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About The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1912)
1 Our Confidence Justified If the name Eastman had not been behind them, we would have been afraid that there was something beside the price that was cheap, when the Brownie Cameras first carseout. But they were made by Kodak workmen in Kodak factories. That was enough to satisfy us, and the results have more than justified our confidence. A- tor booklet TROOF POSITIVE A Kodak Story (or Boy Scouts. NO. 2A BROWNIE Fof 2 1-2 x 4 1-4 picture!, price only $3.00 Works just like a Kodak and makes wonder fully good picturea; other Brownies, $1 to $12. PATTERSON & SON The 3k2 Store OSCAR BORG Jeweler & Optometrist Eyes tested, glasses properly fitted, for the correction o f any defect that can be remedied with glasses. Private Optical Parlor and Dark Room for Testing .Attention Knights ! The C. A. R. and the Knighta of JPythias lodge will observe Decoration day Thursday, May 30th, by marching to the cemetery and decorating the craves of departed brothers. All other lodges and the general public axe cordially invited to join on this ostarfon and assist in the proper otaa-vance of the day. f& R. members of the Knights of Ktfaas are requested to meet at the Cks&e Hall at 10:30 shaip on Sunday, Bly2(",, and proceed to the Methodist 3 bairn, -where services are to be held aat II a. m. Sermon by Bro. W. A. frtt O. B. JOHNSON, W. W. SMEAD, O. G. CRAWFORD Committee. Helps A Judge tti B rix. Justice Eli Cherry, of Gillis Mills, Term, was plainly worried. A bad iore on his leg had baffled several doctors and lone resisted all remedies. though it was a cancer," he wrote. "'At lat I used Bucklin's Arnica mirt. and was completely cured." Curt burns, boils, ulcer?, brniees latxf files. 23 cents at Slocum Drug kinta Knoblock was in town on V?dciitiav bavine just returned from atriota McUnff ey Springs. He took Sir- Knoblock ever lust week where jiit will remain for six weeks or two ninths to treat for rheumatism. j2ldtni says that part of Grant county in far behind this section tbia season, 'llvy have had a backward spring and it was a bar) one on the sheepmen, manr of them not making over 40 per sseUL at lambirg. For Sale. ScperaoT and engine, at a bargain. lYide of "Wai-hington aeperator, prec ftiaaily new having been run only 30 lays, wind stacker and sell feeder, .Advance engine. For lurtber infor mation write Cooke Bros., Condon Orrgon. o . il ill THE GAZET TE-TIMFS! The H.ppner Cuette, Established March 30. 1 883 Tha Heppner Times, Established Nor. 18, 1897 Con.olid.ted Febpwry 15, 1912. VAWTER CRAWFORD, Editor and Proprietor luued every Thursday morning, and entered at the Postoffice at Heppner, Orefon, aa second claaa matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: On. Year l-5g Six Montha ' Three Month. : 50 Single Copie. 05 inVCBTHINr. RATF-S: Diiplay, transient, running lea. than one month. aertiona, 12 l-2c; display, regular, 12 l-2c; local., firat insertion, per line, 10c; subaequent insertions, per line. Sc.; lodge resolutions, per line, 5c; church socials and all advertising ot entertainment, conducted (or pay, regular rate.. Thursday, May 16, .1912 Oregon Equal Taxation League. The Gazette Times is in receipt of a communication from the sec retary of the Oregon Equal Tax ation . League, Mr. Chas. H. Shields, which sets forth the objects of that organization. The principal work before the League, of course, is the defeat of the single tax measure. This League holds that private ownership in land is an import ant factor in social progress; it therefore opposes the single tax system, the ultimate end and object of which is the destruc tion of private property in land. The League is now circulating an initiative and referendum pe tition for a bill which provides for restoring to the people of Oregon the rule of uniformity in taxation throughout the state, which rule was destroyed at the last general election by the adop tion of the County Home Rule on taxation. Public speakers hired by the Joseph Fells Fund "Com mission (which Commission is furnishing the necessary funds tn introduce the sinrfe tax. in Oregon) have made the state ment that the specihe purpose ot the County Home Rule on taxa tion was to allow experiments in Single tax. The State Tax Commission will submit to the people a bill providing for exemp tions on household furniture and personal effects; otherwise the hill nrenared bv the League would have included an exemp tion. The citizens of Oregon are tired of this shifting and chang ing in tax laws. A law of one kind for this county, and a differ ent law in the adjoining county, and so on, is extremely confusing and detrimental to the interests of the state. Investors should be nhlp to look urjon Oregon as a state with a reliable governing power. We have the greatest natural resources in the west, and could enjoy the greatest growth and development, and we will, if we will be conserva tive in our legislation. Single tax has tor its end state ownership of land. Under such a system land values must decline. No investor or promoter would buy land in any country wnen values are declining, and most psrieciallv where there is no hope of a renewal of values. The Equal Taxation League have for distribution a book on tha enhiprt. "Sinffle Tax Expos ed." Our people are interested . "la Jl m this subject and wisn to stuay IT WP therefore recommend that they get this book and read up. It will be an aid to you in settling how you should vote this fall on the single tax measure. Judge Patterson, as secretary of the Boost Club, has been very busy for the past two months and a half. At the time he took charge of the work there was a large amount of accumulated cor respondence on hand unanswered. The judge has cleaned this up and has distributed as much as 4000 peices of booster literature and answered no les3 than 500 personal letters in reply to special inquiries, and these have gone the four quarters of the inhabited globe. Our advertis ing matter is just now beginning to have effect and the work must be kept up. It requires funds to pav postage, salary and printing bills. Subscriptions to this fund to the amount of $123 per month I A have been made but utile oi it collected. When the secretary calls on you be prepared to pay up, at least the three months now due. that the fund to carry on the publicity work shall be replenished, and then this money should be collected each month. fmintv sVinnlrl he Ifpnt I before the world as a good place for the homeseeker, and persist ent advertising will do the work ' and bring the desired results. A Varied Enlertainraenl- The nntertalnment to be iven un der the direction of the Slatera of St. Rndif.t on Saturday next is a varied nnp. embraoine recitations, fancy d'ills, songs and Instrumental aolos. D nrino- th nast few weeks the Sis- have assiduously endeavored to mould the youthful Thespians iuto proper form for iheir debut into io of the footlights. Up to date those who consistently attended have shown Dromlse of (treat skill and an enjoyable evening is anticipated. The object of (his entertainment i rn olve snme little aid to the siseters while the erection of the hos pital Is pending. Furthermore to remind the citizrns of HeDjmer that since the SUters come so far to give their lives and service for the benefit of the people here, some means ought to be provided for their support in tne interim. Therefore it la ooufHently hoped that all will liberally patronize the entertainment on Saturday eve ning, May the 18tli,at the Club build- in,'. Following is the program: a Entrance March Orchestra Physical Culture Class, b Greeting Song The Little Oones. Instrumental Solo, Mrs. Boyden Comic Recitation, The Mountain Jus tice, Mra. Frank McNally iNora finches, Ji seuhine Rirhirdson, Eila Aiken, Ruby Corrlgall. Helen Aikn, Sarah Doherty, Mary Cnngall, Pearl Thom son, Evaline Shipley. Recitation Guilty cr not Guilty Loye DeVore. a The Miuuet-Orchestra Delsarte Movements Mrs. McNallv, N.-ra Hughes, Ella Aiken, Ruby Corrigall, Pearl Thomo son. Joserjhite Rkhatdson, Helen Aiken, Evaline Shirtey, Mary Corri- Rall. b Minuet Recitation Neva Chidsey. Chorus, Joy, Joy. Freedom To-day The Class Recitation, The First Party. Helen Jones. Selection Orchestra a. Pantomine The Old Oaktm Bucket Sung by Mrs T. J. Mahoney. b Pantomine by The Delsarte ClasJ. Instrumental Sjlo , Mrs. Boyden Forty Old Bachelors. The Cla6s a Comin Thro' Ihe Rye Tableaux Vivant The Little Ones, h Song Mrs. Mahoney Rose Dance, Fancy Tableaux, The Class Good Night The Little Ones Tableaux Vivant Mother Angelica Orchestra. SAND HOLLOW. B. S. Clarke lost a, fine mule colt last week. Mr. Tom Scott, of Salem is up vis iting his children. G rover Swaggart hauled alfalfa sev eial days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Turner and Mrs. L. W. Hill were in our vicinity one day. Mr. and Mrs. Duran and family, of Lexingtun, attended the basket din ner. We are sorry to lose Mr. Cross but wish him success wherever he may locate. Mr. Shangle spent several dsvs vis iting at the Rice and Hodsdon ranches. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sott visited his s'ster, Mrs. Ctpenhaver several days this weke. Mrs. R. B. Rice and son spent sev eral days in Heppner, visiting friends and assisting in grading papers. Mr. Powell has accepted the work at Lexington and will preach for us the second Sunday in each month. Mr. Ghoul bought six head of voune mules from B. F. Swaggart which he intends using on his com- br.e. Lounie and Edgar Copenhaver and Carl Miller took the eighth grade ex amination last week at Hodsdon school house. The basket dinner at Hodsdon school house was well attended. Rev. Sthangle fiom Milton preached in the morning and Mr. Powell In the after noon. PINE CITY. R. F. Wiglesworth went to Heppner Monday. W. E. Wiglesworth was in Heppner Fiiday and Saturday. Bro. Hoskins, of Echo, preached to a fair sized audience Sunday. Alex Lindsay and wife visited rela tives here a few days last week. J. T. Ayers was a business visitor to Heppner the first of the week. Miss Cora Vincent visited Mrs. W. W. Howard a few days last week Miss Goodall visited Mrs. Earl Wiglesworth from Friday till Sunday. I Ihis is fine growing weather and I alfalfa is making a fine growth, but moBt to warm for "your uncle Dad ley" as it gives him the spring fever. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Neil visited at Mr. Robinson's after church .Sunday. Mr. and Mra. Frank Irvine and laughter Mude, were in Heppner Saturday. Mrs. James Avers conducted the eighth grade examination at Pine City Thursday and Friday. Waldo Vincent went to Heppner Saturday after his wife, who has been visting there the past couple of weeks. Arthur Ayers and Victor Wigles wenh hauled the Wiglesworth clip of wool to Heppner from the Whetstone shearing plant last week. Mr. J L. Howad of Portland visit ed in thi. vioinlty a couple of days last week, on hia way to Washington to look atfei busine-s inteiests there. LOWER EIGHTMILE Erik Bergstrom made a flying tiip to Heppner last woek. Mott of. the farmers will be through summerfallowing this week and will commence harrowing. Several of the Eight Mile boys took in the Barnes circus at Heppner last week. All report never having seen the like. Several of us Eightmilers have been chosen as jurors for the present term of court. We are not as foolish as we look at least some people think so. Nels Johnson, the prosperous farmer of Gooseberiy, says that if he does not succeed this leap year, he will never loon another girl in the face. Get busy girls. The early grain is now heading out A good rain would insure us a crop I do not look for much rain until the well-dtillet gets through the present rock formation, which ia no doubt the cause of all this hot weather. The new railroad will be completed as soon as the Panama canal, say the promoters, if they have to work double siifts, as they want to get in on the ground floor and get their share of the Panama business CASTLE ROCK. Mr. Nail was in town Saturday last. Mr. Postom was across the river Saturday last. Mr. Mulrona caught a fine row boat Saturday afternoon. Messrs Bass and Bennett were over Sundav last laying in a supply of groceries. Mfsdames Cramer and Gibbons called on Mts. Wasley while in town Wednesday last. Madams Peterson and DaviB and Miss Agoldia' Knight called on Mrs. Wasley Friday night. Miss Hazel Peterson is spending the week in Castle Rock, the guest of Miss Agoldia Knight. Mr. and Mis. John Peterson were in town on Friday last and took din ner with the Davises. The Columbia is getting pretty high and it is predicted by some that it will be as high as in '94. The Keplinger potatoes, planted by the Davis youngsters, are in bloom, and the American Wonders are full of buds. Quite crowd gathered at the hom of L. M. Davis one evening last eek. Music was the main feature of entertainment. Two extra gangs are now ramped at Ca6tle Rotk ; one to put In new steel and the other to put in new tie'". There are about 40 men. Mr. Wasley now has seven white man working on the section. Mr. Rot bins was put in charge of the sec tion while Mr. Wasley was away. Another extra gang of carpenteis are putting in a schute for unloading sheen at this plare. The Stanfield Biotbers will be unloading a few bands here in a few days. Messrs. Wasley and Davis ciossed the river Sunday last and were iriven to Sage by Mr. Mulrona where they boubgt a car load of horses and ship ped.them to Vancouver on Tuesday. L. M. Davis was In Irrigon and Umatilla last week a day or two. He reporta the alfalfa looking fine, and the prospects for benies and cheries, as well as other fruit is good. Everything is in fine growing condi tion. Commercial clubs of the Orfgon Development League have taken an active part in the good roads cam paign daring the past weeks, when aignaturea for good roads bills peti tions were secured. They enrolled u .iirneri. thus helping the good work and it is believed the required 60,000 aignaturea will be listed. Presidential postmasters of Oregon Washington and Idaho will meet In Portland June 11, 12, 13 and 14. C. P. Granfield, First Assistant Postma ter General, will be present. At tiis TEfcSalerTcHigEil The Way of the Esquimo A unique story of the Far North. The Badge of Courage A thrilling story ofreal life. Putting it Over, or the Impersonator's Joke-Comedy Tomorrow and Saturday PATHE'S WEEKLY Illustrating a large number of important and strik ing events, such as St. Ci.ot.ti, Fhawtk Nine bnloons participating In In the "Landing Contest" organized by the Aero Club of France. Janksvim.k, Wisconhin A cyclone does great destruction; four people killed. London The super-Dreadnnught, "George V" launched. The monster battle ship is over COO feet long and cost $ 10,000,000. Havana How work of raising 'Maine' from mud looks today. SPECIAL FOR THE LADIES Paris Fashions In halrdresnlng are exceptionally pretty. The Ranch in Flames A Western Story. Jealous George An exceedingly human and humor ous comedy. A Turkish Cigarette Light comedy. ARE YOUR HOSE INSURED? Famous oleproof For Men, Women and Children. SIX PAIR GUARANTEED FOR SIX MONTHS TSH1E BJ Sold SAM HUGHE-S Stallion Registration Board, State of Oregon. License Certificate ol PURE BRED Stallion or Jack NO 941. , . ,, Dated at 01 vallla, Oregon, February 21, 1!12. The pedigree of the Jack BIO JACK, No. 8647, American regintered in the studbook ol Amer ican Breeders' Association of Jacks and Jen nets. Owned by John N. Helms, Lt-xington, Mo jow Co., Oregon. Bred by Lewis King, Clever, Mo. Described 'as follows: Black; while points. Pedigree; Old Bart, sire; Gen eral, sire of sire; Jenie Jinkens, dam of sire. Bell, dam; Warrior, sire of dam; Lucy, dam of dHm. Breed Jack. Foaled In the year Aug. 10, 1907. has been examined by the Htallion Regis tration Board of Oregon, and it is hereby cer tified that the said jack is of I'ure Breeding, is registered in the studbook that is recognized by the associations named in section nine of an Act of the Legislative Assembly of theBtateof Oregon providing for the licensing of stallions, etc., filed in the office of the Secretary of State, February 23, 1911, and that the above named jack has been examined by the vetrinarian appointed by the Stallion KeglBtratlon Board and is hereby reported free from infectious, contagious or transmissible diseases or un soundness and is hereby licensed to stand : or public service in the State of Oregon. v KRM1NE L. POTTED, (Seal) 8ec'y Stallion Registration Roard. Stallion Registration Board. State of Oregon. License Certificate ot GRADE Stallion or Jack NO SI 7. Dated at Corvallis, Oregon. February 6, Vil. The pedigree of grade jack DUKK, sired by the pure bred jack Old Duke No. Owned by John N. Helms, Lexington, Morrow vo Oregon, and described as follows: Color Black; white points. Foaled In the year 1!U, has been examined by -he Stallion Registration Board ol Oregon, and it is found that the said lack Is iree Irom infectnous. contagiou or transmissible diseases or unsoundness. He Is not of pure breeding, and Is, therefore, not eligible for registration in any studbook re cognized by the associations named In section nine of an Act of the Leglslatixe Assembly of the State of Oregon providing for the licensing of stallions etc , filed in the oJlce of the Secre tary of State, February 2, 1911. The said jack Is hereby licensed to stand for public service In the State of Oregon. ERMINE L. POTTER. Bec'y Stallion Registration Board. Care taken to prevent accidents but will be responsible for none. If interested in raising mules, you should see these two splendid animals. J. N. HELMS, Owner, Lexington, Oregon. The Columbia River fruit distriotg will icore heavily thi ieason. Cherry orchard! around The Dalles will yield 1,400,000 pounde of fruit, which Cali fornia cannery men are anxiona to get at 4 cents per pound, meaning $56,000 for the growers of that section. Hood River expects an apple crop well over.l 000.000 boxes that will be mar keted throughout the world wherever prize frnit is In demand. Other dis tricts report euqallj fine crop prospects. Hosiery $2o(D0 By The Mammoth Missouri Jack, BOG E1CNG, Imported this winter direct from the state of Missouri, and will stand the season at the BEYMER BARN, Lexington, Oregon. Terms : $15.00 to insure livinj? colt; $10 for the season and $6 for single leap. The Mammoth Missouri Jack, DURE, Was also imyorted to Morrow County the past winter and will stand the season of 1912 at the Livery Stable of McRoberts & Evans, HEPPNER, and terms of service will be the same as for Big King. Five thousand dollars for five bushels of wheat is the value of the prize offered by the Nsrthwest Devel opment League this year. This la the world's biggettt prize for wheat and is said to be five times as much as was ever offered for any class of prize grain in the United States. The wheat is to be displayed at the Northwest Products Exposition, Min neapolis, Nov. 12-23. No entry fee will be charged. The prize consists of st traction engine and set of plows.