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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1919)
Hermiston Dairy and Hog Show, Oct. 22 23 24 State Dairy Convention, October 24 and 25 T he H ermiston H erald NO. 47 IÎÏ MAY SEEK BETTER WATER FROM ANOTHER WELL The city council met in special ion Friday evening of last week, se primary object of the meeting as to hear the report of the water Mitigating committee appointed cently at a Commercial Club din- , to look into alleged bad condi- ’n of the system. This committee, ter giving a verbal resume of their ndings, submitted the following ritten report to Clerk Jensen, and us report was gone over at a later eeting of the city fathers. In it the committee recommends at the leaks, five of which they d found in the main below the servoin be stopped as fast as pos- ble. That all watef users be put i meters that are not now on. That 1 meters be tested and repaired ¡mediately. That the minimum large for water be raised from 1.50 to $2 per month and the ex- ss be raised from 15 to 25 cents r month. That the city buy all pplies for the water department reet. recom- The committee further ends that owing to the impurity the present water supply and ex- es cost of delivering it to the res- rvoir, and to eliminate the heavy train on the wood main, immediate teps be taken to move the pumping tant to a more sanitary location. In substance this last recommen- ation indicates that the committee 3 strongly in favor, as has been eretofore discussed, of sinking a 'ell at the foot of Hermiston Butte nd moving the pump plant thereto, Every water user will be on a eter hereafter. the city clerk hav- ig been instructed to order 15 new nes, to be installed at once where ost urgently needed. The camp grounds committee sub- aitted its report to the council, his in effect recommends the se- uring of the two lots owned by 1rs. Sheehan on the corner of New- ort avenue and Fourth street, ight on the Columbia highway in he eastern part of the city, and hat they be leased from the owner or a period of one year or more, or mtil a permanent tourist camping round has been bought by the city, t was recommended that, in evest if the leasing of* these lots, water hould be piped to them and out- houses built and the grounds other- vise improved BUNTY’S NEW DEMON STRATION AGENT ON JOB Miss Ella May Harmon Is Uma- lillas new demonstration agent. The lady arrived in Pendleton last week from Boseman, Mont., and since then has been busy getting acqua- inted with her new duties in this county. The lady succeeds Miss Lorene Parker, resigned. Miss Harmon comes well recom- mended, being a graduate of Mon- tana State College, besides being for two years a teacher of domestic sci- enee in the schools of Glendive, Moot. WiU Defend His Title Ed. • McCarty, winner of the buck ing contest i at Cheyenne in July, “ill defend.his title against the best broncho busting material in the country at the tenth annual Round- UP September 18. 19 and 20. Me- Carty has performed before Round- I P audiences for several seasons. he can stick on a horse’s back lust as easily as a fly to a ceiling. Sixteen Wyoming cowpunchers. “Etracted by increased purses offer- so by the Round-Up management or the first after-war show, will ac- sompany McCarty here. In the party are buckers, trick riders, trick rop- sr, steer ropers and relay riders, a from the Cheyenne country. McCarty will bring his own rop- "5 horses, mounts that know the kame as well as the vetern cowboys. * will also enter his two relay rings, one in the cowboy's race and one in the cowgirl's race, The Me- arty Party is only one of several sch groups to announce their In- ‘ntion of attending the and Mr" F. M. Pryant and daughter ‘prence returned Thursday from a lew days visit with friends in Hood Riva. A Bumper Crop 99 “ROTTEN MAIL SERVICE WAS UPPERMOST THEME Rotten mail service by the rout ing of trains No. 1 and 2 over the The new and magnificent garage Coyote cutoff In a change of .sche Miss Ruth Skinner, who for the building being erected on the corner dule I he first of this week by the past four and a half years has been of First street where Gladys and railroad administration was the all with the reclamation service in this j Hermiston avenues join, and w hich absorbing theme among the 21 per- city as stenographer and filing i is to be the future home of the Her- sons that attended the Commercial clerk, departed Saturday of last miston Auto Co., is fast nearing Club dinner nt the Hermiston Hotel week for Berkeley, Calif Miss Skin- completion. Present indications arc. last Tuesday. ner intends to take a course in music according to John Schimke, part | Not alone has Hermision’s mail and domestic science in the Univer- owner and local manager of the service suffered by this abominable sity of California. above company, that the building change, but also the express busi- will be ready for occupancy by the ness that has been carried on he- Former Residents Wed first of next month. The electric tween here and Irrigon, Boardman Word was received here the latter wiring contract, which calls for and other points, At the dinner it part of last week of the marriage some intricate work, has been let was claimed that the railroad ad- of Daisy Mulkey to Harry Maltby. Harry McMillan. ministration by Its act had taken ENE They were married in Norfolk. Va., away a hereditary right from the where the gentleman is stationed as people of the project, from the fact Bought Residence lieutenant in the army. Both young Maurice Johnson, well known that these two'local trains have people are well known in Hermis northeast of town rancher, sees a been on this run for a long time. ton, Miss Mulkey having taught in bright future ahead of Hermiston- Most of those present wanted to the schools here for two years and so much so that last week he pur- know why In thunder the aforesaid Mr. Maltby having been engaged in chased a residence lot from Col. II. administration did not route pas the jitney business. They were pop G. Newport. This property is locat senger trains No. 18. eastbound, and ular among the younger set, and ed on the West Side, and it is the No. 17, westbound, over Hie cutoff have many friends here who wish intention of thenew owner to con und leave the standby trains to fol them all success and happiness. struct a modern dwelling house low their local schedule, and echo thereon this fall. answered, "Why!" As the schedule Institute Dates Set now stands It can readily be seen « (By C. F. Mortimer) County Superintendent Green has by the following summary that it is Kind Words Cheer Us Last Sunday about forty people announced the dates on which the The Herald is evidently appreci the worst service we have had since teachers’ institute will be held this gathered at the Prindle farm west ated in the family home of Mr. and Hermiston was In its infancy: East Bound Passenger train No. year, they being November 24, 25 of the Umatilla and gave battle to Mrs. M. E. Pearl, former residents of and 26 in Pendleton. At that time an army of jackrabbits that has this project who are now living in 6 arrives at 5:35 a. nt., carrying Two carloads of porkers went out all schools in the county will have been doing great damage to crops Seattle. Here's what is said in the mail and express. No. 20 at 9:12 of Hermiston the latter part of last letter accompanying their an nual a. m., carrying no mail nor express. a vacation while the teachers assem in that vicinity, The foe was rout- week. They were prime hogs, and contribution to the up-keep of this No. 18 arrives at 3:30 p. in., carry- ble for a three day discussion of ed and left over four hundred of brought a good price on the, Portland Ing mail but no express. the problems confronting them in their number dead on the field of market. George Strohm was the paper: West Round No. 5 arrives nt lec- school life and listen to their "Always glad to get The Herald. battle. largest individual shipper, and for and read it with Interest. Seems to 6:25 a. m., and leaves mail but tures by prominent educators. All enjoyed the sport very much •ne straight car of his hogs he re be up to date and always improving carries none from here. No. 19 ar- Those — also the entire valley, for we see lives at 8:35 a. m., carrying pass- The Biggest Game and realized that it was an after ceived $22.50 per hundred. ranchers who contributed to the many unfamiliar names newcom- engers, baggage and express. No. “I understand you come from a noon well spent. 17 arrives at 12:52 p. in., carries no other car. and who also received a great game country?” said the lady The increase of the rabbits has good price, were C. E. Baker, Henry ers.'' express nor mail and handles only on the committee to welcome the been so rapid the past three or four through passengers and baggage. Ott, Joe Cramer, R. C. Challis, Joo grizzly warriors of ' the western years it is now a foregone conclu Weather Report No. 31 arrives at 11: 35 p. m.. car- Dyer and Walter Botkin. plains. “Indeed, yes, ma’am,” was sion that it is necessary to make a The maximum temperature dur- ries passengers, baggage and mull. the cowboy’s reply. "What is the determined fight against them in The above Indicates that Hermis Ing Iho past week was 95 (on Wed- Grand Jury to Meet biggest game you have in Oregon?" this part of the county. As a result The grand jury has been ordered nesday) and the minimum 49. Rain- ton has plenty of trains, but no mail "Poker, ma’am.” these public spirited people intend to reconvene September 2 Io con or express service under the present fall .03 of an Inch. to make a drive on the east side of sider cases for the fall term of court. schedule. the river in the vicinity of the Che- The last meeting of this body was The railroad administration should zik ranch next Sunday at 2 p. ni. remember there Is mere ton in April. It. is said that there Is All are urged to attend, as theic nage handled over Ils road out and vromise of a record number of cases will be lots of fun, and you’ll be to come before it. Into Hermiston than from any other helping out the community as well. town In Eastern Oregon, with the No guns will be used. The first possible exception <f Pendleton and A protest was entered at the reg It now looks like a special session drive will start west of the Experi one or two others. This It should ular meeting of the city council last of the legislature will be called by ment Farm and move northward. lake cognizance of, and return Wednesday evening against the dep Governor Olcott to ratify the nation redations of stock allowed to browse trains No. 1 and 2 hack to this run SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE al woman suffrage amendment. Umatilla to Have Big Drive on the highways and byways within and route sonic of the others over Only a few more names of legisla Evangelist J. H. Moore and wife the city limits. It was claimed that the cutoff, If It has become neces- Residents of Umatilla and the sur tors are needed to empower the gov rounding country are to assemble In of Salem. Oregon, and Rev. C. B. more or less damage to fences of sary Io maintain service over that ernor to go ahead and call the sess battle array Sunday and make a Marlow of Monroe. Oregon, of the ranchera resulted, and besides It was line In order to hold the franchise, ion, and the cards read as If these grand rush on the festive jackrab Church of Christ, have been spesd- against the law. The city marshal as has been said. would he forthcoming. The only bits. that have become so numerous ing the past week at the Hall home, was Instructed to notify people In stumbling block seems to be that of and destructive in that part of the They will hold services Sunday the habit of turning their stock the chief executive of the state county. The drive is to start at 10 at 11 a. m. ami 8 p. m. nt the school loose to either herd them more clos requiring that all members shall pay a. m. sharp, the formation of the house, and also each evening next ely or keep I hem up altogether. their own expenses and receive no line to be at the bridge over the week. Everyone cordially invited. The council, after auditing and per diem. Umatilla and the line of march will Mrs. W. N. Wheeler returned to passing the usual amount of mon Latest reports place the number be westward toward Irrigon. of agriculture The department Hermiston from Spokane. Wash.. thly bills, turned its attention to the at a little above 4 0 that are willing One of the exceptional features of Wednesday, where she had been the proposition of the proposed improve has been getting out some particu- to go Io Salem under the above con- this event will be the serving of a past two months visiting a brother. ment district, and this brought a larly Interesting bulletins lately, dit ions. It takes 47 to make the call chicken dinner absolutely free to all Club social, motion Instructing the city clerk to says Congressman N. J. Sinnott, and of The Neighborhood Senator Roy Rittner complete. who participate. At the stroke of which was held on the Sommerer confer with the city attorney and it has occurred to him that ranchers Pendleton is willing to go at his 12 the major domo heading the com lawn Wednesday evening, was a de have him attend to the legal part of or others of this project might be own expense, but he does want it pany nf huntners will call a halt in elded success. The Club cleared this matter al once. interested in some of them. For left open so that other than the suf In view of the fact that there Illis reason he has sent The Herald order to allow the weary pilgrims to about $45 from the sale of ice frage amendment legislation can be | partake of this very palatable re cream, cake and lemonade. was some objection registered by the latest list and a couple of dozen considered. Representative Cyril residents In close proximity to the order slips. Those desiring se- past. It is the ladles of the Umatilla Brownell of Umatilla favors a one Mr. and Mrs. Lou McKinley left proposed tourist camp grounds on cure a few of these free bulletins community that are giving this din- overland Tuesday for Portland, day session, and Representative E. the corner of Newport avenue und can do so by calling at this office, I ner. and they will also quench the where they expect to reside perman- r. Dodd of this city, while having Fourth street, a new site was pre- making their selections and signing I thirst of the brigade with Iced lem- views on this extra session propa- I onade at the noon hour, All they sented to the council for considera- and sending to Washington the or- ganda, has not as yet said whether Mr. and Mrs. Frank Waugaman tion at Its meeting Wednesday even- der slip. ask is that every one will bring an he thinks such a move is advisable and children were dinner guests at ing. This is located In the city park individual drinking cup. at this time. To this rapid rabbit extermina the E. E. Graham home Wednesday, a couple of blocks further east, and Greeting Extended Fleet F. X. Kellar of Johnsburrough. | Is claimed by the promoters to be an tion doings everybody is Invited. Six war ves vv shrdlu shr shr shrd Arkansas, came this week to visit | ideal location. Six miles of war vessels- Ameri The Upper Crust. More discussion of ways and ca's great armada, and the largest his brother, C. A. Kellar. Little Mb:. Uppish —I suppose, mam- ma it’s ca v bird of the higher class Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wright of means to secure good water for the that has ever plowed the waves In that go South for the winter—Boston Pacific passed In review nt Portland and Mrs. Ernest Kinzer city was entered Into by the alder- the Transcript. and children of Eagle, Idaho, are at men present, and it is more than Coronada heach, California, Thurs- the parental home of Mr. and Mrs. likely some definite action will be day after its journey around from taken on this soon. the Atlantic. There were 31 war C, F. Wilhite. Fanner and Barber Fire on the ranch of J. D. Wat- vessels In line, and thousands lined Here's a good combination—farm Mrs. O. P. Smith entertained on ! the shore to give welcome to the ing and harboring—a» least 1 son west of town did much damage Demonstrated Big Truck finally Sunday of this week in honor of her fleet. last Sunday before It was On Tuesday of this week Lays’ would appear that F J- Thomas ronfla. I two nieces, Mrs. Paul Wright and The confia - | of that opinion, for during five days brought under control. Mrs. Ernest Kinzer, whom she had Garage had Its Winther demonstra Will Deal Direct Of the week he operates his ranch gration wiped out the large sheep | not seen In 17 years. tion In town. Phil Lay was at the is said In- dispatches that out in Columbia district and devotes sheds on the ranch, also the horse | interested of helm, and with several Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Schram another (Saturday) to removing the stable, a couple of fine hogs and 12 | Portland are moving on the H. E. parties drove the truck up and down dent Wilson will deal direct tons of hay. Keith brothers, ¿who | Sec- the striking railroad men. If he hirsute adornments front the mobile purchased | over the sand hill ... farming the place on shares. | Klock place this street drops Into the basebail does he must hurry, else there Is a residents of that busy little faces of ay at the time, no one be- recently by the latter from O. G end pulling good chance for them to lie up every To prove Boardman. down on the Co- diamond, town of ing home hut the women folks, and apper- of the Winther, which is railroad In the United States, lumbia. On his return from that Mr. and Mrs. August Beisse en- ' qualities to them the origin of the fire as a ! Mr. the present altitude of the railway Morrow county metropolis for equipped with 37x7 Cord tire coming tertained Monday of this week mystery. There was no one, to their I men would seem to Indicate. the first of the week he said that F. Wilhite, children and Lay backed the truck down into I hr I nowledge, about the sheep sheds, Mrs The president has notified Diree- worst part and then pulsed ahead community is ever becoming mor Neighbors grandchildren. Il was a family re- to-General Hlines that he was an- and out Lay* expect to have the progressive and prosperous, and that where the blaze started, absence of union, and a pleasant time was had week thorlred to take up the demands of the foundation is being now laid responded nobly in the J. A. Bundy returned home same truck down here next in saving the railroad shop employes for high- with a body on. and wish to show for "big business." which will ulti the men, and su «ceded bouse from from Portland this week, and will doubters that the truck will also do er wages and decide them on their the residence and pump mately come to that valley through pend the remainder of the summer the efforts made In that direction by i he greedy flanrex The on the Bundy ranch In this district. the same work with ■ load mated at $800 to $1000 its townspeople and ranchers. To California: In New Home Sept. 1st 21817 - per SUCCESSFUL RABBIT DRIVE- ANOTHER ONE TOMORROW TWO CARLOADS HOGS BRING FANCY PRICES RUNNING BE STOCK IN CITY MUST BE STOPPEB MAY BE SPECIAL LEGISLATIVE SESSION COLUMBIA NEWS NOTES THOSE DESIRING CAN SECURE BULLETINS FIRE ON WATSON RANCH DOES HEAVY DAMAGE is