Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1924)
"All Indebtedness Outstanding Of Every Kind, Becomes An Obligation Of The County District" Unit School Law VOLUME XII IONE, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1924 NUMBER 41 e m B U m D It E H B n 1: o 13 K II D I! n K O B (1 HI I) B B a a m m a u Bank of lone CAPITAL and SURPLUS $35,000.00 State, County and City Depository . , ' 4 Per Cent On Tims and Savings Deposits t Safe Deposit Boxes IONC, OREGON iiin)Mimmti)einwnttw)tnnttnHiin There is a Reason ' 'WHY My Cash Sales for the past' month were double those of a year ag'o. I have the largest assortment of goods in Morrow County. They are the best that money can buy. They are priced ror Cash Business. Service is our motto. Buy where your dollars brings the most in Quantity, Quality and Service. WHY BUY ON CREDIT BERT MASON IONE :-: OREGON HMHMHHMMMMtMttlllMHIHIMMHl THE New Pastime IS NOW Open For Business New Tables - New Equipment I will carry a complete line of Staple and Fancy Groceries Calljand see me Laxton McMurrey, Prop. i AND PAY MORE? lone 9, Linemen 4 Owing to lack of practice, the linemen were hardly a match for lone last Sunday and our boys tried to put the ball out of the field. Dutch Rietmann has just found his real position, and had he started pitching 20 years ago he might now be shareing the fame of Walter Johnson, Roche at first base showed up like Jim Poole and hit a 3 baqrger. The team are all corning along in good form and expect to be playing real ball when the season opens. Echo has been asked for a game at lone on March 30th, and if they can't come, then a game will be arranged with some other team and we expert Boardman hereon Sunday, April 6. x School Bonds Bring $920 M. R. Morgan was in Heppner"1 vhieh you are interested. Lists Tuesday afternoon on business with county treasurer regarding signature on the lone school bonds sold to the Commerce Mortgage Co., of Portland, at the Board meeting Monday night. These bonds were sold at a profit of $102 3, which amounted to $920, and draws 5J per cpnt interest. Schriver Sells His Ranch Through the H. C. Wood agen cy of lone, a deal of some magni tude was consumated last Satur day when C. M. Sahriver dis posed of his 2175 acre ranch near lone to -Messrs O. M. Richmond and J. E. Lewis of Walla Walla, Wn. In the deal Schriver secures as part payment a section of land near Walla Walla. The consider ation is placed at 75,000. Mr. Lewis will move here with his family at once and operate the ranch. This is said to be one of the largest real estate deals that has occurred in tliis section since 1020. Subscriber Hears a Rumor Editor Independent. We take it that the K'attsmen of lone are endorsing LaFollett for President. We hear on the street corners from that source that Coolidge cannct be elected, but we think that the most of us will try and put him over. Subscriber. Note. Probably the Klan lias had a message from their Btate Cyclops whose tieasury has been reimbursed. A BIGSUPPER Don't forget the progressive 3 course dinner on Friday, March 28, beginning at 5:30 o'clock. The first course at Tucker's, the second at Paul Balsiger'g and third at Troedson's withn eight o'clock program at the Congie Rational church all for the sum of 50 cents for adults; children under 8 years, 25 cents. Get your tickets at Tucker's which entitles you to the rupper and program, Heppner to Import Players Heppner fans have decided to have a base ball club and in order j to make a respectable showing,,! are to import a pitcher and catch- er for the season. They will need them and then some, when they buck up against the lone boys. It never has been understood just why Heppner never could assemoit a team that could play ball. Thev had the guts to steal j ine court, nouse away irom Lex- by holding a dance for the com ington and they certainly ought 1 munity that was well patronized to have the nerve to organize a and where all ' enjoyed a good team of some make shift. It is time. The Roardman orchestra said they start in on a game with! furnished excellent music. The a grudge and end up in a bilious state. LOST.-Base ball catchers mitt on south Krade of bail park Feb. 16th. Return to Bert Mason. lone Has Traveling Library A traveling library has just been- received fftm the State Library. This is one of the see tions of the State's free lending libraries, sent for six months, and tree for the ufl of everyone, both in town and in the country. These books are kept at Mrs. Sperry's in care of the Camp Kire Girls. These books are for you. Make use of them. Look over the list given below and select the bonks which you wish to borrow next time you visit your library. You will notice that there are boons for men, women and children, both fiction and interestingly written books of information. If you do not find the hooks you want in this list, usk the librari an to send to the State Library, Salem, for books on any subject f books on agriculture, child care, fiction, business, trades and Best bool(3 for children will be sent you by the State Library up on request and you may Beleet books you wish from these lists. Several of these lists are at your library and may be consulted there. Following is a list of the books now here: "On the Edge of the Wnr Zone" Aldrleh. "Last of the Chief" Altshclor. "Senae and Sensibility" Aiibteu. "American History for Little Folks" Illaisdell & Hall. "Surprise House" Drown. "Green .Manile" Hut luui. 'Aiound the World With the Child ren" Carpenter. "Scott llurton, Forester" Chcyncy. "A Treasury or War Poetry" Clarke. Ed. "Men and ThinKs" (.'lemon (Mark Twain). "Those Times and These" Cobb, "lli.ok of Eliclrlelty" Collin. "Uunning Free" Connolly. , 'Chronicles of the Little Tot" Cooke. "Hoy.;' liook of Moun.ed Police" Crump. "Skinner's Ha by" Docile. "Insert Adventures" Fiibio. "Vagabonding Down the Andes"--- Frauck. "The Major" Cordon (Connor). "Ualnbow Trail" Ony. "Kitchener's Mob" Hall. "La Salle" llasbrourk. "Sunny fi'upes" llucton. "Fairy-Tale Honrs"--Johnson, F.d. "Famous Iiiscovorers and Explorers of America" Johnston. 'Vanguards of the Pluins" McCar ler. The Indian Drum1'-- .Maellurg h Halni'T. "The Rustier or Wind River" Ox den. "Heroes of Today" I'arkmi'.n. "The Newcomers" I'ealllo. "Dutch Twins Primer" Perkins. "Wilderness Honey" Pollock. "An American lu the Making" It (i vat; p. 'Calvary Aly" Rice. "Hoy With tliu V. H. Mall" R,;lt Wheeler. "Folding (he Family" - Rose. "f Iniift Abe" Hoshschlld. "Opening the Went Willi Lewis and Clai ke" -Rubin. "Worry and Nervousness"-- Sadler. "The Cold Cache"- Srhultz. "The Sapphire Signet" -Siuman. "The To.-iaz story Hunk" -- Slilnner, A. M. nnd E. L. "Nan of Music .Mountain" Spear man. "Our Llitle Prankish. Cousin of Lone Ago" Hteln. "The ure story of a Itus-.dan F.xiio su'kioff, "A" A'""lt ''"'""ti"1"' I'lsmv- cries" Talbot. The le Hook of the Flag" Tappan. i "When I Was a Hoy in Itounianla" Van Teslaar. 'An American Crusoe" Verrlll. Th new Juniner Community Ha Was dedicated Monday night lunch, served after midnight was of the best and abundant. A few from lone were present an I en joyed the occasion. Read the Btate library books. I I i ! Jv Prizes TENTER A. D. HCE10RD0, K. D. Physician and Surgeon Olfice in Masonic Uuiuiht Trained Nurse Assistant Heppner -;- Oregon 1i Conceits On Your Farm Free of Charge Our demonstration car goes everywhere wilhin forty miles of Heppner, and will give you and your nei.Ljiibora a fine evening's enlei'laininciit. All Leading Makes Handled MAUSHS A. FRYE Everything Kleclrical I'hot.c 172 Hl'ITNKR :: f)!!!-. News From The .-ar F ist Athens, Orvvi-f, March:;, 1!)21. Mrr. P. C. Hurt of Il 'iul, Ore., has'c of SfiU w s on tin- island of Coi'ftl unJer the shelter of Mt. OlympiiH, v.lnic (Iret-k and Arnieniun orphan wni'd;i of the Anit'i ican Near ii.nt Relit f may booh use t ho legendary pltiy Rround of the mods of Ancient Greece. The Greek (Jovcrnincnl has offered thirty thousand acres of land on Mt. Olympus to the ft lief organization for usu in con nection with lis program for the care and train injf of 11,0.10 or phans in Greece. Relief ollicials are considcriiiir the r lfllii.;!jneiil of farm bi ttli ments unon the land to provide fur Kraduutrs of orphatiKc tichoulH. It may also be used to provide farms fi;r ref ugee families from Turkey who ai?rce to adept youngsters from the orpliune, in line with the policy of thefii j.'anialion Id place children in private home where ever possible in order that they may enjoy th's family life which it is impossible to tdve them in the orphan;;". Swanson's Chop Mii! Has Rabv Hci-atch fn d, cluck mash, crit, oyster shull, charcoal, poult ry pepper, poultry regulator, e!c. Mr. M. R. Morgan has his an nouncement iri this issue as a can didate for county Judge. Mr, 1 Morgan came to Morrow county I in 1832, locating on a ranch be I twecn Rhea creek and Kightmilc, jand is well known over the en jtire county. I In order to get their names In I the Orcgoiiian, p, j, Robinson was registered at the Imperial Sunday and Walt Smith scratched his name on the Oregon register. worth $2,500 the du Pont International Crow-Shoot fJ,300 in merchandise prisca. It com you nothing to register. Deitroy this tnsnace to gam and cropa. Wtita today for booklats about the crow. E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS & CO., INC Sporting Powder Division WILMINGTON. DEL. HE Man Eats Ten Pies in Sixty Mouthfuls Luncusler, Pa. Arrvstvd for hcutlng a man who refused tw pay a wafer Inst when he ate a pie In six bites, Harold Kekman of l.nucaster further added to his laurels In police court. Mayor Musser Kiive him ten pies, telling liollcemen that they could divide what remained. The "cops" licked their chopa at sight of the pies, but Kekman smiled. He ate the whole ten. crust and all, Inking six bltei to the pie. ERAVE GIRL SAVES MAN Succeeds in Making Rescue De spite Swimmer's Struggles; Injured by Kick. Petrnlt, JIlch.A fifteen-year-old rlrl saved u man from drowning In tha ('Union river, although palnfullj In jured by a kick Inllli'led by blm In lilt frenzied strngglea. The man, Kay Kelly, thirty-two year old. living near Crutlot avenue and the Seven Mile road, win power ful swimmer. He waa attempting to cross the mouth of the stream, near Mt. Clemens, when he win iclwd Willi cramps. Although sevem I men were within hearing of the man's cries, Mlllau Veraecl.e, Ijikepolule avenue, Arouse polnte I'urk, a school girl, was the only Tsnn to net. Klitt Jumped Into the river without hesliiiilon and swum to the man's aide. He bail gnne down twice. Ilia anna wero Mailing the water desperately, In the attempt to keep his head above the wavi'S. The kIi'I took a number of blowi on her arum as she circled Kelly, seeking to gnep his body, A violent kick enuseil her to falter. She plucklly con tinued her ailempt, however, and sue eee.led III getting around to Kelly'i hack. , She forced him on till bark and kept hlui a limit In tltat poltlun for several mlnules. He struggled dea-s'i-nti'ly all through the rescue. It wae only wllh the greutest dlfllrulty that the girl waa able to keep her hold. I'lnally, a boat put out and Klmer A. Orth, lietrolt contnaetor, hauled both Into safely. Lillian Is thu daughter of Mr. and Mrs. t'amlle Vnrvaei-ke. She li pu pil at (lie ('iidlciix Junior high school, She Is a slight girl for her age, but has hud eoiiHlderahle athletic training us a member of the girl scouia. Hhe suffered no III cfTivis from her rescue, I'xeept that she was badly bruised by the kick. Lillian's mother Is an Invalid, and she has been her mother'! helper In brlnglna t;j. several younger children. "It ui 4 Hie only thing to do," was her only comment al'ier the rescue. Quart of Pebbles Taken From Stomach of Child Morrisvllle, I'. Fondness for swal. liming pilibliKi cost the life of diaries V. t'lh, Jr., live years old. The child been III only a few days, his con ditinn became wori.e and he expired lieiore a physician could lie sum llioneil. (111 two nr three previous occasions the child was taken seriously III, and for a time the cause of the attacks was a mystery. Klnally, when the na ture of the trouble was learned, a quart of iiehhles were removed from his body by a local physician. L'pon another occasion the hoy had a more eerlomt attack and was removed to a hospital, where he sns os-rated upon anil an other large quantity of pebblee re moved. Tlie home of the family ii In Manor I'ark. where there are a number of gravel lieds. Why the child persisted In swallowing the stones wai mys tery, but It had been hie uraillce ever since he was three years old.