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About The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1912)
fHAI THE KIDNEYS 00 "A BIT OF NAVAL HISTORY. Vkrlr hcvhcIiik Work. Keeda Is Vlrnnit nd llcnliliy. &H tUe blood iu the body parses viVasjf h the kidneys once every three inrai.i!s. The kidnes filter the yktd. Thoy work night and day. yt fccalthv thev remove about 500 -?r ij s of impure iuattr daily, when , 6fU.hy some part of this iuiDtire :taCJ:er is Jeft in the blood. This :'.!titx.-a on mnoy dieases and symp tne pain in the back, headache. .swwim-'neBS, hot, dry skirt, rheumatic v.tir, eout, gravel, disorders of the .isa'ht and hearing ..dizziness irreg-'-aSft4: iieart, debility, drowsiness, v-aiv-tf deposits in the urine, etc. HBit if you keep the filters right ynu it4 fcve no trouble with your kid- (i. L,. Berry, Main St. HecDner j5rn, says: "You are welcome to vta y Rame as one who has been .-Rrwyf Kidney complaint by Doan's Hi tr?y Pills. M? kidneys were weak ifcs asy back was so uainful that 1 w.t attkiged to walk all stooped over. "T&ecwutents of one box of Doan's Kiisey Pills effected a cure and dur tq; f.he Das two years there has been ; ronrrence of the trouble." For sale by all dealers. Price 50c. 'JFarter-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New "rj, sole agents for the United Heoiember the name Doan's and trMka ts other. Jied Front Livery & Feed Stables "Willis Stewart, Prop 3FIRST-CLASS LIVERY RIGS iJCept constantly on hand 7- uid can be furnished on ; -s3wrt notice to parties sLsliing to drive into the Vitlerior. First class : : . of Slacks and Buggies f'CALL AROUND AND ; SEE US. WE CATER "TO THE : : : : : COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS .AXD CAN FURNISH III GS AND DRIVER ON ---SHORT NOTICE : : ' HEPPNER, - OREGON Origin of the Corps of Professors Mathematics. Before the Naval academy was es tnblished midshipmen received their education entirely on board ship. Their technical education was obtained In tue scuool of experience, helped out occasionally by the- voluntary efforls thi? older line officers. Their gen eral education was at first neglected, but later Instructors were appointed fur service on ships that carried mid shlpmeu. These . were appointed hy the secretary of the navy for stated periods, much as civilian instructors nt the Naval ncndeiuy are appointed at the present time. In lSt2 a general order was issued providing that they should live and mess with lieutenants. They were commissioned in 1SJS, lint specific rank was not given them uutil the general reorganization of all staff corps during the civil war. The late Professor II. II. Lockwood. U. S. N.. in some very interesting rem iniscences read before the Naval Academy Graduates' association In 1S93 relates how the corps of profes sors of mathematics came to be form ed. In the early days of the Naval academy he was one of its instructors. He hud had service in the army, and in the development of the course of in struction he determined, after consul tation with the superintendent, to give the midshipmen a little infantry drill. This did not suit the proud spirits of the young gentlemen of that day, and to show their disapproval of this and other efforts of the professor they hung him in eftigy. An investigation nud a court martial followed on the charge of Insulting a superior officer. The defense put up the plea that the instructor was not a superior Such a condition Is bard to uuderstand at this time, when the status of offi cers, instructors and midshipmen at the Naval academy is well defined, but at that time midshipmen were officers, while instructors had no official stand ing. The plea was technically correct, and to punish the guilty uiidshipmeu it was found necessary to substitute charges in which the anomalous posi tion of the professor in the naval serv ice could not be made to enter. Upon these the guilty midshipmen were con demned and punished. This incident led to an amendment in the naval appropriation bill of 1848 giving authority for the commissioning of twelve professors of mathematics. Commander U. T. Holmes in Engineer ing Magazine. POLICE OF BERLIN. t Each One Is a Sort of Czar on His Own Limited Beat. EVERY PERSON IS WATCHED. .-of UIMIA 'fi: me with a friirhtf ul coueh and " I I J II 1 I J "tlffrvj wean, i iiiiu speiis wiieu x couiu t,S?isr;-il-- breathe or sneak for 10 to 20 pmaristes. My doctor could not help Isssin but I was completely cured by OR. KING'S isv Discovery Urs. J. E. Cox, Joliet, III. 5te AND $1.00 AT ALL DRUGGISTS. A Simple Get-rich-quick Scheme. Take 1,000,000 cats and get rich quick. This Is the advice of the Liberte of Paris to Its readers. The. prescrip tion is quite simple. A million cats will supply you with 12.000.000 kittens a year. The skins are worth a little over 28 cents each, so there you have a daily gross revenue of about $10,000. To skin the cats you will have to em ploy 100 men, who will charge you $2 per fifty cats. Your net revenue will thus be reduced to about $9,000 a day. It should cost you nothing to feed your cats. Start a rattery. Rats breed four times as fast as cats, so the cats can have a daily diet of four rats apiece, which Is ample. To. feed the rats is perfectly simpla Give them the skin ned gats. ' One cat will be ample for four rats. The scheme works out sim ply and automatically. The cats eat the rats, the rats eat the cats, and you have the skins. For Sale. JL thorougnnred jersey Dun, one vmwar of age and dehorned. Will sell itfalar animal cheap. ; EPH ESKELSON Lexington, Oregon. Lost "it yearling bav colt, with one white ritt.lfoot, branded :Pon right shoulder. Xiii animal was missed from the La&ae" Nsal pasture at Lone Rock ssSb. early part of October 1911. A itrimiri of $5 00 will be paid for in a'ifcmt'ja leading to its recovery. AARON PETERSON, 1M. Eight Miile Oregon. 3 to the Bakery for yoor bread. US- ioares for $1.00. Vfer not select that carpet from the rat?- b' see At Case's Furniture Store. JEenpt An Awful fate. nk. thousand tongues could not ex !he gratitude of Mrs. J. E. Cox, s.itlftc'tX J 11- fr her wonderful deliv-rf--?rtC'rfi from a awful fate. Typhoid .Lad left me with a dread Jtjat. Mtigh she wries. "Sometimes EfcfcaJcb awful 'roufthiog coellg 1 t tfmrmtSti I would die. I could get no .-we&dtaestfill I used Dr. King's New I'XHxxntty. But I owe my life to -Si wondefttfl remedy for I hardly -tUt ill m." Quick and safe. m. f- mnit rrfliavtlA rtf all f,mf nA ianc afrfirine. Eery bottle guar iMAiM. SOo and Trial bottle Tira at 81ocum Drag Co. The Chape! of Bones. One of the most interesting sights of Malta and at the same time rather a grewsome one is the Chapel of Bones. Guides who show visitors round the island never fail to point this out. The whole of the sides, arches and about the altar are the skulls and crossboues of the long departed monks. Iu niches round the chapel stand skeletons of monks in their habits. On either side of the altar stands a skeleton represent ing Father Time with a scythe. Stand ing at the rear of the chapel one can not but admire and wonder at the reg ular manner in which the skulls and bones are placed. How Parchment Got Its Name. The Greeks of Pergamus are said to have first prepared parchment from the skins of the goat or sheep. They were curried, deprived of all fat, thinned uniformly by the knife, dyed or whitened and finally rubbed with pumice stone to a smooth and even surface. Called pergamenum from the city of its origin, the new mate rial became parchemin in archaic French and parchment in the English tongue. National Magazine. Where a Man Works, How He Amuses Himself and the Way Ha Behaves It Is the Oi'r'icer's Business to Know, The Civil Service System. "When you arrive nt a railway sta- tlou In Berlin," said a professional man who spent a year iu Berlin, "you are not surrounded by a clamoring crowd of cab drivers, some of whom a stran ger would he foolish to trust. You tell a policeman what you want whether a cab or a porter and be givea you a number. When you emerge from the station a uniformed governmental em ployee, either cab driver or porter, stands at attention and salutes you in a military manner. lie has been or dered for you by the policeman inside, and when he presents his number, cor responding to the one the policeman gave you. you can trust him to take you or your luggage wherever it is to go. The government Is responsible for the safe arrival of yourself and your luggage at hotel or other destination. If the porter should run away with, your belongings the government would reimburse you. "The police system Is wonderful. The officers carry no revolvers or clubs, only swords. Each one has only a small beat to cover a couple of blocks or so tuat ne Has time to be tne moni tor of the moral conduct of every per: sou In his district. He knows exactly what each person is doing, where he is working, how he is spending his leisure time and whether he is behaving him self. There is very little crime, and the police courts have little business. ir you commit an ollense you are not dragged otf to a police station. In stead, your name and address are tak sn by the officer in the district, and the next day a letter informs you that you have been fined an amount in keeping with the character of your offense. You are told that you either can send the money hy messenger or appear at the prefect's office for trial at a certain time. It doesn't pay to give a police man a wrong address either because the system Is so perfect that they will una you anyway ana nne you more. loe policemen are instructed to prevent infractions of the law. not to wnlt for persons to get into trouble and then arrest them. Each policeman baa such a small district to cover that you can find one whenever you want one. He sees that his district is kept clean. that each house In it Is sanitary and Jim t each resident gets fair treatment from hia neighbor. Disputes are settled with no thought of appeal before they ever get to the police station. Jsoon arter l arrived I was otr my way to the university one morning and saw a" policeman at a cab stand eX' amining the hoofs and backs of the horses, the harness and the cushions and wheels; of the cabs. ' "'What are you doing? I asked him politely. " "As a representative of my govern ment. be replied. 1 am Inspecting to see that the passengers of these cab men are assured a safe journey with them. The government is responsible, you know, and it is my duty to see that all dangers and possibilities of discomforts are eliminated.' "His answer was given In a most courteous manner. "There are uo paupers In Germany. Everybody pays as he goes. You can see the result In the Independent man ner of even the street sweeper. He knows he shall be provided for in case he encounters adversity. "For instance, suppose a lamplighter or a bootblack becomes ill or suffers an accident By the way, the boot blacks of Berlin do a thriving business because not a man, from street sweep er up to banker, would think of ap pearlug on the street of a morning without having his shoes sbined. If such a lowly worker becomes disabled the government association of his dis trict gives him a certificate to any physician for whom he may have a preference. It is good for two weeks. . Elephants Asleep. A question often raised in regnrd to the African elephant Is whether this animal ever rests or not At first blush it would appear that there could only be one answer to the question. So huge an animal must expend a terrllie amount of energy and therefore, as one might reasonably Infer, must need more flm than smaller animals for rest and.relnvlgoratlon. NeferthWss many travelers and some naturalists have asserted that the African elephant In its native si itte never sleeps or at least never lies down. A correspond ent who has sent photographs from Malek. on. the White Nile, says In the communication that accompanies them that the picture represents a "herd of female elephants photographed lu the bush near Malek, In the Mogalla prov ince of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. It has been, maintained that the African elephant never lies clown to rest. Sev eral may he seen thus sleeping." Country Life. OE It, Poisons In the Stomach. A most curious fact Is that all food contains the elements of poison... and in our body poisons are manufactured from these. For instance, meat fish, cheese and milk are composed of hy drogen, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen. Take away the last and you have prus- sic acid. We do not manufacture' prussie acid, it is true. But in every stomach In the world fermentation goes on just as In a brewery, and the poisonous carbonic acid Is made in large quantities, ir you Dreamed a few days' output of carbonic acid gas you would inevitably die. Sulphuret ed hydrogen is one of the most deadly gases known, yet in every stomach it is made at one time or another. In the stomach all food Is converted into what we call "peptone," nnd if a very small quantity of this found Its way into the blood it would kill as surely as prusslc acid. Pearson's Weekly. Notice! Call and look over the new line of SPRING & SUMMER SAMPLES Just Received. LOUIS PEARSON, Tailor. JL VAWTER CRAWFORD Notary Public ' Insurance Agent Represents some Leading Fire Insurance Companies, including; The Home of New York, The Hartford, and The I'hciMiix or London, uIho American Bonding; Co. of Baltimore. :' Office: Gazette, Ileppner, Oregon Oc 3 C 3C 3 C Story of a "Violin." On one Occasion all who were pres ent In the court of Justice at Berlin had the great pleasure of listening to a free performance by rofessor Joa chim, the famous violinist. It appear ed from the evidence that a dealer In musical Instruments was charged with cheating a customer by representing that a violin which he offered for sale at $1.25 was an instrument that cou il be played. The great professor was called in as an expert witness, and, taking up the impugned instrument, he proceeded to play upon It. Under his magic fingers it really sounded like a violin, but In a few moments, much to the regret of his listeners, the maes tro laid the Instrument down with an evident air of contempt But be had secured the accused's acquittal. The Plowing Season And VAUGHN & SONS have on a new supply of n Canton and Syracuse Plows Gangs, Sulkeys, and Walking. Call before buying and look at the new Two Way Sasiicey with all the good features the other makes have, and some special features that no others have. VAUGHN & SONS, Heppner 30 n U O A Mystery Explained. An English docter was asked to es- plaln how women can wear such flimsy clothes In cold weather without appar ent harm and without much discom fort when a man would suffer terribly so exposed. He says tuis resisting power Is due to an additional layer of fat In the body, acquired In the day of cave dwelling, when the wo men had to stay In the cold huts while the men kept warm by hunting and outdoor activities. Healthy Home.' An Old One. "1 found a gold ring today." "A new one?" 'No old and much worn." "Any name on the Inside of It?" "No; nothing but the letters B. C." "Gracious! You don't suppose it's as old as that, do you?' Kschange. Antenuptial Thrift. "Why do you Insist on carrying that umbrella ?" asked the bridegroom. For purpose of domestic economy," replied the bride. "I'm polng to turn It upside down nnd catch enough rice to do the family for several weeks." Washington Star. ELMER BEAM AN Fuel Dealer Rock Springs Coal, Pine, Fir and Oak Cord Wood and Slab Wood. SELLS FOR CASH ON DELIVERY. Leave yous Orders with Slocum Drug Company nd they will receive prompt attention. MIKE HEAL Y, Proprietor Telephone... Liv,ery Stable - TELEPHONE. 201 THE HOME OF THE SPOTTED HORSES Disillusioned, King Firefly (with much feeling)! once loved a wnmnn: hut, alas, sue married. Baron Ituhberneck (sympa thetically Whom did she marry? K'.nf Firefly iln n dep tone of manly grief) She married me, Red Riding Hood. Squeal and Bark. "Nothing lost here but the squeal." declared the pork packer. "Are you as economical in conducting your busi ness V . "Just about." answered Hie visitor. "I'm in the lumber business. We waste nothing hut the bark." Louis ville Courier-Journal It Fell. "Wbat' that racket down there?" ihouted the old gentleman from the tend of the stairs. "1 think," promptly replied his daughter, "that it was Bob dropping his voice when he proposed to me." Detroit Free Press. Reassuring Him. "But" said the absolutely bald old party, "can I be assured that this horse Is quite gentle?" "My dear sir." replied the tricky dealer, "he wouldn't hurt a hair of your bead." Catholic Standard and Time. Everything we endure patiently Is a key to something beaulful wt could never enter otherwise. j I. .. V. t A 1- i ne association, iuai ine government will pay b id. If more than two weeks' medical attention is required the as sociation issues a new certificate. The disabled worker pays for his medicines In the same way. The physician gives him a certificate ontbe druggist, and the latter is not allowed to charge more than the customer's station In life Justifies. "A ride on the governmental rail ways assures you absolute comfort uid safety. They laugh at our 'spread :ng rail' and 'washout' accidents over lere. The construction of German rail ways won't permit the rails to spread. nd after a train passes over a certain Mretcu of track a walker follows along tehlnd to see that all is safe before soother train Is allowed to U3e IL "There Is no political graft. The mo nent a man goes (o work for the gov jrument be is disfranchised. He Is jnder civil service, and he has a life :!me Job if he gives good service, but :he others do the voting. "1 met an American lawyer who re iids there and rather marveled at his ibility to make a living. I told blm i bout it " I make a good living. be explained, by telling Americans how to keep out f trouble. And I tell them if they Mke their cases to court they must upect exact Justice. There Is no maure for political Influence and pull ji the courts, as In Anjirlca.' " Kaa ms City Star. To Stop His Laugh. Patient- V'hen I iRiigh my side hurts me. Uoitor Ah. well, wen soon put that right Send for your mother-in-law to stay with you, and I will send In my blll.-Pele Mele, Calumny wonld soon Starr and die of Itself if nobody took it In and gave It a lodging -I.elghton. COURTEOUS TREATMENT AND FIRST-CLASS SERVICE. WE PAY FOR ALL TELEPHONES FOP RIGS. LOWER MAIN STREET HEPPNKR, ORKGON THE CITY MEAT MARKET KINSMAN 4& HALL, Props. Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sugar cured Ham and Bacon and Home-rendered Lard. Top Prices Paid for Hides and Pelts. FRESH FISH THURSDAYS. IT WILL DO IT Let the AKERS PATENT FASTEN ER reduce your draper troubles to a minimum this season. The fastener, which l tllntrte't here. Is Mumped from sheet teel, h i ivins two brsds Kmrk up mm Jw which re driven into the stick when tue are set up. . This holds the stick as If Jn a Tine. There are'no rivets oln through the itli k to weaken or pli It. We ue the heat No. duck, straight g rained h sticks and first quality leather belt. We gnarantee the quality snd we tuarsotew the workmanship. Three drapers will rmt rou no more thsa other mikes and they will save you much time and annoyance. Don' fail to use one on your Harvester or Header this season. A NEW INSTRUMENT in Hachment tor hoe drills ss Ulustrsted here has two very vsl nit ble ami impor snt features which eve-y r regressive farmer will appreciate tonce. Tlmy are made to fit any hoe, are easily d jiiKied and answer the double purpote of regulating the depth of r viwing and at he same time presses me on flrmlyaroiindthe grain Ihns Insunu, BV late termination. HpR-nilld results are obtained from their use. Manufactured by Pendletoi. Iron Works, Penti.eton, Oregon. We have an up-to-date machine shop and found ry and employ skilled workmen in every depart ment We solicit your patronage. 7 L. o n 10 U O n u o n