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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1919)
THE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGO*— NOTICE FOR ELECTION In the County Court for the State of lux tra ted in some notes from these Oregon for the County of Morrow. Issued Each Saturday by county reporters. One man gives an In the matter of the Organization of average of IS miles as the longest dis M. D. O’CONNELL the John Day Irrigation District OREGON tance for any considerable number of KERMIsTON in Morrow. Giliam and Umatilla farmers, but explains that the haul it Entered as second-class matter. December Counties, in the State of Oregon. to the Cumberland river, which, in his . 1906, at the postoffice at Hermiston, Oregon Notice is hereby given that an elec county. Is navigable only five month: tion will be held within precincts of the year; for the other sever SUBSCRIPTION RATES $1.50 number one, number two, and num Machines Are Rapidly Taking months the haul Is 40 miles to a rail One year .............. -....... 1.00 road. In Mathews county. Va., few Six months .................................................. ber three, within the proposed John Subscriptions must be paid in advance. Place of Animal Power in trucks are used ; but, since the counts Day Irrigation District in Morrow, is indented by several navigable wa Hauling Products. Gilliam, and Umatilla counties, in ADVERTISING RATES terways, motor boats and sail boats the State of Oregon, on the 23rd day Display — One time, 25 cents per inch; two inser- are used by the farmers to a consid tions, 20 cents per inch per insertion; monthly of August, A. D. 1919, between the erable extent. One reporter In west rates, 15 cents per Inch per issue. — First insertion, 10 conta per line; each hours of eight o’clock A. M. and era Oregon says that neither roads nor Readers subsequent insertion without change of copy, eight o’clock P. M. of said day, at automobiles are to be found within 5conta perline. 20 miles of his home; produce Is car the polling places hereinafter desig Development of Regular Freight Serv ried on pack mules, over difficult trails nated, within said District for the to a landing on Rogue river. The ice Is Considered Notable—One purpose of determining whether or heavy hauling in Mecosta county Farmer Uses Ten Trailers not the said District shall be organ Mich., as in some other northern coun SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE Drawn by Tractor. ized under and by virtue of the pro ties in the United States, Is often post Heistand Moore was in Umatilla visions of Chapter 357 of the Gen- poned until snow comes, when sleds Motors are rapidly taking the place are used. eral Laws of Oregon for the year last Monday. of animal power in hauling products Jack Stanfield of Echo is helping 1917. The electors with said dis from the farm In many counties in *4*********************4** on his father’s ranch during the sec tricts shall be required to cast bal- the United States where the roads per lots at said election which shall con- ond crop of alfalfa. mit. A significant phase of this new TAKE A GRAPE CURE j Miss Verne Rial was the guest of tain the' words: “Irrigation District, ■ development is the growth of regular freight service, by which farmers can Miss Bernice Spencer on Sunday. ] Yes" and “Irrigation District, No,” The effect of unfermented hire the taking of their produce by Invitations • have been issued for | and also the name of such directors grape juice as a drink has been motortruck directly from the farm to studied at the European “grape a party on Saturday, August 9. to as shall be nominated to be voted a distant market, and thus avoid both cures” and to a slight extent in te given by L. Rhea in honor of for at such election, which directors the wagon haul and the shipment by laboratories. It Is generally Cloyd Tillson of Portland, who is shall be elected by the district at railroad or boat. claimed that the consumption of Master Lum’s guest during the sum- large. That the said precinct num Of 1.473 county reports received by a reasonably large quantity of ber one shall comprise all that por mer vacation. the bureau of crop estimates of the it improves digestion, diminish tion of the proposed district lying Wil- Word has been received from United States department of agricul es intestinal fermentation and hern Savely* who is still in east of the west line of sections 33, ture in its recent Investigation of the results in an increase In weight. France. lie has been there nine 28, 21, 16, 9, 2, in Township 2 hauling of products from farm to ship ping point by animal power and by 1************************{ months, and says in the letter that North, Range 24, E. W. M also north motor, 898 reported the use of motors, he will be glad when he is ordered of the north line of sections 4, and Wintering Idle Horses. mostly motortrucks. In a large frac 5 in Township 2 North, Range 24, At this time of the year practically heme, which will probably be next tion of these counties, motortruck E. W. M. also east of the west line of month. Wilbern is a brother of Lee service Is just coming Into use In haul all the heavy work on most farms has Sections 31, 30, 19, 18, 7 and 6 all Savely, a prominent lower Butter been finished, and during the winter ing products from the farm. There in Township 3 North, Range 24. E. were many more reports of use for horses are more or less Idle. Since Creek rancher. W. M. also north of the north line idle horses give no return in labor Heistand Moore has purchased a light traffic, such as poultry, eggs and vegetables, than for hauling grain. A performed, the feeding should be as new Case car and also a new Ford. of Section 6, Township 3 North, few reports, scattered from Delaware economical as possible, and proper care Little Misses Helen and Ester Range 24, E. W. M. and sections 1 to the Pacific coast, mentioned the should be taken of the animals in or Jacobson of Stanfield are spending and 2 Township 3 North Range 23, great importance of the light motor der thut they may be in the best pos a few days with Lucille Richards at E. W. M. and east- of the west line truck service in delivering perishable sible condition for work in the early the home of her father. Glen Rich of sections 34, 27, 22, Township 4 spring. fruits to shipping points. North Range 23, E. W. M. That Horses should not be confined to the ards. In many states, especially In the barn Roy Attebury and family are the voting place in precinct number during the winter on a liberal northern and south central sections, one as herein before described was hogs were hauled preferably In motor supply of grain. It is far better to enjoying an outing In the mountains by an order of the County Court "rough ” them through the cold months. Mrs. Glen Richards and children trucks on account of the relatively They should be given the run of the small amount of shrinkage compared yard or lot during the day. This should were visitors to Stanfield Wed- made and entered on the 12th day of Tuly, 1919, designated to be at the nesday. with hauling in wagons. Some coun Tames Carty residence, located in ties reported hogs hauled exclusively he provided with a protected shed, one section 10, Township 2 North Range In motortrucks, although these ve that is thoroughly dry and well pro TAKEN UP vided with bedding. While nature hicles had not yet come Into general does her part and protects the horse That said precinct Notice is hereby given that the 25. E. W. M. use for grain or other products. with a heavy coat of hair during the undersigned has taken up and holds number two shall include that Improved Roads Help. cold months, the shed is necessary In at his ranch 4% miles east of Her art of said district lying west of One of the chief limitations to the order to afford the requisite shelter miston the following described stock the west boundary of precinct num- use of the truck is the condition of und protection against rains, snow, er one as hereinbefore described, One black horse aged 10 years, the roads, and several reporters men and cold winds. Winter winds come and south of the north line of sec- tioned a beginning of motortruck use mostly from the north and northwest, weight 1400 pounds; white star in tions 3, 4, 5 and 6 in Township 3 as following closely an improvement and the shed should be so situated forehead; branded W— on left hip. North. Range 23, E. W. M. and ly- The above described property will In roads. Another hindrance to using und constructed as to give the proper Ing east of the Gilliam - Morrow motors is connected with the seasonal protection from tills quarter. be sold at public auction to the distribution of farm work. Some cor In the feeding of idle horses high- highest bidder for cash in hand on county line. The voting place of respondents said that after their har priced feed should be avoided in order Monday, August 25, 1919, at 10 a. precinct number two as hereinbefore vest was over there was no work for to keep them in proper condition at m„ at the above mentioned ranch, described, was by an order of the their horses to do but haul, and that the lowest cost. It has been found unless redeemed by owner. County Court made and entered on motortrucks would not be an economy. that Idle horses do very well on a win 47-2te the 12th day of July, designated to Joe Udey. In other instances, the trucks were ter feed consisting of all the hay, oat be at the J. E. Crabtree residence, reported to have done needed hauling straw, cornstalks, or sorghums they located in section 34, Township 2 at times when laborers and horses will consume, so that little gralu is North. Range 23. E. W. M. That could not well be spared from the necessary. Idleness also permits of a the said precinct number three shall farms. A market gardeners’ associa more thorough mastication of the feed, comprise all of that part of said dis tion In Rhode Island Is said to be thus insuring proper digestion. trict lying west of the Gilliam-Mor operating a few trucks with trailers row county line and north of the and to carry produce to the city mar Farming a Business. north line of section 6, 5, 4, and 3, ket at a cost averaging only 10 cents A farm is a business, and crop yields Team For Sale—Weight over per ton-mile. (Continued on Page Three are only one part of that business. 1400 lbs each; also harness, wag- Frequent mention Is made, even in Studies in farm management show 46-2tp Hart. the East, of trucks which do a regular that u farm to make money must usu- on, etc. H. T. freighting business, charging farmers ally have a large business, must have Bartlett Pears 4c per pound at for the service. One Tennessee farm- good crops and live stock, and must Hanby’s orchard, Bring your own er reported having paid a truck to have these enterprises so selected and 4 7tfc containers. haul a load of 15 hogs to market a organised on the farm that the labor distance of ten miles, and the trip will be kept busy throughout a large For Sale—One yearling Jersey was made In the evening after supper, part of the year. While it is impor- heifer; a purebred but not register- CONFECTIONERY Used a Regular Train. tant that a farmer avoid poor yields, ed. |25. Geo. H. Root. 47-ltc STATIONERY Tractors with trail wagons are In he should not Judge the success of his For Sale—158 acres of partly im more or less frequent use In various farm by its yields alone. proved land in Jefferson county; or states. Including North Dakota and will take good auto in part pay- California. Ono Illinois man reports Marketing by Parcel Post ment. Call on or write A. L. Luce. using ten wagons drawn by one trac Tn most communities there Is a great 47-Stp tor and moving 1.000 bushels of wheat opportunity for marketing eggs and M. R. A., Hermiston, Ore. at a time. poultry by parcel post. Often this Bartlett Pears 4c per pound at The great variety of local transport plan gives better satisfaction than the the Robb Bros, orchard, Bring con- conditions In the Uniteti States la il- usual method. And tainers. 47-3tc AII Popular Soft ‘Drinks Bartlett Pears 4c per pound at Methodist Church Baptist Church the Robb Bros, orchard. Bring con (In Lodge Hall) Services will be held Friday and tainers. 47-3tc 10 a. m. Sunday school. ICE CREAM Saturday evenings at 8 p. in Evan- The Hermiston John Herald AUTO TRUCK IS WINNING FAVOR Rob er is OFFICE SHOE MEN IMPROVED ROADS BIG HELP BUTTER CREEK ITEMS 4 Full Line of Girls and Boys and Small Children’s Shoes Just Received We hope to make it a pleasure for the public to trade here, where they will get "honest goods at honest prices.” The Oak Tan Shoe Store repairing is sufficiently well known and proven to need no comment. Send your orders by mail or ex press and we will prepay them back to you on short notice. A full line of men and boys’ guaranteed All-Leather Shoes— both work and dress—that will be sold to you if you investigate when in need of foot wear. The Famous “Flörsheim” you all well know. We invite you to cell in any time and look over our new atore 4 Snna The Oak Tan Shoe Store Hermiston. Oregon Sam Rodgers, Proprietor Echo Furniture & Under taking Go Carries a complete line of the following articles Axminster, Congoleum, Fiber, Brussels and Velvet Rugs, Window Shades and Rods, Picture Molding. Cut Flowers and Floral Pieces for Funerals We carry the New Home Sewing Machine Sold on monthly payments Most everything in the home furnishing line. We cordially invite the public in to look over our stock. Showing goods is a pleasure not a bother. Echo Flour Mills Echo, Oregon MANUFACTURERS OF High Grade Patent Blue Stem Flour The Superior Product of Scientific Milling Makes Better Bread Try a Sack fountain 11 a. m. Preach I n ». 7:0 p. m. Epworth League. 8:30 P m. Preaching. 2 P. ni. Sunday school. Columbia, 3 p m. Preaching. Columbia. M. II. Gallaher, Pastor. Christian Science Services. Ila. m. Subject: "Spirit.” gellst J. H. Moore will speak at To Trade—For improved land these meetings. All are invited. anywhere on the project, 40 acres of improved land in Benewah coun- Sunday School, 10 a. m. ty, Idaho, two miles from good town. Some timber; in fine hay. grain and fruit belt; requires no ir- Catholic Church rigation. Leslie W. Adams. Her- Hermiston, 10:30 a. m. miston, Oregon. 47-4tc Umatilla, 8:30 a. m. Columbia Highway Garage WEST SIDE PHONE 241 Dealers for For Sale---Saddle horse, also good j Jersey milch cow and two calves. Lou Rogers, near W .W. Rogers ranch east of Hermiston. 47-2tp For Sale—On account of going j into other business. I will sell my home place, 20 acres, at a bargain. See me about it. 1Y miles north I of Hermiston. R M. Hood. 4 7tfc 4 Ginseng. Auto Supplies and Accessories ! tin ng, or Chinese ounce. The true seng Is a native of northern China REPAIR WORK GUARANTEED Gasoline WEST SIDE Ginseng Is a plant of the genus | Aralla Panax, also the root of this plant, which is highly valued as a tonic and stimulant by the Chinese, who ascritte to It almost miraculous powers. The Manchurian Is most es teemed, and sells for several taels per gin. and | Korea. A quinquefolia is a very close. ; ly allied species nt the eastern Una Motor Oils PHONE Ml to China as a su the true ginseng. The on! either ease is that of a mild ' aromatic stimulant. Dwarf pi. the Arali ecies nt the United Sta gent root. se pun- DEALERS IN GRAIN AND FEED In Cones and Packages News stand Cigars and Tobacco Posloffice Bldg. Alfalfa Hay WE SELL IN CAR LOTS Alfalfa Hay OUR ENDORSEMENT We like chandise. to push along the sale of good, honest, reliable mer- That’s why we advertise the perfect fitting, popular priced shoes for Women, Children, and Men. They please practically all our customers who have given them a trial. We recommend them on account of their unusual durabil- ity. They come in every required style and size, without doubt the most economical as well as the most comfortable and enjoyable footwear you can buy. Shoes and Repairing That Satisfies 3 = : S s 3 3 s 5 HAHN’SSmsi Baled or Chopped and Alfalfa Meal Here you can buy GET OUR PRICES C.S.McNAUCHT Co. LIFE —---------------------------1 FIRE INSURANCE! AUTO I A H. YOUNG, AGENT | Nearly every needful household article that is used in the family kitchen. Come in and see our choice line of. Alu minum ware. Here you will also find the best of underwear, a fine line of millinery, and toilet articles of every descrip tion to choose from. We have Angorian knitting and cro- c et cotton, buttons in all sizes, fancy and plain chinware. etc. VARIETY STORE