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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1922)
(The Wrmtsta lleralh VOL. XVI 15608456 HERMISTON AGAIN ; » . . tO. Library HERMISTON. UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. JUNE 1. 1922 SOME COPIES OF THE HIGH SCHOOL ANNUAL A V A I L A B L E "Purple and Gold,” is Still on Sale at Mitchell Drag Store; Price is $1 Per Copy MEMORIAL DAY IS ORSERVED TUESDAY NUTRITION CLASS MEETS FRIDAY AT CITY LIBRARY Graduate Nurse to Lecture on Sick Child; All Mothers Invited; Time is 2 :3 0 P. M, HERMISTON MAN TO HEAD ODD FELLOWS No. 38 UMATILLA LOSES BASEBALL GAME AT IONE; SCORE 7-3 Three Hermiston Men Played in Me morial Day Game; Field is in Poor Condition lor Play ECHO TAKES 2 TO 1 THRILLEB TEXT OFj[ RECENT LAND RILL GIVEN Though the sale of the high school f ERVICE IS HELD AT PLAY The nutrition class recently organ S .’ F. BOWMAN IS MADE STATE Umatilla lost her Memorial day SINNOTT SENDS COPY OF NEW annual, ‘ The Purple and Gold.” hua ized under the auspices of the Par HOUSE AT 10 A. M. game at Ione Tuesday, the score be GRAND MASTER AT EUGENE RECLAMATION LAW been heavy there are still a few cop- ent-Teachers association and under ing 7 to 3, 1 lea available. the direction of Mrs. E. Van Dei « ■ i Umatilla was well reinforced by These may be had at the regular Boys Get Early Lead at U m atil Rev. Clark Discussed Memorial Day H. D. A., will meet Friday at veral Delegates From Here Attend HernilHton playera ■"<> Presented U. S. Project Lands Are Now Eligible price of »1 per copy. The annual at the library. some of the best of the two teams in la But Are Unable to Hold it; Yesterday, Today and Tomor contains 64 pages and all who have Annual Convention ; Meeting is All mothers are welcome to at to Receive Federal Loans; Act her lineup. Voyen. Shesley and Mit- seen It agree that it is a credit to 11 Innings at Echo row; Ceremony at Cemetary tend these classes They will be held telsdorf went from here. Bennie at North Bend in 1923 Approved on May 15 the high school and the community. regularly the first Friday of each Culver, of Portland who pitched for It is well illustrated and will make Hermiston in the game with Echo How They Stand Now Memorial day was observed at the month. a very valuable remembrance to all Hermiston has the honor for the recently pitched for Umatilla Tues The special feature of the meeting W L. Play House and at the Hermiston The Herald has Just received from coming year of having one of its day. Umatilla 5 2 714 who have boys or girls In the high cemetary by several hundred citixens this month will be a lecture by a Representative Nick Slnnott a copy school. citixens State Grand Master for the graduate nurse on the care of the Echo 5 2 714 The diamond was in very poor of the new farm loan law recently It will also be a good advertise Tuesday. Fellows lodge a _ „ , h 7 i * was hick child, followed by a round table Odd „ . . of . Oregon. S. F. condition and the visiting V team Hermiston 4 3 571 The service at the Play House was Bowman was elected to that position at a heavy disadvantage. Errors were passed by congress. This is the law ment for the town to send copies to discussion with questions and answ Stanfield 0 7 000 which permits settlers on govern at the annual convention of the or friends and relatives in other local- at 10 a. m. and was largely attended, ers on the subject. responsible for their defeat, the boys ment reclamation projects to get fed der at Eugene last week. 'ities where it Is sure to be appreciat the building being filled. Each war Any mother interested may attend who went from here say. veteran, whether of the civil war, Sunday's Casualties eral farm loans, notwithstanding the ed. Mr. Bowman, who Is a former Umatilla 6, Hermiston 4. Spanish American war or of the the lecture even ¡though she does Pendleton man, located here last win lien already existing against their Echo 2, Stanfield 1 (11 innings.) world war, was given a white daisy not belong to the regular class. lands in favor of the United States ter. He has a farm three miles south to wear as he entered the building. government. Since the measure Is of w<8t of town in the Minneahaha WILLIAM S. HART TO BE Sunday was a nice day in Hermls- unusual interest to land owners In Program is Given district He was deputy Grand War AT PLAY HOUSE SUNDAY ton and everyone whose mind wasn't The program included the reading this vicinity we print the act in full: den of the lodge last year and this on baseball enjoyed It. But for the of the orders of the day by the post put him in line for the position of H. R 4382 adjutant, E. J. Kingsley, a brief ad Famous W ild W est Actor Has Police Grand Master. He has worked up An act to provide for the applica • » ' 1 , ■ man’s Part in “The Cradle the home team lost its hold on first dress by the post vice-commander, tion of the reclamation law to irriga through the various degrees anil of of Courage” place in the league by losing again a vocal solo by Mabel Brown, a bara- GIRLS SEWING CLUB MEETS AT tion distrlcls. fices as a Grand Master musr. SOME RECENT RULINGS ARE tone solo by C. P. Adams, Introduc to Umatilla, score 6-4. Be it enacted by the Senate and Several delegates from here attend In "The Cradle of Courage" which SOMMERER’S SATURDAY House of Representatives of the The game was interesting through, tion of the speaker by the vice-com. EXPLAINED TO MEN ed the convention. These were Mr. United States of America In Congress out. Hermiston got a good hop off in mander, address by the speaker and comes to the Play House next Sun and Mrs. George Strohm, S. F. Bow assembled. That In carrying out the day, William S. Hart, the famous the first frame by putting two runs benediction by the post chaplain, Dr. purposes of the Act of June 17, 1902 man, Joe Rowe and P. F. Ward. Joe aero«, the pan. Harry Todd opened Bonns Applicationg Mugt Be in Ulsley. The program was opened with Paramount star appears, as a police Rowe represented the Stanfield lodge. Mrs. Van Deusen W ill Be Present; (Thirty-second Statutes, page 388), By man—one of the most striking roles and Acts amendatory thereof and the game with a hit and Dave Mit- , selections by the high school orchest Miss. Viola Bennett to Teach The others went from the Hermiston supplementary thereto, and known aa Jane 20 is Latest Informa telsdorf made it another. Then a hit ra which Mr. Voelker gathered again he has had in many months. and called the reclamation law, the lodge. Among the other things set It is a complete departure from at Touchet, Washington by Shesley brought them in. That I for this occasion. Secretary of the Interior may enter tion From C°mmission tled upon at the state convention his recent western dramas, hut none into contract with any legally or was all the. run making there was ' Rev. Clark in his addres stalked was the meeting place for 1923. This ganized ’ irrigation district whereby until the fourth when Spinning scor of "Memorial Day, Yesterday, To the less effective, for It gives him a will be at North Bend or Coos Bay. characterization that (places heavy ' Mrs. F. P. Phipps returned We«l- tuich irrigation district shall agree to ed a run for Umatilla. The Umatilla county council of the day and Tomorrow.” He told a story demands upon his versatility and I nesday evening from a two day's pay the moneys required to be paid of the origin of the day in Virginia Io the United Slates, and in such Spinning Gets Homer American Legion held its monthly visit with her daughter, Laura, in event water right applications on dramatic power. As a result he is JEBSEY BREEDERS TELL Hermiston held her small lead one meeting in Hermiston last Friday soon after the war and of its being certain to ellct new praise from the WHY OREGON IS AT TOP W alla Walla. the part of landowners and entry more inning, but in the fifth the boys evening. A dinner was given at the later made a national holiday by the men, in the discretion of the Secre thousands who have admired his Grand Army of the Republic. He gave from down the river landed heavy Hermiston hotel at 8 and a business tary of the Interior, may be dispens splendid portrayals for seasons past Experiment Station Director Joins Oron Kendle who recently purchas ed with In the event of such contract and scored three times. M. Markham meeting at the library followed ini- some recollections of the days follow in Jubilee ; College Makes Tests ed the Adair farm has sold the prop being' made with an irrigation dis ing the civil war and the growth of and who will welcome hia new pro Compton and Jones were tho lucky mediately afterward. duction with open arms. and Vouches for Records erty to R. L. Addleman. Mr. Kendle trict, the Secretary of the Interior, ones. Shesley made a run for Herm- Five posts were represented at tho national unity after that great con This Is the third of his personal and family left Immediately for in hia discretion, may contract that iaton in the sixth which brought dinner and four at the meeting aft- flict. He sketched briefly some of the the payments, both for the construc Good climate and skillful manage- Beattie, productions for Paramount and Is tion of irrigation works and for op Hermiston up to three agalnHt Uma- erward. These were Athena-Weston, events of the war with Spain. ment are two leading causes of Ore- | eration and maintenance, on the part Rev. Clark spoke of some of his regarded as fully up to the high tllla's four. In the seventh. Art Spin- r end!eton. Echo and Hermiston, standard set by “The Toll Gate” gon Jersey breeders’ achievement in 1 Phillip Lenhart was a Umatilla of the district, shall be made on such ning swung his big bat for a home President Dudley of Athena presided own experiences in France where he dates as will cotiform to the district developing seven of the eight highest lvigltor Tuesday, run to left field after Jones had at the business meeting. witnessed some of the sacrifices and “Sand.” and taxation laws of the respective producing Jersey cows in the United - ' The "Barbary Coast” in San Fran pounded out a safety. This brought made by the American army. He ask stales under which such irrigation States So said speakers at the Jersey | Bonus Limit Extended cisco, the haunt of the submerged distrlcls shall be formed, and If he in two more for Umatilla and gave ed that the people live up to the Jubilee, just completed by a three J' an r8' m Leathers m o-1 deems It advisable he may contract Some Interesting information to tenth, the underworld habitues, them what proved to be a safe lead. spirit of Memorial day, that the hon Thursday day tour of the Willamette valley. Itored P ,lot, Rock t0 for such penalties or interest charges Hermiston staged a mild batting ex-service men was read by the or the dead, not with words and cere crooks and others. Is the scene of the In case of delinquency In payments Your phenominal achievement is spen * 8 wee pnd. tally in the ninth on hits by Phelps *oun‘y adjutant' ? C. Proebstal, of monies once a year, but by worthy story which shows the transforma .. ns he may deem proper and consls- . . ... . , Itant with sueh Plate laws, notwlth- and Longhorn and “Chub" scored Pendleton. The time for making ap life, thus carrying on the ideals that tion of a man in the vortex of great of value to the dairy world,” said 1 , In the recent eighth grade examl- .gtandlne Revisions of sections James T. Jardine, director of the c o l-1 r8cent 6,«ur » » u u - ,stand|pe the Mov the last run of the game just an in plication for the state bonus has the dead of all our wars died to per events, how he wins honor and love lege expeument station In addres«- nations the Columbia eighth grade! 1, 2M, hveew d’ O of the Reclamation been extended to June 20 instead of after youth spent in the lowest cir stant before the third out. petuate. ins the breeders. “It could have been d,d remarkably well, all pupils pas- Ex‘w»fon Art approved August 13, cles of society. Although considerably dissapoint- "May . . 25. The reason for the exten- Graves Are Decorated "£tert^ "nlBy accept It was adapt d by Lambert Hillyer accomplished only by men of vision [B,B« but twe. The only one failing ed at the result the home fans who 8*°" ,hat the law did not actua,ly The services were followed by a and also directed by him. Joe August who were unwilling to »top near the was ft pupil who has only been in the a partlrt payment of the amount due went to Umatilla are generally *" ,nU) "ntil •»Maimed »Z tho visit to the cemetary. Nearly all who months, and he failed In from any district to the Unlttd agreed the best team won. |UmW- governor, which was nearly a month had cars or who could crowd Into A. S. C„ was the photographer. Anu goal of a new record, but in the lan- of the the football football man man, 'forced °niy <">8 subject. iStales. providing such acceptance till« looks like the class of the league after the day of ,ts pa8Ra*e by the cars went out for the decoration of Little is leading woman and Thomas guage or __ ___ shall not constitute a waiver of the put the ball over for a touchdown’.” legislature. Any men who are eligi Bantshi has the heavy role. Gertrude balance remaining due nor the int- Just at this time with a good all the graves. Flowers were placed on The responsibility of malntaln- Little Genevieve Wann visited at j erest or penalties, if any, accruing around team, a good pitcher backed ble for the Btate bonus should get the graves and the Legion Memorial Clair also has a strong character role. ing the great reputation rests prl- the Ott home several days this week. "P0*1 said balance: Provided, That up by good support in the field and their applications in before that date. service read by Raymond Longhorn. ¡no contract with an Irrigation dis marily with the men benifitted by CATHOLIC CHURCH trict under this act shall be binding with some good sluggers that can It was also stated that if a man A prayer was said by Dr. Illsley the breeding work, the director ex Aloha Hammer is staying at the upon the United States until the pro- There will be high mass with pound out hits when they are needed. makes application for the loan and three volleys fired by a Bquad of plained, but the college also bus a Iladdox home this summer. readings on the part of the district Blakely pitched a fine game for for any reason is unable to get tho soldiers made up from members of special music at 19:30 a. m. Sunday, ______ j for the authorization bf the exe share-—that of making the tests and Umatilla Sunday. The biggest thrill loan he may later change his applica the Legion and commanded by Dale June 4. cution of the contract with the Uni- vouching for the records. This Mrs. Mary jHoisington who has , e(j states shall have been confirmed Conformation will be administered was provided by Art Spinning with tion and take the cash bonus instead. Dungen. A color guard of former testing, in charge of the dairy de- been visiting for several weeks at hy decree of a court of competent It has also been decided, the adjut. soldiers accompanied the firing by the Right Rev. Bishop McGrath two long runs to left field. The first partment, has recently been com- the home of her daughter Mrs. jurisdiction, or pending appellate D. D., Baker City. wasn't counted as he failed to touch nnt said, that men are entitled to 75 squad. action If ground for appeal be laid. The Bishop will preach at the mended as among tho best in the Arthur Ganger, near Pilot Rock, re first baso on his trip around, but per cent of the assessed value of their See. 2. That patenta and water country. turned Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. mass. Everybody welcome. he got revenge by pounding out an security up to a loan of »3000. In tight certificates which shall there NEW HAY BRINGS FAIR PRICE Responsibility for speeding up In Ganger accompanied her home re ' after some cases where the commission con- be Issued under the terms of even longer hit later in the game crease of pure-breds, now only 4.6 maining to visit a couple of days ¡•he act entitled, “An art providing and this time he made it a point to f’’der8d the men poor “moral risks’1 So far as known the first sale of METHODIST CHURCH NOTES per cent of dairy cattle, and for pro before returning to Pilot Rock. for patents on reclamation entries, |they had insisted on loaning a small new hay comes from the office of the hit all the bases. and for other purposes,” approved Sunday School at 10 o'clock a. m. motion of herd improvement by com Oregon Co-operative Hay Growers. er sum but according to a ruling August 9, 1912 (37th Statutes at Fast Game at Echo Morning worship 11. The local manager has been In the munity testing and breeding, was Mrs. Edith Van Deusen, H. D. A., large, page 265), for lands lying At Echo the fans expected to see a by the circuit court of Marion coun- Columbia services 2 and 3 o’clock. also shared for the college by the will meet with the Columbia girl's within any Irrigation district with coast dairy section looking over the ragged game with Echo having an ,y' 4be 75 peT cent must be loan- Epworth league at 8 o'clock. director. sewing club at the home of Mrs. which the United States shall have easy time of it. That is just exactly ed l,p ,o «3000. This ruling, It is market prospects and reports having Prayer meeting 8 o’clock Thurs sold several rar loads of new crop Protection from devastating dis lh nry Sommerer on Saturday after- contracted, hy which the irrigation the opposite of what happened. Stan- pxPecle<L WIU be upheld by the sti- dlatriet agrees to make the payment hay at »14.00 per ton f. o. b. Hermls day evening. eases of dairy cattle by community noon. of all charges; any where Hitch a field played bang up ball. Some of ipreme court of the state. Communion at morning service. Ion. While this Is not a fancy price and federal and state cooperation, j ______. lien shall have been reserved In any the spectators claimed the Stanfield Plans were also discussed for get- The church with a cordial wel rests in part with the college. Dis- [ Mr. and Mrs. J. Harmon of Herm. patent or water right certificate Is It Is much better than last season. team didn't make an error in tho ting a better representation of the Local sheepmen are reported as ot come. ease is costly, said the director, and |Hton were Sunday dinner guests at sued under the said act of congress, whole game and if true It is some Posts out to the county council meet- the Secretary of the Interior Is here tering from »8 to »9 in the stack. the station Is making valuable con-1(he Edmonds home. by empowered to release such lien In fast bush league ball. ings. There are seven posts in the Maybe the hay man will yet see bet ____ _ Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Gerry of Port trlbutions toward control, best ef- ------ —• such manner and form as may be Thornton had worlds of stuff on the county. Of them six belong to the ter times. land were visitors over last week feclcd by prevention. Mr. and Mrs. A, A. Paulson and deemed effective; and the Secretary ball and received good support. He council and only three had men at _________________ Training new men and women to Mr. and Mrs R. C. Canfield motored of J h,e ,ni er,Or1IlB ' “ r‘b88 empow- end with Mrs. Gerry’s parents Mr. had the hard hitting Echo team eat. ">e meeting last Friday. Mr„. Frink Het|er pnter(a|ned . c .. . . . ¡ered to release liens In favor of tho and Mrs.' J. E. McNaught. They mo- gain vision and Information to make to Stanfield Friday evening of lust ¡United States contained In water ing out of his hand throughout the To Attend in a Body Mo-Anna club last Friday In honor tored up from Portland Mr. Gerry is j themselves helpful in further dev- wcek to attend the graduating ex-'right applications and to assent to game. Schwartz, a new pitcher from Plans were diBc,I8He<, for attending pf Miss Eleanor Casserly who is lcav- vice president of the Security Trust 'eiopment was accepted as a college eirises of the Stanfield high school. :,h* release of liens to secure relm- Portland, occupied the mound fbr the state convention In July at The ing for the east. and Savings bank of Portland. I responsibility. ■ bursement of moneys due the United L ------- — — —- —----- —- ■■ I ¡States pursuant to water right ap- Echo and held the Stanfield team Dalles and It was proposed that all i Harold Dean was a visitor in Co-.plications running In favor of the down about as well. who can go in cars and meet at Her- [ lumbfa Wedneaday. Mr. Dean is mak- water users’ association and contain It was claimed by many that Stan- niiston. If this Is done the caravan ing plans for the further Improve- 8d ,n B,opk «"bscrlptlon contracts field really won the game In the fiom this county will go down to „» k t , i*o sueh associations, when the lands ment of Columbia school grounds. CO¥(,red hy B„ch Kha„ „„ ninth when the winning run failed The Dalles in a body. ------- — loct to such assessment and levy for to count because the runner was call- it was stated that a post of the C. A. Keller has accepted the con- the collection of all moneys due and ed out on a close decision at home Legion’s famous sunshine order the tract for Improving the grounds at Io become due the United Stales by plate. As It was. Echo finally won in society of “40 and 8” will be estab- irrigation districts formed pursuant tho school. ■s» t »I<•' to stale law and with which Ihe Uni the 11th inning. Iisbed in Umatilla county immediate. ted States shall have entered Into Next Sunday Umatilla goes to Echo |y after The Dalles convention, Mis« Viola Bennett la expected no such lien so reserved to the Uni for another tussle with the boys up The next meeting of the county ted home this week from Cheney. Wash., , , . . States In any paient t or water there. Umatilla has lost to Echo council will be at Milton a month w h o ... u h . k k „ . . . . Ji _ No.m- k- right (h„ certificate shall ,M be n„ released where She has been attending 1InH| ownPr of twice this year, her only defeats We later. I Bcnool. viola haa al<n<d a ern by the lien whall cooaent In writing have a hunch It will be different n e x t _________________ tract fo teach the primary grade« nr th* aaaaaammit, levy and collect- time, for judged by past performance „ x p r n v wpr.w-w» Touchet, Wash, the coming term, and lon hy B",'h • " '« • ’•'»n district pf Umatilla has a better team than Echo A8E 0F BECKY AT U n who know u her - - wish i v *. her success taxee Agalnnt FLAY HOUSE WEDNESDAY all (hp Raid land for the pay* and should end her losing streak iIn her new work. [contract obligation: Provided fur- with them. — ther. That before any Hen is rel- Hypnqtlsm la the motive force In Stanfield Plays Here Mrs. II. J. Ott entertained Mr. and "J**/’ ’,'nd" n ,'B a8* ,he S-8 ret ary Stanfield cornea here at the same ,h8 ",ory ot "Th8 Ca8e of Beeky" the the Interior shall fill a written re Mrs. C. A. Keller and Frances, Mr. of time. The Stanfield team has played Re»1art picture at the Play House port finding that the contracting and Mrs. Henry Sommerer and Ann Irrigation district Is legally organ exceedingly fast ball the last two w *dnesday The heroine, played by and Lester Carson at dinner Sunday. ized under the laws of the State in weeks'and is now fully the equal of Constance Blnney. become, a wicked which Its lands are located, with the other teama. Though they have abnormality through the power of a Mr a___ . Helen . . ,ul1 Pow,‘r fa t8'' by into aHaeaement the con- Mr and Mr. Mrs. rw.o Otto Sapper. trart and to roIleP, hot won a game this year, their team T,,,anious hypnotist and is saved and Mrs. Anna Sapper were Sunday and levy against the lands of Ihe Is a fast one now and they must be ,hroB<h the same medium by a visitors In Columbia. dlatriet the amount of the contract about due to start winning games. knd’y disposed scientist. _____ [obligation, Hermiston has a fight ahead in ita 14 ia 88,dora- *f ever, that hypnot- Mr. and Mrc. John F.lthonse of 'Jf?" 0,8 next game, which will start at the '8m ,a aB a favorable science on p.moro. w ..k u . nt contract between the United Pomaray, Waah., came Monday for a states and any ¡Irrigation district usual hour on th« local field. Thia B,ag8 or Bcr8en- Usually It la employ- two daya visit at the home of Mr. pursuant to thia act the public lands is at 3 o'clock. Pd nefarious ends, but In this Fclthouse's brothers W. W and O O. •nci'><i«''l within such Irrigation dia- The lineup at Umatilla: [picture it serve« both purposes Felthouse. ' ir*8*. when suhjec Ito entry, and ent Montague Love and Frank McCor- Hermiston Umatilla ered lands within such Irrigation dis. trlct, for which no final certificate* H Todd 3b rf. Compton Mrs. Barnard, left Sunday for her »hall have been Issued and which Mltteledorf cf. 2b. Jones home In Portland after a short visit 'may bo designated by the Secretary Voyen lb. e. Thorne .r ... « „ ¡ ‘i , X , ™ ¿ S S S t LEBRARY HOURS CHANGED Shesley c. sc. Spinning " of the act entitled. “An act to pro Durfey sn. P Blakely Beginning June 1 the library will mote the reclamation of arid lands.” Phelpe p. lb. I . Markham be open on Saturday from > to t and Howard Illaley of Portland ia a via- aPPr0V8«i August 11, 1916: Provided. Longhorn If. cf. Lieuallen 7 to l:» 0 p. m for the distribution That no m map or plan aa i - - - by Itor at the horn, of hie parents. Mr Th?‘ -“P -°-r I . Todd 2b. rf. Pound of books. On other daya the hours are action 3 of Mid act need be filed by and Mr» E P. Illaley, thia week. He Waterman rf. 3b If. Markham l t o i p . m. .arrived here last Saturday. (Continued on page three) FROM STANFIELD COLUMGIA EIGHTH GRADERS DO WELL COUNTY COUNCIL OF LEGION MEETS HERE 0 On the Road of Good Intentions □