Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1924)
Oh, Boy! It's A Hot Game Sunday-Boardman VS lone On Local Field-Game Starts At 2:30 Sharp-Be There f ItMltlf It -Vk. BUB 4 lHrinriiirt VOLUME XII IONE, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1924 NUMBER 43 Bank of lone . CAPITAL and SURPLUS $35,000.00 State, County and City Depository 4 Per Cent On Time and Savings Deposits Safe Deposit Boxes IONE, OREGON : Buy On Credit? WHY .9 I am in the merchandising game to make money, but can't do so selling on credit. I want your cash business and am pleased to have a chance to show goods and quote prices. If yoa want to buy in large quantities make up your list and I will quote prices and compare goods with any competitor. I Quantity, Quality and Service IS OUR MOTTO lone 3, Condon 2 lone base ball team takes open er from Condon in a close game that was featured with many plays that would look well in a late season game. A large crowd from Heppner, Lexington and the country were in attendance and were treated to a good afternoon sport. The game was played in the usual friendly contest that is always shown between Condon and lone and the umpireing of VanMarter and Blake was ap proved by the fans. While Roche was obliged to pitch the game with a lame arm, he showed his old time skill by striking out 11 Condon batters, getting 3 strike-outs against "the Arlington wan horse, big Bill Josephson." Clow of Condon was not so fortunate, having but 5 strike-outs. lone batters pound ed the ball with ease but met strong opposition in Condon field ders, Roche and Lewis each mak ing long drives, only to be caught out by exceptional fielding Boardman comes to lone next Sunday and think they can repeat the trick they played at Board man last year. We have the best balanced team that lone has ever put out and with the reserve players on hand, will be able to entertain the fans with some real games. A move is now underway to form a four team league with Condon, Heppner, Boardman and lone. The matter is now up to Heppner and if they can put out a team, the league will open Sun day with Boardman at lone and Heppner at Condon. tion is to arrange a schedule so that lone will not play at home on a date when Heppner has a game and for Heppner to play at Condon or Boardman when lone plays at home. Come out and help lone the pennant. Morrow County Taxpayers Should Fight School Unit System For your consideration we re print the following from the Echo paper, whose community are op posed to the measure in Umatilla county: Morgan Institutes Rebekah Lodge I BERT MASON IONE :: OREGON j A. D. MCMURDO, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office in Masonic Building Trained Nurse Assistant Heppner : Oregon WOODSON & SWEEK Attorneys At Law First National Bank Building Heppner - Oregon Radio Concerts On Your Farm Free of Charge Our demonstration car goes everywhere within forty miles A delegation of 33 people went down to Morgan from lone Mon day night, March 31, the occasion being theinstitutingof a Rebekah Lodge at Morgan. Mrs. Etta Bristow was the appointed insti tuting officer with sisters Mary Swanson, Lena Lundell and Ver da Ritchie assisting. The new lodge will be hailed as Sapphire Rebekah Lodge No. 163. The following officers were installed: N. G. Lilly Morgan. V. G. Lucy Harbison. Sec Alta Troedson. Treas. Este Bauernflend. Warden-Mrs. H. C. Witzel. Con. -Augusta Lindstrom. R. S. N. G.-B. F. Morgan. L. S. N. G.-Alfred Troedson. R, S. V. G. Echo Palmateer. L. S. V. G.-Nettie Morgan. I. G. Melissa Hargott. 0. G. Martin Bauernfiend. After this, the lone Rebekah That the county unit school nieas- uro la not acceptable to the voters of tills community whs evident Tuesday evening when, ul'V'r hearing an ex planation or the measure given by 11. B. Kicharda, the taxpayers and cit izens who attended the mass meeting voted unnnimoualy to adopt resolu tions setting tortli their opposition to the proposed plan. The city hull was well filled with citizens of Koho and the adjoining districts, and a del egation enme from Hermlslon to heur the speaking. 13. H. Rlehard3, of Athenn, opened the meeting with an address explain ing the features of the county unit meusure and how Its application to Umatilla county would affect (ho schools nnd school patrons. He stressed the point that the proposed law would mean a gift to the county at large of all school property, and in addition to this It would mean n grant of all authority and control of theschool to one man. He demon strated that the proposed board of five directors could nut possibly function to supervise the schools of this whole county, and the result would be that the county superinten dent would control the educational system. The claim made by Mr. Green that he could conduct the school system under the unit plan at a saving to taxpayers was disputed by the speak er, who showed conclusively that the proposed plan would necessitate greatly Increased expenditures. Mr. Richards Insisted that the county unit plan U unfair and unAmerlcan In that It makes it possible to take from the pooplonll their school prop erty and control of srhools ngatiiHt their wishes, and to place the educa tional system under absolute control of one man, from whose decisions, no matter how arbitrary or unjust, there is nd appeal. A few remarks were made by J. T. Lieunllen on the methods used In getting signature? to the petition for putting the measures on the ballot. A check of the signers showed that a majority of them pay no taxes In the county, and that more than half of The inten- sinner llvo In Milton, a city thut will not ue anecyu oy me proposed nieiuuro. After the speaking u resolution expressing opposition to the county unit was presented and adopted, re ceiving the vote of every one In the hall. Following Is the resolution: He It Uesolved by the citizen and taxpayers ot School District No. 5, at Echo, I'nintilla County. Oregon. In mass meeting assembled this Iftth dav of March. 11124: That we arn opposed to the coun'y unit plan of supervision and admin istration or our school for tln fol lowing reasons: That it takes the power to govern our schools out of the hands of the people and place It in the hand.-i of ope man who can not know the local needs, and who way favor on" dis trict to the disadvantage of another. That the judgement of three rep res "ntutlve men of the community us are now found on our school hoards. Is bettz-r, even In educational mat ters, than that of a brainier who l not familiar with conditions: and therefore the nnthorltv of the local school boards should be maintained. That It will Increase taxes unless wholesale consolidations are made, and that such consolidations without the consent of those concerned Is un just. That when peopln have nothing to say about how their tax monev Is spent they lose Interest In the thing' for which It Is spent, and that a lack of co-operation between parent and school will prevail. And, most of all, I tls unfair, un just and undemocratic, for districts of the first class to h'ive to vote on this measure, when they are not af fected by the law that does nfferl till second and third clasj districts. Kchil News, win lone Takes First Came HEPPNER TAILORINGS. TAILORS " ' Mpnitnof intl umII rfiira st i Oeaninfi Dyeing; '"v' 'MU Pressing Repairing ana your neighbors a line Heppner, Ore. evening's entertainment. All Leading Makes Handled MAURICE L FRYE Everything Electrical Phone 472 HEPPNER :-: ORE. When You Visit Heppner Eat at the Elkhorn Restaurant Good Meals Best of Service Lunch Counter Attend the baseball game this Saturday and watch our school boys beat the Heppner bunch. The Hiirh school biseball team easily defeated the Condon team on the local diamond last Satur team conferred the degrees to 8jday by a score of 9 to 2. Our candidates and after lode was boys out-played the Condon boys dismissed, all wended their way j jn every way and atnotimewer down stairs where the tables j they in danger of defeat as the were gorgeously loaded with finegCore shows. The lone biys have sandwiches and cake and every- ja hard line uo of earner to play, body seemed to do their duty i but are confident that they can when they got their feet undersold their own with any of the the tables and all enjoyed the jopposing teams, banquet. One of the nice cakes; - disappeared before supper time A new variety of sunflower, and no one seemed to want to called the Early Japanese, has plead guilty, but we think if the j been grown in Wallowa county truth were known, that one J. E. i the past threeTears very success- Swanson and H. C. Witzel could j fully. It is said to be much earl- Is Five Cents on the Dollar of Valuation Too Much to Earn? If a business worth $10,U0 earn, d $500 net Income in a year (or J41 n month), would It be considered nn unreason able profit and proof that Its prices wen too high? The railroads are In thut situation today. Tim 1 S23 net return for the whole country was less than 5 pel' cent. As of December 31, IUIO, the Interstate Com. iiU'irn Commission gave to the railroads a tentative valuation of $M,tlon,t)00,00D. ..With actual rigurcs for 1920, 1021. 11121!, and with 11) conscrVativcly estimated as Ifil.lOO.OOO.OOl), there has been Invested in the railways since tills tentative valuation a net amount of $2,:!7t,rM:l,000, looking the value as of December ill, M!M, $'.! 1 ,27 1 .IWitt.nnn. (hi this amount the Hallways in lt)2:l earned an aggregate net operating in come of approximate!' $!)!)7,(1 1 0,001), or -MID per rent. The (lovernment guarantee of earnings expired Augtiat fl, l!)20. If this guarunteu had been continued us repeatedly but erroneously cl.ilnied the Government would owe the rail roads more than a billion dollars. I.nst year the roads bundled a record volume of business hut could not earn the fair return of 0 per cent to which the lntciHtat0 Coinmerce CotiimlsMion, under the Trnnspuratlon Act. has found lliey are entitled. If the roads cannoi earn 5 per cent in a big year, what will tiny do In a small year'.' .... The Transportation Act provide that If a road In ir.iy year earns mope th in 6 per cent It shall pay one-half of the excess to the (iovernmf'iit. The Act Is, therefore a limitation ritlher than a guarantee. Give Transportion Act Fair Trial - Tin Transportation Act should be given a fair test and Its ineiltN Judged by the leHiilts of a noi nial period of reason able length. The year 1 1)211 was the Hist since tlui wn.' under conditions approaching stabilization. What the railroad situation demands Just now Is no', more law but more confidence. The railroads have emerged from the. welter of the war, restored their morale, made enormous Investments of new money, mid In 1 !12U handled a peal: busi ness wiih universal latisfiictlon. The Transportation Ami is the only really constructive rail road legislation of a generation. I'reviol s aeitt were itlmoHt solely repressive. In framing the Act the public intereit waH paramount. The Act direct the Inlersl 'te Commerce Coai tnlsHlon to "gheduc consideration to the transportation needs of the country and the necessity of enlar ;lng railway faclllllet . In oilier In provide the people of the I nlleil Males with ade quate transportation." (live the Act n chalice. Dcn't amend It. If the roads are let alone they should nialie avi good u record for efficiency this year as last. Constructive suggestions are always welcome. Oiouhn, Nebraska February 1, 11)24. C. R. CRAY, President. Union Pacific System tell us something about it if they would. Our best wishes go to the new lodge at Morgan and we hope it will grow and proBper and be a shining light in our little neigh boring city. One who wu there. ier and easier to harvest than the old type. A small shipment of this seed has been received by county agent Morse and anyone wishing to try out this variety can obtain a small amount by calling at the county agent's of fice at Heppner. E-ye Specialist Coming Dr. Clarke of the Clarke Strain Optical Co., Portland, will be in lone at the lone Hotel parlor, from 2:00 p. m., Tuesday, April 8th for the aftrnoon and even ing, doing optical work. Dr. Clarke makes monthly trip3 to lone. Tho Clarke Strain Optical Co. are one of the oldest and best known optical firms in Portland. Weather Report The weathi.'r report of It. E. Harbison, Observer for Morrow county at Morgan, for the month of March, state the total p-ecipi tation of rain was 0.48; snowfall trace inches; days clear 7; cloudy 10; partly cloudy 14; killing front 17, 21. 2'J; bail 20, 28; wind W. Total rainfall since Sept- 1, 102:5, 1.67 inches. The Christian Endeavor socie ties held a convention last Satur day night at the Christian church. cafeteria supper was served ut (5:30 in the basement to the dele gates anc members of the society and immediately alter supper all assembled in the auditorium of the church where instructive and entertaining talks were given by the delegates of Union 17. Special music was rendered by Misses Helen Balsiger and Gladys Lun dell which was much enjoyed by all. A real revival meeting begins at the Christian church on April 13th, with Paul De F, Mortimore minister. - Curfew Ordinance Passed It was a quiet but business like meeting of the city fathers Tujh dtiy night. The curfew ordinance and ordinance regarding vacate ing part of street for school pur poses were passed. I!y unani mous consent of the council, P. J. Linn was appointed temporary marHhal during the illness of Mr. Franks. He was instructed by t'otiucilman i!rysm to Ik) diligent in his tiuliej regarding the stray cows, the pesky roaming chick ens and to clean up toe city park. It was also ordrrel that the week of May ft.h, Im designated as Paint Up and Clean Up weelt and the Mayor will issue his proclamation before said date. I ieppner Fans Hungry For Sport It was interesting to note the wonder anil admiration of those Heppner people Sunday as they watched tho lone ball players on the field. It was a hungry taste for the sport that appealed to their finer senses ami we of the tender heart, sympathized witlt them, knowing the anguish they suffer in that their own villaxe can not muster together a team they could call their own. Oh, well! they have the court house. Having lived in Oregon for the past 70 yean! or thereabouts and never having had the opportuni ty. to witness a smelt run, Walt Smith drove to the Sandy river near Portland Tuesday to gaze and gawk at the scene. Hand us in your news items.