Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1924)
Change now to the brand liiat never changes and you'll never change again. 06 BIJ ': L'9 fits I A?" J fc-v w , ...r-'- I'ulilishi'd Every Friday liy '. '. I.S'S.i'K, EiliUir-ViiUtishcr tSUBSCJUKI'lON: Ono year fl.fiO Sir. mont' s , 76 I'hit'p im.'ii.hs no Khltfreu u:i ueoonil cluss mutter ut the posliiflice nl lime, Orison, under act of MjiitIi II. Friday, March 28, h)2A Oregon Candidates The contest is on in full force for nomination of candidates for U. S. senator by both political parties in this state, with four contenders in each party. The Republicans are Chas. L. McNary of Salem, present senator; Geo. L. Baker, mayor of Portland; K. K. Kubli of Portland, speaker of the house of representatives in legislative session and E. E. Smith, a former member of the legislature from Portland as a representative of labor. Mr. Smith has been in the Held as a candidate for Congress in the Portland district the past two months, but recently decided to withdraw from that race and come out for senator. It is not expected he will attract much of a follow ing, though the nature of his platform may draw some votes from McNary and the intimation is quite widely voiced that he has been brought into the race by the Paker forces for that very pur pose. On the surface of things at present, the indications are that McNary will tie the noniime. The Democratic field is made up of State Senator W. II. Stray er of Pawer; Judge Will K. King f Malheur county, who has been iii Washington mo; t of the time for several years; former State Senator Milton A, Miller of Linn county, who was collector of in ternal revenue under President W ihon, and Ceo. A, Mansfield of Jackson county, who is a sort of political orphan who has been try ing for some years to crowd up to tiie lunch count t r. The contest lies between Senator Straverand Milt Miller, wiih the odds in some respect favoring Miller, but if Strayer can make a tl oron.'li can vass of western Oregon the odds may be reversed, Straycr will carry eastern Oregon by a heavy majority, but the deciding votes are west of the mountains und Miller has an extensive aciiuaint ance tnere. However, Straver'a recoid in the legislature for economy is good and the farmers have considerable confidence in him The race for Congressional nominations is also becoming heated. In the first district W. C. llawley has a chinch, with only Peter Zimmerman, the radi cal, ugainst him, and there is a democratic candidate running; it is only to fill a blank . ;ace on the ticket. In this district, Ceo. T. Cochran of I.aCrande, is seeking to unhorse Nick Slnnottol Wasco county, present congressman, for the Republican nomination, but it is thought dial Sinnutt's pow erful work for his District and state and bis influential position on committees will secure such recognition by the vnteis as will insure his rrmuninntion. even though he is opposed by a secret organization w hich seeks his de feat on the eroniiits ul.'iic ol re ligious pivdjudice. I" t it Demo crats of this district have for a choice of nomination Harry (Ira bam, the standing candidate from liaker, or R. W. Swairler, an utile lawyer of Ontario. In the Poit land district there are three Re. publican candidates Maurice F. Crumpacker, Frank P. Koivlland Arthur I. Moulton -with the chances favoring Crumpacker. The Democats will nominate tin p-tsent congressman, Elton W'ntkins. Mr. (leorge Ritchie who has had i severe lime with measles and ho was very sick last week, is now slowly improving. Heppner bull players ore invit ed to lone Sunday and gain some knowledge in the art of the game. THE IONE INDEPENDENT POLITICAL NOTICES For Counly Clerk To tile lli'piilillciiii votcrH of Mor row county: I hi'tvliyiiiiiioiiiitelliiit I will lie i ciinilliliili' (or the nom mo tion oM'omit.v Ork lit I he I'rinmrv Klcrllnli to lie helil May III, pi.'l. Hay M. Aniiiminon. I Inciimlieiit .) For County Judge To the lli-iiiilillnin voIith ut Mor row counly: I hereby announce my- a caniliilale tor the nomination al your IimiiiIh tor llieollieeot County .liiilue nt tlir primary election In May, tic'4. My cxperlciii-e of many yearn intromity cniiiiiiliHioiicr inaken me conviTMilit Willi thelutie of the oltlee I wi'k, ami I hIihII greatly up. pri-elate your Hiiiiort at the pri mary ami lor nil pant favors, 1 thank you klmlly. , U. A. Hi.i:akm.n, lliinlnian. For County Commissioner To the Voter of Morrow county: I hereby announce myself iih'ii candidate fur fhe otliee of I'oiinl.v ronimlHMloner for Morrow county, n'on. ut tlie Itepiilillcan priuiarv noiuinnlliig election to be held oil Mnv III, I'i.'I, If nominated mid elect ed I pledge to give my het and care ful attention la the future an III the I'UKt , to the htinlucHH of iIiIh oll'u'c. I.. I'. II.WIIIWOV, tliiciimbeut.l For County JuJc To the Voters of Morrow cuunty : I hereby announce myself a can didate for the olllce of t oinity .Indue on the democratic ticket, at the pri mary nominating election, I II. lav, May Hi. HCI, li. 1.. Bkmii:. For County Judge 1 To the Republican olerx ot Mor i row count, : I hereby antioiince thai I will be ! a caiiilldale tor he nomination for futility .liidite. at the primary elec tion, to be held May III. I'i.'I jiiirlng I iny present term, my policy lias been j to obtain elllclelicy in public service, ! Willi economy ami fairness, and If 1 nominated and elivted, I pledge the ' siuiie In the fiiliire. j W M.,T. ('AMPIIKI I.. ' Ftir County Judge ' To the Itepiibllcnn Voters of Mor row counly : j Having decided to lieeoine a can didate the olhce of I ouuly .IiiiIkc of Morrow county. Oregon, at the primary election to be held May PI. ' ls:'l, I take this opportunity hi an hoiiuclng the same and It nominated i (Hid elivteil I will holiestlv. fait hfnllv i and Impartially Hrform theduiieH of (he tiltuv to the U'st ot my ability. M. It. MomiAV. Right now! Settle the whole cigarette question forever by rolling your own fromTBULL". You get more flavor, more en joyment, more tobacco taste, more qualityand much more for your money. (100 for 15 cents) !"" FARMERS i Elevator IONE, DEALERS IN iCoal and Wood Flour and Feed Best Lump Coal, ton, . . $13.00 16-inch Cordwood, fir or pine, 12.90 Rolled Barley, ..... 44.00 Whole Oats, 44.00 Mill-feed, -35.00 Heavy 7-foot Cedar I tHHHMIMIIHIIIIIIHIIIHIIIHIHM'IIMIIMim Walt Smith closed another real estate deal at Heppner Tues.lay afternoon, beinjr accompanied to that burg by L, P. Davidson who had business at the court house and who also secured a dozen ex tea tine seed potatoes for the little garden plot nt home. Horrors! A pretty lone school teacher residing on 2nd street was heard tr scornfully remark "I can't imagine anything more dreadful t)ian a man without a country." Second school teacher "Oh, I can! Imagine a country without a man. Miss Hazel Brown is visiting in Psrtland. t i Company OREGON Posts . 21 cts I A Food Sale on Saturday, Apr'd 12, also some fancy articles and aprons at Paul Bal-'itfer's store. Dokcas Society. The students of the lone Hijrh School wish to express theirgrati tude to the American Legion for the use of the legion hall during basket ball season and to the school board for paying the light bill, and to the people of the com munity for the support they have given tha athletic teams of the school. C. B. Biwershas sold his in terest in the city dray to his pard-j ner, Mr. Troge, who has employ-! ed D. J. Bonner as his right hand man. J f If J i EIGHT CENTS n ess cfsw t m ENGELMAN HARD WiRE IONE, OREGON : i -X THE BRUNSWICK TIREb Monobile Oils for the Auto, the Tractor and the Machine that needs good Lubrication ALL KINDS OK SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE Everything in the Plumbing Line, such as BATH TUBS, LAVATORY SINKS AND TOILETS SAMPSON ROLLER-BEARING WINDMILLS F. S. LANG CO. RANGES. Come and see them. THE THOR WASHING MACHINE, no trouble to demonstrate. SPECIAL PRICES ON CLASSWARE EELMAN HARDWARE IONE. OREGON $2,500 in Prizes ENTER th International Crow-Shooting Comm. Du Pont oners $2,500 in m.rchin di prizes. No entrance fees. Destroy the menace to frame and crops. Write today (or booklots giving full information on the crow. E. 1. DU PONT DE NEMOURS & CO, Sporting Powder Divuivn WiUll.NCTON. DEL. Tom Davidson, Keith'y and James Howard of McMinnevill Earl Blake of O. A. C. who wereCollge, returned Monda to his here a few days last week on a vacation, returned to their school studies Monday. A BAG INC. studies after a short visit here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ue Howard.