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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1919)
— —-------- THE TO VICTORY BOND BUYERS Please remember that there will be a payment due on the Victory Bonds each month from now un til November. The first payment was due July 15. Pay it now if you have not already done so. The next payment will be due August 12. Arrange to pay it on or be- fore that date. . The First National Rank (FIRST of Hermiston Capital & Surplus $30,000 HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON. .. LOCAL BRIEFS Misses Marie Casserly and Avis Mathison are spending the week-end with Mrs. F. E. Raney in Stanfield. Mrs. A. C. Mathison and daughter Avis and Miss Marie Casserly passed Wednesday visiting in the county scat town of Pendleton. Nothing is as Good as a Miss Mr. and Mrs. R. E. McFalls, resi- dents of Minnehaha district, were in Hermiston last Saturday. and while here patronizing local mer- chants made this office a pleasant call. SMALLEY Ensilage and Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Blayden and family came up from Boardman last (Concluded from Page Two) _ more or less to the west line of the Saturday and made a short visit at E. one-half of section 23 in T 4 N j in Township 3 North Range 23, 3.24 E. W. M’ at a point distance the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Gor w M. and west of the west line 2840 feet more or less and in a ham out in the east end of the pro "sections 34, 27. and 22, all in southerly direction from the N W ject. of the N. E. one quarter of ownship 4 North Range 23, E. W. corner said section 23, thence running in Division Engineer Williams of the I That the polling place in pre- a northerly direction along the west het numbered 3 as herinbefore line of the east one half of said sec O.-W. R. & N. was here Tuesday for a look over the local railroad yards scribed was by an order of the tion 23, 2840 feet more or less to the northwest corner of the northeast while on a tour of inspection of the anty Court made and entered on quarter of said section 23, thence lines of the company In Umatilla B 12th day of July. 1919. desig- running in a westerly direction along county. ted to be at the Eight Mile School the north line of sections 23, 22. 21 PHONE PHONE 192 use located on section 32, Town- 20 and 19, allinT. 4 N., R. 24 E. w. 192 Miss Ania McMartin came Friday M.. thence continuing in a westerly up 2 North, Range 23, E. W. M. direction along the north line of sec of last week from Addie. Idaho, to That the County Court of Morrow tions 24, 23. 22 and 21. all in T. 4 visit for a time at the home of her mnty, Oregon, has appointed judg- N., R. 23 E. W. M., to the northwest sister, Mrs. E. E. Shaw, of Cold IMPLEMENTS HARDWARE and clerks of election as follows, corner of said section 21, thence Springs, on the Columbia northcast running in a southerly direction ■wit : along the west line of said section of Hermiston. James Carty and Ed McDaid., 21 to the southwest corner of said ages of precinct number one. and section of 21, thence running in a Tom Haddox is away to Prosser alph Finley, Phil Doherty and westerly direction along the north on a visit to a sister residing there. line of sections 29 and 30, T. 4 N., shn McDevitt as clerks of election, R. 23 E. W. M.. to the northwest Before returning home he will take i precinct number one. J. E. corner of said section 30, thence a trip to Yakima, Wash., to see how rabrtee and Mrs. J. A. Troedson running in a southerly direction they are getting along with their along the west line of sections 30 re appointed judges, and J. A. and 31, T. 4 N., R. 23 E. W. M., to fruit crops in that section. roedson. George Miller and Walter the southwest corner of said section Oscar Payne will have charge of ope, are appointed clerks of elec- 31, thence running in a westerly di rection along the north line of sec the services in the Methodist church on in precinct number two. J. D. tions 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, all in T. 3 N„ eos, and Tommy Dean are appoint- R. 22 E. W. M.. to the northwest the next two Sundays, during the I judges, and Ashur Montague, W. corner of said section 5, thence run absence of Rev. Gallaher, who is in , Gregg, and George L. Newell, are ning in a southerly direction along Salem attending a session of the pointed clerks of election in pre- the west line of sections 5, 8, 17, 20 Rural Pastors’ School at Willamette and 29, all in T. 3 N„ R 22 E. W. DEALERS FOR net number three. Thatrany per- M., to the southwest corner of said University. in, male or female, over the age of section 29, thence running in a wes Merrill E. Doble was here from venty-one years, whether a resi terly direction along the north line of section 31, T. 3 N„ R. 22 E. W. Irrigon Monday. The young man is st of the district or state or not, M„ and section 36, 25, 24 and 33, now representing the Ryan Fruit ho is a bona fide owner of one acre M.. and sections 36, 25, 24 and 33, Co. of Seattle, and it was company all in T. 3 N„ R. 21 E. W. M., to ' more of land situate within the business that brought him among Built to Satisfy The Universal Car itrict and whose name appears on the northwest corner of said section the fruit growers of this part of the 33; thence running in a southerly e last assessment roll or who Is direction along the west line of sec project at that time. ! holder of an uncompleted title tion 33, T. 3 N., R. 21 E. W. M.. contract to purchase State or and sections 4, 9, 16, 21, and 28, all Mrs. Philip Baars and little dau rey Act lands and also entrymen in T. 2 N., R. 21 E. W. M., to the ghter are enjoying a visit of a few southwest corner of said section 28; on public lands of the United thence running in a westerly direc weeks at the home of her parents ites shall be considered as land tion along the north line of sections in Oregon City, Ore. Mr. Baars ar- Unusual Power and Stability 'nors for the purpose of such elec- 32 and 31 in T. 2 N., R. 21 E. W. M„ rived home Sunday after a short Good Looks and Peppy Performance the northwest corner of said sec m, and shall be qualified petition- to his own journey there on a visit to tion 31, thence lunning in a south 3 for the organization of said irri- erly direction along the west line of and his wife’s parents. tion district and shall share all section 31. T. 2 N.. R. 21 E. W. M„ FORD TRUCK AND FORDSON TRACTORS e privileges and obligations of and sections 6, 7, 18. 19. 30 and 31, James Beebe, the well known all in T. 1 N., R. 21 E. W. M.. to nd owners within the district, in- the southwest corner of said section well driller and south of town ran- uding the right to vote or hold of- 31. thence running in an easterly cher, was called to La Grande Mon- e and shall be considered electors direction along the south line of sec day on receipt of a telegram in- tions 31. 32, 33, 34, 35 and 36, all forming him that his 16 year old r the purpose of such election. in T. 1. N„ R 21 E. W. M.. to the son John was very ill, with all the TIRES AND TUBES That the boundries of said dis southeast corner of said section 36; symptoms of typhoid fever. ct established for the purpose of thence running in a northerly direc A LIMITED SUPPLY OF ACCESSORIES tion along the east line of said sec Id election are as follows; tion 36 to the southwest corner of Mi. and Mrs. A. 8. Johnson are in Beginning at the southwest corn- ° section 30. T. 1 N., R. 22 E. section 30. T. 1. N.. R. 22 E. W. M.. Portland, where Mr. Johnson has i thence running in an easter- the place beginning. undergone an operation, from which Jrection along the south line of EXCEPTIONS he Is recovering nicely. During I« Metlons 30. 29 and 28 to the Saving and excepting the follow- "beast corner of section 28. T. 1 ing described tracts of land in the their absence E. T. Russell Is hold • 8 22 E. W. M., thence running counties of Gilliam, Morrow and ing down the gentleman’s position a northerly direction on the east Umatilla, State of Oregon, within the in the O.-W. R. * N. depot. STATEMENT OF THE OWNERSHIP. MAN * of said section 28 and continu- described boundaries, to-wit: AGEMENT. CIRCULATION. ETC.. ‘ in a northerly direction along Township 2 North, Range 21 East Phone Your Orders Mr. and Mrs. James J. Neary and i east line of sections 21 and 16 Willamette Meridian. required by the Act of August 24.1912, of the Her- Clean and Sanitary family, ranchers on the Furnish for all kinds of I 1 N., R. 22 E. W. M., to the miston Herald published weekly at Hermiston, All of sections 4, 8, 16 and 21; project, moved into their new home sneast corner of said section 16; the west one-half of section 10. Oregon, for April 1. 1918. nce running in an easterly direc- Township 2 North, Range 22 East on Ridgeway avenue Tuesday. They That the name of the publisher, editor, manag- " along the south line of sections Willamette Meridian. will reside here permanently, and ing editor and business manager Is M. D. O'Con • H and 12 to the southwest corn- All of sections 1, 2 and 3 and the from this point Mr. Neary will sup nell. postoffice address. Hermiston. Oregon. Stand at Siscel's. Phone 262 osection 12; thence running in northwest, quarter of section 10. Hot and Cold Known bondholders, mortgagees, and other We are ready at any time to go any northerly direction along the east security holders, holding 1 per cent or more of Township 3 North. Range 22 East erintend operations on his ranch. total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other secur , of T. 1 N., R. 22 E. W. M.. to Willamette Meridian. SHOWER BATHS where or haul anything. ities: F. R. Reeves, Santa Rosa. Cal.. M D. northeast corner of said town- Mr. and Mrs. J. Gorham were O'Connell, Hermiston. Oregon. All of sections 1, 5, 12. 20, 29. 34, Pi thence running in an easterly 35 and 36 and the northwest quar guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. O'Connell ection on the south line of T. 2 N., ter of section 13; the east one-half Sworn to and subscribed before me this 15th 3, 24, and 25, E. W. M„ to the of section 14, and the southwest C. G. Blayden. the lady’s parents, Edile M. Johnson. W. B. BEASLEY "beast corner of said township 2 quarter of section 17; the southwest in Boardman last Sunday and Mon day of August, 1918. Notary Publie for Oregon •’R. 25 E. W. M., thence running quarter of section 21. the west three day. While there Mr. Gorham look- My commission expires June U. 1923. • northerly direction on the east quarters of section 23, the south- cd after his ranch in that vicinity, “I said township 2 N.. R. 25 E. east quarter of section 27, the south 60 acres of which he is having lev- , M to the southwest corner of one-half of section 25. All of sec eled and prepared for seeding to ion 18, T. 2 N., R. 26 E. W. M., tion 26. enee running in an easterly direc- Township 2 North. Range 23 East alfalfa. on the south line of sections 18, Willamette Meridian. ‘5~15, 14 and 13 all in T. 2 N., All of sections 5. 6. 7, 8, 17, 20, Mr. and Mrs. E. I. Davis, former E w. M., to the southeast 21, 29 and 33. and the south one- Ter of said section 13, thence half and northwest quarter of sec residents of this çity. returned last week from Poplar Bluffs. Mo., where qing in a northerly direction on tion 9. All of section If. they have been the past yenr. dur vast line of said T. 2 N> R. 26 Township 2 N.. R. 26 E. W. M. "M., and continuing in a north- All of sections 15 and J 6. ing which time Mr. Davis has fol ", Grection along the eastline of Township 4 North. Range 27 East lowed his vocation as civil engineer. IN, R. 26 E. W. M„ to the Willamette Meridian. hwest corner of section 30, T. 3 All of sections 1. 3, 3, 4, 8, 9. For the present they are enjoying a R- 27 E. W. M., thence running 10. 11. 15. 16, 17. visit at the home of the lady's par- an easterly direction along the Township 5 North, Range 27 East ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Garner. " line of sections 30, 29. 28, 27. Willamette Meridian. ******** “nd 25, all in T. 3 N., R. 27 E. W. All of that part of sections 23 ana Word comes from Dr. R. G. Gale. .‘0 the southeast corner of said 24 lying south of the north bound ion 25; thence running in a ary of the district as hereinbefore who has been at the bedside of his ther in Wenatehee the past three "erly direction on the east line described. All of sections 25, 26. 27,1 ’• 3 and 4 N., R. 27 E. W. M., to 33, 34, 35 and 36. weeks, that his parent has recover southwest comer of section 19. Township 5 North Range 28 East ed to such an extent from her very " R. 28 E. W. M.. thence run- Willamette Meridian. Just the thing for a farmer to run around with. Good i severe 28 in an easterly direction along All that part of sections 19 and 43 ------- illness that It is now possible south line of said section 19 a lying within the boundaries of said | for him to come home and resume tires and just overhauled. - to ---- *— ance of one half mile more or district as heretofore described and his practice. — He expects arrive the east bank of the Umatilla all sections 30, 31 and 32. The boundary description of sand here within a week, or ten days at i thence running in a norther- “nd easterly direction on the west proposed district, excluding the ex the outside. " of said Umatilla River a dis- ceptions mentioned above, cover an “e of five miles more or less to area of 345,260 acres. , , Miss Blossom Conrad, sister of , This notice is published pursuant Mrs. L. Hammer, and Zana Foust ar One 490 Chevrolet Touring; good shape. $375. Terms youth line of section 28. T. 5 N., " F W. M.. thence running In a to an order of the County Court of rived Sunday on a visit of ■ week or "erly direction on the south line Morrow County. Oregon, made and two at the Hammer ranch home sev- raid section 28 to the southwest ”7 of said section 28; thence entered on the 12th day of July. jeral miles east of town. The young 08 along the west line of said 1919, and the same shall be publish- ladies hold positions In the offices n 28 in a northerly direction ?. feet more or less to the south consecutive weeks prior to August of the Western Union Telegraph Co. in Portland, and decided when vaca- nary of the right of way of the I canal of the West Extension 23. 1919 tion time came around that they me Umatilla Project as now per- Witness my hand and seal of said would pass It here. antly surveyed and constructed • •»••••• the V. 8 Reclamation Service; Court affixed this 12th day of July- J. A. Waters. Clerk | Jake Stork, the well known local e running in a northerly and 1919. erly direction along said bound- (Seal) By Gay M Anderson. blacksmith, was a business visitor to line of the right of way of said Deputy. I Pendleton yesterday. • canal a distance of 26.16 miles Alfalfa Cutters with blower for blowing the chopped ensilage or hay directly to your barn, We stock these and prices are right, too. SAPPERS See us if you are in the market for a car FORD DORT HUPMOBILE REO United States, Goodrich, Fisk and Firestone Hermiston Auto Co BARBER SHOP Transfer Work The City Transfer BARGA 1 One Ford Light Delivery $375.00. Terms LAYS’ GARAGE