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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1919)
Hermiston Dairy and Hog Show, Oct. 22, 23, 24 State Dairy Convention, October 24 and 25 T he H ermiston H erald VOL. XIII HERMISTON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON. SATURDAY, AUGUST 23. 1919 NOTHER BUSINESS BLOCK 0 10 GO UP ON MAIN STREET D Vacation Correspondence YOuNG MAN ! WE 1 PONT ALLOW SMOKING d. AIN THE1. (AU33. PARLOR, NO. 49 o BOOST UMATILLA PROJECT FIELD DAY SEPTEMBER 27 alllke At the regular weekly Commer cial Club dinner held Tuesday at the Hermiston Hotel plans wore laid for the making of September 27 a holiday for residents of the whole of the Umatilla project and nearby At the regular meeting of the communities. A committee was ap- city fathers Wednesday evening the pointed to assist Superintendent matter of a reduction in the auto Dean with the social side of the ex speed limit was taken up. A com perimental farm's annual demon- mittee from the Commercial Club trattoli day program. Present in petitioned to raise the limit to 20 dications are for the biggest crowd miles per hour, but the council over of farmers and others to be In opined that a little too speedy for attendance this year at the field safety within the city limits and meet, and for that reason there is as a result split between the 10 to be a little extra energy put Into mile law now in force and the 20 the demonstration, both agricultur mile— thus making the agreed speed ally and socializ. There is a meet limit 15 miles per hour within the ing called for next Tuesday evening city limits. Before an ordinance is here, to include committeemen from passed making this law, however, Boardman, Irrigon, Umatilla, Her- the street committee wi'l look into miston, Stanfield. Echo and Butter all details pertaining to automobiles Creek, at which a more definite line in general, with a view to having of action to boost the big event will the ordinance when drafted cover be formulated. Hermiston will | probably be treat- parking, passing, turning, lighting, If the od to an aerial exhibition. < etc., as well as speed limit. An ordinance published elsewhere plans of a committee named by the in this issue depicts the raising of Commercial Club to solicit $150 to the rates on domestic water, to go guarantee a flight do not miscarry. City Clerk C. M. Jensen last Sat- I Ine. is scheduled to be complet- into effect the first of September. Henry Hitt told nt the dinner of an urday received a report from the Equalization Board to Meet by October 1st. As soon as it is The raise was made necessary on aviator having been here last Sun Announcement has been made State Board of Health at Portland dy it will be occupied by the con- account of the high cost of material day looking for a landing place, and regarding a sample of water taken tionery store of P. B. Slscel, who that the board of equalization of and labor and Is said to be in con after finding one out near Hermis- from the city well and sent recently i signed up for a three year lease Umatilla county will meet at the formity with rates charged in other ton Butte said lie would put on an to that body for analysis. The re reon. When Mr. Slscel moves to court house in Pendleton on Mon E. J. Elvers, state chairman and cities. The minimum rate is to be exhibition with his flying machine, port has dispelled the fear that has i new location Sappers' Inc. will day, September 8th, for the pur organizer of the American Legion, »2 for 3000 gallons, and 25 cents which was then down in the valley, been prevalent of the water being i the vacated store room in con- pose of examining the assessment will be in thia city Tuesday. August for each 1000 gallons In excess of for the above amount, or he would infested with dangerous germs, the lake passengers on for n little spin rolls, correct all errors in valuation, itiön with its hardware store. 26. and at 8:30 in the evening will that amount. reading on the card being as fol it »10 per. It was decided to make There is talk of another large description or quality of lands, lots hold a meeting in the public library. City Attorney J. T. Hinkle lows: "Baccterial count per cubic nn effort to secure the exhibition, Ming going up in the near fu- or other property assessed. This The American Legion was first vs. ported that the case of the city centimeter 150. No colon baccila « by the local lodge of Odd Fel- meeting will give taxpayers an op recovered after 72 hours incubation. organized by the A. E. F. in France Furnas, In which the municipality although after the dinner two or Is, and already negotiations are portunity to appear before the board This proves the water to be free and later • brought to the United seeks to recover for water used by three members were heard to remark ng carried on by the order for on the above date if they have any from contamination and safe for States. This organization was form- defendant, is ready and will be call that it would be better to raise the money and then spend it repairing construction of a two story grievance in regard to what they i d for the purpose of holding the ed for trial at the next term of court. domestic use.” ind building a suitable sidewalk to of may deem an unjust assessment ucture with store rooms on the So far so good, but a sample taken men of the all world war together, i he school house. their property. lather than letting them scatter und floor. s from the reservoir and sent to the Later Mr. Hitt received a letter throughout the country after being health board some time ago told a Thursday from the airplane man in such a big organization as the $300 Per Acre different story. Now that it is saying that lie will be unable to F. D Stanley last week disposed known where the trouble is, the army, navy and marines. come to Hermiston until some weeks The American Legion is similar to the nine acres of his ranch that next step is to give the reservoir a later—so the exhibition is off for i on the west side of the track thorough cleaning. This, it has i he G. A. R.. but much larger the present. Chas. Hahn is having a show t north of town to Herman been agreed, will be done within a stronger and more democratic. It window, with mirrors surrounding Mr. Hunt, county agent of Mor is purely a civilian organization, all »2700. tger, receiving therefor Leslie W. Adams, who with his week or ten days by a voluteer force row county, rave a good talk on co- on the inside. In the large shoe i reason for disposing of this family returned-to this project re already signed up to participate in titles of rank being dropped. operation of the Iwo counties to It is Important that all ex-service store on Main street of which he is eage by Mr. Stanley was i that it cently from northern Idaho after this work. At the time the reser- promote agriculture, and Fred Ben- manager. This improvement was i cut off from the main portion having been gone for about twelve voir is flushed out and thoroughly men be at this meeting. made necessary in order to the more nion, Umatilla county agent, told bis alfalfa ranch by the railroad months, has entered the honey bee cleaned workmen will cement a few properly display his lines of men, of plans he had made to help the ning through it, and the incen- industry here on a large scale. A leaks therein and give the interior women and children's shoes, The farmers with their problems In this 1 for its purchase by Mr. Bottger few days ago he purchased 80 stands a coat of water-proof paint. new addition gives the store a very -nd of the county. Mr. Jamison, a i that it joined onto his farm. After that the city will again en- government biological man, spoke on from J. J. Casserly, paying for them attractive appearance. the highest price on record this sea Joy using pure water in the homes, I he rabbit pest, and requested nil boiling the son. planking down »1000 cash for and the necessity of .............. Henry Hitt has had considerable to cooperate In bringing this dan- serous nuisance under control. the bunch. These, added to what fluid will be obviated. Robert West, assistant engineer work done in his confectionery store The Butter Creek rond proposition he already had. makes him owner this week, changing shelving and Favorite, on the U. S. salvage vessel was brought up, and the committee and operator of 111 stands. He ex left for New York Monday to rejoin goods around so as to make them on this was told to get busy. The pects to Increase this number to his comrades after having passed a more handy to deliver to customers. done hall was started rolling to begin Leave it to B. S. Kingsley and H. 300 by next season. Mr. Adams has pleasant two weeks In Hermiston Contractor J. W. MeDermed boosting and milking permanent itt, fishermen of repute, to give us already extracted a ton and a half visiting at the home of his parents. the work in both places. preparation for the Dairy and Hog little variation from the time worn of honey, and expects to harvest Mr. and Mrs. J. S. West. The young Show in October. President Geo. A. rase of "we caught a whopper so that much more. | man's enlistment runs for two more Congress has put the kibosh on Creasy said his committee had every- All bee men on the project report | g." On Sunday last at Cold This was years. thing pretty well in hand, but that a large flow of honey so far this the daylight saving act. lings reservoir these gentlemen While here he gave his relatives week after SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE the details of sheds and other fair ile casting about for a “big season, and some big yields will be done by both houses this and numerous friends a little in- buildings had not yet been set - the ; President Wilson had vetoed the act closing of 11 opper" spied a pelican near the recorded with the light into the dangerous duties of Mrs. David Stech and daughter repealing the rule, in which he gave lied on.' re line, and knowing that the producing season. the ship's salvage crew, and explain- Luella of Portland are visiting at as his principal reason the need for d had an appetite for fish steered cd the workings of some of the new the Phipps home this week. increased food production. tir boat close and cast a line with Were Here on Visit submersible lifting devices that are Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Leathers are This is the first time congress has live minnow on the hook toward Dr. and Mrs. W. O. Wainscott ar- 1 eing used to facilitate the work of spending the week at Lehman 8 fowl. It took the bait, and after _ Wednesday from California on l passed a measure over the - presi- recovery of these sunken vessels. Springs. little Judicious manoeuvring It He said the salvage crews face death । I Mr. and Mm. W. K. Bloom, accom- The doctor, who recently re- both the house and senate looked at as landed in the boat unhurt, save here in many ways trying to save the panied by N. W. Bloom, left for h from the X- the daylight saving act as only a Canadian thistile or quack grass here the hook had caught. These celved his discharge vessels sunk In the war by German their home In Spokane Monday •tiples are now being termed the Ray department of the medical | war measure, which it was, and that submarines, and related one perilous morning after spending three weeks ni net be eliminated by the owner of any property on which It Is grow tliçan Kings” by their friends, corps, has but recently returned the time bad come to change the old Incident of cutting away the nose of here visiting the gentleman's par ing. within ten days after the ser . aoie and is now clock back to normal. Most people ving furnished undisputable evi- Xw take «P the practice of his'think they were right in .their de a live torpedo that had become jam- ents, Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Bloom. vice of proper notice, according to nee of their prowess by bringing med in the deck of a destroyer. Wallace and Howard Reid have a legal opinion given by I. H. Van •Pelican in alive and placing it on profession again in civil life. Just duction This salvage work, he said, has returned home from a week’s visit Winkle, assistant attorney-general, play in the pond in the city park. at present he is undecided where he advanced very rapidly. Submersi- to Spokane and Colfax. Wash. at Salem Monday. Ford Gets Six Cents ble lifting devices never before Mrs. Frank Knapton and chil- Tn case of failure of the property “M°ana Mrs Wainscott left Fri- The big libel suit that has held thought of have been devised and Re-Elected Vice President from owner to comply, an officer of the dren returned home this week day for Pendleton and Baker City the public eye for some time, in put into successful operation. Dan R Alexander, prominent retired Portland, where they had been for county court may do the work and irchant of Pendleton and well for a few days visit, after which which Henry Ford, manufacturer of gers from gasses due to decaying ten days on a visit. assess the cost against the property. the Ford motor car, was suing the grain cargoes have been eliminated they will re-visit Hermiston. lown in this city, was re-elected The opinion was asked by Donald Mr. and Mis. N. W. Heabley gave Chicago Tribune for a million dol by scientific research. Diving ap- rst vice president of the Oregon lars for alleged libel, terminated pitances have been greatly improv- a party Friday evening of last week Young, deputy distriet attorney of Bought Silos te Elks Association at the an- Friday evening of last week by the ed. Continuing, Mr. West said the In honor of Mrs. Ernest Kinzer, who Lane county. M. W. Sharrard former Hermiston il convention of the order held jury bringing in a verdict of six cutting of steel pistes under water has been visiting at the parental urday last in Klamath Falls. On resident now farming at Willows. Showed Them Border Method rents for the plaintiff. is now only a detail and the con- home of Mr. and Mis C. F. Willhite way home from west of the Ore., and G. P. White and Jess Deos Herself and H. K. Dean, superintendent of the the past three weeks, struction of the standard patch to untains he stopped off here Wed- of the same place, were business Mrs. H. Schroeder, who for ten cover holes In hulls has reached the the children departed the following government experiment station lo- day and made a short visit to his visitors to this city the latter part days had been a guest at the home Eagle, rated north of this city, returned point where It is now merely a part morning for their home lu Before going home ighter, Mrs. E. P. Dodd, and fam- of last »««k from a trip to Pasco, Wash., the first of her sister, Mrs. C. G. Prindle. of the day’s work of the salvage Idaho. the two first named gentlemen pur of the week after spending a couple west of town, returned to her Seat men. chased a couple of silos from the if days there demonstrating the At The Movie tle home Monday. Tum-a-Lum Lumber Co. , to place on border method of Irrigation to the "The Blinding Trail," by Monroe Recruiting Officer Visits Sells Weston Home their farms, located a little way the Sallisbury. will be the moving pic- ranchéis In that neighborhood. M. Ruilson, recruiting officer for Harry Morchie, the well known , other side of Heppner Junction. F. M Bryant, foreman of the crew | tue feature at The Movie this Satur- contractor and builder of the hustl- - - railway section ’ U. ? navy, was in the city last Henry Sommerer of Columbia Dis ing town of Boardman. was a visitor operating on the railway Married at Genesee turday from his headquarters in Saturday trict has placed an order for a 70- in this city Sunday while on his way here, went to Weston last G. W. Mathay and Mis Clara 1a I in - day evening. ndleton on recruiting business, Kern, who were united In marriage bile here he distributed and put ton silo with the above company, as : Madame Belscamper last week re Sir. wen impr........... anch to fix up make the necessary transfer papers, of has alno E. H. Gardner, rancher on ‘ a “In in residence that city ceived a 50-pound erate of delicious at the home of the bride’s parents in Columbia District that der to ) large posters advertising the Le owns tons. Idaho, on August 5th. Ac- i property ow ^^ nTmir Sf ye.:’white -dl.s erapen fromu.hex in Genesee. dne points of the navy. He said re- Butter Creek, his being for 150 he has rented out this season. arrived in Hermiston this week at to a purchaser. ) owns a nits for this branch'of the service companying him were Mr. and Mrs city marshal of nephew, J. * Winther. h the conclusion of their honeymoon Mrs. A. E Pierson. Mr. and Mm was sere as scarce as hen's teeth at the H. L. Pearson and daughter Mildred, ago Mr. Bryant .nn H ... while living 40 »'T- vineyard at Fres no, Mrs. journey. They will make their tu- Weston, and It was a large sum "resent time, giving as the probable Frank Pierson and Mr. and and " . . ... ,141 is said to net him a ! The journey that also of Boardman. that time be acquired the that w ’ tnre home in this city. J. Wood constituted a party sson the high wages being paid Iwas made by auto over the scenic of money each year. visited In Pendleton Monday of this residence he has just sold. ring men In the harvest and als • Columbia River highway. ‘ other lines of work. gain the keen insight into the ihe possibilities that are in store Hermiston is about to be dis- red by Dr. M. S. Kern of Pendle- the man whose money is flow- freely into magnificent and sub- What seemed to be a coincidence itial business buildings here, h the near completion of one of happened Tuesday at the Hermiston finest garage buildings in East- Hotel. On that day the Commercial Oregon, the gentleman has turn- Club members were partaking of his attention to the construction dinner, when who should walk in t 25x70 concrete and hollow tile but Robert Bunch, over seas soldier story building, with a half base- | who had Just dropped off No. 17 in it, on the lot between the Oregon I company with his French bride. dware Co. store and the post- Having but recently returned from France, and being the only one of ice building. his lot Mr. Kern some time ago the Hermiston boys to have been chased from Russell Brownell pierced with Cupid’s arrow after es h the intention of building caping German bullets, "Bob” and ner, but on account of the con- Mrs. Bunch were the recipients of action of the large addition he an ovation from those present. Later put on the store of the Oregon Mr. Bunch said the ship that car dware & Implement Co. and the ried them home contained 63 other itiön of the splendid garage for French brides, all coming to this Hermiston Auto Co., this new country with their soldier husbands rovement had to be left in abey- to make their home. It is under stood Mr. and Mrs. Bunch have e up to the present time. The new structure, the contract secured apartments and will make which has been let to August F. their permanent home in this city. SOLDIER RETURNS FROM FRANCE WITH BRIDE WATER RENT RAISED- AUTO SPEED LIMIT, TOO STATE BOARO HEALTH SAYS CITY WELL WATER PURE AMERICAN LEGION POST FOR HERMISTON HAHN AND Hin MAKE IMPROVEMENTS HE'S PLUNGING INTO THE BEE BUSINESS TWO YEARS MORE TO SERVE IN U. S. NAVY RING FOR FISH- CAUGHT BIG PELICAN CONGRESS ABOLISHED DAYLIGHT SAVING ACT COLUMBIA NEWS NOTES MUST NOW DESTROY THE NOXIOUS WEEDS gived.vedne“to".nen many friends dents veto. Evidently a matorits il