent to the bench amid the this writing were that Hinkle had With the end of school last Fri Following the services at the Play Their program w ill Include a large gregatlonal church and was on the Senior Class Gives Interesting Flay ! aughs of he «Pectato s Ma Wham carried Morrow county, but this will day the teachers of the Hermiston House the Legion will dcorate the number of home talent songs and in possibility of development in the hu- _ ' 8n or tne spectators. Markham filed out to Mittelsdorf and Mitchell The Elopement of E llen,” not change the result For joint rep public schools scattered to their vari veterans’ graves at the Hermiston strumental pieces, but the feature man mind and character. An animal, went out Culver to Voyen. Voyen resentative Alfred Smith of Pilot ous homes. he said, can be trained to do certain Other Gatherings cemetary. A firing squad of former will be the readings to be given by sent a dandy two bagger down the Rock defeated E. P. Dodd. Mr. Dodd Mr. Voelker the principal will be soldiers will be under the direction Mrs. Sifton of Hood River, who is a things, but Its development is limited left foul line ir. Hermiston’s haif but won in this end of the county, but by the narrow extent of the animal head of the schools at Helix next of Carl Voyen. James D. Todd will talented reader and elocutionist. (Too Laie For Last Week) gOt f" ‘her’ / ° r * '" * waa to° the Kian issue put Smith over in year as was previously announced. have charge of the colors. All ex- mind. A human being's mind can be _T , much for the other Hermiston bat- the district. • 1 . Program is Given developed to an unlimited capacity Wednenday, May 10 the Senior ter8 The family will leave here about the service men are expected to appear The entertainment Is given by the he continued and urged the students class assisted by some of th elower I „ Mann and Miller W in middle of June for the Willamette n uniform, so dust of the old O. D s 8cor*d once ,n tbe 8econd on aid to raise money for the church. io continue the development they had classmen gave a splendid rendition of L For Umatilla county representative valley. Mr. Voelker will attend the or middles. "Th. •• -™.„ —... I*wo Tickets will sell for 26 and 35 cents already so well begun. L. L. Mann who had the backing of summer school at the University of "Tho Elopement of mil— Ellen.” The part l" "“ ” 8 and an error, Fred , Hoskins " O8a,na of the young husband. Richard Ford. ' ° " ‘"g Pla‘e- Thla laad a‘°°d and are already on sale. The program the Kian led the field. S. A. Miller, Oregon this summer before return ROTATO GROWERS’ ASS’N. Mae Rogers Gets Scholarship lUnt“ the i,fth “"d ’ome of the crowd who did not align himself with either ing for their school work at Helix ORGANIZED HERE TUESDAY follows: Mr. Voelker presented the Oregon (Dan Dobier) was well taken. Mollie, ¡were predicting a one to nothing Plano Duet, selected ..Mrs. Patterson confrence scholarship to Mae R o g e r s.-— faction was also elected to this office. next year. They will probably rent (Katheryn Stephens) a bride of six ...... .............- — e w . . . . , . h . and Mrs. Correll. Dr. Temple of Pendleton, anti Kian their house, here. This carried a choice of a year’s free weekfi had a varied experience with Lj(j ’ Bnt » th Several Thousand Boxes of Hermiston * rB u « a L T„d til and Frank Sloan1 of Stanfield who Solo, "Smile Through Your Tears” tuition to any of the six institutions ‘he servant problem. The fasclnat- Spuds to go on Market Before Mr. Gralapp to La Grande did not take a stand were defeated. Benard Hamblin ....Mr*. Coppenger Joining In the award Miss Rogers f'"« f r o t h y March. (Lotys Davis) Competing Crops The other high schpol teacher^ to The closest of the fights in this Reading, from verse of William will attend Pacific university at waH v«'y attractive in the way she d throw to first have left town. Mr. Gralapp will Forest Gr^e. ) - IfcandW her various lovers. KWen ( ^ * "" .u s . ounty was that for county treasurer The potato growers of this district Henry Dfummond, "When Albani Mr. Voelker also presented ” a r - ^ Un® J1 av" hl11- a . C° llegC| 8"'dent wild to third as he waY running to work at La Grande this summer. where the man with the Kian en “Miss Florence Long went to her home met here Tuesday afternoon and or Sang" ........................... Mrs. Sifton dorsement, Mr. De Hart, defeated th» „J^Ylence “t.“" a " T h ,hat baK’ The run wnB handed ‘® ua= at Pomeroy, Wash. She will teach In ganized the Hermiston Potato Grow- Baritone solo, “A Son of the Desert rid Waterman with the gold medal ers’ association. incumbent C. K. Cranston. Consider Am I” Phillips 7..-Mrs C. P. Adams won by him in the recent eastern W®‘‘ re" e^ by 'hey made us take It. as we didn’t get the high school there next year. Miss able disappointment has been ex It Is expected that between five Readings, Sketches of Childhood, Oregon track meet where he took Il”by Powell- Robt Shepard (Hugh Lucile Redmond left for her home at a hit In the inning. But It tied the pressed over Mr. Cranston's defeat a— My Dear Jerushy. ilrst In the shot put. A winged H LoBan) made » ver7 determined lover score and made the fans feel mighty Redmond, Oregon. Mrs. Robert Gunn and ten thousand lug boxes of early as he is regarded as an unusually potatoes will be ready for the mar b— You’ll Get Heaps o’ Licking, was presented to Harold and also of June HaverbHl. Max Ten Eyes, good. ... ... . , .V v „ T. . . Iwent to Monmouth for a visit with capable official, though Mr. De Hart her daugbter Jane who atUnd, ket about July 1 or before the Walla c.—At the Party, to James Hall for taking points in <Barry Parks) the ,lckle hearted, Here^s Where it Happened te also considers« a good and capable jtfce Oregon norma, there ghe Walla and Kenniwlck spuds are d— The Moo Cow Moo. the county track meet in Pendleton was very wel1 Produced- But In the first of the Blxth Echo man. ready. In this way the local growers .— i....................................Mrs. Sifton The Rev. John Hume, (Earl Cher Mr. Swayze then, after a few words to attend the summer session of the got her other run. On a hit and two The voto In precincts 53 and 54 hope to compete with the California Saprano solo, selected ..Ione T. Wells yl by his nervous and embarrassed presented the class with their grad- University in Portland during the errors she filled-the bases with none (Hermiston) and precinct 55, (Co summer. Miss Brierly, whose home is crop for the fancy early season prices. Double Quaretet .......... Ladles of the uation diplomas. Tho exercises clos- courtship of Miss March kept the au- out and with the score tied It sure lumbia) fallows The totals have The largest crop of potatoes ever Community. ed with a «mg. "Alma Mater," sung j »*"ce In continuous laughter. It was ( ¡ ^ ; ia"ck“fo*r'He?mu’ton'The „ext near Stanfield, will be the nearest been added' together, though the re- put In here is In the ground this Readings, From verse of T. A. Daly by the school. » success financially. 1 to her duties during the summer. runner was retired and then on a hit ■ults were substantially the same In year and the growers have hopes a— Between Two Loves, Saturday night the Junior class to short with a bad throw to first Of the grade teachers Mrs Morris of seeing this develop into one of the each one. b— The Wedding Anniversary, very plesantly entertained the sen- will spend the summer in Baker, RADIO SET IS INSTALLED AT King scored but the next runner waa Committeeman: c— Ees Come Da Spreeng. J. K. SHOTWELL HOME HERE I' ™ ^ " n and t,,e*r *! “ 1U?'Or thrown out at home plate. This de Mrs. Lleuallen in Portland. Miss Ha banner potato districts of the state Williams 124. Officers of the association are G. ............................................Mrs. Sifton ¡Prom. Dancing featured the enter cision was very close and to most of zel Bogard left for her home at Fithian 130. tainment. At a late hour the guests 'Glide in Douglas county and Miss R. Robinson, president, Eli Wlnesett, Banjo solo, selected ......Mrs. Bowman Congressman; A radio outfit was installed at the were served Ice cream and waffers. the crowd it looked safe. The Echo Margaret O’Leary left for her home at vice-president and E. J. Kingsley Readings, verses of Jamse W. Foley Sinnott 1$9. secretary and treasurer. Fred Ben- J. K. Shot well home by Sappers’ the The patronesses were Mrs. Logan, player raised a vociferous howl but a— A Strenuous Day. Grass Valley. the decision stood. Dorn then Gwinn 143. nion was present from Pendleton and b— How Henry Blake Knowed. first of this week, Harry McMillan Mrs. Cherry, Mrs. Davis and Miss - nded the susnense "hv 7.77 Governor: helped in the work of organising. doing the work. Last night the family RJx. Excellent music was furnished pitchor to ftwt Y < °u • c— The Delusion of Ghosts. STUDY CLUB HOLDS GUEST White i t . —................ .................... Mrs Sifton heard concerts at Sacremento and by Miss Marjorie Logan at the piano. T. . ' , t DAY PARTY AT SCOTT HOME Bean 6. George Hackathorne, leading man Solo, The Story of Old Glory, the Vancouver, B C. They report that H„gh Logan Saxophone. Alfred Step. .‘he al»‘h ‘ha‘ « '» 6 bad Hall 144. b“d “,ld ,Iern’lHton won n the picture, "The Little Minister" Flag We Love .............. Ernest Ball they could here perfectly over then- ben„ tbe drunlB. Everyone enjoyed a Family Picnic Planned for N ext Meet which will be at th« Play House Sat Lee 1. j bP Barne' Mlttel«dorf and Voyen both .................................. Mrs. Copplnger long distances. The same machine pleasant evening. ing Time; Members Present was In operation at the store Friday „ walked a‘ t,,e »'art of the inning. Olcott 117. urday availing Is a former Pendle 'Double Quartet. ■ «. a S h e s le v h it tn t h o r»»»t Interesting Papers Patterson 25. ton boy and Is known to many Uma night and a they received a messages i nnri Sunufiy morning tho senior c I amh j ¡BnRS'ey to the outrield scoring . ,,nn.iv i » a r lboth' D"rfey hit, scoring Shesley and Joint Senator: tilla county people. While a boy he The women’s study club met yes from as far away as San Jose, Calif. ... The members of the Study club was very active in home talent plays. terday at the home of Mrs. J. A. The radio will be carried in stock „ tbo * h X Y S 7 d |L° g“n T° dd HC° r",g DUr,ey’ Th‘8 Kitchen 55. s* V----------------,w._ A ----- - — at the attractive home of Supt. and waH (hc one inning In which King closed their third year of activities Following this activity In later life Eberhard 136. Scott. It was visitor’s day and each when It becomes possible to get them Mrs. Harold Benjamin. waB b(t and be wa„ h,t bar<, tJ|p with a guest day party and program he has reached a high place in the Hinkle 128. member was supposed to bring an promptly. Another outfit has been at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. films. Dr. Benson, Sunday morning held (hits being bunched and coming up as Joint Representative: ordered. outside guest. Scott on Tuesday afternoon. At the the undivided attention of a large they were wanted, Smith 125. audience at a fine baccalaureate ser- j The locals added two more In the regular business meeting plans were Conder 2. (adopted for a family picnic to be held mon to the graduation class. A spec!- i eventh, hits by Mittelsdorf and Voy- Dodd 190. I at the next regular meeting time and al violin solo by Ruby Powell was en turning the trick, aided by Echo Hulden 4. (a committee appointed to make ar- much enjoyed. errors. Echo went out ln one two Representative: I angements. The eighth grade held their exam- thrte order In the seventh and nelth- Temple 86. • Roll call was responded to by pop- inations last week. The remainder er side threatened In |the eighth, Mann 169. ular quotations on “Friends.” Mrs. of the school are enjoying (7) their Echo got two on with one out In the Miller 121. finals this week. ¡ninth, but Culver struck out Hoskins 18. C. Lochrie then gave a moat inter Sloan 96. esting and instructive paper on "The Our first commencement Is Friday (and Ksselatyn and brought the game County Treasurer: evening. It Is fifty-seven years since (to a close without allowing the visit, ¡plans and progress of Palestine” un De Hart 176. der the Zionist movement. Mrs. H. our old school house was first built ors even the consolation prise of a Cranston 121. !R. Newport gave a delightful re- and thirty-three since the district small ninth inning rally. F ithian Carrie» Here was incorporated. Our first com _ . view of the opera "Thais” as presen t- Pitcher Well Supported It will be noted that Fithian who ed by tbe Chicago Grand Opera corn mencement should create much Inter The game was a good one. well at iest the county carrle-' by a good -panjr Mrs. palllu fron) UmaH„ a re„. est. There will be some special fea tended and well played. Both pitch margin here and that De Hart car- dcred a preUy Bprlng W)ng an(, tures on the program. The graduat- ers were good. The difference was rled unusually heavy in these pre- (CUBly reBpondcd wlth an encore Mr„ Ing class are: Miss Ruby M. Powell (that the Hermiston pitcher got fine cincts over Cranston. Fred Williams A. c Voelker gave a reading entitled and Miss Lotys L Davis. Everyone Is support sll the way and the Echo of the public service commission was - A pcw Bar„ , be Rey of Q .. Invited to be present. pitcher didn’t But at that. King al- recalled in all the precincts here. The president. Mrs. Young In a few -------------------------- lowed enough walks and hits In the Walter Pierce was favored by local cleTer remarkB presented the first BOARDMAN CHEESE ASS N. R,Mth ,o lo* hl" «»'"« The whole democrats for governor, with King brlde of tbe cIub m1bb R„th ENTIRE TICKET WINS IN UMA TEACHERS SCATTER AS SCHOOL ENDS LADIES AID TO PRESENT PR06RAM UMATILLA SENIORS bilAUUA I til inluAT ed tO s°”d advantage by th« team. and Mtrrrow running close here for democratic national commlttleman. Election returns were shown at the Y Frld‘ y e” ”" nR and a good service was given the public The count from here was sent In to the Pendleton papers by mid- night and the complete count from ColumbtC went in early Saturday morning. A car load of lumber and gravel has arrived at Boardman for the new railway depot and work will com- mence Monday morning:. The build- ing will be similar to that at Irri- gon. It will Include a freight shed. a waiting room and an appartment tor the agesf. »- wlth a 0, B„ Ter bu(ter Bpreaden, „ a token remembrance. The .landing committees, on the “r°*ra™ of year gave their fln- a, reportB and Mrs Vo.lker , n a rising vote of th,nks for her work an„ endeavorB aB leader „ program during the three years or- MBiM t,on of , be cIub The members and their guests .then enjoy°d a pleasant social hour dnring which dainty refreabmenta were served by the committee con- slating of Mrs. H. A. Wann. Mrs. 8. C. Lochrie and Mrs. Young ______ I__________ An Ice cream and cooked food sale will be held at Sappers’ on Saturday afternoon, May 17 by the M. E. aid. PLANS A NEW BUILDING H’>rm,a‘on ,eam Pl»Y«d fine ball. The ______ best fielding play of thB game The Boardman Cheese association a shoe string catch by Dave Mittels directors met Tuesday night in the dorf in the left part of center field promotion of the business of the as in which he fell down, but hung on sociation which Is on the up grade. to the ball and retired his man. All Mr. C. D. Albright who has been sec the fielders handled catches which retary of the association found It the heavy wind made bard to Judge, necessary to present his resignation without error«. The game at Stanfield wae more owing to other interests and Leo Root has been elected and will begin Interesting than waa expected. It waa service as soon as properly bonded. played early to allow the fans to coma here for the other game. Echo loaned A plan forming In the minds of the two players to Stanfield with a view member, of the sssocl.tlon l.cludes k|||)ng (n h, "°m7 her: ,n’ “ Sfa"fla'd a"d Herm- X c b Jm " B" \rdma,, •*»»" h-re. Ne.ther bird fell. After a , rr f X a 7 bard f° ’,*b' Un’a‘ ",a ory facilities and also a department ed by a seven to two score The game for the serving of dairy lunch an a ' __________ ___ ______________ * means of advertising their product». (Continued on page three)