Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1946)
Ve BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE F R ID A Y , A U G U S T 3 0 , 1 9 4 * BEAVERTON ENTEHPRISF OSC Postpones College Term Opening Ten Days M a U d a t¡ S tan ley W . .Nefrterron, ru b lis h e r Postponement of the opening o f fall term freshman week from I Monday, September 16 to Wed- As a service lo veterans in the ne#day' 8 ^ ^ , . 25, has been community, this newspaper will decided upon because of inabil publish a weekly column of ques ity of contractors and Beaverton O ffice, Enterprise Bldg. college tions most frequently asked con crews to get essential housing fa Phone Beo verton 2321 tact men of the Veterans Admin cilities ready for the previously Subscription Payable In Advance istration in this area. For more detailed information, veterans announced starting date. One Y ear .............. ...........................$ 1 .0 0 Under the new schedule fresh should contact or write to the man women and men will report MarrvonA nearest V A contact unit at 1019 S. on successive days to permit more W. 10th Ave., Portland. 0 R E g | o (N orderly handling of the record Q. I am the step-mother of a class expected. Girls are asked to F i l i l i HER veteran killed In service. He was report the evening of September in my care and custody before 24 to be ready to start their pro his entrance In the Army. May gram the next day. Men are to report the evening of September I file a claim? 25, to get underway the following A. Y es. Q. How long must a National | day. SC EN E FRO M P A G E A N T " H IA W A T H A " — T o be presented at Transfer students from other Service L ife Insurance policy be W ash in g to n C o u n ty F a ir, H illsb o ro , three n ig h ts, A u g u st 2 9 , 3 0 , 3 1 . sophomore or in effect before it can be con institutions with In the p ictu re a re M rs. N aom i W a g n e r w rite r o f the p ag ean t and higher standing have been asked verted? H a n ry K o la m a , who p lays the p a rt of lagoo, the Story T e lle r. A to check in September 28, while cost o f 6 0 W o rm Sp riin g s In d ia n s present the story o f H ila w a th a , A. National Service L ife Insur Federal assistance to school former Oregon State students will tak en from the fam o u s Lo n g fello w poem o f In dio n tra d itio n . ance must be in effect at least be lunch programs in Oregon, for registered Wednesday and one year before conversion. merly available through the Pro Thursday, October 2 and 3, with Q. I am training under Public duction and Marketing adminis Law 16 (Vocational Rehabilita a full .‘cedule of classes for the tration of the U. S. department of tion Act). Does the new legisla entire student body starting Fri agriculture, now will be paid to day, October 4. tion limiting combined subsis schools for food and equipment Inability to get the federally- tence and earnings affect me? purchases through the office of built dormitory to house 386 single A. No. The limitations are placed the state superintendent of public veterans ready in time and delay More than 1200 students have only on veterans training un instruction at Salem. in completing the cafeteria in registered to attend fall term der Public Law 346 (the G. I. Transfer of the program was classes at Vanport Center College tended to feed some 800 men, were Most Oregon housewives who do Bill). announced by E. Harvey Miller, although final registration day is the chief factors in forcing a state PMA director, following the more than three weeks from now, their part in helping to overcome Q. I am the widow of a World postponement, said President A. War I I veteran killed in action. L completion of an agreement with according to Dr. John P. Cramer, the shortage of fats and oils by Strand In announcing the I have four minor children. W ill change. Rex Putnam, state superintendent dean of the general extension di salvaging kitchen fats will find that their neighborhood market I be allowed more pension un of public instruction, for operation vision which sponsors the fresh One of the dormitories is now still is glad to accept cans of used in Oregon of the permanent school man-sophomore college. der the recent legislation regard promised September 25 and the fats, according to E. Harvey Mil ing widows pensions? lunch program authorized this Dr. Stephen E. Epler, director ler, chairman of the state PMA second of equal size November 1. year by congress. A. Yes, Before the new act was For the first five or six weeks of Vanport Center, explained that Requests for participation in the students have been requested to committee. passed, there was a ceiling of of the term those assigned to the Fewer than 12 per cent of the program now will be directed to register early so that housing ac $100 for a widow with children second dorm will have to double 210 dealers checked in a recent Putnam at Salem, who will handle comodations at Vanport may be for wartim e service-connected up in the first new one and the the program for both public and ready by September 24, start of state-wide survey of the fat sal death cases. Full pension credit present permanent men’s dorm. vage collection system were not non-profit private schools. The P the fall term. therefore, was not given for This inconveninece will be only accepting used fats, Miller report M A office will continue its inter more than three children. Un temporary, however. Ninety per cent of the students ed. The survey, made by county est in helping schools meet mini registering are veterans. Two hun der the new law, each minor Only 50 of the promised 450 mum requirements. Miller said, dred and twenty-one students are A A A committees, also showed that child will be considered in de apartments for married veterans dealers in nearly all parts of the and will make administrative re now attending Vanport's summer termining a widow’s pension. are assured for the fall term. De views and audits of operating session and 80 per cent of these state are regularly serviced by Q. What is the “ National Ser lay in starting the reconversion of rendering plant collection routes. programs, and continue to donate have indicated that they will con vice Life Insurance Fund?" the Naval hospital at Camp Adair, agricultural commodities for dis tinue their studies at Vanport dur Any housewife or dealer who has difficulty in disposing of salvaged A. National Service Life Insur- i assigned to the college for this tribution to school lunch pro- ing the fall term. ance is mutual insurance. All purpose, means that units there fats is asked to contact the coun grama Courses offered at Vanport Cen ty AAA office. premiums paid on this insur will not be ready until near the ter are: Architecture, business ad ance and all Interest earned start of the winter term. ministration, engineering, pre-law thereon are deposited in a sep pre-dental, pre-medicine, forestry, arate trust fund in the U. S. Journalism, pre-nursing, secretar Treasury, designed at the "N a ial science, pharmacy and liberal tional Service Life Insurance arts. Academic standards are the Fund." The Government derives "Ducks’’—250 of them are being same as other Oregon institutions Retail ceiling prices for all new no profit from its administra offered for sale by the Portland so that students will experience no passenger automobiles have been tion and acts in the capacity of regional office of War Assets Ad difficulty in transferring for up raised an average of 7.3 per trustee o f the fund for the sole ministration which began Aug. 19 per-class work. cent over June 30, 1946, levels to No longer is it necessary for benefit o f the policyholders and at Umatilla Orsnance Depot at meet the requirements of the homemakers to suffer from inva their beneficiaries. Umatilla. Oregon. new price control act , E . J. Klein, sions of house ants, says Dr. Don district OPA automotive price But, you can" eat them, because C. Mote, O. S. C. entomologist, in specialist, was advised, effective this is a different kind of duck. a brief mimeographed circular of August 12. Actually, they the D U KW ’S, the Information giving directions for The increase in list prices was CMC 6 x 6 drive amphibious control of these pests. OPA expiated, to trucks, used by the armed forces •/ Dollar and cent ceiling prices necessary, The best material to use depends for landing on beaches, and can for 1945 and 1946 used passenger conform to a provision of the on the circumstances and upon be used for a variety of peace curs were announced today by E. new price control act which pro the kinds of ants doing the dam time ‘‘operations.’’ Due to the large J. Klein, O PA automotive price hibits the agency from reducing age, says Dr. Mote. I f the colony The demand for hay and pas capacity, 385 cubic feet, they will specialist, effective August 21, 1946. the established peacetime retail headquarters can be located, car hold your family, friends and Specific prices are set for every dtsoounts or mark-ups for certain ture seeds is still far in excess bon bisulphide is recommended. goods "before the of current supplies and farmers The best all-round poison yet sporting gear. And, if you use it make and model. Like all other reconversion fo go hunting, you'll have no used car prices they are uniform retail unit sales of such commod are urged to harvest every pound found is tartar emetic combined trouble getting your "game" a- within the three selling regions ity for a period of six months possible to meet requirements in either with cheap syrup or some board to carry home. Then, if you in the country. This action re shall have reached the six month this country and in areas being times with bacon rind or grease decide to do a little fishing, or places an earlier tgmpotary meth rate for the calendar wears 1939 rehabilitated abroad. Provisions of Sodium fluoride and Paris green the Agricultural Conservation Pro are other poisons that are used take a boat ride, just drive off od used for pricing 1945 and 1946 to 1941, inclusive.” Only distributors and retail gram to encourage seed production effectively at times, while 5 per the highway (yes you can use It used cars. on the highway If each side is In general, the new prices are dealers will benefit from today's are continued for the 1946 pro cent DDT in keroslne, 10 per maxi gram, with a special Congression cent powder will control certain compressed 1V4 Inches to meet set close to prices of new cars increases. Manufacturer’s al appropriation supplementing highway requirements) into the because used cars of recent make mum prices remain unchanged. Prior to the action. O PA had practice payment funds to help stream, and presto, you have a are only a few months older than smooth riding craft. No trailer or new automobiles, Klein explained reduced dealers' Initial margins farmers harvest low-yielding ac wrenches are required, Just drive Copies of the price table will to offset a share of manufacturers’ reage. Farmers cooperating In the AAA into the water, shift gears; and shortly be furnished to all used increased costs, but was careful prewar conservation program may earn you're a sailor. You can cruise car dealers and when available not to reduce realized practice payment to $3.50 per on the ocean if the Const Guard will be put on file at OPA local margins. In addition, dealers were Issues a permit for seaworthiness. boards for reference by bjiyers allowed their full mark-up on the acre for harvesting alfalfa, red It could be used as a life sav and sellers. amounts that manufacturer's pric clover or alsike clover, the three ing apparatus, or to carry a tent The dealer's maximum price es were increased due to specifi seeds needed most. In addition, the 1916 A AA conservation pro and other supplies to a vacation for a warrranted used car Is 15 cation changes. As a result, the price increases gram provides payments of 7 cents resoit. The possibilities are unlim-|p,,r m).nt higher than the celling ited. A special permit is obtainable for an "as is” sale, Klein said necessary now to restore dealers’ a pound for alfalfa and alsike I from the state to drive It home. This 15 per cent mnrkup for a full peacetime mark-uus or trade clover and 9 cents a pound for Federal agencies may purchase warranty sale is lower than the discounts vary with the different d clover on sagd sold into com August 19, vets of world war I I 25 per cent warranty mark-up al makes and models dependitii» upon mercial channels. The poundage from August 20 to September 8, lowed for 1942 and earlier model the relative amounts of the in payments are mo> • than double RFC for resale to small business year ours because late model used creases due to materials costs and the 1945 rates, giving evidence o ’ from September 4 to 6. and after cars require considerably less re specification changes. Fol all mod- Uie urgent need for fat mers to that date, state and city govern pairing and reconditioning than all and makes, the increase aver save clover and alfalfa stands for ments and anyone else wanting the earlier models, he pointed out. ages 7.3 per cent. seed harvest even though low one may buy It. W A A has assured O PA announced that no change yields are in prospect. that a number of them will he a- would he made In dealer prepara vallable for exclusive sale to ex- "I want sonic arsenic for niy mo Said the little calf to the silo: tion and conditioning charges un OTs. til this can be discussed further ther-in-law." "Is my fodder In there?” Have you a doctor's prescrip with the dealer advisory commit tion ?" Classified ad s always bring IS YOUR SU B SC RIPTIO N U P TO tee In a meeting held August 13. q u ic k salo o . No hut here's a photoghaph of DATE? her.” Published F rid a y of ea ch w eek by the Pioneer P u b lish in g C o ., a t B eaverto n , O regon. Entered os second-class m a t te r a t the p o sto ffice , B eaverto s, O re. antnits effectively Directions for tion circular of information N species errecuveiy. extension office, using these are given in the sta 3«s, ire a ______ _ _ COMMUNITY AUCTION Every Saturday 11:30 a.m. BEAVERTON, OREGON BRING YOUR -- Weaner Pigs, Feeder Pigs, Fat Hogs, Day-Old Calves, Veal Calves, Steers, Dairy Cattle, Beef Cattle,etc. Farm Machinery, of all kinds, Good Furni ture, Produce — TO THIS SALE Putnam Now I load Of School Lunch Program In State 12(H) Students At Vunport College “ Dncka” For Sale By WAA Ceiling Prices For I, ale Used Cars I f yon art, you'll get prompt and friendly service on loans for repair and upkeep on farm buildings and equipment at thia bank. It coat* you nothing — and we have the answer«. There’s no need for delaying those improve ments or repair« when you can borrow at low interest rate« from our branch nearest to you. Visit «ny one of our managers and talk with him — we believe we can help you. and we want to help you! FIRST N A TIO N A L BANK OS PORTLAND W I l L A M f T T I V A L IV Y B R A N C H E S A T A o a iy G i Ore 9© n C ity A L IO A F F I L I A T I « BAN KS AS FOLLOWS F*rt M U m m I Bank •* terest C n . < la a t •« l . a t t Meate Ft«M Mei m a l Bank et C a tt a « . Stata The te e Stota Bank f B i l M n m w Ù '■ M ■ f aartoitto, C I b ib o MI» WMVN Foderai listili lesotaoto C a r p a t e t i* « Colorful Indian Pageant “ HIAWATHA” 0 0 Discliiirsefl T-4 Harold J. Pe'erson Box 554 and CpI. Edward M Thomp son. Rte 2, Box 660. both of Boa verton were discharged from the Army on Sunday. August 25. EX-SERVICE MEN and WOMEN Authentic Indian Ceremonies. Thursday - Friday - Saturday August 29 - 30 or by m a il, fo r com plete d e ta ils p e rta in in g to the G. I T R A IN IN G P R O G R A M FO R A V IA T IO N O urs is on A P P R O V E D I T R A IN E E S A V IA T IO N SCHO O L Locdted a t the fin est fie ld of any A irp o rt in the A re a , w ith several 1946 model a irp la n e s on the line in ad d itio n to a num ber o f other late models T h e school is operated by " H a p ” O slund and his s ta ff o f ex-servicem en. !la|i*s Flving Service Phone 3981 Washington County FREE FAIR 8 p. m. FAIR GROUNDS - HILLSBORO • HORSE SHOW FRIDAY - SATURDAY • BUILDINGS FULL OF EXHIBITS • SEE THE INDIAN VILLAGE NOW, MORE T H A N TO FORMER ARMY OCCUPATIONAL SPECIALISTS G ood jobs in non-commissioned grades are being offered now by the Regular Arm y to qualified former servicemen! Veterans discharged on or after May 12, 1915, who enlist o r reenhst for 3 years may be enlisted in the non-commissioned grade for which qualified, provided this grade is not higher than that held at time o f discharge,^nd provided that at least 6 months o f former service was in one o f 44K) designated military occupational specialties in which enlistment is now desired. There’s adventure, travel, education, a secure and profitable future in this vital, realistic profession. Get full details at your nearest Arm y Recruiting Station. ★ Highlights of Regular Army Enlistments 1. Enlistments for 1 Vi, 2 or 3 year* ( 1-year enlistments permitted for men now in the Arm y with 6 or more months of service.) 2. Enlistment age from 18 to 34 years inclusive (1 7 with parents’ consent) except for men now in the Army, who may raenliit at any age, and former service men depending on length of service. 3. A reen list men t bonus o f $50 for each year of active service since eurh bonus was last paid, or tinea laat entry into service, provided reenhst ment ia within 3 months after lest honorable discharge. 4. A furlough for men who re- •nlist within 20 days. Full details of Phone 3 9 8 4 H illsb o ro , Ore Everyth in g For T h e F ive r B eg in ners, Students, Supplies, equipm ent, in stru ctio n , ren tals New * la edditiee te per skewn st rigkt n \ lacraste te» Service Oversee« t0 \ H Member at Flriaq as Clider Crew«. i \ la crease ia Pe» for teck ) Teen • f Service. 7. GI Bill of Rights benefits as sured for men who enlist on or before October 5, 1946. 8. Choice of branch of service and overseas theater (of thoee Mill open) on 3-year enlistments. MONTHLY im U W N T INCO M I APT1B: t o «« Nry fa r 20 fears' $0 Tears’ Mooffc Service Sendee T ech n ical Sergeant Staff Sergean t . , Sergeant . . . . C o rp o ra l . . . Private First Q a n , P rivate . . . , a Listen to Taylorcraft Dealers 6. Option to retire at half pay for the rest of your life after 20 ynart' service — increasing to three- quarters pay after 30 yean service previous active federal military service counts toward retirement M aster .Sergesqt and Used m erchan d ise and A irp la n e s fo r sale SERVICE 5. Mustering-out pay (based upon length of service) to all men who are discharged to reenliat. o r First Sergeant Care. HILLSBORO AIRPORT other furlough privileges can be ob tained from Recruiting Officers N E W PAY SCA L E (a s e a t»'., te CteSMaq, See*. INMAN'S FLYING SERVICE REPAIR BEFORE N O N -C O M M IS S IO N E D GR AD ES NOW O F F E R E D Hillsboro, Oregon EXPERT EVER THE ARMY HAS A G O O D JOB FOR Y O U ! associated with Pilo ts 31 at the w ith or w itho ut previous exp e rien ce , co n tact us in person, tor G Actual Indian Wedding with Important, interesting jobs are open in hundreds o f skills and trades in the Arm y, with splendid training and educational advantages! These are in addition to free food, housing, cloth ing, medical and dental care, low-cost insurance. N O T I C E : . Cast of 60 Indians from the Worm Spring Reservation, Need Is Urgent For Hav And Pasture Seed The operators of 73 county farms covered this year by federal wheat crop insurance were ad vised this week by John W. Kam na. Chairman of the county AAA committee, that they may cancel the remaining two years of their present contracts by signing a new three-year agreement at the more favorable yields approved for 1947. Average yields for county farms have been raised for insurance on 1947 wheat crops, Kamna said. The revisions were made by the Fed eral Crop Insurance Corporation on the basis of new information on productio nand losses. All new contracts will be written St the 1947 yields, and grower* who are now insured st the old figures may replace their present Insurance by signing a new con tract to cover the 19(7, 1948 and 1949 crop*. Charles J. Herb who assists with the county crop in surance program said Unless a new contract is signed, the old contracts at the 1946 yields will remain in effect for two more year*. Applications for 1947 Insurance are now being accepted st the county Agricultural Conservation Office All applications must be filed before the crop I* seeded and before the closing date o f Septem ber 28 Mr. Kamna invited all wheat producers, tnrludlng those now covered by insurance, to call at the county office for information as to the insured production and coat for Individual farms under the new plan. A T 53 9 0 , Portland, Ore. 0 1 3 8 S. W . Palatine Hill Different Poisons Rout House Ants Effeetively 1947 Wheat Yields U p OREN SUDTELL BEN T. SUDTELL «{}{ Per O u t Meat Shops Acrepling Kitchen Fat» Ceiling Price Is Rained On Cars FLAimm FULL REPAIRS 01 fo o t FARM? SELL At AUCTION To Get The Highest Possible Price W a rrio r» o f P e a ce ." “ Vatoa o t the A r m y ." •'P rou d ly H a i l M a r k H • r n iw ’ r A rm y Shorn. Sou n d O d ." H a rry Wre- user S p orts R e v ie w ,” and " S p o t b 0 h t B a n d »" on your radio good $165 00 4107.25 8185.63 145.00 87.75 151.88 115.00 74.75 129.38 100.00 65.00 112.50 90.00 58.60 101.25 80.00 75.00 5 2.00 90.00 84.38 job 48.75 r o n you U. S. A r m y CNoosc rm is r i wc p p o r f i t i o » now MW at paar e s a m i Arm y »vcrv/tl^ StvMae a W "M a *e H • 614 S. W. 1 1th Avenue, Portland, Oregon