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About Junction City bulletin. (Junction City, Or.) 189?-1901 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1901)
t '' .1 EL' ft & E Jl K W 1. II -f ro res. JUNCTION CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY. JANUARY 24, 1801 VOL. 2 LEGISLATIVE PROCEEDINGS. J I J I 1.1 II i. ' - ' III r " '"""V XV; Informal Ballot Taken for United an Fire! Fire! Fire! 5- "The poorest bulnes man in the world is the one who . ha do insurance on hi projHtrty, lie may Imi well-to-' 1m one day and a paujmr the next. Can yon afford to tnko kucIi a chance? There are any number of god (tail safe companies waiting to write you a policy, chief noioafc which are the .' QUEEN of america - PHCENIX ASTSr'v; SOUND A8 A GOLDEN GUINEA. Miss Anna Resident Agent, . . . . Ato Manager Postal Telegraph Company. Branch ofltc , in Bulletin" office5 S s Typewriting Done at J w w r. v a w riu v J STEEL AND CAST.. RANGES, : $ COOK STOVES, TINWARE and CUTLERY 4 ... ALfO THE . . . Celebrated Fetalunia t G rif fin Hard ware Co., :Hw;;22SS2:: J Professional. W. W. OtiLKSItY, riitniciau and Ha'j.;wjii. onico in iiutl Bhx'k. JMDftiun. Or. Lode Directory, 1IAM0 lHKiK NO. (t, DKUitRB Of liosui. Mt'i'tf tlrwt Hint tliinl V(lnf ilnys of "ncli month. ViHitini? meniUorn ofiiUy invito toattenil. Mkh. C K. Nicii'ow, 0. oi II . Mim UttAi-K I'Aurfcn. Itccorilor. OA.fin LontiB No. 41. 1. 0. O V. niwt every Hatnrday evening. Visitors, in gfKHl Htanding are invited. - II. W. Wins, N.Cl. L. H. Moonr., Kecretary. Junction City Camp, No. 4 Ul, Wood men of tti World, mt'fts in t ho A. K. & A. M. hall, ovcry wdnt'8day night, , A. ' L. Coon, Con. Com. . H. M. Mu.uoHN-. Clork. LUCUU.US LOLH3K.No., 52 K. of 1. moots cvory Tluirnday vini' of ciwh wti(k at 8 P.M. Kniu'litu in good sUml ins; inviti'd to attond, B. S, Hyuxd, J.T. Ci.ow, CC - K. 11. of 8. MILI.IOKN CABIN N. S. . O. No. 8, UH'PtH twifH every month, Sccomiand Fourth Friday. , -8 O Stauh, i ' ' rr-cwident, . : BPOitMORB, Bt'cordinp; Soorvtury ' livorjiriHiu Bubokah Lodjio, No. 42, 'I.O.O.F., meets everv Htu-ond and fourth WedneHdays in A.O'.U.W; hall. Vinit ing inembors oordially invitwl. Mias Minnie 8tarr, N. J. Kvolyn Barton, Hoc. Soo. '. ' ,'iJ lJ UJJ.aL-.JHJ-Lll!ill!.'.SJLJ 1 US RAILROADING PATENTS. A einitta firm of Patonta Lawyers, 0. A. HnowA Co., of Washington, J . C, liaui in tlio last year procured 1,W0 patonta for tlioir clionti many of thorn for re jected inventions. V A Snow & Co, have been ncousad of railroading pnter.t through thrtPalentOfllco, but Uuy insiH that, thin locomotion is bettor than ox carting them for by tho latter nrocoew tho inventor ofton dies before ho got his patent. ' " Si 2 5 Ml; Oglesby, . . Junction City, Or; 2 Reasonable Rates. 5f - ... 4 '" . - j ... . . ...... ....... r Incubator & Brooder East sntS South via Southern Pacific COMPANY. , ; Sfaasift ': Route! Trains leave Junction City for Portland and way etutions nt S:.'JU . m, and I : p. m. ' 1 l.v Portland.... . , H:J)Oum ' 8 I.v Junction City. 1:37 pm. 12 :.'10 pm : Hi am Ar Aplihmil . . .... 12:2: am 11 ; " Siicnnicnto . . 5 (HJ pm ' 4 " Ban FraiH.iHco. 7:45 pm 1 8 :30 am :.(5 am :15 mi) Ar Olon . " JVi.vcr... " KansosCity. . , " Chicago... , 5:4-1 am :00am 7:2" am 7 :45 am 11: 15 am S :00 am 7 :25 urn 9:30 am Ar .op. MiKcloa... 1:20pm 7.-(X)am ra x'mho ii hk) pm Fort Worth... fi:.'!0 am " City of Mexico 0:55 am ' Houston ...... 4:00am 0:00 urn 6:: 30 am 9:55 am 4:00 am new vrieaus;. o :25 pm (:: 5 pm - aHiiinpum. . . 0:00 am fi ".Now York..;, ,12:13 pm . 12 42 am 43 pm PuHman and .Tourist cars on both inuns. unair cars Sacramento' to Ovt den and Kl Paso, and Tourint car to . . . , . 1Jni" Orleans and nsningion. Connecting at Pan Sranekeo with pev eral BteHtiiKhip linos for Honolulu, Ja pan, Chma-j, Philippines, Central and South America. Hoo Mr. L. B. Mooro, agent at June tion Civy station, or addrews C. H. MABKIIAM, G. P. A., ; . Poitland, Oregon. Contralh Located. Free Samplo Rooms. Kloctrii: Lights and Bella. F1UKT-CLASS. : Hotel Eugene Hou.kniikck Bnos , Proprietors. - lUtes, $1 to 2 per Day. Headquarters for Commercial Travelers ami Mining Men. Gagcne, - ... ,-. Oregon. State Senator. Salem, January 21. '. In the Houi an amendment to the Indian War Veterans' Ull wss pkI, making; the appropriation of I30UO flvoih able immediately.. Senator Mays, of MaBnoraali, Intro duced a bill appropriating 16000 fo the Oregon, Hlutorieal Society. : II. W. Bcott, editor ol The Otegonian, was at galem to-day for th purpono of looking after the introduction of two bills in which he ia deep) 'interested. Ono is in regard to an "appropriation of 5000 to the Oregon HistoricalSociety, of which Mr. Scott is preU;etit for-the prosecution of its work, which Ciajr be regardtxta of great value to ta whole Htete. The other Is an appropriation of JSOOO for the completion of tbf Oregon Volunteers' monument fund t4 120.000 or more, and for the appointment of a Bf'ard of Monument UOinmlKUUfiers. Under susransion of the rums. Wbit- nnv of Linn count r. sticceedilin secur ing final pastiaga of Houue bl No. 3, nrovtfUng mat ine nnuge across me Willamette river at Albany te made a toll bridge. I A memorial was adopted toy fie House urging the ita'.ionai vongreni to pass the pure fool bill, V Senator Hunt, of Mnltnonfih, intro duced two bills, providing loi primary elpctions known us tne wfgn and I.ockwuod The BinghaA law will be iutrodueed later in the e i. Senator Ktiwer. of Ouliai, Clrant, Sherman, Wacoand WhwSeHcootien, has introduced a bill authoring county courts, bene ves they deem ' tast, to appoint road opervlors, imttfid of liav- la tr.em eiecten.. t Kerrecentativo .-McOueen. rwho has been ht it-tofore enable to 'thud the eetions by reason of ilhunt:, m iu his wet today. ' - I Watson, of Multnomah, introduced a lm that makes it umawni to Beu, nerve or farnith liquors of tiij kind, in cluding wine or beer, in far hotel -or restaurant, boarding house rr other place, where meal. lnrJ or lunches re furnished cr - provided fritbo gen eral public, .exirpt that n'h liquors may b furnished bv the N tt'.i or other ontinsl packaga. It etill U: ' rvm to t?50 rof?,il"ii nncef -i.r.i;iiettr,fit meal tit Irii.Cf a jui llri nii.t rhurge then f -r. , The K'nltJ lopted ii lr.u t re i'lt ion urging Congress u i s the i Jraut bill. .Harris, of Ijmm) county, jutr(MlucHi a joint resolution haiug in view nn amendment tothw Federal Constitution relative to the election of United States Senators, and for the calling of a consti tutional convention. The resolution provides that a copv of !t be sent to the President "of tho Cnited Ktates, W President, $eaker of the House of Rep resentatives, and to the Secretary of each Stale, in the Union for presentation to tho several.l'girtlatnres By Harris Making it a crime to re move location marks. By llarrir To fix liabiliiies of rail road corporations for iajuriea received by employes. t, Vote on Senator. Sale, January 22, At 12 o'clock to-day both houses of the Oregon Legislature held separate ballots for the election of a United States Sena tor to succeed Senator Goorjje W. Mc Bride. - ' ; ' Senators Booth and Knykendall voted for McBrido; Representative Harri9 for Chas, W. Fulton, of Astoria, and Rep resentatives llemenway and McQueen for Dinger Hermann. - v-' lbe joint ballot of both houses was as fellows: , Smith, fusion. . ... . . . . . . ... . . . , .". 25 Corhett, repnblietn . . .... ; 2S McBrido, republican - ... ; ; , . , , IS Hermann, republican . . ,'. ,'. ,'. 8 Scat teri ng ......... . . 7 Absent. ..... ... ... .:.;; .... . . .... ... 1 Not Voting..,..,. ......... 1 After the balloting, both branches of tho Legislature then adjourned on the announcement of the death of Queen Victoria. , , ' LIST OF PATENTS Granted to Pacific States inventors this week. Reported by C. A. Snow & Co., Patent Attorneys, Washingaon, I). C. II. C. Burch, Amity, Oreg., ironing table ; W. L. Chryselor, Woodburn, Or., seed potato cutter; S. J. Madison, New; berg, Oreg., too clip trip. F. J: Wag ner,' Dalles, Oreg , carriage iron.- For copv of any of above patents, send ten ce.ils in postago stamps with date of this paper to O, A. Snow & Co., Wash iugton, D. 0. . r. EUGENE, OR. - SPECIALS Ladies' Tailor-Made Suits, $5.50 Up to $65. " Ladies' Capes & Jackets, $1 Up t $25. Big Line Men's Clothing. BUIT8 ALL-WOOL. SILK-SEWED. $7.50 and Up. Hail Orders Receive DOST OVERLOOK OUR Dry Goods Lane County's Valuation for 1900. The summary of the Lane county assesfmr-nt roll'for 1900 has been com pleted, the 20 per cent, being taken off the original asbessiuent. The footing furnish the following array uf interesting figures: : ' Acres of tillable lands .119,121 fI,lOS,0?2 Acres of iiou-tilhibh- lUnd .................... . , ., ; . 5 J ,52310 I loproveioeiits on ikvded or patented land. . ......... . . ' :W2!2-i'i Town and city lots ......... .. , -,. . . . . ; . . . . . .-. . . . ; . 4."2!x0''i ' Improvements on town and city lots. . Si'iioiS " Improvements on lands not deeded or patenteJ.. . 2"ll2' MiU-s of railroad bed, telegraph and telephone lines. ... l!),f)70 20U"ii') Rolling stK.k. . ; k. .. 29193 " Steamboats, s tillwaUi, stationary engines and manufacturing i mavbinery f,9,44- ' Ierchantse and stock iu tmdv ?1M farming implement?, wagM!, m-jz, et- , . ., , ljo..C .'Uy ' 'Jl-i,- .n ai'it ui-i . . . ... '. r r . .' j ?i.arei f etix-k . , , ' ' ' ;-t.i,;, liouwhold furniture, wat:hes, jf mrt'ry, ttc , S-''.y Hordes ami mctea. , . . .2J l . . ,. . s2 rt Cattle v. 19,2Sl " LSi',!i;V5 Shwp...., 17,716 :J3.133 Gats. ". ; (J.4:!S 13,5 Swine I.:.....,,: , ,2,S3 , H.4',0 """sa value of all property.1 ' 'ft,281,02l' a . ptions... ,. ' 82li'l4t' Total value of taxable property as finally equalized by the " ' County Board of KqualiKition $5,454,331 Total number ot residents subject to p-jll tax. ...v. .4,033 Total assessment for P.XJ0... .... 5,454S) . Total asressaient for 1805). . 5,353',940"' Increase for 1900 ovor 1890.. ......... ., V $'95,441. -. 'A noticeable feature al9Ut this summary is that there is only 118,121 acres of tillable land, while the non-tillable aggieyates 9518,595 acres. ' Of this vast acre age not subject to cultivation, nearly all of it is valuable timber, mineral and pas ture land, which makes it equally as valuable or more so than the tillable land.. OnO big item is tho 60,000 head of h orses and mules, cattle, 6heep, goats and swine. Old Lane is a pretty solid county after all and ia yet only in the iufancy that points to a splendid future. r . ----- SOMETHING NEW. Just published by the Southern Pa cific Co. is a pamphlet upon the re sources of Western Oregon, which 'in-' s.lmlia nn v-fll(nt m itYf tlie slate, am! contains 'information on climate, lands, , . ..!.. ..... .. w i 1 1. ... i.M. ....1 their capabilities.. ., Attention is also directed to such new fields for energy or capital as promise fair return. This publication' fills a need long ex perienced tv Oregonians, in replying to liiqirries of Eastern friends; Conies may be had of local agent S. P. Co., or from" ' C. H. MarWium ' 1 - G. P. A., Portland, Or. Dead Men's Good Intensions never shelter the homeless nor feed the hungry. Good acts unfail ingly produce good results.' One of the best of these is to join the Woodmen of tho World, and thereby Drovide for those dependent upon you. John fayior, the photographer, located hero for the winter and has his photo tent' north of. Crain's jewelry store. Give , him a call. Satisfactory work guaranteed. : Prompt Attention. Department. FREE TO INVENTORS. Tho experience of C A Snow & Co. hii obtaining more than i0,0(.0 patents for inventors has enabled them to helpfully, answer many questions relating to tho protection ' of intellectual ' 'rropcrty.. This they have dono ; in a pamphlet treating fcriefly ol . United States and foreign patents, with l-Osi of einief 'and how to procure them; trade marks designs, caveats, infringements decisions in leading patent cases, etc., etc. ' This pamphlet will be sent free toanv one writing to C A Suow & Co., Wash ington, DO. j , . 'As sound as a golden guinea" are tho Queen, of America, aud Phoanix 'Assur ance Company, of: London. The viss man builds to the. future. Start "the now year by insuring your property in one of these , financial Gibraltar. Miss Anna Oglesby, agent. 1 ' ' ' Wood taken on aulnscriptlou al this of fice. The New . York World three timca & week and the Rum.ktin for $2.13 a yark All tho political uewa. , -.