Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1946)
I Bahnern Discusses Slock Market Break N ew Y ork City, Sept. 6. Selling stock s is very d ifferen t from g o ing to the bunk to draw out m on ey. W h en you d o the latter, the bank gives you cash from its re serves and you im m ediately take it hom e w ith you. It will always be the am ount o f your check, no m ore, no less. R easons F or B reak W hen you sell stocks, the brok er m ust hunt around to find som ebod y w h o will buy your stock. W hen the m ark et is boom ing, som ebod y will probably pay you m ore than the stock cost you ; but on a declin in g m arket, he has m ore d ifficu lty to find buyers. T his is especially true today when buyers m ust pay cash. This largely elim inates the little people as, too often , on ly w ell-to-do people have the ready money. D uring August m ost o f these w ealthy peo ple are aw ay on vacations and have forgotten the stock market. Thus, it has been especially d if ficu lt fo r brok ers to find cash buyers during the past month. This, In m y Judgment, Is the main explanation o f the August m arket break. C ertainly there is nothing in the present business situation to ju stify d eclin in g prices. Every com pan y has trem endous unfilled orders and the banks are over flow in g w ith idle m oney. It should take tw o or three years to fill the dem and for autom obiles; while the building industry has not yet got under way. It is true that in previous periods o f prosperity the m arket has turned dow nw ard dur ing the first h alf o f the prosperity era; but history does not always repeat itself. Certainly, today his tory is not repeating Itself in any other category. .Some S tocks A t B argain P rices __ W ith the expected increase in 1946 dividends, certain stocks now appear to be bargains. Carefully selected stock s can be purchased tod ay at prices and yields which should serve as good permanent investm ents, irrespective o f mar ket conditions. Suggestions as to selecting stocks and ‘'sw itch in g” so as to be prepared fo r W orld W ar III if it should com e, will be covered in next w eek ’s co l umn. T o o ffse t the e ffe ct o f a W orld W ar III, there are several pos sibilities w hich every investor should carefu lly consider before selling stock s today. The first o f these is the elections w hich com e N ovem ber fifth . P resent indica tions are that the R epublicans will get absolute control o f the House and possibly w ork ing con trol o f the Senate. This may lay the fou n dation s for a ci%nplete R ep ublican victory in 1948. I am not a politician but m erely a statis tician and, hence, you can not bany 100 per cen t o nthis forecast. H o w ever, either before or directly a f ter N ovem ber fifth, we should have m uch higher prices. I f a R epu blican P resident should be elected in 1948, stock s could "g o through the roof.” Russian R evolu tion A h ead ? S om ething m ay happen in Eur ope to greatly im prove the sit uation. I f the British and A m er ican delegates stick together and refuse to get tired out, Russia m ay be sensible and agree to fair term s and yet secure freedom o f all seas fo r all nations. The death o f Stalin o r a P eople's R evolution in R ussia should m ake the stock m arket boom . M oreover, it is very probably that the A llies are now planning and en cou ragin g a Rus- sion R evolu tion . T his is the rea son fo r the "iron cu rta in " and the desire o f the R ussion s to tie up the Danube R iv er and B alkan States. It explains w hy our flyers were shot down. Perhaps the A llies m ay sign P eace T reaties w ithout R ussio. W ith our supply o f atom ic bom bs —and I assum e we are shipping som e to E ngland — and with the possibilities o f b a cteriological and ch em ical w arfa re to kill both people and crop s— W orld W a r III m ay be started b y E ngland rath er than by R ussia although we would p robably get involved in it. I f E ngland should strike first, this could be v ery bullish on the m arket. Labor O utlook Som e persons are selling stocks on accou n t o f fu rth er strike threats. These do not w orry me m arket w ise W hen production catches up with consum ption the cost-of-livin g will again decline and labor's main arguem ent will have been k n ocked in the head. F urtherm ore, as the - 30 Clubs” dissolve and veterans and their w ives again enter the labor m a rk et a surplus m ay take the place o f the present shortage This will be another thing to keep labor leaders sensible. T H E T IR E D “ E " . . . T he letter Z said to letter E "W hat m akes you out o f breath *" Said the letter E to the letter Z “T h ev w ork me m ost to death— "I wish to hell they'd learn to spell M ore w ords w ithout an E I'd give a lot—yes. all I've got— T o rest like you do. Z ." The usual fortun e o f com plaint is to excite con tem pt m ore than pity. — Dr. Johnson Aloha Grade Legion and Auxilliary Joint School Opens; Installation; Building Plans Capacity Hit Mnnv Building Projects Art* Under \\ av In County Council Grants Telephone Franchise With Conditions At the regular monthly meeting m ission at Salem, was read. In W V At a joint installation o f t h e . g a r; Chaplain. D orothy W right. o f the City C ouncil of B eaverton this letter Mr. Flag was told Plans are all made and the A m erican L egion and the Legion 1 Great strides in con stru ction are held T hursday evening, September what had taken place at the last A uxiliary held W ednesday eve- i ball started m oving on the big ! being made by the various build 5, at 8 p m. at the City Hall, the regular m eeting and how the B ea ning in the B eaverton Grade " K i c k - O f f for the new Legion The Aloha-Huber sch ool in tra School auditorium at 8 o 'c lo c k the . Bldg., w h ich will he erected on ing projects taking place in W ash su bject o f the granting o f the verton people felt about the kind telephone franchise was brought o f service they were getting from ditional style started the day a f follow in g o ffice rs were Installed their lot adjoining the Kingsley ington County at this time. the present telephone arrangm ent. Largest o f these is the 25 m il up for discussion. ter Labor Day, Sept. 3. Beaverton Lum ber Co. for the com ing year. At the regular meeting held on lion dollar C om m onw ealth Inc. Mr. Bruce McMahon, president The opening day attendance o f 1 Past Com m ander, Carl R asm us The building, when com pleted project at Cedar Hills, while the August 5, the granting o f the ten o f the Junior Cham ber o f C om 225 pupils fills the sch ool to c a will be available for use by all sen year franchise to the W est Coast m erce, was then qalled on to give pacity and it is expected enroll veteran organizations, in B eaver Kaiser developm ent is second in T elephone C om m ander— K eith Denney Com pany had been the report o f what the Junior size with a 10 million dollar pro m ent will increase a good deal, ! 1st V ice C om m an der—W allace ton and vicinity, there being no "ta b led " for a month in order to C ham ber had found out. He gave ject located south o f the Bertha- yet, especially when the harvest m eeting place available for them Ehrlet B eaverton highw ay and east of give the B eaverton Junior Cham several letters to Mr. D oty to be season is over. This m ay present 2nd V ice Com m ander — Fred now. ber o f C om m erce tim e to look read and the report o f the ques- Beaverton. a problem in seating capacity. Also plans are under w ay to Scheller Into the m atter to find out what tionalrre. Other extensive projects are: The first day enrollm ent was make possible recreational pro A dju tant— R ay Gunther would be the best solution to the Cedar Mill Park 105 acre tract distributed: First grade 31; Second T he results o f the question&irre and advantages for the Finance O ffic e r —M. H. M et gram s problem . on Murray road at Ju nction of 36; Third 29; Fourth 29; Fifth 22; were read which showed clearly citizens o f Beaverton, especially calfe At the m eeting last night a let Sunset highway, Including small Sixth 35; Seventh 22; and Eighth that the people o f Beaverton and H istorian -W . L. C ady; Service the young people. ter, written by Mr. Doty, to Mr. 18. So everyon e get behind this shopping area and recreation fa Flag, o f he P ublic Utilities Com- vicinity were not satisfied with o fficer, Paul D oyle; Chaplain, F. Due to the resignation o f Mr. T. Sturtevant. their present phone service, and m ovem ent and be ready to help cilities, $4,000,000. One Hundred F ifty-acre tra ct— and Mrs. Ira Scott, the week be w anted im provem ents made. T he H ollyw ood R itual Team , when you are asked. fore school started there has been Post No. 105, installed the new o f A letter from F. D. T elw right, The L egion building should Lying south o f W alker road and o a change in the teaching staff, ficers and Fritz Neison, State A d mean m uch to Beaverton and the nule west o f Cedar H ills boule vice president and m anager o f the vard, $4,000,000. which now is as follow s: P ortland P a cific Telephone and jutant, D epartm ent o f Oregon, boys w ill need the help and sup B roadm oor L ocated on Bertha- Spare stam p 51 In fam ily ra Telegraph sent to the B eaverton Superintendents, Mr. V. H. Bul- acted as Master o f C erem onies for port o f all civ ic minded persons. Beaverton highw ay near g o lf club tion books is valid through D ec unior Cham ber o f Com m erce was lia. the evening. road, 60 acres with 180 hom es plus em ber 31, *946, the O PA has an read. In this Mr. T elw right stated First Grade, Mrs. Irene Layton. T he R itual team o f the Federal Dinner Guests Second Grade, Mrs. M arjorie A uxiliary o f Portland, installed the and spare stam p 49, that w ork was being done now Mr. and Mrs. G. M Poppert. rental units and small shopping nounced, area, $2,500,000. Browder. which was originally set to ex on the "E xtended Service” which follow in g o ffice rs in the le g io n W est Portland. Mi and Mrs. E. Brentw ood Located on B rent pire on August 31, will be good would enable telephone users In First and Second Grade over A uxiliary: F. P oppert, Portland. Mr. and wood avenue near G olf Club road through Septem ber 30. The e x the Beaverton and flow, Mrs. M arjorie Nelson. surrounding Mrs. V. M. Gerrard, B eaverton Past P resident— Isabelle B utch Third Grade, Mrs. M ary G or er; President Ethel D oyle: V ice were eight o ’clock dinner guests on the old Multnomah g o lf course, tension o f tim e was allow ed so arease to get and exch ange ser 70 homes, $1,500,000. don. housew ives in certain local short vice with P acific Tel and Tel to President. Florilla E hlert; 2nd at the hom e o f Mr. and Mrs. Clar W estfir — L ocated on Canyon age areas could cash in on their P ortland on paym ent o f a flat Fourth Grade, Mrs. Sabina V ice Pres — M ary G unther; Sec. - ence P oppert F riday evening. The W hitehead. Opal E isenhauer; T reasurer Olive evening w as spent in playing P in court Just north o f Gable school, stam ps, accord in g to O PA . "M al sum which would not be exhorbi- 60 homes, $550,000. distribution. largely caused by the tatn. He further stated that as F ifth Grade, Mrs. G ladys Mills. R am sdale; Sgt. at A rm s— M ay och le w ith Mrs. G. M Poppert Sixth Grade, Miss E ugen ia Did- R egh itto; H istorian — M ary Un- taking high prize. Hill T op— L ocated Just north o f d ifficu lty o f getting boxcars to soon as the n ecessary equipm ent eon. Nendel's on W alker road, 43 homes, ship sugar from producing areas was available that this service $600 000. to d eficit consum ing areas, has would be offered. Seventh Grade. Mrs. Stella B os well. W estw ood Located on W alker had the e ffe ct o f m aking it Im A letter from G. E. K riger, Eighth Grade, M iss Maxine road just north o f N endel’s 20 possible for housewives in cer the Assistant G eneral M anager o f homes, $300,000. tain sections o f the cou ntry to Balch. the W est Coast T elephone C om Band and orchestra, Mr. F. E. Crystal Springs — L ocated adja cash their stam ps for sugar.” pany at Everett, W ash., to the Bushnell. cent to Hill T op and W estw ood, 20 Beaverton Junior C ham ber of homes, $200,000. Mr. Bullis, the superintendent. I C om m erce was read. In this Mr. form erly taught physical educa F orty hom es—Just south o f B er K riger stated that the com pan y tion and seventh grade in Bea was w orking now with P a cific T he new structure being erected tha-Beaverton highw ay and west There Is a resaw and planing of Nendel's $800.000. verton. He was in the service 3 Tel and Tel on gettin g the " E x on the B ertha-Beaverton highw ay and a h a lf years but returned to mill being built on Cedar Street ju st east o f the city lim its o f M acMillan T racts South o f B er tended Service" betw een Portland B eaverton last January to finish just north o f B eaverton. T he su B eaverton is to be a gas and oil tha-Beaverton highw ay and east All adults, whether they have and B eaverton and as soon as out the school year. per structure o f the building is storage dep ot for the United P e o f Beaverton, 35 homes, $350,000. children o f school age or not possible that this service would A prom ising year fo r the A loha- should m ake a visit to a grade be made available. H e spoke about troleum Corp. H uber school is well launched on a product o f T im ber Structures. sch ool once in a while. A wave the extra equipm ent that was to T he structure now being put up I t. Col. Johnson Dinner T hat m uch in form ation can be its way. o f nostalgia assails you as you be put Into the building addition is the loading platform for tank Gliesl til tin* Harrell gleaned from a visit to the spot. trucks. drive up to the building. that was being erected in Bea The w eeping little black dog on verton and pledged his com pany But try to find out ajiy m ore. The United Petroleum Corp. has Ranilall Home the door step, who ca n ’t under to give “ the best possible service No one in the C om m onw ealth been op eratin g through ou t Ore Lt. Col. Chester L. Johnson, of stand this first separation from the Industry can render.” but is just Mr. and Mrs. John M eeke and Hom es, Inc. seem very sure o f gon fo r som e tim e Pendleton was a dinner guest at A letter, dated Sept. 5, from son, Jack, returned L abor D ay who is doin g it or o f what Is be com in g in to this area. T h ey al the B arrett R andall hom e Tues his idol and the rebu ff o f the first door not opened to his sor the P ublic Utilities Com m ission to from a three w eek ’s trip to N ew ing done though their organ iza ready have operations in Astoria, day evening. A dditional guests Y ork City on business and pleas tion is con nected with It in som e R oseburg, G rants Pass and M ed were Dr. and Mrs. H erbert E. Ma row ful whines, will take you back the B eaverton C ham ber o f Corr^- to your own experiences that h ap m erce was read. In this Mr. H a ford. ure. W h ile there they were at manner. son and Dr. David C. Mason pened quite a while ago. T he men at the sight referred ley stated that the com m ission the H otel Nerw Y ork er, where W e suggest you go the firet would see that Beaverton wopld Mr. Meek’e attended the Interna us to Mr. H ick ey at the C om ----------- p i in u ilC IB m onw ealth o ffic e on C edar St. days o f school. ’’ ’ heq the jialnt Is get tha Extended telephov-e ser tional Insurances E xecu tives A u war, who were jam m ed into stl all new, the smell o f varnish Is vice as soon as the present equip to and Fire Insurance annual Mr H ick ey was not in but when Mr. and Mrs. R a y Cavens and ing holds o f the Oryoku Maru, in the air and the grass has ment shortage would permit. convention. Mr. Meeke was the he was later con tacted by phone children, T ravis and Mhrylee Manila Dec. 13, 1942, until j he said he did not know m uch covered the bare patches In the Mr. M cM ahon then spoke for O regon representative. spent the w eek o f A ugust 1» driv vivors o f the ordeal were lani yard. the unior hCam ber m aking the T hey visited friends in Reading, about it and referred us t,o Mr. ing on the O regon coast highw ay in Japan January 29 after be Hugh R aw son at Equitable Mr. The children are a m ixture o f recom m endation that a yearly per Penn. Then they w ent to W ash and oth er places o f interest in tw ice bombed during the voy* the untamed result o f three mit be given to the W est Coast ington, D. C. One afternoon was R aw son was not in and we were Oregon. Col. Johnson was liberated referred to Mr. Cake o f that o r m onths o f freedom and the so Telephone C om pany with the same spent at the G ettysburg battle Since their return they have K orea by the U. S. 7th Divts ganization. bering thought that "sch ool has financial advantages to the Bea field. T hey spent one Saturday Mr. Cake said he knew nothing had Mr. and Mrs. N ick Snider on D ecem ber 29, 1945. verton C ity C ouncil that had been begun.’’ and Sunday at A tlan tic City. He is now on leave but i about it and referred us hack to and son, Daniel as guests at their On their w ay hom e they visited As you stand in the sch ool hall, offered to them on the franchise, home. Mr. Snider is the brother shortly go to Cam bridge Unit Mr. R aw son. friends in Denver, Col., and B uf- the activity goin g on In the var or that a ten year franchise be will attend W e started over again with Mr. o f Mrs. Cavens, Mrs. Snider is the sity where he fola, W yom ing. Then they went ious room i seem s too m uch to granted with a clause that cer sister o f Mr. Cavens, so they school o f political science. He \ H ick ey w h o said he on ly kn ew back to B illings Montana, where be held in by mere d oors and tain specifications must be met really did have ‘‘relatives’’ visit then be assigned to W est Pc they were building a resaw plant within a year or the franchise their daughter, Jill, had stopped walls. and planing mill and referred us ing them. The Sniders left Friday, M ilitary A cadem y as a milit. would autom atically dissolve. I f at her grandparents. Dr. and The oceans o f voices that is instructor in the departm ent to Mr. M orrison o f E astern W es A ugust 30. In the opinion o f the Beaverton Mrs. John Meeke, on their way tern. school, voices o f all ages, talk Council, and the pur* -* the end econom ics, governm ent and 1 east. tory. ing on all su bjects hit your ears. Mr. M orrison w as out o f tow n o f a year these conditions had F rom there they brought Jill and no one else there knew any First Heuvertoii Forum These voices are occasion ally brot He wears the silver star w not been m et but that the co m and Mrs. K atherine Thain, Mrs. thing about It. Draws llrqurst For Similar one oak leaf cluster, the bro to a lull by a teach er’s "Sh-sh.” pany had been held back thru M eeks’s sister. She will spend a As you listen you m ay hear a causes beyond "tar with cluster, the pur W hat Is th is? T he run arou n d ? !VI«***lin«v In Two Weeks their con trol It few weeks with them before g o Or d on ’t teach er’s voice say, "D o n ’t say was suggested that they be given heart with cluster, and the pi they know what they ing on to C alifornia. unit citation for how m any are not through, I a three month extension are d o in g ? O r Isn't the cou ntry Tuesday evening Septem ber 3, a idential until T hey drove 7500 miles and were side supposed to know what Is very few people m et together at w ork when attached to the asked H ow m any are through." such a tim e as these conditions gone three weeks and 2 days. The happening In It? O ther signs o f the beginning o f had been met or the com pany the M ethodist Church in Beaver battalion, 24th field artillery w eather was cool all the way, also school may hit you r ear. Such as proved them selves incapable o f ton to listen to Mr. R . C. Blackler, the Filipino Scouts. a good deal o f rain. "Joh n n y read to page eight m eeting them, which would bring princpal o f the A rleta Public E very one told them there was Costello Cruz and Manager ! School in Portland, present the Mr F. E. Bushneli has recov pleftse.” The flow ers on the teach about the cancellation o f the only a fifth o f the travel they Arp Dinner Guests Here | question, “ Shall we approve the ered from his recent illness and er's desk, or the crisp bow o f c o n tra ct had expected this summer, al ribbon in her hair. T he toothy B asic School Support Fund B ill?” is ready to teach again this fall A fter aome discussion on the though Denver, C olorado was Gus W ilson, m anager o f C os | and som e o f the reasons for such M r Bushnell is the band master grin if the little girl w h o is “ leav crow ded. tello Cruz w ho fights Joe Kahut, a bill being on the ballot. F ollow and orchestra leader in Sylvan ing the r^om” and encounters you relative m erits o f these tw o sug T hey drove from M issoula, M on tonight .Friday, along with Cruz, ing his presentation, Mr. George School, B eaverton and A loha-H u a stranger, standing in the hall, gestions It was moved and sec tana, on L abor D ay to their home his w ife and a trainer were en | S. B row n from P ortland led the ber Schools. It is to him that we the bottle o f flo o r finish still onded that the B eaverton City A t on South W h eeler Ave., the last tertained by Mr. and Mrs. Mitz ' discussion o f the bill and o f the ow e our very good sch ool bands standing on the table In the hall torney, Mr. Paul Patterson, be or day o f their trip, over 600 miles. A lexander fo r dinner L abor Day present status of educational fa- T he dered to revise the proposed ten W e are glad he is able to be left by a hurried jan itor. D ean’s hom e in | cilities in Oregon. They hade a grand tim e and at Mrs. M ary back this year #/lth us questions floating over the tran year franchise In the light o f the enjoyed them selves, but will have Beaverton. som. "N ow who w as it w h o helped year o f grace to accom plish cer Those w ho attended the m eet tain specified benefits, for the to have a fe w days to rest up. Gus W ilson m ay be rem em bered ing felt that they had learned a Hom e From H ospital C olu m bu s?" by m any sports fans as the man great deal and are prepared to A trip to a sch ool is worth tak bettering o f telephone service to A fter a long stretch in arm y this vicinity. I f this Is not a c who brou ght C arpentier to this vote m uch more Intelligently on hospitals E lm er W alters has been ing. j com plished in the tim e alloted the cou ntry to fig h t Jack Dem psey, the measure. j Because they felt discharged- from the M cCorm ack com pan y would be called on to and in later years m anaged Dem p that others in the com m u n ity General H ospital at Pasadena, Cal. Guests At Osfleld H om e show cause w hy the fran ch ise sey in his com e b ack and m em are interested in this question, j Guests at the hom e o f Mr. and He and his fam ily spent last orable lon g count fight with Gene they asked that another forum be week at O tter R o ck on the coast. Mrs. Jack O sfleld last Sunday should not he cancelled. ! The Council thanked the Jun Miss A lice Clement, head o f the Tunney. called on the same question in tw o T hey also went to the State Fair for a dinner party In their hack ior C ham ber o f C om m erce for Mr. W ilson entertained Mr. and weeks. music departm ent o f Linfield Col on Labor Day. yard were: Dr. and Mrs. R obert their help In handling the tele Mrs. A lexander on their trip this lege, w hose hom e is in B eaverton son, D en n y; Lynn He has been busy since then in V. Hill and has been g ivin g piano lessons year to C alifornia, which Included M E E T IN G O F CUB DEN NO. 3 stalling an oil furnace and electric Creason, ex-Lieuten&nt In the P a r phone situation and stated that they had long felt a need fo r as an evening at th* D em psey hom e both in M cM innville and Beaver atroopers and his son from P enn sistance from the B eaverton peo Den No. 3. o f P ack No. 517, had water heater. In L os Angeles and three days their first fall m eetin g Thurs ton. this sum m er. sylvania; ex-Lieutenant and Mrs. ple in their m any problem s. Tuesday evening, Septem ber 10, at tha Saper ranch training cam p. day, Septem ber 5th, at 3:30 p m . Spend W eek A*t fe a s t Ivan Hatfield, o f S eattle; Mrs. R. The acquaintance between Mr. with five m em bers present. at 8 o 'c lo c k in the C ongregational Do the people o f B eaverton and L. Collins, o f E ugene; Mrs. H. L. | W ilson and Mr. A lexander started Church Miss Clem ent will present Darryl I^arsen was elected Den- Weat Slope feel that they are eo H atfield, from K oaebu rg; Mrs. P. In public recital these students, 19 years ago in Jack D em psey's ner Jay Hauger, A ssistant Den- well Inform ed on the legialative Michaels, o f P ortlan d ; Mr. and training cam p in C alifornia. ner; and R obley M organ, K eeper m atters com in g before them this Mrs. W illiam K n ight and twin | who have been studying with her In all o f C ostello C ruz's fights o f the Buckskin. in B eaverton; B everly Beamehn fall that they d o not need to daughters and son, o f Portland. in P ortland Mltz A lexander has D olores Carlson. Paul Choban. meet together to dtscuaa them , was Church school and m orning | Return* Hom e Gale Enger, Caryl Jean Short, acted as his ch ie f second. lt that the day follow in g I-at>or v i s i t i n g R e la t iv e * worship services In the Bethel Miss Ava Lu< hslnger returned Day Is too busy a day te take In Mary Sm urthw aite and Bernard Mr. and Mrs. C ecil Barnes, o f ongregational C hurch will resum e j to her hom e in A lexandria, Min- a meeting, or are we not Inter Cnllfornka. form er reeldents o f C regular Y oung, o f B eaverton; B arbara , Mr(]arney Family Return hours this Sunday, Sept. ! nesota. on W ednesday, after Harris and Carolyn Hodapp, o f From Calif. Motor Trip ested ? Beaverton, are in tow n on a abort *, d o s in g a sum m er program o f e e e Portland. 1 spending five weeka with Mrs. vacation visiting his brothers and special service«. C ertificatea o f M erit for forty Mrs. Barnes' father and mother. Mr. and Mrs R F M eCaraey. I Elsie Underwood. Misa Luchsinger I e » » f For Corvallis The church sch ool will begin at Mr. and Mrs. Bill Braun left Mr. and Mrs. Pete Stock. weeks o f con tin u ou s satsifactory o f Aloha, and Mrs. M cC arney's | teaches a group o f sub-norm al 1 9 45 a m. with the opening p ro j children and is the head o f that e • e this week for C orvallis where he study during the school year will brother and sist^ -in -la w . Mr and gram in a series o f recording« o f be aw arded by the O regon Music Mrs. Maxson. o f Portland, have departm ent In the A lexan dria city will continue his college educa V is it o r * the novel religious radio program , T eachers’ A ssociation to five o f just returned from a m otor trip schools. Mrs. U nderw ood taught tion. His brother, Bob Braun, will Dr. and Mrs. John D. Butler, o f “ All A board fo r A dventure.” T he in A lexandria before she was m ar stay with the couple and attend the students: first year awards g o to southern C alifornia. Princeton, B. C. spent July at stories are vivid dram atizations ried. high school. . ing to B everly Besm ehn, Barbara T hey visited friends and rel the P ike and Oeterm eyer homes o f true adventures written by ex • • e • • e : H arris and Caryl Jean Short and atives in T>ne Angeles. Santa M on It has been 13 years since they pert script writers and acted by A ftern oon Party A t S tree»* Hom o V acation In Canada second year aw ards to Gale E n ica and San B e m a rd lro . as well professionals. T he dram as have were In Portland. Mrs. Hans Stroeve entertained Mr and Mrs. W H Kent and ger and Carolyn H odapp as in San Francisco. proved Interesting to listeners o f • e e T hey made a very hurried drive a group o f the neigh borin g F arhv son. Bill, arrived hom e last week I'M tur On i oration all ages. Funeral Services down starting at 4 00 p m T hu rs j ington R oad ladies at an a fter from a m otor trip and vacation At 11 a.m. the regular m orn in g W hile on vacation In the south noon party last week, honoring spent In Canada. T hey spent a Mrs, Leona P oirier, o f B eaver day. A ugust 21 and arrived In San ern part o{. the state, Rev. E ver w orship will be held with R ev. F. Mrs. Pearl E aston's birthday. very enjoyable tim e with relatives ton. died A ugust 1» Funeral ser B ernardino at 1 30 a m . Friday. T. Sturtevant in the pulpit. • • • T hey were surprised that certain ett L. Bowers, pastor o f the Meth C om ing home they drove m uch vices w ere held at F inley's Chapel. odist Church, spoke at the M edford food shortages are g r a t e r than In Portland. Thursday. August 22 m ore leisurely com in g up the Show Chicken* At Fair All ,State Bean Picker* Mrs E J Dugan, o f Rte. 3 In the United States. T here Is Friends Church during the m orn Interm ent was In R ivervtew ce m coast route through the C alifornia Mrs. Neva R aym ond, o f R te. 2, ing service. N ext w eek the p u - scarcely any butter and m arm a Beaverton, showed six pens of R edw oods and on up the O re etery. B eaverton and Mrs. Mabel H orn - tor is to fill tw o speaking en lade. jelly, etc., are Included In ch icken s at the M ultnom ah C oun • • • gon Coast H ighw ay T hey arrivad gagem ents along the Klam ath R i ecker, Rte. 3, H illsboro, cam e In ty Fair and received ribbons and the sugar ration. hom e on Sunday, Sept 1st. Return F rom Lee A ngeles ver In N orthern C alifornia where "n eck and n eck " after a 10-hour cash for all o f them. • e • Mr and Mrs. Daniel Nauman I • • • he worked In m issionary activities race bean picking at the Bd C ar- Dtacharred Dinner Goeeta o f R o u te 1. on the Old Scholls for over three years prior to com others bean farm . Entertains PFC Blyane P arker R te 1. Box Mr. and Mrs. Mel W right and County Road, h ave retu m td from Each lady ptfked 540*4 pounds ing to Beaverton. 239. B eaverton and CpI Don W a Miss Carolyn Naah. o f ftcholls a tw o w eeks’ trip to Los Angeles daughter. Janet, o f Aloha, were o f the stringless Blue L ake pole Mr. and Mrs. R ow ers with their R oad, had aa her house ters Bo* 393, B eaverton were dis T hey spent som e tim e with Mrs dinner guests last week o f Mr F erry three children expect to return beans, and in ten hours. "S om s charged from the arm y at Fort guest recently Mlse B ernice P eter and Mr*. R obert E Long R t 3. N aum an’s daughter. Mrs. Darrell pickin’ ” . Septem ber 19th. Lew is Septem ber 2. son. o f Portland. Reavert ou. Layne. In San F rancisco. OPA Sugar News ReSaw and Planing | New Petroleum Mill Being Ereeied Plant Under Way On Cedar Street On Bert ha-B lliway Re-Live Thrills O f 1st Day of School M eeke's Return W eek At Const Piano Recital T o Be Given Sept. 10 W orship Services Resume Schedule I