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About The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1912)
C. E. WOODSON, A TTORNE Y-AT-LA W Office In Palace Hotel Heppner, Oregon Sam E. VanVacior. ATTORNEY AT LAW', Office ou west eud of May Street Heppuer Oregon. S. E. Notson ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offlceln Court House, Heppner, Oregon. F. H. ROBINSON, L A W Y E R , lone, - - - Oregon- W. H. DOBYNS. ATTORN EY-AT-LAW lone, - - Oregon. W. L. SMITH, ABSTRACTER. Ouly complete set of abstract booki in Morrow county. IIbppnkr. Obboon J. P. WILLIAMS Justice of the Peace. Ollice with S. K. Van Vactor DR. M. A. LEACH DENTIST Permanently looated io Heppner. Office in the new Fair building. Gas ad ministered. OSTEOPATHY AND MECHAXO-TUERAPY Dr. Martha S. Arledge, D. 0. Dr. J. P Condcr, M -T. D- Treatment of nil diseases 99 per cent, of cHxea siiccepefully treated without operation N. E. WINNARD, M. D. FIIIKHIAM 4; SlKtiEOJI Graduate of : Lenox C 'liege. 1S85. Chicago Homeopathic Med Collegt 181M). Ruk Medical College, 1b!)2. F. E. Boyden, M. D. PllVB.'CIAN & SlKOEOS Office in rear of Patterson & Son's Drug Stoie. BEITNER OREGON WELLS & CLARK. SHAVING . PARLORS Three Doors South of Postoffice. gbaving 25c Haircatting 35t Bathroom in Connection. A. E. Patterson 2 Dots North Paface ilotel TONSOUIAL ARTIST Fink Baths Ska vino 25c J. H. BODE Merchant Tailor HEPPNER OREGON f. r- ROBINSON W. S. SMITH ROBINSON & SMITH. lone, Oregon. Real Estate Frm and City Property for Sale. Farms to rent. Correspondence solicited. DR. J. J. MURRAY V. S. 'Registered and graduate Vet erinarian. Of Ice at the Evans Mc'Rcbcris Livery Stable. Dr. Murray will locate here per manently. I have for sale at mv plare on Eight Mile. Brown Leghorn eggs for hatch ii g at $1.00 per setting of 15. A good strain of splendid egg producers. mlC. Alfred E Anderson. (WW www wwww-w-r-w CORRESPONDENTS' PAGE. 4 A News Budget From Writers From ! all Over the County. $ WW LEXINGTON. Mrs. Reade and daughter spent Sat urday in lone. Don't forcet the Calico Carnival at Artisan hall May 24. Another enjoyble party was held at Robert Wilcox's on Saturday nigth. Mr. W. G. Scott, the Lexington banker, made a brief visit to Pendle ton on Saturday morning. Mrs Wright who lias been visitine her daughter, Mrs. Breshears, left for her home at Walla Walla, Wn. en Monday. Mr. Ernest and his stepdaughter are visitors at the George Allen home. Mr. Ernest is a former pio neei of Lexington. The gentlemen need not stay away because lliey bave no tie. There will be calico ties for sale at the door. Come and ht the men show you how to sew carpet rags. Don't send yonr cream to Portland and other places and thereby incur great expense. Patronize the.Lexiug ton creamery and save expense and thereby help Lexington, and home in dustry. Miss Edith Reaney accompanied her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Shelly Baldwin on a trip into Washington, Miss Edith on her va cation and Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin hunting for a looation. A party was given at Mrs. George Allen's on Saturday night in honor of Ruth Burrows and Muriel Read. Both of these young ladies will soon leave Lexington. Miss Ruth to go to her home at Helix and Miss Muriel to be gone for the summer. The village was quite shooked when they learned that Charlie Lee had sustained euch injuries from a frac tious horse which necessitated his im mediate removal to the Heppner San atorium. We are sorry that Charlie will be laid up for some time. School will be out on Friday, May 17th, and the children and teachers are looking forward to a much needed vacation. Both teachers and scholars have worked hard during all the school year and we are glad to have them enjoy these beautiful summer days. Wlittt Iriiuia Admire is hearlv. vigorous life, according to Hugh Tallman. of San Antonio. " Wt find," he writes, "that Dr. Kings New Life Pills aurelv put new life and energy into a person. Wife and believe thev are the best made." Excellent for stomach, liver ney troubles. 25 cents at Drug Co. or kid Sloe um IONE. Mr. Joe Knnppenberg departed Fri day for Valley points to be gone for a short time. Sam Ganger, who has beets out shooting them for some time, returned to lone last Friday evening. Several of the young people attend ed the circus at Heppner last week. They all report a pleasant true. - Mrs. Ralph Kaiser, who has been visiting with friends for the past week, returned to her home at Dufur, Tuesday of last week. Mrs. Bill McMillan came down from Lexington last week and spent a counle of days visiting with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Wiltnot. The Y. P. B. spent a nice pleasant evening together last Tuesday. They had a jolly good time, with plenty of ice cream and cake to top off with. Mat Halvorsen shipped a oarload of cattle Tuesday of last week. We did not learn whete he shipped to, but the cattle were in fine cor.d.tlon. W. J. Blake shipped two carloads of shep to Pot (land last Saturday morning. It begins to lork like old times to see the stock beginning to move oaoe more. Bill Ganger and Dot Ganger ac- I companied ly Miss Southwell, throve over to lone from I'tnaieton lasiween aid have been visiting with Mrs. Ganger for a few days. Bill Cronk, the Tum-a-Lum Co's. man, lias just finished putting in a new scale in front cf bis office, which will be a good deal more handy than where it was formerly located. Mr. Chas. Allinger has been busy putting a new coat of paint on the bank, which helps the of it a gocd deal. Charlie is there when it comes to slinging the paint brush. Mr. A. C. Pettoys, one of our old timers, was in town one day last week. Ho, like a great many others, is feeling good over the outlook of the coming crop. A. C. got him a new Easter lid while he .was in town. Guesa he is going to make liny while the sun shines. Willard Blake shipped a mixed car of cattle to Portland last Monday morn ing, and they were in prime shape too. Mra. Wilson, who has been visit ing with Walt bmitn ana nis motner for soma time departed for Pendleton last Monday morning. Mrs. John Coohran anl Archie loft lone last Thursday for Yaknua. They were acoompanied by Dulles Perkins, who will no doubt have a pleasant visit with Opal while she is up there. Louis Padberg sold his spotted team of ponies to Barnes, the circus man, when he" was in Heppner the other day. I guess the next time he comes up here with his show, they will be playing the band. U. E. Baker, one of our North side farmers, returned from Missouri last Friday evening. His sister, who has been back there all winter returned with him. U. 12. seemed very gald to get back again. He said tilings did not seem right to him back there. E. M. Shutt blew into lone one uight last week with a car load of cattle. They were Holesteins and jerseys. E. M. grabbed them duwn in Washington county, near Portland. If any of you good readers get right hungty for a glass of the pure quill, don't forget where E.'M. lives. . lone and Olex crossea bats on the lone diamond last Sunday. The first three innings were very even, no one scoring, but after that the Olex boys kept gainng a little, the soore being 11 to 1 in Olex favor at the end of the game. We think Olex has a little the best team, but had Ione'a pitcher not heon suffering with a very bum hand we think that the game would have bean very close. The hot 8 will prohably play in the near future again and I think it will not be quite so one sided next time. Alex Lindsay was in town last Mon day getting a few of the neceei-.ities of life. Alex say that he has just returned from a trip over on Butter ireek. He says we Willow creek people will have to whip od a little, as they are a little ahead of us over on the other creek. He says the crops look a little better over there than they do here and that improve ments are somewhat better than ours. but they will all have to take off their hat to Alex when it comes to raiisng Iambs. Alex sold a January lamb a few days ago that made the scale bump at 120 pounds. Can you beat it? Farmers, mechanics, railroaders, laborers rely on Dr. Thomas' Electic Oil. Takes the sting out of cuts, burns or bruises at once. Pain can not stay where it is used. MORGAN B. E. Miller lost two fine horses few days ago. O. E. lindstronn made a flying trip to Rhea Siding on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs I. E. Holt made a (rip to Alrington one day last week. Mr. Cronan, of Miclrigan is here visiting his sister. Mrs. W. O'Sulli- van. W. A. Laidlaw was up from Port land on Thursday looking after his interests here. Paul Balaiger and family, of lone, were don and spent Sunday with the family of I. E. Holt. Albert Yedd went to the river hunt ing coyotes Friday returning Sunday but we failed to see any scalps. The Morgan and lone boys crossed bats at the Morgan diamond last Sat urdav afternoon. Result. 18 to 4 in favor of lone. Mi-s Ruby Maxwell closed her school in District No. 28, Friday May 10. and departed for her home in Portland on Monday. Stockmen and farmers if jou want to see a fine horse you mugt come to Morgan. Mr. Samuels surely lias the best horse in the county. John Miller, while running horses on the range, got his horse badly cut on a lot of loose wire. People take care of your wire, and do not let it get scattered on the range, fr horses are worth money. HAYSEED. STENCIL, LETTERS. Vrtd by Writers and Ifluminators In the Early Ages. Movable characters were known to flie niifleiils. They were used Id teach ing children, to rend. The ancients hud also stencil letters, which they used to secure a renuliir style of pen manship. They even made use of plules, thus open cut, containing un entire page. IT was placed on the papyrus to guide the pens of children, "an excellent uieans," salib Qulntll lan, "to learn them not to exceed the 'desired proportions." The Emperor Mistiiilau (A. I). SISi could neit her read oor write, an unexampled thing In )ne ot such high rank. When it was jecessary for him to sign his name he bad a sheet of gold through which were cut the letters of bis name. "Then," said Procoplus, "placing this tablet on the paper, one conducted the hand of the prince, holding the stylus dipped in purple on the type of the different letters, and took away the writing furnished with his signature." The same thing is reported of. King Theodorie and of Charlemagne. In the middle ages the Illuminators and decorators made much of such tab lets for tracing involved initial letters and even In a way composed enure n-nrksi. such as conies of the plain songs, etc. A chartered abbey near Mnvence Dossessed some sixty or tne alniinhets cut in leaves of latonu, a copper alloy. Later these patterns were replaced by stamps wnose lm nrint Is nroved by the evidences on the reverse of the page as early as the thirteenth century. Jn lzss tne monks of Fribourir published a treatise relating to money In this way, and It seems, according to a passage in Pliny' nnil another in Petronius, that these stencils were used to publish figures and designs as well.-Charles Vt . Hull In National Magazine. SUPREME COURT GOWNS. They Are Made of the Finest Silk and Are Quite Costly. It Is said that the cut. and style of the gowns worn by the justices of the supreme court of the United States are so peculiar that it is not always possi ble to have one correctly made. The wife of a former justice used to enjoy telling of her trying experiences when she wished to have made in rar- is the gown her husband was to use. The gowns worn there by scientists, scholars and students differ altogether from those our justices wear. In London any clerical tailor would have understood the kind of gown de sired, but not so in Taris. Wherefore, after many failures, the justice's wife gave Instructions to tne iusuiunuuie modiste who made her gowns, lhra modiste was entirely successful lu toruing out a gown for the Justice. The justice's gowns, which are al ways of the best quality of silk, cost upward of $100. When the supreme court was first organized the justices wore quite gaudy gowns. A portrait in oil of the first chief jus tice. John Jay. now hangs in the rob ing room opposite the supreme court chamber, and in this portrait tne cnier justice is represented as wearing a black gown with a broad bright red border around the neck and down the front It is edged with gray, and the sleeves show n red border at the top and bottom, also edged with gray. Uarper's Weekly. A Curious Windstorm. A peculiar freak of weather is tne storm called the "williwau." This form of storm is confined to that far off Island Tierra del Fuego. The coast (s indented with deep fiords crowned with high mountains. Down from their gorges drops the williwau. A low, hoarse muttering is heard in the distance. Suddenly, without the least preliminary puff, a tearful blast of wind drops upon the sea. The water is not raised into waves, but driven into fine dust. Fortunately the shock lasts but ten or twelve seconds, and cnlm follows at once, for no vessel could stand such a wind for even half a minute. During the coming and go ing of a williwau the barometer may tie watched to drop a tenth of an inch or more and rise again at once. She Wet a Skeptic. In pioneer days a settler near the present town of Albany. Mo., bought for his wife the first cook stove ever seen in that part of the state. It was an object of great curiosity, and the woman's next door neighbor, who lived ten miles away, came to se how It woufd work. Without comment she saw the dinner cooked. She ate the meal with Judgment held In reserve and then remarked, with a shake of the bead: "Well. Sarah, it cooks nil right, and the victuals taste good, but I don't be lleve It will ever be a success." Mistakes. To make mrstakes Is human. Every body makes mistakes, the best of us included. To acknow ledge mistakes Is commendable. It Is evidence that one Is learning by experience, and It shows that he has the courage to acknowledge a blunder. Courage Is a rare quality lu these days. Ieslie's. Badly Expressed. "Yes. Aunt Mary went out without her rubbers, and now she Is In benv eu." "My. my! What dreadful things result from a little carelessness!' Ex change. The Wrong Man. Just a minute, old chap. You're Just the ruan I want to see." "No. Pro not. I can't spare a cent." nmburgb Pest If yonr eyes are always enst down, robwebs will gather on tt celling. Children Cry 3d Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been. In uso for over 30 yours, has borne the signature of and has been inado under per sitJ-f-J- sonal supervision since its infancy. 1 wSc?!Mcu4( Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and ' " are but ISxperiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What io CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine- nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys AVornii and allays Fcverishness. For more than thirty years it lias been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Dowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural elccp. llio Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUIME CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THC CENTAU COMPANY. T7 TS1D Heppner's Leading Confection- $ ery and Ice Cream Parlors l KUDiK 1 Vl. tlVK I , Can serve you now with f better to be had in the citv. LeadinA Brands GiSars and Tobacco ..-' V 't' 'l' 'l' 'V 'V 'V 't' 'I' 'I' 'l' 'i' '1' 'I1 THE JEWELL GREEN HOUSES FLOWERS Occasions Funeral Work a Specialty 500 Clay St. Long Distance Black 2721 T3I. JLb. C5-SIE2 FUNERAL DIRECTOR and PRACTICAL EMBALMER Pigs tt el Thoroughbred Puree Jerseys I now have for sale a few head of boar pigs, at mv ranch 1 miles west of Lexington. Call or write me for terms. THE PASTIME MBNDRICSON & OURDfNB, Props f Seasonable Soft Drinks, Fruits, Delicious Ice Cream We m.Ke our own Ice Crenm. It is a Morrow County production. firfarc V.UIU.V.11VJII.I j viuijj MARTIN JOHNSON Contracting and Building, Painting and Paperhanging Am prepared to do all lines of shop in old Gazette Building on for anv kind of work in these auHsMMMaHHIil for Fletcher's D 'rui Sisrnature of MURRAY 8THCCT, NEW YORK CITY. PALM . - - rivur rviju, i wrv nice, fresh Ice Cream. None Fine line of fresh Candies. 4. I J The Dalles, Oregon L. J. Padberg Domestic and Tropical TrUarro. PiDes. Notions - - - , repairing and job work at my Main street. Heppner. See me lines.