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About Junction City bulletin. (Junction City, Or.) 189?-1901 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1901)
- ' - ) .1. . .... - ... . , ' .11 V - Tf . . . . , 7- xvy JUNCTION CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 7, 1901 VOL, 3 no too. Special. Ladies' Jackets 3SB r Fur Collarettes 23k (All New Goods) For 1 '& Price. iamotoe Bros EUGENE, OrtECON. SUPERBLY SPLENDID 3s the Lztstd Where Rolls 'tho To Picture Its Wealth Would Require the Pen of Ruskin or the Brush of a Durer. Lano County; Bounteous nature loves all lands, Beauty wanders everywhere, 1'oot-prinU leaves on many strands, But her homo la surtdy here. .Angel iold their wings and rest In this Eden of the West. Lano county extends from the summit of the Cascades to tlio Pacific Ocean. In giee it is alout five times as largo as Rhode Islam! or Connecticut. It fronts on the Pacific a distance of thirty miles, with a splendid linrlwr at the city of Florence. It occupies every altitude from the ocean ..Itench to tho ghuler crowned summit of the "Three Sinters" at the southeastern corner of the county. The Count Range cuts it in two from north to south. " u, Inu county is half prairie land, with .. .:..t. nriulikniur nliitmliint crons ; v,irr iiv-ti ow.., ! j. . ot grain, hay, fruit and vegetab es, and half hill ami upland., ino tnuie-mnus bordering the valleys are partly covered with tinner or brush, most of it being oiu-n enough for tine pastumo. .'These lands nro fertile and yield abundant crops when cultivated. Every crop that crows in tho Willamette Valley glows in Lano county. All the farms aro sup plied from natural sources with tho best ot water. The immense timber wealth, aggregating nearly 2L),IKK),(X)U,000 feet, is lust beginning to receive attention. No county in the United-States has as largo an amount of timber as Lane. Tho fa mous Bohemia mining district, destined to become the Cripple Creek of Oregon, lies oartlv in Lane county. '1 l.n nrmntatinn of LllMO COUntV IS .it o mill, nil while. The county is rapidly adding to Us population desir Rhio Immigrants from tho Eastern States. Eu;'ne, 11 miles Bouth of Jitnc tion City, with a population of 5,000, Is Tho county's indebtedness, amounting to fsr,(XX), is comparativoly small, and Villi v. ,v T ... Tlio following is ft summary of the oroductions of Lano county for 1900 : tn nonntv.. .2.7W.700 Anrns under cultivation. 120.000 Bushels of wheat...... 750,000 ' Jushels of oats. 025 000 Parley and rye...."..,,......., 2S.000 Bushels of corn 2").000 Tons of hay................... M,(XW tl..,.l,nlo nl nutntoeM ..... i . 225.000 Butter and cheese, pounds 5:!li;2" I'onndsot imps i,uoo.uw Bu8liels of apples , 800,000 .,.:-: "':-! i.---.r" , .... Buohel of pearl.; . 20,flu0 miBtieis oi prunes . . , ... ..... 7,uuo T'limhnr f.w.1 , OO fHWl iXkt Wool. tund. ....... 'l5o!()00 Ounces of gold duet 0,000 HORTICULTURE. Excepting the trooical and ritrui vn rieties, all fruits thrive in Lane county even the lender olive and . A mond, peanuts . ana walnuts nave Junction City, function Citr. Oregon, is situated In tho northern part of Lane county, 110 miles south of rorthtnd, 57 mllci south ol Salem, the capital of the State, and I miles north of Eugene, tlte county seat. It is on thtJ main lino ot the Southern Taciflc Railroad, wid has a ttopultttion of about 1000 Inhabitant. t is one of tho most prosperous and en terprising cities in the Willamette Val- ev. The city is platted on elthftrside of the Southern TadAc tracks, and Is in the center of the widest icrtion of the Willamette Valley. All kinds ot mer canl'de Interests, professions and trades are here represented. Junction City ins three cliurchcs, and a grade?! hool buildlna that cost over t000. The hotel block was built by a stock company of citir-ens, and cost over 128,000. here is also to bo found ono of the finest opera louses betweeo San Francisco and Port- and. Wo have one bank, the Farmers & Merchants', owned by home capital ists. It Is a solid institution, inere are three larae train elevators here, two newspapers, waterworks, a pood steam fireenirine. Also a full roller procoxs flour mill, which has gained an enviable reputation for the excellence of its flour both at home and abroad.' lnls mill rays tho highest market price foi its wheat, and imvs cash. It ia also a a sound financial institution. There is more grain and other pro duce, including live fctock, shipped from this jwint than from any other place in the Willamette V alley. Another enterprise is a fruit drying establishment, with the latest improve ments for steam evaporating process with a drying capacity of 1000 bushels of prunes jrr day. This plant has a warehouse and canning department, and is one of tho most complete of its kmd in the State. It is indispensable to the fruit Jnduttry In this section. Ten acres of good bearing fruit trees, with proper care and untUnt.(?an;1e made to net tho crer from f.Wi- f.:0 per finnnnv, ;Ja at; rung .1&Mr&-ikJ and setting on i trtvsfrtun veo t ? tlirte years old, they will U'in Kmrinj; the fourth or fifth year, end you need not b out the use of your land from the lime of setting out the trees until they come to bearing. They do better to have the laud cultivated. You can plant with vegetables, and by so doing make it profitable each year. Land suitable for these orchards can bo bought at f 15 to 50 per acre, according y.Kaufftnan EUGENE, OR. SPECIALS Ladies' Tailor-Made Suits, $5.50 Up to $65. Lad iesV Capes & Jackets, $1 Up to $25. Big Line Men's Clothing. SUITS ALL-WOOL, SILK-SEWED. $7.50 and Up. Mail Orders Heceive Prompt Attention. DOST OVERLOOK OUlt Dry Goods Department. Why You Should Settle in Lane County . Because it is the best country known to . t. . . . ... ... . mo man oi moucraie means. Becauso you will find a country of rich soil awaiting the settler. , Becaaso there are uplands, prairio lands and alluvial river lkiltomn. Because you' can lw certain of profitable ivhuhiu iiwiu wnuiuvur you puv in the soil. Because tho winter does not consume wuut uio summer produces. Because there are moro and better on- liiur than elsuwhero. Becauso the seasons are regular, and no ,. iuiir oi itoji muuro. Bucauso the country is never scourged by cyclone?, devastating etorms or oiizzartis. Because everything grown elsovhee can oo prouueeu nere more aDun duntly. Becauso there are moro chances for the - profitable investment of capital than elsewhere. Because for liealthfulness this soetion is unequaieu on tne laco ot tne globe. ' Because you have no long winter months to eucounter, with no excessive ' dry heat in summer,' . ' 1 Because yon will find as orderly com munities as anywhere ou this ... - continent., , Because vou , will find the most open hearted people in the world. Because it is in the widest portion of the . . . ...... . v.ft... ferine miiainuue vauev. Pecau8e as a dairying section it has no equal, it is the ideal homo of tho cow. Because for live stock, goat and sheep raising it can't bo beat. . Because it contains a larger amount of the best merchantable timber , tlinn any county in the Unitad States. Becauso of the great and growing trade with China, Japan, the Pinup , ; pines, Hawaii, Alaska, and every other port on the face of tho globe, thin section -is enre ot a nevfcr-failim: market for its grain, its lumber, live stock and dairy products. No 'por tion of the United States has ns bright ft future before it today as the Willamette Valley, in Oregon. . Becaubo education is paramount. Pub lic schools and churches aro to be found in every community. , capacity of 2000 pounds a day. 'Besides supplying the wants of the people of this vicinity, through, our merchants, tri-weekly shipments are made to Tort land, where there h always an active market for dairy products. Here is a" grand opportunity to make a good comfortable living and lay up some money for a rainy day. 3ood dairy cows will net the owner from $30 to50'per cow per snntun. There is any amount of excellent land for dairy purposes, in ckse proximity to Junction City, that can be purchased in parcels to vwt at from f 12 to t25 ier acre. The Creauf ry compy Pay highest r-irkoirvr'v f- r butter fat. and pays la cash once a month,' so' that its patrons are never without ready cash and that puts a man on the same footing as the village blacksmith, who "looted the whole world in the f;ice, for he owed not . ff t t any man." Jo mausiry ouers oenci- inducements or insures a better return forthemone? invested thai a herd of good dairy cows intelligently managed. "'' '- " ' : The Willamette Valley extends west ward from Junction City about 15 miles to tho foothills of the Coast Range. Southwest of Junction, near these foot- hilts, is Elmira, cn the stagt) hue to the coast. There is quite a little business carried on at this place. Besides a post- office, there are stores; a church, school house, sawmill, blacksmith shop, etc. It is situated on the Long Tom River, whicij flows north through Monroe, an other flourishing little town, in Benton county, and emptiesinto the Willamette River some six or eight miles nortnet of Monroe. The 'Government has al ready appropriated money to improve this stream and make it "navigable to its mouth. rTHE Bank. Of JUNCTION CITY, OREGON, I JJi'8HSEix, Get). W. Pickets -President. Vice President. W. C. Washburne, F. V. Washbcrnb Cashier. Asst Cashier. Has the best facilities for haudling tha IjankinjuJuwiM'Wof y.tK iuu '., and South Beuton counties. , w Board of Directors : - J. A. Bubhnell, C. W. Washburne, Geo. Pickett, J. T, Milliorn, ' T. A. Milliorn. - ' ; A. G.IIovitv, - L. G. Hru-v, President. . Cashier. B. H. Hovky Asst. Cashier. Lane County Bank. A. G. HOVEY & CO. - Tiansacta general bunking busiuesa. Established. 1S82. Oldest bank in tho county. Eugene, Or. Corner 9th and Wlllamelto Streets' passed beyond tho experimental etago. 1 to location. Apple and par orohaixls i'ruit lias been grown in Oregon for 40 are also very profitable years, but onlyoflato years in a scien tific nunnor.' The State now supplies nid und information, through the Board of Horticulture and the Corvalhs Agri cultural College. No one need longer fail through I gnorance of proper meth od nf stock selection, planting, cnlliva- Continued on lam page. Another enterprise, and not the least by any means, is a creamery thai has ht been established here by the VVeathevlv Creamery Co., of Portland, one of the substantial and wido-awake business concerns' of that city. The nlnnt ta oniiinnrid with the verv latest v-- . ' machinery for waking butter, and has a Monroe. Monroe is 9 miles northwest of Junc tion Citv. in Benton county, and is sur fiai bv a cood fiirmine country. It has twolarge general merchandise 6tores, a "drug store, livery stable, school, Cath olic and Protestant churches. It is 17 willed south of Corvallis, the county seat nf ronton county. A new railroad from Junction City through Monroe to Cor vallis. to connect tho main lino of the Southern Pacific with the branch road from Portland to Corvallis, is a of the near future. , ' Harrisbur. : lLiirisburg is tho first Bcat'on north of Junction City, at a distance of miles, on the main line of the Southern Pneifie railroad. It is on the east side L,f the Willarnetto River, in the southern imrt of Linn county. It has about 700 r . k . - VINCENT & CO. DRUGs, MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, etc. . gCTTERMS CASH. . - Coutiuuod on last page.j Pbnos and Organs. -We are recfivinn fino now Pianos and. Organs direct from the factories at Bos ton New-York and Philadelphia. Our pianos are bought at special cash dia count. Wo are tho sole representativea for Oregon, and by these, methods eaa soil you a fine Piano or Organ cheapet thsu any one. s Wehnvo pianos with full metal plate full extension duet desk for- iroiu f3i up. AU our -good nre- warranted ny Kohler and ("hase, thooMes-t nd larjtes Mntic house on the eoit Iustrnn;nJ9 sold on installinents. , Comrt m nn.l ie them. SloBKidiCtiAW,', 'Jth 8tr Eugene.