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About Junction City bulletin. (Junction City, Or.) 189?-1901 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1901)
THE r A. P. BET FERSWORTH , JR., Editor and Proprietor. MISS ANNA OGLlaSliY, . Associate Editor. 8CB8CIUITIOS RATES. One year, if paid in Advance $1.50 Six mouths, - - t .5 Three months, ..... $ .50 Advertising rates made known on -Application. l.utered tho postotnee at Junction City a second class mail matter. OFFICIAL PIRECTORY. CSiTKD BTATK3 William McKiulev President Theodore Roosevelt. Vice President STATK Or OHEUOS. T.T. Geor Governor Y. I. I Km bar Secretary of State Charles S. .Moore Treasurci J. II. Ackermuu School Superintendent W. II. Leeds Stale. Priutei T. 8. 8KNATQRS. G. W. McIUide Joseph Simon COSOUESSMEN. x.A. y.oody Thos. II. Tongue SV THEME JClKiES. F. A. Moor R.S.leB C. E. Wolverton. 8KC0SD JUDICAL DISTRICT. J II. Hamilton Circuit Judge Geo. M. Rrowu Prosecuting Attorney LANK COCXTV. The War Dejmrtmout has arranged to open recruiting offices nil over the coun try, so as to procure the Wn provided lor in tho Army Reorganisation 'bill M rapidly as possible. " ' " , in ; If our representative, L..T, Harris, maintains the high standard so .far marked by hie course in the Legislature, ho will fill a neat In the United Stated Congress More many years pass over his head. ' Sound Sense. TheOregonian oppose Representative Harris' measure which provides for a fixed State levy for University purposes. Rut the measure is a jut and equitable one and should beeume a law. The idea of an institution depending front year to year on tho disposition of the Legisla ture to provide a liberal fund or a scant fund for its maintenance, just as the humor fits them, is a bad poliej to pur sue. Let the fund be fixed by law, end thereby put the University on a solid fiuancial basis. There is no other way to build up the University, buch an in stitution should not be held in subjec tion to the fitful moods of a Legislature. The Harris bill is all right, and tor the good of higher education la Oregon it should, by all means, become A law. Eugene Register. . . S. II. Friendly, A. C. Woodcock and F. I.. Chambers went to Salem yester day to look out fcr Jjine county's Inter esta in tho matter of tho proposed aiv nexatiou of the Rlue Hirer mining dis trict by Linn county. This is a guar: an tee that Lane's interests are in safe hands, for these gentlemen are amply aole to attend to any contingency tliat may arise The Harris bill appropriating f 17,500 tot tho University of Oregon passed the House yesterday. Good boy, Lawrence "Way Down E&st." That much discussed and heralded play, "Way Down East," which is now touring the Pacific Slopo under the di rectton of Wm. A. Brady, begins i week's engagement at the Marquam Grand Opera House, Portland, on Mon day, February 4. We are promised an exact reproduction of tho great New i York presentation, and with a cast that ! i - " i .1 l: . I nan receixeu mu uiiqunuuuu eiiuorsv- mcnt of the San Francisco papers, So strong i- the fuitli of the management, that it will lw given for one entire week. Matinees wilt be given on Saturday and Wednesday only. The country within a radius of a htfn i . . - T . .l MA ......... .n niil 1 ' V. V. i 1 1 . - a I JV 1 1 L I Ml - llil-il v. , Y I illirrlllV n.lliTl for ts,i un.r.i.nin amoni! its' "nunierles ' resoilli-t'tn6r"lW a,,Jft,fef,tirojnnawincnt that East and South Southern Pacific COMPANY. Shasta Route! Trains leave Junction City for Portland and way stations at 3:110 a. in. aud 1 :3? p. nt. .v rortiami. ..... 8 :U0 am a :w pm v Junction City. 1 :37 pin Vi-M am Ar Ashland ,.,.;.pi:23ain ll:.!i)am " Sacramento ... 5 -DO pm 4 :35 am M Sao Francisco. 7:43 pm 8:15 am Ar Ogden ft :4t am 1 1 :45 am " tHu.ver........ :lH)m :um KansasCity... 7;23am 7:'J5am II. R. Kincaid J. U. Hill II. P. Ed wards W. W. Withers E.U. Lee A. S. Patterson W. M. Miller P. V- Rurton C. M. Collier Walter Griffin County Judge I Commissioners Sheriff Clerk Treasurer School Superintendent Assessor Surveyor Coroner OCR CLUBBING LIST. Weekly Oregonian and Ri ixetix.. .$2.00 Thrlcia-Week New York World and RiixETis 2. IS . The Weekly Oregonian and Dclletim $2 for a year. i SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Notable among the pleasures afforded by the Shasta Route is the winter trip to Southern California and Arizona. Renewed ac)Haintance with this section will ever develop fresh points of interest and added sources of enjoyment, under its sunny skie3, in the variety of iU in- froin tain, shore, valley and plain . The two dailv Shasta, trains roriland to Calif rn.i have icn re cautly equipped with the most approvtd pattern cf standard and tourist ninepins cars, but the low rates of fare will stil! continue in effect. Illuitr.ncd guides to the winter re ports cf Cfdlfornia aud Arizona may he had on application to (J. H. MARKIIAM, G. P. A., Portland. Oregon. ! the I iece will du plicate its suciesa here ai in other cities, that they are now con cluding to remain two weeks next sea son. - HOW TO TRAVKL Jn'orntallan for the Putlic. Children for Adoption. One boy 4 years, one girl G years, one girl 9 years. .These are desirable chil ilren, and may be placed on three months' trial. The 9-year-old girl has been in a home where si e has had ex ct llent train in::. Information concern the whereabouts of Helen Smith is . .. . i - i Miesire i, wiio ran away iron, a goou noniH in Mavton. where she lias iieen living seveial vears. Address I. V. To- bej-.-Supt. Orejon Ctiildrcn's Home So ciety, .Marquam JJtiiiiiinji, rortlana. Others jiapt rs please copy. In sc'.fcing your route to the East yon cannot' jrd t overlook ihe ad vnntstges anJ comforts offered by the Rin(ir.ind.i Western Railway lion with thePenverk Rio Grande and Colorado Midland Railroads. It is the j only transcontinental line passing di-j reetly through Salt Lak! 'City, and in j Addition to the glimpse-it affords of the j Temple City, the Great Salt Lake, the j SaH Pi-lac, and the idetures?i'ie,Utah j Valley, it offers 'choice of six diirtinct j route; to tie East and the n.ot mag-1 r.ifirent scenery in the world A double j daily train fcurvioj orul through Pullman I Palaca r.ud ordinary th-c -ing cars, in- j reelir.iug'chair cars and a pcrfwt dining ! car service are r.r.w in ojH'tf.tiou vial the.'ie lines. ; For pamphlets descriptive, "f the i "(irent Salt Luke Koule'' applv to J. I. nt. ':', W.uhii.y. y r. I i- . l ! 1 Ifli i . ii. iiiuii. oi i.uuene, einiiiit:i i-- bales of IH'M hops from Harrisburg Sat ii rda c. for w hich he received 9 cents, Mr. f Mi nit is thinking of leasing the Pa vis hop jard, just across the bridge i in Linn county. Mans.'hdd. General Ax t.ii;, l,.rt!ai.d;,or t"' .G;o. W. !b Ai'tM,;' liencml rasseiier Ageut, LnkeCiic. WOODMAN, SPARE NOT . ; Hist ax, for if it's a "909" ax you can chop and chop and chop and he better satisfied each day. We'll cnarantee the satisfaction every time, or give you a new ax for a poor ax, or your money back. Ot her kinds of axes nt lower prices, but none so genuinely cheap as the "!):).'." Everything for chopping, and sawing, and splitting cross-cut saws, buck sawp, and powder and fuse, if you need it ; and all at guar anteed prices. Gkikfix IIahowark Co., Eugene. Silt, : .-.lit I R A IL! tO A P 1 N G PA T E S TS. " A single linn of Patents Lawyers, V. A. f-now & Co., of Wa-bintfton, i). ('., liae 'in the Isit yeiir procured J.,(wi.) patents f-.r.f'eir c.ri'if.ts.'niany of tiiem for re-je-fU-d iiiventious. CA Snow & Co. hae b.'.en a!".,ii'i;;l f railroadinj lmtciits throujh this Patet:t 0:!ie. butt!xy. insis that tliis locomotfon fi better than ox ctr?hi;r them for by the latter- proci t!i3 inventor often -dies before begets his patent. - Farms for Sale. Foil Salk 20 acres of fine farm lain 1 i miles southeast of Junction City, a under cultivation; thre3 wells of good water, orchard and fruit distillery. Inquire of Samuel Ternpleton, on the p emises. UNIVERSAL PROVIDER; COMPLCTK STOCK OK . , GROCERIES, GRANITE, TINWARE, ETC. iii(iiu:sT c.ifii ritiCKs rou . ... G 0 Sk 6 Is ,Vr Ios Angeles.. . l.'JOpm 7:lH)aiu w raso :tHipin :iHipni " Fort Worth. ; , 0 ::0 nia :IW am rSttf . Mu.l.. (i.W.m O .Mb. ill " Houston 4 :00 am 4 :tH) am " New Orleans.. 0:2.1 pm -0:2.1 pm Washlnnvon... 0:00 am 0:12am ' New York .... , 12 : 43 pm 1 2 : 4U pm POULTRY AND OTHER PRODUCE. EUGENE, CjREGGN PucceJmor to J. 0. Rhiuvl.nrt. Pnllmvn and Tourist cars on both trains. Chair cars Sacramento to On ion and hi Paso, and Tourist cars to Chicago, St. Lout , Ne Orkans and vi nniiiiiKtuii. tkinnectinsr at San Srancisco with sev eral steamship lines for Honolulu. Ja pan, China, Philippines, Central ami Xiutn America. See Mr. L. B. Moore, aaent at June. tton Cuy station, or addn-ss C. H. MAHKHAM, O. P. A., Pol Hand, Oiegon. Professional. Physician. W. W. OGLKSIJV, Physician and Surgeon. Office in Hotel Block. Junction, Or, Lodge Directory. PlAMOXn TJotXlK NO. 0, pKfiHKK Or Homor. MeetH flr-t and third Wednes days of each mouth. Visiting members cordially invited to attend. Mas. C. K MciloLS. V. ot II . Misk tia.M'K Pahkkr, Recorder. Oasis Iadcii.No. 41. 1. O. O- F. mwl every Saturday evening. Visitors, in good standing are Invited. II. . I.NX, U. L. B. Moow?, Sttcretary. Junction City Camn. No. 410, Wood men of the World, meets in the A. F. & A. M, hall, every firs', and third Monday nignis in iiio inoiun. A. L.Coojr, con. com. . H. M. Mii.uors. Clerk. LVVVLLVH LOPGK.o., 52 K. of P. meets every Thursday evenin of each week at 8 P. M. Knluhts in gool etind- ing invited to attend, S. Hvlamiv J. T. Clow, CO. ' K. R. of S. MILLIOUX CABIN K. S. O. No. 8, meets twice every month, Second and Fourth Fridays. S O St a mi. President, SPGii.mork, Recording Secretary Evergreen Ueliekah Lodce, No. 42, T.O.O.F.. meets everv second and fourth Wednesdays in A.O.U.W. hall. Visit ing niemticrs cordially invited. Miss Minnie Starr, N. G. Evelyn Parton, Rec. Sec. Centrally I-ocated. Free Sample Rooms. E'ectrh: Lights and IVdls. FIRST-CLASS. Hotel Eugene IIom.kvhkck Rhos , Proprietors. Rate, tt to 12 m-r Pay. Headquarters for Commercial Travelers arm iiiiihk .uen. Eugene, - - - - Oregon. WHEN 10U A PAIR OF WAST AND ONLY WANT TO PAY QMS miCTir FOR THEM, ANP THAT ONE PRICE Weekly Oregonian and lkntms nly 2 a j car. y L v vd von SAM4 480 acres with barn and out, running water, two or cliards, 35 acres'! n farming land, within nine miles of Junctiou City, for $1600. Inquire of S. Tcmpleton, 1 miles srjtlieast of Junction City, No agent. RcasostzblQ Price, CO TO ''YORAN'S. SHOE :: Eugene, - Oregon. find IBASl TABULES A Good. Prescription cor ma WANTtU r A tun i4 bad Utii itml R i rA'N S ol bnAi. Tlitf tMnl.h in wi1 pmli lilt. Un. tint rUl. Noi. iIm wm4 K I I A N S pn On i'kc tnt eopt no tutwiliult. K't'PA'N K. ia tut unu, mr bt hd at nf 4ruj .tor. 'I'm Mwplot n4 wi iStinwnS ItttiiaMiUli will b HUiikd to my mtiirtu lur IW cruu, l inrnriifd la tlx RljM CUttitcat Co., 10 t!)iiiut tirtti, Ntw Ypi k. iikind Lane County's Valuation for 1S00. Tho fummary of tho Lane county assessment roil for IHit.) has been com pleted, tho 20 per cent. Wing taken off the original aesmeiit. The footiugs furnish tho following array of intuu-sting figures: Acres of tillable lands ..U U,121 Acres of non-tillable lands, .H'.w.W.i Iiiiproveiuents on deeded or patented limit Town and city lots. Iniprovemcnls on town and city lots Improvements on hinds not deeded or patented Miles of railroad bed, telegraph and telephone lines Rolling stock ............... Steamboats, saillwats, stationary cngtneB and manufacturing machinery ? Merchandise and stock in trade Farming implements, wagons, carriages, etc Money. Notes and accounts Shares of stock .... Household furniture, watches, jewelry, etc , .... . Horses and mules Cuttle . Sheep . Goats.........1 ' Swine ' N Gross value of nil property. ...................... . Exemptions 11, 121 f 1, 1011,072 ii.s,M5 l,62:i,fU0 ai!2,2S!5 152,:HK 658,5 1 h .17.125 10,070 200,100 20,105 00,115 2iii,:i:i"i 150,:i7O nn,0H5 ;jH0,62( WiO 71.015 .,522lO',K) 8,211 182,510 10.2JU 2M0,O(ii 17,710, ji:i,l;o O.-lIJH 1:1,205 0.2S0-- . 14,4(10 820,(1 10 3 15,15.1,381 i.(i;:;i 5,454, 1l 5,:5H,0IO rnnotv lionrd of Louah.ntion Total number ot residents subject to p .ill tax. Total assessment lor nun) , . . i , Total assessment for 1800 increase for 1000 over 1800. . . .......... . . . A noticeable feature about this summary is that thcra ia otdy 118,121 acres of tillable land, while tho non-tillablo aggregates 1)011,505 acres.. Of this vast acre age not subject to cultivation, nearly all of it is valunhle timber, mineral and pas ture land, which makes it equally as valuable ct more so than tho tillable land, One big item is the 00,000 head of borne and mules, tattle, shwp, goats ami swine. Old Lane is ft pretty solid county after all and is yet only in tlie'lwfancj' that points to a splendid future, .