Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1924)
It's A Hot Game Sunday-Condon VS lone On Local Field-Game Starts At 2:30 Sharp-Be There 3mm Hit VOLUME XII IONE, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1924 NUMBER 42 O a r j 7 - o n o M a E D B n ii c B U a it D a N D ti a u R M B 13 a u O Bank of lone CAPITAL and SURPLUS $3.5,000.00 State, County and City Depository 4 Per Cent On Time and Savings Deposits Safe Deposit Boxes v IONE, OREGON HIimMIIIHIIIMIIIIIIIItltMHIIIIMIIMIII There is a Reason - J WHY My . Cash 'Sales forr tKe - past month were double those of a yearago. -; - . ; ; !'; ;". . ' ; I ";haye", the f largest assortment of gbodsln Morrow County, 7,- V They are the best that, money, can buy. - ) They are priced ror Cash Business. :.'..!V.r Service is our motto. ' "J ' "-. rv :" J Buy where your dollars brings the most in Quantity, Quality and Service. -4 . t- -WHY BUY ON CREDIT AND PAY MORE? BERT MASON IONE :: OREGON Condon Base Ball Team To Be At lone Next Sunday This is to be the opening game of the season. Our boys have been practicing for several weeks and hope to take the first game. Condon will have the old reliable Cupie Clow and a good game is assured. For many years Condon has been the chief attraction on the lone diamond and we hope to have the unusal snappy close game. The new grand stand wil be finished and every one can have a good seat. Come out and show the boys that you appreciate their efforts. ' lone Host To Rebekah County Convention HMMMIHHIIIHI a THE New Pastime IS NOW Open For Business New Tables New Equipment I will carry a complete line of Staple and Fancy Groceries Calljand see me Laxton McMurrey, Prop. AnoUier of those interesting and successful Btl'alrg ho dear to the hearts of members of the Itehekah lodge, and I. O. O. F. was held in lone laBt Saturday aiternoon, when a lurfie number of Kehckuhs gath ered in annual convention at Hall of nunch Grass Kebekuh loik'e, No. 91. Meeting opened at 1:30 P.'M. by regular officers of lone lodge, who Immediately surrendered their chairs to officers of the convention: chair man, Ada llrowu, lone; vice-chairman, Etta Briston. lone; secretary treasurer, Lillian Turner, Heppner. Mrs. Tiny Moore, in a splendid ad dress of welcome, made the visiting lodges feel very much at home. Mrs. Lillian Turner, In a pleasing manner, responded to the addresB of Mrs. Moore. Exemplification worlt of a sister visiting from another Jurisdiction was nicely put on, Sister Olive Krye acting as visiting sister. following a recess came the open ing question box, and discussion on using open bible in lodge room was followed by a beautiful talk by Sis ter Olive Frye on "A True Kebekah." Brother Frank Griffin gave an in structive talk .on "Fraternity." 1 ne following committees were ap pointed: Memorial, Question Box, Resolutions, Thanks and The Press. lone lodge reported 124 members to date, their lodge is flourishing like the bunch grass for which it 1 named. Lexington lodge reported 82 mem bers' and they are gaining In Interest In their little lodge. They have riv en some benefit suppers, dances, etc Owing to bad roads Mhtletoe Ite bekah lodge, No. 23, Hardinan, was not well represented, there being on ly two members present from lodge, and no report was given. A few members were present alsn from Morgan and it Is understood that Morgan alms In the near future to organize a lodge. San Soucl Rebekah lodge, No. 33, had a large delegation present. They report their membership as 171 to date. The following officers were elect ed for 1925 convention, which was voted to be held In Heppner: Chairman, Florence Hughes, H"pp ner; vice-chairman, Etta Brlstow lone; secretary-treasurer, Lillian Turner, Heppner. Adjourned until 8:00 P. M. At 6:30 a bounteous banquet vat served by the lone ladles, and let iif say emphatically that these estimable ladles are hard to beat as cooks. The tables were fairly groaning under tin weight of good things. Just here we wish to thank most hearotily, not only those who served the banquet, but those ladles who so kindly threw open their homes to us. We thank you, lone, fur nil your kiniliieiut. Re-assembled at 8:00 P. M, at Le gion hull for evening session. Tin following program was given: Reading by Miss Swanson. Piano solo by Mrs. Hoy Illnke. Musical readings by Miss Fletcher Vocol solo by Lillian Turner. Humeroiis reading by Rev. Mr. Head Following the prosrram all wbe were not entitled to sit In Rebekah lodge retired. San Soucl lodge put on their degree team, with .Mrs Florence Hughes as laptidn. and Ini tiated two candidates for lone lodge Reports of committees were listener! to. A standing vote of thanks wn tendered the legion boys for the use of their hall. Regular officers took their rhalre and the meeting adjourned at 11:30 P. M., with one and all reporting a hlyou time. LILLIAN TTRNKR. MILDRED A. HAYLESS, MURIEL CARMirilAEL. Press Committee. Leave your watch repairing at the McMurray pastime for Hay lor the jeweler, Heppner. Swanson' Chop Mjll Has Babv scratch feed, chick mash, grit, oyster shell, charcoal, poult ry pepper, poultry regulator, etc. M. B. Parounagian of Salem, s representative of the Near Kant Relief, speaks at the lone Baptist church this Sunday. Geo. Franks is still quite sick C. B. Bowers has gone to Spo kane, Wn., for ten days. Frank Hopkins of Portland, war visiting here today. PS5 apses i Hera is a Combined Harvester That a Small Crew Can Easily Handle Three or four men on the harvester, a wagon and a driver to pick up the filled sacks there's your entire harvest crew with a Model 30 "Caterpillar" Lifetime Harvester. No more big harvest crews, big labor bills, or work and worry of hiring and handling the men. J. E. Pease, of Mansfield, Wash., who used a "Caterpillar" Harvester last year for the first time, says: "I'd hate to go back to the old way, for the harvester is a great labor saver." Model 30 is a money-saver, too. It puts the grain in sack or bin at lowest cost per bushel. And it's a time saver, and a won derful grain saver. Model 30 has an 18 ft. header, 2G inch cylinder, 36 inch sepa rator. Its power plant is the same dependable motor used in the 2 Ton "Caterpillar" Tractor, and is easily removable for use, after harvest, as a stationary power plant. Caterpillar Harvesters All-Steel Models 30&32 Holt offers, in these two models, harvesters of all-steel construction that will give a lifetime of service. They imve the Aleniite lubrication system, Hyatt roller bearings, safety snap clutches, numerous other fea tures. They are light weight and light draft machines, economical to operate, easy to handle, able to meet severe conditions of rough ground and steep grade harvesting. Model 30 cuts 18 ft.; Model 32, 12 ft. Write for details of these or larger size Holt Harvesters. i ra n .- jc kVN SIX llil I . mm n i ii v t ''s- MANUFACTURING COMPANY SPOKANE WASHINGTON SMART HATS For LADIES' and CHILDREN at COX MILLINERY PARLOR (Cux lii'slili'iici-l So. Main St. Riht on Highway ARLINGTON, ORE. Needle Found In Cow's Heart C,pn. Ritchie, our meat man. butchered a 2 vear old ht ifer at the Fred Pettyjohn ranch near Morgan I ues lay, that had a rack needle 51 inches long buried in its heart. Discovery was made in cutting up the beef. The animal no doubt Kwallowed the needle while feeding at a straw stack, ivnrkinir it uav Ihrnlliti the stomach into the width of the large part of the heart, there re maining ca:;ed in by the touh tissues. Mr. and Mr. Perry Hopkins were given a hearty charivari on last Thursday niyht on their re turn from Arlington where they were married by a Methodist minister. Many citizens gather ed at the home to welcome the newly-weds and to wish them happiness, love and joy on the sea of matrimony. Cigars, candy etc. were passed around. We're going to have an Faster Tea, So please come out of your shell; To Paul Ualisger's on Thursday, April three, The rest we dare not tell, Mr, and Mrs. C. M. Heck of Cleveland, Wn., was here the lat ter part of last week visiting his son, C, A. Beck and family, Mrs. E J. Uriatow has been qute sick the past week. mrnmm NvV Reduced to. World's Lowest Priced Closed Car with Doors Front and Rear. Order Now for Earliest Fossible Deliveryl Cohn Auto Co. Heppner -:- Oregon There is a fine picture r,ow Saturday night. See it and laugh (away your troubles. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Knirleman drove to Portland Wednesday on business and will return Friday. Ivl Holrniuist is now in the country near Heppner, booting the woolies over the range. J. M. Morrow, salesman of the Pendleton marble works, was in lone last Friday on business.