Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1924)
f rl m ON- ELEVEN Li tOC B mm empties 0 v., '-i ; .- THE I0NE INDEPENDENT I'iiM.: ii. il ilvtry Friday by '. '. IS'S.;K, r.ilUiir-i'uhlislier suityomraoN: Ono year $1.60 : 'ix tni;ntl s 7G y;,u -m-;!h no Knicn.'.i ,". : ."i-'ind class mutter at the tri.i'.'ifiu-a at lone, Orv'ton, under act of M.-ireli IS. 1s7'. I April 11, 1)2t (Ji n:';;v L. I! titer in fiiinjr hit' P'.l ( ii 'or United H'.ntfS sen-a'-.or he wails to represent (Ji'C",n:i in a hijr, p-it.riot.itr, two ti.ili'il irmrwi r, am a lot of other thin'-s, which the s.iiri! of the C .union Gl-ih.i-Tim.iH mys is most ly hunk, to cuti'h votes. Mr. Mi'A'loo says that, if he's clecteil pr." ii lent, hu will call a n'le.eial snsiioM of Congrats to "help the I'ai'mci'H." A pity he (IM not engnir; in this work when ho gut one of Mr. Wilwin's cabi net, im-lea-! of going to work for L) ;h"niy in the government own el oil hu .ineis. We have not learned yet what Kraft rnwisures are contemplated in disc the school unit system is voted. Yli:it high milary may be lit1:! owed upon oiir county super intendent and extra expenditures mad , is best to he kept from the taxpayer until they realize how they got Htunfr. iUl-Steei Cobs oner uea c . - 1 m cm wt,.jr these are three cf the many features of Caterpillar Lifetime Hamsters In no other harvester can you obtain these and scores of other Holt features. Frpm no other harvester, therefore, can you ob tain the same lifetime service, the same efficient perfc -'mance, the same economy of operation as from Models 30 and o2 "Cat erpillar" All-Steel Harvesters. These new harvesters were de signed, not to meet a price, but to give you a mach: le that would meet your most severe conditions of grain, ground and grade. Already their record of field performance has st rpassed the highest expectations, both of designers and purcha: ?,rs. Model 32, cutting 12 feet, is a Holt Harvester in every rerpect a won derful grain saver and cleaner. It has a 40 inch draper, big leveling capac ity, a new and bigger m otor for 1924. A user in Garfield, Wash, says: "I have been working on combines for IS years, and the stee! Model 32 i3 the best machine I ever saw." It is a paying investment for the man even who has only a small acreage to cut. The Holt Mff;. Co. SPOKANE WASHINGTON Write for catalogue describing Models 30&32 Harvesters In the medium size cla:3 there is Model 30, cutting 18 feet, also of all steel construction. Larg sizes in wooden models. Write us ut once for detailed information regarding the size of harvester in which you are particularly interested. The Heppner papers state that the i!rinkin;r of their spring water by the Condon ball players won them the name last Sunday. It i i quite possible. Probably Uie Ileppnei hunch spiked theirs. What a I'ity Condon Glohf Times in its 1 of the lone-Condon name, that if it had not been for n's Unite in the 7th inning article stales Com'e they v I e:i to rep hat e I to ''V reiva per. I. Oll'd (inns to place the proposal t lie state income tax law '!' igned up and returned 'ilaini. The seiiliiiient is il l.i i e in favor of the re- k Ami yf Weil 'r&jR&tj I POLITICAL NOTICES msxsiso. I 1 RiiJ AJvcrtisi'mi-nis Latest Styles MILLINERY LADII.CS' COATS, SUITS DRESSES, SWEATERS, HOSE, ETC. COX MILLINFRY PARLOR For County Clerk To I lie Keiu!lii'iili voter of Mor row colony: 1 hereby n nuouiuet hut I will lien nimliihitc (or I he noiiihiii tioii lit County I lerk at the I'lliniiry i:iei tlon to lie liehl Moy lii. l'.i:'4. (iAV M. Andi.iiko.n. I IniMonlieiit I D.-l.-a' s to the Ccn ', l.-,l-e' "'"x I. (V 0. 1'. r,t Hood Kiverou Alav So. Main St. Riuht on Highway 1 1 t:. i, i'( !he,yand(;to. ARLINGTON, ORE. V. U.'dii" of the lone lo h;e. T. C. Tiom. h:n rtceived acarl Quite a heavy frost fell Monday 1 of'fl. ice. ' nijrht with ni diimane n ported KKl'Oll'l' OV THK CDNDITIOM OF rm 1ANK OF IONE Viarter No. 11 1. Ueservo District No. 12. At I ne, i l the St.tte of Oregon at the close of business March 31st, iii:souRci:s 1. I . i in" I il; 'limit . Iih'lii'liim recllHi'iiiiutH mIiowii In It cum i .m l Hi. If liny .... SlTlUI'MN i Oi'-r l: tin I'l'iii.'il nii.l MMii'i'iireil . . . . ii;i,07 ;i. I s. C'lvernnieiii h viii'li i.'M owiie.l, liii'liiilliitf tliow Hilnw il in to in- :s i :iu.l ,in . 10,0ml. ou I. I'llll' ll.lM'K HIT llllt MM. I N.'l'lll'lties, 1 Iti 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J (ill'i'l'ilt ...ivi'rm.i ui, niiiie, iimul.-ii il. coi'intr.-ttUiii, etc., Irn-lii linn i ll -Ii in ii Mi II Miii 1 1 nil, I :!.", It iin.v , ... nY0I f), M.i'U, rillll. i-lnlHH., ii ImiienM. etc. - - A, II I -'I il I'. ill . i,i : Ii el - , i !. i. ! i; (limit i iv Miel llturi'!i, $ !, ,il l.J t . ..' ."ill 7. I . ui e-iMie ! n.'il iiiln r iIihii IimiiKIiii: Iiiiiihi' . . tr.lWo.M II. i !p I I l-!l .el ll IM'I III I ;0lll :l'll due (IMMI I 1 1 1 U -4 . tl.l'.lA.TH ,i ul I nisi i 1 w 1 1 1 1 .' 1 1 1 i s il.'-, 4M,Mieil aiiil iipprovcil reserve ns s ,,( i Ii!- IimiiI. ... Ill.i.'i VI II. i ii.Ls i i l. ink mitslilc i-lt.v or towtiol reporliii); ImtiU ninl io lit-1 i M"ii hVuis . , , .... .' I'm 1 1 i msIi ii in I due fi'iiui l).ii!U, Itenix s, 0, 111 , II ifii'i ,'.s I Cll ' ' ' T.o ui ..... $.M,;'j l.lAHU.UTKsS" ' ' ' ' " Pi. I ,1 i ! It I si I M'lt HI ill ill - ...... '.'"i lli'll llll I lU'litus I ill I (l,(Mll.(KI is. .i : i I uilu I ! '.I pncln - ( t.t: t .:; ,lti I,. 's, t-n'ivtii eit!is.'M, iuiir.'Hi unit luxe pa hi i.t".::s.:;; 2,:lj:t.0-t lit l sn ii IM-I i s, mil. 'i' Hi. hi Ii inks, to reserve: ;:! I n. In I'lin, I il. i .-il - - lilij.-.'t to rlii'i'k. Inelinloiif i. uisil idle I lie Sl.lle ui I r .iiii, iMIlnly. eitles or ut tier pilhllc (llll'l. . Ili'.'.'.'sl ..'II H. Iieinniiil eerlilii iii.'s ut iei.isii mlisiaii.linir .... H !l l'tt 1 1 (leiii.'in.l ili'i,isiis, mher thiin Imnk ilepiislN, HiilijiH-t to reserve, Items "Jl, 'J.i, e,j iii-.i-sii ,v, 'I nn: iiStv. I 'i i osii s, Hu!'eet ii reserve .uM p:iyii .e on ilein.'iuil or sn'.jei t to 11 . it let-: J", c i-tiiic lies ot ilepuslt iiiitut iinliinr .... '.M.t.H.Til ;I0, N-iles mm. I li.lU reills.-oniiiivl im In him limuli or other bc I'lii'iiies under rejiui'eh.ise iit.viiiciiu with dint iu.svciit. Iln'eliii s . "7,.Y!rXi ;i, IMPs pi.vnlile w It It le.lernl ri-Berve limik or with other luinkn ui' trust -n:iii.nilt'H Jti,(k.tW I i t il l,.l.7'.' M.ii;,',i Oregon, County o( Morrow , hh 1. C I!, liii ix 'I. cisiiler of tic nli.ivc iiiiin, . liaiik, il.i Holeiunly (.wetrlliit tin' nil ive Biiitcineiil U true to the tieitl of my knowlnle llllll til'I.ef. C. It. liiliuel. t'llllllT. ,viil.sri l!i d unit h wiii'it tolietor,' in thU Mil il.iv of April. I ;..'-. l.iirlc II. M. ritflu, Notiiry I'lilili-'. t'Ullur.i T V I text : My i'oiiiuiImhIoii evlri' l'l-'7. M. II Moi'ii'iu. I'. It. Uuuiel, A. M. liuiuel, li.r.vtom. For County Jude To the Kepulilieiiii votern of Mor row county.' I herein iiiiiioiince my Ni lf ii ciniiliililte for the noiiiliintion at your hinnU fortlii'iillieeof t'ounty .hi, Ice ut the primary fleet ion in May, PCI. My experiemv of tunny yen I'm iin coiiiiI.v coiiiinlitsloiier him ken me i-oiiver,'ilit with t he tint lex ut t lie ollii-e I Hi-ck, ituil I Hhull i; re.-i I l,v np irecinte your mipport lit the pri ll i n r v- ami for all piiHt favors, I tlmiik .vol! klnill.v. (). A. Rl.l- AKMA.N. Iliiriltiinn. For County Commissioner To the Vtitem of Morrow county: I In 1 .1 iv annoiiiice myself tin n c.iiiiliil.-ite f,.r the nlllce of Ooutit.v t'oininlssloiier lor Morrow county, t irenon. ut the Itepulillcaii prlinnry tiomliiMtlui: election to lie hcl.l 11 Mny 111, l .'4. If tioiultiated mul clii-t-ed 1 pledge (ogive my Pest Mini cMie ful iitteulioti In (lie future iia In the pant, to the tiusini'NM of this ollice, I.. 1'. lAV(IIHON, (IneuiuhciK.I For County Judjjc To the Votei'H ot Morrow county : I heleliy aiinoiiiiee itiVHelt n rnn .liil.'i te for t lie olllee of oiiuly J mice oil tile li-nioit';ttli- tieket, lit 1 lie ifi-initi-v iioiniimtitiK elevttoti, I'riil.-iv, Unv 111, IH'.'I. It. I.. I',i:m;i:. I'or County JikIjIc To (lie Itepiihlk'iiii VoUth ot Mur t'uw roiiuly : ' ' I In reliy iiioioiiiu'e that llllln a C-ni'liilnle for the noiiiliialinu for i oiiiuy .1 iidae, at the priii.iiy ei.e. lion, to he held May III. pi.'l I Hiring my present term, my polit y li., II , n lo olitain cllit-leiii-y la puldlc m-rv I, e, Willi ivoiiomy and taii'itisH, ana if in mi I ii. i tf.l and elivted. I pit-due Hie name 111 the nun re. Wm. T. ( '.iirui:i i For County JuJeie To the Itepiilillenn Votei'H o( Mor row county : llaviliif ilecltletl to lnvmne n enn. didate for ilie ollice of I onuty .lud-e of Mtirtiiw couii'y, i irt'i.-tui, nt the piitiiary cleetlon to lie held May c,. I i;'l. I t.ise tliis opportunity in an noiiiiclutf 1 lie same iiikI if nominal. d ami elected I wul lionei iy, fait lifiii y ami linnai dally )s.rform the duties of the i. Hue to tin- liest of in v nliliiiy. M. It. MotitiAx.' ENGELMAN HARDWARE IONE, OREGON THE BRUNSWICK TIRES Monobile Oils for the Auto, the Tractor and the Machine that needs good Lubrication ALL KINDS OF SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE Everything in the Plumbing Line, such as BATH TUBS, LAVATORY SINKS AND TOILETS SAMPSON ROLLER-BEARING WINDMILLS F. S. LANG CO. RANGES. Come and see them. THE TH0R WASHING MACHINE, no trouble to demonstrate. ' SPECIAL PRICES ON GLASSWARE ENGELMAN HARDWARE IONE. OREGON MIMIHIHMIUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMtllllMI I ;i Elevator Company 1 Swunson's Chop Mill Has Kaby scr.itcii fee 1, chick mash, Krit; oyster shell, charcoal, poult ry pepper, poultry regulator, etc. An Oi'diiiiini'i; to prevent, reitrnlr. and regulate inlnori beltiK on the i-'.r.'"t", ;i!!e;n or roiulwajs within the liiitiU ui li.e City of lone, ut certain houin, unit pruvlillni; a penalty for the violation of thia ordinance, and reiiealiiiK all Ordiminccs and parts ot Oiiliiiuiicis In confllo: herewith. Le It Ordained Hy The Common Council Of Tne City Of lone, OreRon. Sec. 1. That from and utter the pnt&o.'e of 1 1 1 1 3 Ordinance It shall be unlawful for any minor under the a'AP ol Kl:;hteen ears to be upon any Street, Alley or Koad within the lim its of the City of lone. Oregon, be tween the hour of 9:00 o'clock P. M. and the hour of 5:00 o'clock A. M., unlesii said minor h nil be nc cnniimiiled by his or her parent or li'Knl gunrdiiin, or upon written In struction stoned by bis or her par ent or h-Kul guardian to perform some necessary duty or business for such parent or li'iuil Kuardlan, such written instruction or notice must state the nature and character of such necfiwary business, and upon reipiest of the City Marjhall or other Police Officer such minor must Im mediately deliver the same to said Marshall or other Police Officer, and aald Marshall or Police Officer must reiain possession oi sucn written in strument until he Bhull ascertain whether or not the same was signed hy said minor's parent or legal guardian, or that such duty or busi ness was absolutely necessary, said I minor upon the performance of such du;y or business niuit Immediately return to his or her place of resi dence or abode. Sec. 2. It shall tie the duty of tlu Cite Marshall or other Police Officer on duty nt the hour of 9:00 o'clock P. M. to give a signal, hy giving three tap of the fire bell, which said st'Tiiul shall be a warning to all such Minors that It Is time to pro ceed to vacate the Public Streets, Alleys and Iioada. Sec. 3. Any minor found rrullty of the violation of any of the pro visions of this Ordinance shell be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, mid upon conviction thereof, shall he fluid In a sum not to exceed $.'5.00 and In default of the pay ment of any fine assented hereun der, shall be Imprisoned in the City Jail one day for euch 12.00 of sucn line Imposed. I S,ec, 4- In as much as thli Or lillnatfe is necessary for the lmnied I l preservation of the public health, peace and safety of the City of lone. Oregon. Therefore an emer gency is hereby declared to exist, snd this Ordinance shall b- In full force and effisrt upon Hi paiawie by th Common Council and approval by the Mayor. Sec. 5. All Ordinances and parts ; ot (.iiuinaiicis in conflict nerewttn are hereby repented. Passed by the Common Council of the Ci'v of lone, this 1st dr.y of April. 19.4. Approved by the Mayor of the City of lone. Oregon, this 1st day of April. 1?2. I HEUT MASON, Mayor. ATTKST: V. H. KODINSON. Recorder. 43 3t FARMERS IONE. OREGON DEALERS IN iCoal and Wood Flour and Feed Best Lump Coal, ton, . . $13.00 J 1 16-inch Cordwood, fir or. pine, 12.90 J Rolled Barley, 44.00 1 Whole Oats, 44.00 I Mill-feed, 35.00 i T i Heavy 7-foot Cedar Posts . 21cts iMHMHM'vtmHMiatMHIHMHMtMtHHMI F. H. Robinson Attorney and Conuslor at Law Will practice in all the Courts IONE. OREGON WILLOW CREEK POULTRY FARM Morgan. Oregon C. Now bookirtK orders for S, W. L. day old chicks. $14 per 100 at Ranch $16 when shipped One-half cash when boo'ted and J ten days before ship ment. Rhode Island Reds and Barred Rocks 16 and 18 cents each. Order early to get b tst dates. Notice of Final Settlement In the County Court of the St ntr ot On-con, for Morrow Comity. In the mutter "t the Estate of A. J. Wood. Iiecenseil. Notice U llen-liy tilven. flint the miilcmlKiifd. linn filed her limil count mm I'xerntrlx of the Estate of A. T. Wood, ileeeriMeil. In the county ' ourt of the ttnie of lreiroii, fur Morrow county, ninl t tint Snturdnv. the loth tiny of Mny, III:' I. at thehoitr of '.Mid o'clock i. in., of Kii ill tiny. In the county Court room in theeoinity Court House ut lleiitier. ore 1(1111. the time 11ml plnee et for lteurlnii srihl iiccouiit ami liny olijin tlons thereto, ninl the settlement ol said l-.Ktate. VIOI.KT ItlfVSOX. Executrix ot the last Will ninl Tes tament of A. T. Wood, Deceased, t'. A. Hohinmim, Attorney for Estate. I'atenf first iulillcatloii Ail li.lir.'l Hate ot Inst (.iililleiitlini M11 y n, j:r.-J For Joint Representative I hereby announce myself as n te IHilillcan I'liinllilate (orJoitit Itenns. setitatlve for I'ni.uilla ami Morrow count hu In the oouiIiik Primary i.iii-iioii, siii.j.i i in 1 iu wm of the heiulillcau voters In such eoimtlni. Willi m it. IUiihatx. A real revival meeting begins at the Christian church m April 13th. with Paul De F. Mortimore minister. Yet a little weak on his pins, Geo. Franks was out Wednesday. NOTICE Notice Is Hereby Given that School District No. 35, of Morrow County, Oregon, who being the legal owner of Block 1, in Sperry's Third Addition to the City of lone. Oregon, did on the 1st day of April. A. U. 1924, tile with the Common Council of the City of lone, Oregon, its petition, asking for the vacation of that portion of Third Sereet adjoining the property line on the North Bide of s said Block No. 1, of Sperry's Third Addition to the City of lone, Oregon, the same lying and being between said Block No. 1, Sperry's Third Addition to said city and Block No. 7, in Sperry's Second Addition to said city and more particularly described as follows, towit: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Block No. 1, in Sperry's Third Addition to the City of lone, Oregon, running thence North 20 feet, thence West 200 feet, thence South 20 feet, thence East 200 feet to the place of beginning. That by order of the Common Council of said city duly made and entereti herein. Tuesday, the 6th day of May, 1924, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p. m., at the Council Chamber in said city, itt the time and place set for the hearing of said petition and objections there to if any. Said petition now being on file in the office of the City Recorder of said citv and subject to exami nation at any time. Dated at lone, Oregon, this 2nd day of April. 1924. F. H. ROBINSON, 43 5t City Recorder. Dr. F. E. Farrior DENTIST Office: Odd Fellows Building Heppner : Oregon The B. & B. store at Morgan will receive your watch repairing for Hay lor the jeweler, Heppner.