Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1919)
HE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON woke OUR OWN HOM I BUIE , NOW! REPAIR NOW! What Joy it would be to have a home all your own. built as a home should be built, arranged as you've always wanted your house, every thing ordered as you want it, when you want it—your own yard, and a cottage garden! There's nothing like owning a home to make a man realize that Ie’s a substantial citizen, or to give people the confidence in him he deserves. You can't measure the value of owning your own home on a dollar and cents basis alone—and yet with rents still on the Increase and the price of building stabilized, probably for years to come, home building and home owning never was a better investment. Just add to that the satisfaction and contentment for your wife, a better place for the babies to grow up. a more "livable enviorment A safe investment? Your house and lot are as safe as a bond. There is an unprecedented market now for improved property—you can “cash in” at once if you wish. Five years hence, even though building prices slowly settle to a lower level, the tremendous building activity that mrst come in the meantime will give your investment a substantial in crease in value, PRICES WILL HOLD STEADY FOR YEARS YOU'LL SURELY PUILD SOME DAY AND YOU’LL NEVER FIND A MORE OPPOR TUNE TIME THAN NOW. We urge you to build because you Do you hesitate because you think prices are too high and you’ll wait will not only help yourself, but you for them to drop? You’re making a will help relieve the housing situa mistake, for prices must stay at a tion in our city. If this city is to high level for years. Consider the facts. There’s a prosper, we must have places to live, ♦ r end c mer’et in Europe and "he here that you bui’d will add here at home for eveiy thing we can permanent value, add to the wealth make—the fundamental law of sup and prosperity of the entire city, ply and demand must work. We give us opportunity to expand. have an unprecedented amount of And if we can make you realize gold In the country, and when there is more money in circulation and no that it is to your advantage to great increase in production, we build now, you will help start the simply pass more gold around for wheels of industry. You will put our goods. We have high prices in men to work producing—the $7500 figures—but not in reality. If wages you spend will call for materials and goods are higher, then the and supplies. The Government asks. balance remains the same. So long you to build now to give returning as the gold stays here, prices will soldiers work in factories and trades hold up. In short, business men In short, you’ll not only help your say unreservedly that if the prices self but you’ll help this community, do go down at all, it will be very, the nation, and society as a whole. very slowly. In the meantime, We would be glad to talk this rents are higher, and you pay rela- matter over individually with you— tively more to live-—as great p co ask the advice of the business men portion as though you built yoti r immediately and have them confirm home at present figures. what we say. An then— I )U J I»! rat rot pi BUY NOW! p ne el nt ho D PAINT NOW! FREE PLAIN BOOKS showing Homes with the latest designs of book-cases, fireplaces, pedestal arches, medicine cabinets, kitchen cupboards, sideboards, ironing boards, breakfast room sets, linen closets, stair cases, etc. .. FREE PLANS FOR HOME AND ALL FARM BUILDINGS TUM the balance of the day. I didn't on so much faster with my work, igh, what with having to stop to blow on my fingers every few min utes; and as for my head being clear er. It didn’t turn out that way In the end. When I got home that night I realized that I had a hard cold on me, and I didn't see the shop again for three weeks. "Thnt would hnve been quite a price to pay even If I had got shed of Mr. Judkins, but. you see, I hadn’t. When he found I was laid up, he considered it his duty to visit the sick, and he would stay with me for hours. He even sat up with me a couple of nights when I was worst off, and I must own thnt he was a grand good hand In sick- ness. When I did get so that I could go to the shop, he went on abend nnd built up a rousing hot lire, so thnt we could both be comfortable. He was certainly a kind-hearted person. I guess bores generally are; and that Is one reason why we find it SO plaguy hard to get rid of them. isn't that so. squire?" “How’s thnt? Oh. yes, I suppose so: answered the squire, looking up from his writing. \ Some time inter Isaac leisurely took his leave. When halfway home, he halted abruptly, confronted by an en tirely new thought. "By Jingo!" he said to himself. “You don’t suppose the squire meant that placard partly for me, do you?”— Youth’s Companion. Fenian Invasion of Canada. Notice of Administrator's CANS BETTER THAN BUCKETS On the 6th of June, In 1866, Presi Real Property dent Johnson issued a proclamation In the County Court of the State of Much More Convenient for Handling forbidding the Fenians, a revolution Oregon for the County of Uma- Milk and Cream in Transferring ary society aiming To free Ireland tilla. to the House. from British rule, to organize and arm Squire’s Placard Caused - Un in the matter of the Estate of 1n the territory of the United States pleasant Surmise. Milk and cream from even a few with intent to invade Canada. The Joseph G. Bedale, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the cows can be much more conveniently Fenians in a body of 1,500, including many ex-Union soldiers of Irish birth, undersigned, F. B. Swayze, as ad- handled In regular milk cans than In Cf Course Mr. Crrr Knew That Under had assembled at Niagara Falls and ministrator of the estate of Joseph the shallow pans and wide-mouthed No Circumstances Could He Be crossed Into Canada on the 1st of June. G. Bedale, deceased, under and by buckets commonly used. Cans are convenient for collecting Considered a Bore, but, Well, The following day they engaged In n virtue of an order of the Honorable skirmish with the Canadian militia I Charles H. Marsh, Judge of the Cou the milk nt the barn and transferring There It Was. it to the house. and were driven back Into the United These cans may be bought in vari States, where 700 of them were arrest nty Court of the State of Oregon, for Isaac Pratt was making n friendly i Umatila County, made and entered ous sizes. For handling cream and ed and held for n few months. call in Squire Marr’s office. Conversa- on the 12th day of July, 1919, will skim milk where separators are used, tion lagged, and he let his eyes roam from and after the 18th day of Aug- or even where cream is set to sour for round the room. How Great Ideas Are Formed. ust, 1919, offer for sale, and sell butter making, the “shotgun can,” is “Hello!" he said. "1 see you’ve got It Is only by knowing and applying at private sale for cash at the First very convenient. It can be easily cov n new placard on the wall. 'Tlila is natural laws that man has been able ered and set in water and is conven my busy day.' A gentle hint to develop the submarine, the air | National Bank of Hermiston, in Iler ient to handle. I suppose." | miston, Oregon, and subject to con plane. wireless, the phone and a thou "Well, It was meant to be. ' said the sand other things that nre now thought firmation by the County Court of squire with a grim laugh. •I like to commonplace. Sometimes he happens Umatilla County, Ore., to the person SYSTEM OF CROP ROTATION have my friends drop in occasionally upon n great fact by accident. Rut usu . making the best and highest offer he explained, "even if they have no | ally It’s the patient study of a life ¡therefor, all of the estate, right, Successful Dairymen Will Have One special business. But some of them | Market or Cash Crop Besides time that brings the reward. Patience I title and interest of the Estate of come a little too often and stay alto- I Profit From Dairy. and persistence nre the means that gether too long. They may not have bring man to the extremes where the Joseph G. Bedale, deceased, in and anything more Important to do at the | The most successful dairymen have gold Iles. Shallow men talk and pro | to the following described real prop time thnn to talk politics or spin yarns, | nounce opinions. Deep thinkers muse erty, situated in Umatilla County. a system of crop rotation that enables But It often happens thnt I have; and | and reason and try again before the re State of Oregon, to-wit: them to have one market or cash crop, In that case, putting my time against besides the profit of the dairy. Thè ward comes. Rut It’s hound to come An undivided one-half inter I heirs Isn't an even swap. The fact Is. I when they harness their forces. increased fertility that is brought on est in and to the Southwest the average man is so Interesting to | to the farm from the use of concen quarter of the Southwest quar himself that lie can’t imagine that he trated feed stuffs more than offsets ter of the Northwest quarter of may be a bore to other people.” In Canada’s Barren Lands. the amount of fertility removed by Sec. Five (5), Township Four "Puts me In mind of an experience The barren lands of Canada com- the sale of the dairy products. An 1 once had trying to get rid of a bore,” I (4) North. Range Twenty-nine prise all thnt enormous stretch of other factor Is that the same help said Isaac, as he settled himself com- I country which Iles north of civiliza- (29), E. W. M„ subject to the Much of Canada Unexplored. required to properly conduct a dairy fortably In his chair. “I was doing i tion, right up to the Arctic ocean. Over Roy. pare Christopher Columbus the dower interest of Nellie Bedale, I can find time outside of the routine quite a little business one winter build Second ! There Is still nearly one-third | the whole of It graze vast herds of widow of the said Joseph G. dairy work to care for a profitable ing pleasure boats to order, and a of Canada that Is still undiscovered, caribou, or reindeer, which are esti Redale, therein, and subject to market or cash crop. neighbor of mine, au oldish man with and If Indian reports are to be be- mated to number anywhere from 20,- the lien of the United States of some means nnd nothing to do, used ileved, there Is In the basin of the Mac- 000,000 to 50,000,000. Though n rather Ahead of His Time. America for water rights appur to come to my shop every day und kenzle river one of the largest areas small animal, a caribou weighs about The dream of John Wise to cross the tenant to said land. tonst himself by the fire nnd talk ! | of possible oil bearing country and oil 100 pounds and Its flesh is very much Atlantic In an airship was never real, talk I talk I from morning till night. It Helds, since the recent enormous de. better than the best Scotch venison. A Said property will be sold for iced, and yet that dream has become was rather fussy work I was doing Velopments In the use of oil fuel, nre number are killed for meat by trappers cash in hand upon confirmation of an actuality almost a half century and he almost drove me wild telling as great a national asset as rich gold and Indians, but not one Is shot to a the sale by the above entitled court 1 after this Intrepid navigator of the hundred pulled down by wolves and and upon execution and delivery of upper air made his last fateful old stories and offering advice; but 1 deposits. v. remembered my manners nnd never | Indians also report the existence of wild dogs. deed. age As far back as 1843 Wise pe let on to him that I wasn't pleased lakes a hundred miles long In the o finan congress for an appropriation Notice for Publication, Dated this 19th day of July, 1919 with his company. By the time I‘d get Yukon that no white man hns ever Department to finance his project looking to cross of the Interior. U. S F. B SWAYZE. home at night, though, my good na- seen, while even the Indians appar Land Office at LaGrande, Oregon, i Administrator of the Estate of Jos the ocean In a balloon which he de ture would be pretty much gone. ently know nothing of the undiscov- signed for long distance journeys. For July 12. 1919. eph G. Redale. Deceased. “ 'Why don't you try being a little ered Mackenzie mountains, about | eight years he appealed in vain, the Notice is hereby given that Rob- | Raley « Raley. cool to him and see if he won't take which the chief Information obtainable reasons given being that his proposi- ert Kennedy, of Hermiston. Oregon, | tions were the hint? my wife would say; and at present Is that they exist. not practical ami that — , Attorneys for Administrator. finally I thought I'd carry out that , Here is a chance for some adventur- who, on August 9, 1915, made home First Publication July 19 1919 money Invested in such a project Idea, although not exactly In the way ous spirit whose ardor for new and stead entry. No. 015140, for Lot 10 an the lives Last Publication August 23, 1919 would he thrown away and she meant. I Strange experiences Is not dampened (SYNEKNW1) Section 28.Tow * or those who made the attempt would " "So the next day when I got to the by too much participation In the ‘ ate be sacrificed to the ambition of » r| ship 6 N, Range 28 E. Willamette | shop I went right to work on my boat, war, to win fame and riches If a soldier is rated at $10,000 sionary enthusiast. In 1851 Wise amain ana Meridian, has filed notice of inten- discovering unexplored Canada without the usual preliminaries. It rame Into the public eye by again as government, what's area with un tion to make three year proof, to es- ; husband worth in time of a good Ing congress for an appropriation sum. was a below-zero morning, and when opening up a vast new ________ peace? Mr, Judkins came tn he made a bee predictable resources to the service of tablish claim to the land above de- Jee J. H. Young, Agent Mutai sent to build an airship, from which civilization. cribed, before W. J. Warner, U. S Life Insurance Co. line for the stove. York explosives could be dropped on an en I Commissioner, at Hermiston, Ore- I ‘Why, says he. all shivering, ‘you He can tell you Are you suffici- emy either on land or sea. The same Thought It Strange. haven't got a mite of fire!’ 1 gon. on the 19th day of September. ntly insured treatment was accorded to the inventor What’s “ ‘No,’ says 1, ‘my work matter. as he had received for his other proj. bothersome, and I thought mebbe my don’t you drink?" Claimant names as ects.In 1879 Wise and severni com. cold room.’ Thomas Mackay.. Wilam 8. Mitch- It is better to be insured than to Panions made an ascension at R SET HIM notion, but 2355666493573 e me out of that kind of obstinate: "You’re the first visitor we’ve had in some time that pa hasn’t insisted mm showing the celiar to." BUTTER WRAPPERS- we sal thein a print Louls Subscribe for The Herald. and were never heard of after. BUTTER WRAPPERS—WE SELL THEM ALL PRINTED We Buy Alfalfa Hay in any quantity We are also in a position to do your baling. Hunt Bros re: n ate ne n. f tic nd udi Th let id Be of . y di id th , H At Hermiston Hotel Hermiston Oregon n i . 1 of nor "Auto Truck n ip; reel 23 Hi . R ALWAYS ON THE JOB LONG AND SHORT . M HAULS ne II Hermiston Transfer Company Office. Cor. Main and Second Sts. Phone 152 26 Ml ly < h ,R an h . t( tio T. 4 ) ng in t Mix with Milk for a Rich Sauce ane 28 Ind in