Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1924)
Supplement To The lone Independent lone, Oregon, April 11, 1924 Death Stalks Where Auto Driver is Drunk Said to be in an intoxicated condition while driving a ear on the highway last Sunday min ing which contained L. V. Gent- Brilliant Cast of Players in "Main Street." "Main Street" which conies to the loin hall this Saturday night is one of the most attractive and best screen pictures. It's cast is ry, L. L. Matlock and Guv Bover'of the first magnitude composed of Heppner, their large eirside ' of actors who have already won swiped one driven by a Keeling reputation in the screen world, tobacconist a mile east, of t'n, "Muin Street" is the well knojvn which badly wrecked it a-ni might s'orv of life in a little western havecaused the stranger s death. toA'n after the advent of Carol No punishment has been meeted out to the drivers, which se ms quite strange to many. Some day a bunch of theve panther juice fellows from Heppner will be gathered in and the fine and jail screws put to them to a finish. No punishment is too severe ",('r April 21st and 22 td. for one who goes out upon the faction guarantee i. highway driving a t car while A win low s;tle at Paul Balsig drunk. Too many lives have been er's store om Suurdiy. April 12, sacrificed by such drivers. i by the Dorcas Society, Hi sure and attend the meet- Ken, lieott. from college, bent on m iking tlu1 to vn adopt all her new tangled ideas. You should set it. Dr. D. R. Haylor, the Eye Specialist, will lie in Heu- S'-tis Sunday afternoon the fans arose , aii i , ginning Aoril 13th. Cochran raced for home plate for the. tvinir sc ,re and trreat wn L'Xington high school stu lents the rejoicing; a moment later the P'it on a dance and a sm ikeless fre leaving for his work amongst roar was chilled to silence and Morgan Life H. 0. Ely and sons finished plowing last Tuesday. Hen Morgan got his arm hurt last Sunday trying to hold a wild colt. A number of neighbors met at S. Edward's last Sunday eve and had a social time and a feed of ice cream. A-pril 8, Mrs. Munro and son and Mr Connor of Olex, got 100 Barred Rock chicksof the Willow Creek Poultry farm. Jim Hardesty and wife called on J. Uray and wile last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harbke arrived from Vancouver, Wn. Tuesday last. Mrs. Harbke will visit with her father and sister while the hubby attends to business at Her miston and Heppner. Pat Medlock has the blues now that the sheep have been moved to the range atiove Heppner. Cecil News Items Congratulations are extended to Miss Georgia Summers, late of Cecil, on her marriage to L. A. Harman of Walla Walla, Wn. The ceremony took place in Port land on March 31. Ed Melton of Pilot Rock, was here Tuesday visiting friends be- grief when it was learned that he smoker April 18th. before th 1 dunce. made the slide at the sacrifice of anJ a 8 H" f""1- Bti tnt,re- a limb. Our boys play ball for yoiK amusement and their only re Cnas. Tnornton who pitched several gool games for lone, last year, will pitch for lone at Hep- numeration is the joy they get pner Sunday and is expected to out of playing. They put thir lives and health in jeopardy in going into the game anil furnish their personal equipment an d de vote many days at practice in or der to put up an attractive show ing. Walter Cochran ha-) been rendered helpless for several months and while the fans pres ent came thru very loyaly in the free will offering the lone base help im thru the season. Let 'i good crowd of fans accompany the team and open the league with a good showing at Ueppoer. B mis go on the timber and snow of Yellow Gool music Jacket mountains. A lamb with two Hilly develop ed heads was born at the Kreb'a ranch during the week and lived fot several hours. Width of two hemls was 7i in. and between the outside ears, 12. Ted Smith of lone and state traffic officer Lieuallen and Miss Violet llynd, were guests of the Mayor here lust Saturday. Leave vour watch renairing at A very pleasant affir of last the McMurray pastime for Hay week was ai Eister Tea guen by lor th; jeweler, Heppner. the ladies of the Djrca-t S.iciety at the home of Mrs. Paul Bilsig er. Di If erent games were enter ed into heartily by all present, after which dainty refreshments ball lub will appieciate any more 0f aneel food cake and ice cream contributions and by so doing were served by Mesdames Emil you will show the boys that you Swanson.Paul Balsigerand Yank appreciate their efforts and will I Young to G5 guests. The out of try all the more to give you good town tfue3ts were Itev. and Mrs. clean sport. Bert Mason. Gillangers and the ladies of the ,m . , Congregational church of Lex "Main Street Won. WOODSON & SWEE Attorneys At Law First National Bank Building Heppner Oregon When You Visit Heppner ICat at the Elkhorn Restaurant Good Meals Best of Service Lunch Counter