Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1924)
PHPTI A KltY WIV 1 JLiA.lliy iwmm M VimOfcPwXY AT YAMTTTU. 1 I gMallory Select Residential & Transient 16th and Yamhill, Portland, Oregon. Modern Fireproof American Plan RATES MODERATE C. G. APPLEGATH New Locatlon-2624 GLASSES That Fit-None Better AJL. f CHARGES REASONABLE i I 149 Th'rd SL PORTLAND. ORECON We Specialize in Hides, Pel!., Wool, Monair, Tallow, Cascara, Oregon Grape Root Coat Skins, Horse Hair Write for Shipping Tags & latest Price List Portland Hide & Wool Co. 101 UNION mNUC NORTH, PORTLAND, OUlON. Branch 1st l'ocatello. Idaho AUTO PARTS FOR ALL CARS At less than H Price. Mail orders promptly filled Pacific Auto Wrecking Co. bhli m SUPERFLUOUS HAIR Remnved without injury to the akfn by Ney-Born Depilatory. Sample oti requfnt. Ney-Born Lb oratories. 619 Morgan HUtf.. Portland Oregon. See Yellowstone and Southern California These two wonderlands have been reproduced In charming Illustrations by the Union Pacific and bound In book form with adequate description. Both can be easily obtained and will Drove extremely entertaining as well as Instructive. Write for copies to Wm. McMurray, General Passenger Agent, Pittock Block, Portland, Ore gon, who will forward them freely to any address upon receipt of request. TOBACCO CURE-r Write HlttKBQRf) CHEMICAL CO. HILUSbOIIO. OREGON Gold and Silver Plating. Send u your old Silverware, Reflectors and Musical Inatrumanta fur repair and reeilvarlnr. We save you money. B. I Foote, 3bti Washington St., Portland. CtJT rtOWEIlS JXOBAL DESIGNS' Clarks Bros., Florlsts287Morrlsoe Jit PLUMBING MATERIAL Baths, sinks, toilets, basins, boilers, pipe, valves and fittings. 1'rlces reason able. . . . . East th and Morrison Bta. Port! Standard Plumping a nesting .o, tia nd, Or. Set of Teeth, $8 .00 Ws guarantee material and wo -kmanshlp. Painless extraction of treth. S. 10 years in Dt:NTlSTS.S46V Wash- th same location. ington cor. Second, Portland. Oregon. Why Not Buy a good re-bulll useu car irum rant and snve a lot of money pay 1-J duwn or trade your old car as first payment, take 11 months on ALlTuSED CANS O.UARA STEED Just as easy to buy In Portland where you got choice of loo cars all mokes, all mort ls-we have good cars from 150.00 up. Write Us Todsy about the kind of a tar you like best we'll send you a list of cars, P dFrAHT rS " USED CAR CENTER 18th and Burnslde Portland, Ore. Wall Paper Specials Bedroom par" w. i;, p , i""'' roll. Pent duplex oatmeal, 45c bolt Wash able kitchen papers 4ic double roll. Tap IstVy papers 36c, S"c, double roll, free sample book on request SMITH'S WALL PAPER HOUSE 108-10 Second Street Portland. Ore, ONION SEED FOR SALE 0 Son "if-Wob. yellow ranve, onion seed for sale by flower. C. L. Johnston, Bherwoid, t-re. DON'T MURDER YOURSELF u. s IGNORANCE AND NEGLECT ' Ptno doping yonnelf with MMIcinea, pQlitfins kind of pain or W$JZtiZ& 'ZtZXX '.f ITir dorter ...h,. re; New Life. Health end H BPj nessj as was fiyjn ,MfrA ,or over thirty years, Mountain., " p.Vlvsed for seven months. Todey. I own that aacret. finally becoming comp ' 'ii, ' , ' ,ry work among sulferere I charge nothing 1 am a licensed Physician o?lng M laalo nary wora n;o wl, b, rr J for my ""vice. , ,",,5",., n.?obt. which consist, of the VINKKAI.; the NATI T.E FfPRTA.Nf E I "" ;"' , Mirc,, MIRACLE MINERAL (sold if the E'T1MLn.lnn:,h,;"l,Vrvi made thsd. wjll. end have their grateful lea under la"0 wl h w h h i have rnaoe f(lf your home real ment. ttmoniais. .n.trelv it oon what al a vou. neno me s imi. ftSia SffigR THE ORATCnd;t.t, y , i.,ti.e to their sea. wilte to Bie. St., Portland, Oregon, Highest Aerial Trolley New York. An serial trolley line, six miles long and rising 3,700 feet, is soon to be constructed for the Cara coles Tin company of llolivla, a Gug genheim corporation, according to re cent advices received In the financial district here. At Its highest pol" the trolley will be the tilfhejt trolley of its kind In the world. The completion is expected to take six montlis and the materials are already on the ground- OFFERS A MARKET FOR YOUR PRODUCE Pnrtland, Oregon VAUDEVILLE PHOtO-PLATI Oomplttt Ctuogt ti slur day, Adults. Wwk df Matin, aoo; Ewoiogs, 40c. Coot in u out 1 to 11 p. m. Children 10 enti til tluti. Hotel Portland's Oldest FUR House Established 1870. Remodeling, Repairing, Storage. 129 Tenth Street, near Washington. ROOT AND HERB REMEDIES If takan In time, prevent operations for Diabetes, Catarrh, Asthma. Lung, Throat, Liver, Kidney, Khoumatlam. blood, Stomach and all female disorders. Bladder Troubles. The C. Gee Wo Remedie. are harmless, at no drugs or poison are Med. Composed of the choUest medicinal roots, herbs, buds and bark, im ported by us from far away oriental countries. Call or Write for Information . : C Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Company Alder St., S. W. Cor. Third, Portland, Oregon Established 23 Years In Portland. PLEATING SPECIAL - Cut, team, hem and tnachina nlnat kirti ntiflv for btvnd. $1.00 H.uititrhint, picotlni and tuck Int. PASTERM NOVELTY Ml'G, 00, 85 H Fifth fit. Portland, Or. INFORMATION DEPARTMENT Pleating Embroidery Hemstitching;. Buttons Covered. STEM AN' S 165W Tenth St. Portland PLEATING, HEMSTITCHING, BUTT TONS, SCOLLOPING, PEARL-PICOT EDGE WIPE MtM9lllt-niu EMBROIDERY BUTTON HOLES All work guaranteed Smith Pleating and Button Worki, 823 Morgan Bide., Portland, Ore, ATTENTION LADIES Sanitary Beauty Parlors We fii job p, we make all kinds of Hair Goods of your combines. Join our School of Beauty Osltnre, 400 to alt Dekum Bide.., Peons lrosfwsy 690S, Portland, Oregon. AUTO KNITTING. INSTRUCTION All machines tiiuk-nt ana repaireg. Yamhill, Portland, Ore, . BATTERIES . .... Rebu It second nana naileries, 46 Grand Avenue, Portland. . BKAZ-INQ, WELDING CUTTING NortBwestWslding Supply Co., 8 1st Bt. CAMERA AND" KODAK REPAIRING Adolph w. liarr, Abington uig., r-oroano. Complete Line Bottlers' Supplies foruana Beverage at opiy tu., FEATHERS AND FLOWERS o n,.t thmw awev vmir n rt reatners. ws risen. dye and remodel and match samples. New flow ers and Feathers made to order, 0) years estab lished We guarantee all work. Hartness testa- er a Flower Shop. satT Washing-ton Bt, HOTELS WABASH. Rooms 50c. 204 Madison St. SURGICAL CORSETS Made to measure, 487 Washington St. If you are troubled with Appendicitis or Stomach Trouble, write Hlis Company, Portland. Oregon, for free Information in Oerman or Engiisn. BANKERS' AND BROKERS' SALE. OP USED TRUCKS We have taken over the following truck! from the Portland Motor Car company and Automotive Brokerage company, which must be sold at once In conjunc tion with the bank a trucka, Packards, Nnah, Republic, Mastera, Geary, White, Wlnther, Klaael, Federal, Dodge delivery, Comet and other makes. All siies, In cluding dumps and hoists. Terms to suit. CHAPERON MOTOR CAR CO. Cor. Grand Ave. and Salmon, Portland. 35 p': SAVED ON BUILDING MATERI- L, all Kinds, new ana uaea. aiso umDlnf supplies, nuruwain, uiusr. paper, paints, varnisn. write or call. Dolan Wrecking ft Const, Co. Per Coat. East 8th and Belmont, Portland. Miller Paint Co. -Wallpaper We Invite you to call and Inspect our line of Wall Papers and Paints or send for our free catalog. Select what you want from our line and save money. 1TJ First St., Portland, Ore. GOING TO BUILD? W hs- hunrfrvdi o? plant at flQ Uft and op. Bend ut a sketch of the home you want and wc will sub mit similar specimen plans. No obligation leapt to return plans if not suitable. O. M. A K E R S Deslmingand Drafting. tll-U Couch Building. Portland, Oregon. CLEANING AND DYEING Sh. For reliable Cleaning and Dye SPrtrrVJa Ing service send parcels to as. B' J H Ws pay return posuaa. Inform- KrWST.Ii ation and prices glvsa upoa re WlrnVW guest. HfislK ENKE'8 CITY DYE WORKS., EsUblishsd 18M. Portlsnd. Ore SILK SHOP SS Japanese Pongee i. M. M. Kafoury Bros., s3 Alder St. 71 centa Guaranteed Dental Work BW Eitracttnl Adsolutelr Painless. 5v Very nviderata prices. All work I done without pain. XTJjfty When You Think of Teeth A Think of DR. R. W. DONOHUE 3344, Morrison St. Cor Ind St., Portland 10 Years' Successful Practice. aim a BARBER COLLEOI Teachea trade in I weeka Some pay while learning. Positions secured. Write j for catalogue. 114 Burnslde street. Port' ! land, Oregon, THROUGH imig tipi u ddtrew, tf you art trouble, and I have for Ith troubl Address, Dr. M. MA-CIIL W ". ' f lease ve iui. i , for Caracole., Bolivia Steel will be workfl on the ground and the trolley line Itself will carry material np the mouutaln. Tbe line Is planned to be snout the same size and capacity as that erected for the Northern Pern Mining company to connect the mill st Bsmme with the mines st Mlllusehl, Trujlllo, work on which was done by Wayne Graham, erecting engineer of the Rlblet Aerial Tramway company of Spokane, Wash. BARRON'S BOB SHOPPE When In Portland heva your hair out at tha BOB SHOPPE, Mar celling. Curling. Experts Only Employed Phone Main 167I 100 TJngar Bldg. Portland, Oregon For KIDNEYS, NERVE and BLADDER We Have a Guaranteed Treatment aU-KOLA KIDNEY TABLETS 25c Trial Box. 11.00 Complete Treatment Positively Guaranteed. Address BAKER DRUG CO., Fifth end Burnelde, Portland, Oregon, We also specialize in mall orders of Druga and Sundries. THE WASHINGTON CLOAK-SUIT HOUSE 2t Wash. St., Between 3rd and 4th. Ilftl' Coats-Suits. SM.SS Dresses. 17 SO. LsellS Silk Hoee, $1.00. Ask about our Spe eial Payment Plan and free photo offer, Men. tsjp this ad. . Permanent Wave Specialist. ALL BEAUTY WORK MARVEL BEAUTY SHOP 95 Tenth Street, Ground Floor, Near Stark. Telephone, Bdy. 6136. Horses Just Arrived. Just arrived, three carloads of fntl, all- round purpose nuiP", wc,e'""e. -- ShPortTand'HorM 4 Mule C... Ualen Stock Yards, North Portienq, ursgon. Empire m, . he Younrf Lady Across the War The young lady acroas the way aays basketball Is the great winter game, nd tha Inside baseball she reads so much about doesn't seem to be mat lng much headway. (a) ey afaClurs Newspaper Sradloete.) O Has Anyone Laughed At You Because By BTHIL R. MYER You use perfumef I Tott evidently don't nae enough. f Perfume Is a lovely thing In moderation. The Sowers profit I by It, the world profits by it I Why shouldn't you add to the beauty of things toot Of course when perfume covers a defi ciency of the sanitary code and I t when It annoys people, then It I Is the time to put on the stop code I Perfume Is lovely when It la, but baleful when It "ain't" 80 Your get-away here let That they enly laugh and den't complain, $ ay McClurs Newspaper Byadlsais.) Great Mistake With Pigs. One of the greatest mistakes mad bv the fall pig grower is that of not providing a warm, dry, easily accessl ble feeding place for tne pigs tint are counted upon to roll In the prospee. tlve dollars of profit Ration for Sows and Pigs. Crushed or ground oats as a slop may form one-third of the ration for brood sows and for young pigs unt they reach tbe period of fattening but outs are not profitable as a fee' for fattening hogs. :'. " r T 1 , The best Investment on a farm where cows are milked Is a silo and no farmer or dairyman need hesitate to build a silo. It will make money for him every year and the cost of tie silo Is easily absorbed In sn Increased flow of milk and better-looking cowa e e e A profitable cow should produce 6 000 pounds of milk or 200 pounds of butterfat In 800 days. Are your cows all profitable? Why not find out? Is milking dairy cows a business proposi tion with you? If so, why not apply business methods? see It never psys te crowd, especially en the roosts. A Utile unoccupied space Is better then te hsve the perches so crowded that the fowls have to try to sleep on top ef one another. e e e The fowls should be kept la good healthy condition at all times. A dose of epsom sells, one pound to 100 birds Is s good conditioner. Pennan fnate of potash added to the drinking water Is slso good to prevent colds and roup. 9 Nestle ,.lfftok. Something to Think About hi P. J. ffJLKER YOUR IMAGINATION GIVE your Imagination free rein, panecinllv If It la nf the ennsfrite tlve kind, taking you to new heights beyond those of yesterday. The great est achievements of yesterday, It we are to progress, must be outdone to day. Au original thought Is but one more step towards another, destined, per- hsps, to revolutionize accepted stand' arda and set at naught much of our boasted knowledge with Its many de- flclenMaa nf nraMas Infitrmutlnn. . By Imagination the countries of the world have been brought closer to- g' 'llier. News that was once brought by mounted couriers riding day and night, Is now flashed through the air by means of electricity, reaching to all parts of the world and surpassing In Its flight the speed of light. When Samuel Morse dreamed of the tele- raph he nnnlliiliitotl rlltnnce anil brought the poles of the earth to gether. Thousands of miles from the fore casting station, millions of people lis ten dally to the radio carrying Its Hit- lng music and stirring voices through Invisible paths of air. These modern wonders, mystical, startling, had their birth In the linag- lnatlon of men who continued to pay . -.mi. .k-i. Ti.ion.ri friend.' Wrerl and mocked. Po not criticise the boy who goes castle-bulldlng, or prefers by choice to aweu span irora otners. Manifest Interest in ms wougnisi bdq give, mm rut-uurBurmcm. i j .. ..fc I Yon rennet surmise where a hov of this type msy be leading, or what In future years he may do for the uplift of the world and the comforts and delights of Its peoples. That the boys of today are destined to surpass the boys of yesterday, may be accepted aa a foregone conclusion; Indeed, It can be counted upon as s certainty. The result of their Imagination. heightened by better schooling, and let us hope greater encouragement, will be seen In the next generation In the revelation of tilings which the vlslonlst of today has not yet dreamed. Every analysis of what has been done In the past reveals the prob- ability of something more startling awaiting the Imaginative brains of the boys of today. Give them an oppor tunity to show their Ingenuity. En courage their Imagination and cheer them on I l kr MeClars Nswspspsr Syndicate.) A WOMAN IN THEHOUSE By DOUGLAS MALLOCH A WOMAN In the house, to me, la like the sunlight on the ses. Is like the roses by the road. Is like the laughter with the load. As stars mate beautiful the night. And flowers, gsrdens give delight, Yes, all that beauty does for you A woman In the houe will do. A woman In the house will make An altar there for beurta that ache, Will build s shrine amid life's sin To worship God, and usk Iltra In. for you who wander, you who weep, A woman In the house will geep A candle burning evermore She Is s lighthouse on the shore. A. woman In the house Is like The sun's declining rays that strike Your windows when the day Is old And turn your window panes to gold. A man may build a house of b ; A woman In the house It Is, Through Joy snd sorrow, ds-vn and gloam, That Mikes his house snd mnkes It home. e r MsClars Newspsper Syadlcats ) 3 3Jhe Young Lady J Across the War Tbe young lady across the way says n.e,h- la the most Dreva Unt disease, end she understands that have turned over to tha treasury de T8 per cent of the American people partment between $700,000 and $800,- are pyromanlacs. ( ky MsClars Nenpeaer Sradleate I STATE NEWS? TINT I Least' swaaMiakaeea sj T Salem. With mors than 8000 slg- natures, the nominating petition or President Coolldge was filed Saturday with Secretary of State Kozer by Sen ator Patterson, Oregon campaign man agcr for the president. St. Helens. Lumber shipments, while light, showed a Blight Increase over the lost week. Three shipments were made by water and totaled 3,200,- 000 feet. One shipment was for for eign ports and the others for Califor nia. Salem. The planting of trees and other shrubbery along tho highways In Oregon will be encouraged by the state highway commission, according to an nouncement made hero by Hoy Klein, In charge of the local offices of tho de pari ment. Grants Pass. Water has been turn ed Into the south canal of tho Grants Pass Irrigation district. Although farmers do not need the water yet for Irrigation, It lies been placed In the ditches so that It will be on hand should a sudden dry period develop. Eugene. The bounty on 19 seals re- cently killed In the Puclflc ocean by Herman Larsen, a rancher In western , nn nnntv .aa colltpd at tno 0f. . .. , . . . o.,.,,,..,. , ,,iin i thn He received $47.60 for bringing in the PfHs of tho sea animals. It 1b seldom that the Dounty is coiiecieu ue u these animals. i,r,ij i,h,f R Htrnhorn of A ,,. r, nUUKUIIt. UIWIIUCUl Wl lliw W"RUI , . "ornia sc uiutu iai..ouu, ... Portland Saturday to spend $100,000 this week for equipment for bis rail- road, which plans to devote the com- ng summer to general Improvement - . between Sprague Klvcr and Klamath Falls. Haines. W. 11. Mayes, local dairy- man, has brought a carload of regis tered and high-grade Jersey cattle here from Tillamook county. Milk cows In the shipment were accompanied by an attendant and fed and milked en route. Mr. Mayes now owns about 60 head of Jersey milk stock on his ranch just west or names. Bend. A heavy surplus of hay In central Oregon not needed during the winter because of the unusually mild weather will mean an agricultural de velopment In this section tending to greater diversification, farmers be lieve. It Is estimated that 400 car loads of alfalfa remain In stack In Deschutes county alone. Salem. A total of 21,678 cash bo- nuses'authorized by tho world war vet erans state aid commission bud been paid up to March 31, according to a re port prepared here Saturday by Major Simpson, acting secretary for tho de part ment. Cash payments aggregated $4,685,071.95. Of this amount approxl mutely $3,400,000 was paid to ex-serv Ice men living in Oregon Murahfleld. foos county electors will be asked to vote for good roads bonds for $376,000 at the primary elec tlon, according to an order by the county court Friday, Of this amount $70,000 will be used for matching state and other money on the lluuser-Glus gow hard surfacing, $70,000 for the Coqullle-Ilandon hard surfacing, and $M,000 on the Myrtle Point-Koscburg highway. Blianlko. Remarkable progress Is being made on the construction of the last link of thn Sherman highway In Wasco county. This section extend from a point about eight miles north of Shanlko to an Intersection with The Dalles-California highway near the head of Cow canyon, a distance of about 20 miles. Tho highway run through Shanlko, which Is the termln us of the old Columbia Southern rail way, now a branch line of tho O.-W. H. A N Pendleton. After carrying a safe weighing 400 pounds about 100 feet Iup the Oregon-Washington highway from (he Marvin Hoy garage In Pilot Hock, yeggs Saturday knocked off the I combination and attempted to blow It open, according to T. II. Ilufflngton, deputy sheriff, who Investigated the lease. The sound of the explosion awakened citizens. The car In which the yeggs fled came toward Pendleton I but trace of the car was lost a short distance outside of Pilot Hock Salem. Approximately $600,000 col lectcd through the administration of the state Income tax law has been turned over to the statu treasurer, ac cording to Karl Fisher, stale tax coin mlssloner, under wbose direction the department Is being conducted. Out of approximately g8,000 returns sent out by the department, more than 80,- 000 have been received from persons and corporations affected by the act When the larger part of the outstand ing returns are received prior to April ' ur lur "'"' - commissioner predicted mat no w,u 1000. After Every Meal It's the longest-lasting confection you can buy and It's a help to di gestion and a cleanser X for the mouth !2xLr and teeth. Wrigley's means m bene 11 1 as well aa pleasure Temperament. "I should advlso Indies always to avoid artists who nro in search of new sonsutlons and emotions either In friendship or love. . . Never fall In love with a genius, ladles, nor a man of temperament. All that Is left of temperament ut homo Is temper." Jacinto Benevenlc, Spanish Play wright. Dice Games Ancient. No one can say positively when dice were Inveuted. Credit for tho inven tion Is usually given to Psulmedes of Greece (1241 11. C). Gumes played with dlco are tho simplest and most universal games of chunce In the world. Youth and Age. Youth needs but to hear a now luno twice to know It by heurt. Elderly folks hnvo to hear It 20 times to mere ly Identify it by its iiauio. Mrs. K. E. Jones Have You A Daughter? Watch Her Health Salem, Ores. "Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prescription is the finest tonic and nervine that a young Rirl can take. My daughters have always been so urcitly benefited by the use of the 'Favorite Prescription' that I do not hesitate to recommend it to other mothers whose tlmie,htcrs Miller. One member of my family also speaks in terms of highest praise of Dr. l'icrcc's Favorite Pre scription, which she takes during; expectant periods. She claims that it enables her to have health and strength, and practically no suffer ing. She has fine healthy babies, too. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion is truly a woman's tunic." Mrs. K. K. Jones, 5 N. High St. fict Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription toilay from vmir neighbor hood ilruiKist, in tablets or liitiitl, or write Dr. Pierce. President In valids' lintel ill ItufTal... N. Y for free confidential, medical advice. Enclose ll)c fur trial pkg, tablets. One of the Inducements. Phlllppa -"I don't want to go to a girl's school. I'm going to a co educa tional college." I.ucy-'ilut the men there lire likely to ho bold unci flirta tious," Phlllppa "Tlml's what tlm girls all tell nie." First Linen Clothes Dark. First linen dollies, ho costly (hat only kings und nobles could affurd them, were dark and discolored, be cause tho art of bli'uiiiliig had lint been learned in olden times. Going Some. A (iileiino woman was mailt' u, h lii nun Krcnt .grandmother thren tlm day when baby nous urrived ut tli" hollies of two of her grnmldiiugliters und nnn grandson. Crowning Fortune. "Tho crowning fortune of a man Is to bo born to some pursuit which finds him employment ami happiness, whether It bo to make baskets, or broadswords, or canals, or statues, or songs." Kmerson. uelnees College Pisces Oraduatee In oooa roemons Unroll any time of year Write for free catalog. Fourth and Yamhill, Portland, Oregon. P. N. U. 4r-ip'. : TPs. , . a) needed In every department of house. keeplog. touslly good lor towsls.lsnle Unee, sheets snd pillow cases. i,rcer J No. 15, 1924