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About The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1912)
j .... (O- CAZETTE- HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY,. MAY 10, 1912 VOL. 29T. NO. 7. SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR. He Saw Snakes. Emerson Kelthley was in town on Monday and reports something doing in the snake line out his way. He was out up Rood Canyon jost above his house on Saturday and ran into a den of rattlesnakes in quantities aaffient to make his hair stand. A den was discovered near this spot last season, but Emerson was not thinking abont running onto them so soon Hearing one sing near by he stooped down to nick np a stone to kill the reDtilo, when another buzzed behind him, and then they began to aDpear on all sides. Emerson does not attempt to say how many there might have been in the den. but there were a lot of them, and he made haste to set out of their way as rapidly bb possible. He will proceed to exter minate the varmints just as soon as possible, using dynamite to "shoot" them out. Emerson vouches for the truthfulness of this snake story, and as he is a tetotaler it must be straight. Don't think that piles can't be cured. Thousands of obstinate cases have been cured by Doan's Ointment. 50 cents at any drug store. Thresher For Sale. I have for sale at the Wm. Stauffer farm, six miles south of Lexington, one 28-inch Case separator, one 14 horse Wilson power, and derrick table with ropes and cables all complete and in good repair. Terms reason able. lm OHAS. READ. Lost A brown mare weighing about JaOO; branded EE on right stifle; white star iu forehead. This animal disappeared from the cattle and horse reserve near Haidman in October last. A reward of $10 will be paid for information leading to the reoovery of this animal. E. E. LOVGREN. 3t. Eight Mile Oregon. There never was a time when peo ple appreciated the real merits of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy mote than now. Ihis is shown by the in crease in sales and voluntary testi monials from persons who have been ...j k if if vmi nr vour children jLUICU UJ 1. - J " are troubled with cough or cold stive ( . . it a trial ana Become acquaimcu jits good qualities. For sale by Pat terson & Son. PALACE Watch this space next week ! ! h wan. M 1 3 SB E3J23FI Heppner Garage Bert Bowker, Prop. .... Automobile for hire. Repair work of all kinds? done. Gasoline and oil for sale. Machines housed, cleaned and oiled. . Agent for the 1912 Cadillac lot - 2 Are You boosting i&or- e row County ? Are You Patronizing Glome BndusEry I EAltEMAXUFACTUIlIXO Flour and l'ml j list supiTior to any iniioitiil niticie. it, you p WU are not "sing our products call at our II Our Hour is made exclusively from selected g Morrow County Bluestem Wheat Seed Grain, Rolled Feed, Alfalfa Seed. We Solicit the Storage of your Wool MORROW WAREHOUSE MILLING CO. o CI RGUIT COURT PROCEEDINGS Convening of Regular May Term, a Short Session Re port of Grand Jury. The regular May term of the Cir cuit court was called on Monday at Hepnner, Jodge Gilbert W. Phelps, nf Pendleton, presiding, and all other offWrs present. Wm. Ayera was appointed general court balitf. A crand jury was drawn for the term and sworn in ; nnon retiring it was ascertained that there were no matters to receive their attention at this time and npon so reporting to the coort they were dismissed from fur ther service at this time, sabjcet to the call of the court. The docket was very light, and the Judge finding there would be no cases for trial calling for the use of the jury, they were dismissed for the term. Ono criminal case only, came on for hearing, that of Levi Hiatt, for the larceny of a cow, for whioh crime he had been previously indicted. Unon th;s case being oalled, Hiatt plead guilty, waived time and receiv ed sentence of from two to ten yeais in the penitentiary. At this time Judge PhelpB has under consideration (he matter of paroling Hiatt. A large petition praving for a parole has been lodged with the court but he has not yet acted npon it. In passing the sentence opon Hiatt. Judge Phelps delivered him a scathing rebuke, strongly calling attention to the ser iousness of the offense. The petition for parole Is signed by over 250 of our citizens, not because of any particu lar sympathy for Hiatt bnt on acoount of his wife and little ones who will be deprived of his support should he have to serve time at Salem. The grnd jury for the November term were in session on last Friday and Saturday and considered Each matters as were called to their atten tion by the District Attorney. Hav ing finished their labors, they submit ted the following report: We, the Grand Jury drawn for the November trem of the Circuit Court of the State ,f Oregon for Morrow Connty having finished our labors res pectfully report as follows: That we were regularly convened on the 12th day of November, 1811, and were in setting one dey at wli:h time we adjourntd said sitting and thereafter on the 10th, day of May, 1012, we again convened in bitting and have been in session at said adjourned sitting since said day, having been in session three days in all since con vening. That at said first sitting convened on the 12th day of November, 9l2, w found that the crand jury which had just been discharged had disposed of all accumulated business, that at this one adjourned sitting we have found and returned into Court oue Troe Bill and one not True Bill. That in addition to the witnesses examined on the indictmens so found, we have also considered other matters which have been presented to us, and have eo far as we know passed upou and disposed of all criminal matters whioh might come before ns and all matters heretofore presented to the District Attorney wherein he found that action was unwarranted and Un necessary, and we therefore report to the Court at this time that we believe that all criminal matters so far as Morrow county n concerned are dis posed of. We have made a careful examinaion of the County Hospital, the surround ings and the management threeof , and we have found the same to be conduct ed in a neat and systematic manner. We have questioned the patients confined therein and find them appar ently well satisfied with the treat ment recieved. We discovered, how ever, that the Board of Connty Com missioners at its recent session had ordered the supply of tobacco t) those who were habituated to its use, to baliscontinued, aud that since that time these two old men who have used tobacco many years were depriv ed of what is to them almost a necess ity and their only approach to a lux ury, except such as has been provided thorn through the generosity of Coun ty Judge C C. Patterson, out of his own individual funds. We oonsider this action on the part of the Board cf County CommuMoners inconsistent with the chDti allo spirit of the present age and wduld recommend that economy be practiced in other departments to the extent that the saiall exrenlitnres neoess-ry to fjrj nihil these old men with liberal supply of what is to them their only indulgence may be provided. We have mads no extensive exam ination of the books or records of the county officer i, for the reason that we have not deemed it necessary to hire an expert and without an expert we could not report as to the condition of the books and records, bnt that the same appear to be kept in an effi cient and correct manner. We have examined the county jail and found the same unoccupied, and in a clean and sanitary condition, awaiting the transgressor. . Having concluded our labors, we now respeot fully ask to be discharged. WALTER ECKET, Foreman W. E. WIGLESWORTH, Clerk EMIL GROTKOPP R. E. ALLSTOTT J. H. DEARDORFF E. R LUNDELL Not a trne bill was returned in the case of the State vs. Ralph Cecil, who was jointly held for the larceny of a cow with Levi Hiatt. Two equity cases are beforte the court and being tried. C. G Jamie son and wife vs. John A. Kien and wife, to settle a contract of sale; and Templetnn vs. Bockler to settle up a sbeep deal. This is the extent of the business of the present term for all of which the taxpayers of Morrow county are duly thankful. House for Sale. Owing to the fact that we expect to move into our new home soon we will soil the house and lo and three acres including chicken house and cow barn Near site of the proposed Catholic Hospital. tf. ARTIE MORGAN CONDER Church Announcements. M. E. CHURCH. The Grand Army of the Republic will hold their annual Memorial ser vice at the Methodist Episcopal churoh the morning of Sunday , May 2fi, and invite all the other churches and orders to join with them, as this is to be a onion service. The sermon will be preached by the Rev. W. A. Pratt The Baccalaureate Sermcn to the class of 1912, the graduating class of Hennner Hisrh School, will be prci 'hed at the Methodist Episcopal church, by the Rev. W. A. Pratt, A. M. , next Sunday morning. Every body is cordially invited, especially all pchool children, and families and friends of the graduating class. Ser vices at 11 :00 o'clock. The other ser vices of the church will be: Sunday school at 9:15 a. m. Epworth League at 7:00 and preaching at 8:00, p. m. M. K. CIU'ECH, SOUTH. Sunday schorl at 10 a m. Poach ing at Liberty school bouse by Presid ing Elder Rev. H. S. Shangle at 11 a. m. and 3 in afternoon. The sacra ment of the Lord's supper will be ad ministered at one of these services. The business session of the quarterly conference will be held at 3 in after noon Saturday. There will be a bas ket dinner on Sunday. A number of people are planning to go out from here. A Sunday school has been or ganized at upper Rhea creek near Jeff Jones' place, and one week from next Sunday Rev. E. P. Warren will preach for them at 11 a. ni. and 3 in afternoon. There will be a basket dinner there also. BLACKKORSE Miss Altha Devin spent the week end at Doherty's. J. S. Baldwin and family left Fri day on a trio to Washington. W. E. Brown and J. G Doherty are in Heppner this ween serving on the jurv. Mrs. L. May and Mr. Jacob Ernest of Portalnd were visitors at Dave Brown's this week. Misses Nora and Sareh Doherty were in Heppner Thurtday and Fri day, taking the state examinations. While thers Sarah sprained her ankle! severely. Dave Brown had a very fine calf in fact Dave thought it was so fine that he didn't want to burn a brand on it. So he invented a patent brand of his own, whioh. ny means ot a curious catch, he fastens into the ear of the calf. Unfortunately , the catch didn't hold and a few days latar, Austin Gentry, happening In the neighbor hood found the brand on the ground and was inspired thus: I found the brand of the calf, Wouldn't that make a monkey laogh ! Now Dave, you'd better burn the hide, Or the cBif'l sulely get a ride. It is not fat enough just now, But 'twill to 'fore it comes a cow. You thought you left it in carefal hands, But I think you left it on dangerous land. r. IF"! Tl Varl a?-P In looking over our Spring stock which - has just been received, we believe we have the best assortment of goods that has ever been shown here. A Splendid Line of Ladies' - Waists, Collars, jab ots, etc. They are snappy just the style you want. Here are a few of our standbys: Banner Brand Waists, Underskirts & Dresses; Nemo and R. & G. Corsets; Simpson's Prints Amoskeag A. F. C. Ginghams, Ripplettes and Galateas. Iled Goose Shoes for Children, Pa cific and SweirShoes for Ladies, Atlantic and Senate Shoes for Men and Boys, Hansen Gloves, Conqueror Hats, Standard Shirts, Collegian Clothes, Boss-of-the-Road Overalls. Royal Club Canned Goods, M. J. B. Coffee, Crystal White Soap, Fuller's Sheep Mark ing Paint, Crisco, Easy Jell, etc. Thomson Bros. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables always to be found at A. M. PSiELPS The Grocer 1 r v.