Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1946)
f VOLUME 19. NUMBER 31 ESTABLISHED 1927 Bahson Discusses Next Ten Years ♦ #7,000 Awards At Stale Fair For 4-H BEAVERTON Personals Exeoutn v Meeting Of New (Jinreh Group Is Helii i . r w . . WOUNDED VETERANS Pageant To Be Given At Fair Awards valued at approximat Farewell Party Babson Park, Mass., August 30. Sons and daughters and grand The usual Business Forecasts are ely $7,000 have been arranged for Complimenting Miss Patricia children of Indian men and wo as follows: Two or three years of the first full-scale 4-H club par Campbell, who will leave in a men prominent in early Oregon The first meeting of the exec good business, carrying us to a- ticipation in the Oregon state fair few days for New York, there to history will be found in the cast at Salem since 1911, announces utive committee of the newly oV- bout 1950, after which there will embark for Germany, Misses of ''Hiawatha,'’ pageant to be pre be a severe slump. Under this the H. C. Seymour, state 4-H club Bernice Conoly and Amarette ganized Bethel Womens Fellow sented as a feature of the Wash ory we could have a good stock leader at Oregon State college. The Barnes entertained a small group ship, of the Bethel Congregation ington County Fair, August 29, 30 market for twelve more mon$ts; fair will be held from September of girls Tuesday afternoon. Don al Church of Beaverton, was held and 31, in Hillsboro. na Phelps and Elaine Hansen as Thursday, August 22 from 7:30 to but the stock market usually 2 to 8. Usuy of these Indian actors are Although a few exhibits and 9 30 p.m. in the Pilgrim room of sisted with the affair. The girls turns downward before business prominent in the tribal councils making a the church. turns. Such a forecast is on the even fewer streamlined demonstra spent the afternoon today on Warm Springs Reser Mrs. Paul Knepp, president, assumption that the Democrats tions were held for a couple of memory book of their summer’s vation and a number of them will squeak through in 1948. If, years at the fairgrounds and one fun. called the meeting to order, wel were heard in a recent^ broadcast comed the new officers and chair however, 1948 should give a Re year in Portland, this will be the • • • by a Portland Radl6 Station dur __ publican victory this should leng first time in five years .hat the Vacationing men, and explained the place of ing the annual huckleberry festi then the period of prosperity, full 4-H department at the fair will Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Buffam left the group in the church. Plans val at Hee Hee Mill on the res be back at its colorful prewar Tuesday for a week’s vacation. were laid to hold executive com employment and high wages. ervation. Perhaps Forecasters Are Wrong tempo. Premium lists for the 4-H They plan to spend a few days mittee meetings on the last Mon The pageant, written and pre The above, however, does not rec contest and exhibits will be avail with Rev. and Mrs. W illard Hall day of each month; and general sented by Mrs. Naomi Wagner, meetings on the first Wednesday ognize that the whole world is in able shortly at all county exten and family in The Dalles. • • • who lives at the Indian Agency, of each month, from 12:30 to 2:30 the throes of a people’s revolu sion offices. Demonstration and judging con le a v in g For Germany presents the life of Hiawatha, and the third Tuesday of each tion. It assumes that the old mar chief character in the beautiful In honor of Mrs. William Camp month from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. All ket rules are still reliable. This tests have been scheduled in live poem of Indian lore written by are leav women o f the church are wel may be, or may not be true. Per stock, poultry, crops, rabbit, cloth bell and children, who Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Nu haps, Peace Conferences may up ing, cooking, homemakin g, and ing soon for Germany to join Lt. comed to attend these meetings. merous of the beautiful scenes The first general meeting is set business and stock market canning, Seymour says. In addi Col. Campbell, a farewell party V’seraiu .HmtniMrMon IhoM of the poem make up the pageant traditions as well as political and tion, special demonstrations will was given in the Bethel Congrega planned for Tuesday, September and those attending will see an Tuesday evening. 17, at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. I * P. Put Members of the Sault Ste. M arie, P a., high school glee club her« military. Perhaps the world is en include those in dairy foods spon tional church authentic presentation of life in tering a new era such as occurs sored by the K ra ft ceimsany, bak Mrs. Milton Metcalfe and Mrs. nam, program chairman, is mak entertain patients at the Veterans Administration's Mount A lto ing demonstration si>3nsored by Harry Barnes were hostesses. the primitive Indian villages of ing arrangements for this first only once in 150 years. Hospital in Washington, D. C., during a recent eastern tour. Sears-Roebuck, canning demon • • • the time when the white man meeting, as well as laying plans The fights now going on in Par stration sponsored by the Spreck- came to America. for the general program for the is, supplemented by fears o f an les company, dollar dinner contest Bridal Shower Mrs. E. A. Dickason. the for year, which will be presented in a | In the wedding scene, when old “ atomic-biologic - supersonic-gas- sponsored by Safeway stores, and Nakomis calls the tribe for the eous-hemispheric-Artio and Sub- the style dress revue sponsored by mer Helen Randall, was guest of year book. honor at a bridal shower given feast at the union of Minnehaha Artic war", may bring about a the American Viscose company and Hiawatha, an actual Indian people's World Government with and the Oregon Banker’s associa by the ladies of the Bethel Con gregational church at the church the elimination of present tremen tion. It was with deep regret that wedding will be performed in the last Friday. dous military expenditures and we learned of the death of Mr same manner as practiced on the About 750 boys and girls are Mr. and Mrs. Dickason left early with the exchange unnecessary national barriers. I f expected to participate in the dem How-aid E. Weed, of the Weed reservation, of gifts between families of the so. the resulting stimulation in onstration and judging contests this week for Corvallis, where Iris Gardens. Mr. Weed passed they will make their home. Mr. Sylvan school will not open un ign trade, reduction in tax- alone, Seymour estimates. away in his sleep early Monday bride and groom. Live As hundreds of new homes are morning. Three or four tribes are rep n, increased production, lower stock exhibits will be in the barns Dickason will attend Oregon State til Sept. 16 because the two tem resented in the cast, including the porary class rooms being con being built in the Tualatin Val •»«.."id prices and better living and the other exhibits in the new College. • « • Funeral services were held on structed in the basement are not ley and new families move in, the Wednesday at 2 p.m. at Riverview Warm Springs, Wascos and Pai- standards for everyone could give 4-H club building, which has been school accomodations become in utes. The Warm Springs tribe, us ten or twenty years of great converted for the youngsters from Leave For California yet finished. cemetery chapel. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Crooks left mostly from the north o f the res prosperity. The teaching staff for this year creasingly inadequate. So that now the old poultry building. The new Sunday for Berkeley, California, Mr. Weed was born May 7, 1870, ervation came originally from Ten- all of our schools find themselves Big Boom Or Chaos building will provide more room after spending the summer with includes: in Lansing, Michigan, attended ino, Celilo i%d Tygh Valley. The physically unable to handle the Mr. A. Baldwin, principal It is certain that there will be for demonstrations and exhibits. public schools there and in 1889 Wascos came from The Dalles, numbers of pupils which have to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sutherland. Mr. Ralph Nelson no half-way program. The old ten The 4-H dollar dinner contest Mr. Crooks is a brother of Mrs. was graduated from Michigan Hood River and Cascades. attend them. The Mrs. Neta Lawrence and twenty-year Cycle Theory can will be held August 15, 16 at the Oregon Each district has tried to build State college. He took post grad Paiutes roamed Central Mrs. Larcel Abenarth be discarded. The business out homes of the contestants accord Sutherland. • • • additions to their present schools uate work in Cornell university, and were fierce and war like, at Mrs. Emma Wargi look depends upon the Big Four ing to Miss Faye Nichols, Home Week End Guest to alleviate these very poor con and in 1890 received htB M. S. de tacking both the whites and In Miss Ella Lydell in Paris, and not upon Wall St. Demonstration Agent. Miss Beverly Sappington, of A l ditions which exist. However, gree. From 1890 to 1897 he was dians. Later this tribe made peace Miss Furney or Congress or Labor Leaders. The dollar dinner contest is len Avenue, spent last week with of entomology at with the other two tribes and shortages of material, labor, and a professor Enrollment which was 125 last Secretary Wallace talks about planned for girls in third-year Mississippi State College, and joined them on the reservation. relatives in Portland. unwillingness of CPA to grant year is expected to increase to 150 “ Boons A N D Bust”. I say that we cookery only. She is allowed three » • • permission for additions are caus from 1900 to 1910 was a land this fall. Among the dances to be pre are facing either “ Boom OB Bust.” hours in which to prepare, serve Sunday Visitors ing some serious conditions this scape architect in Chicago. sented as a part of the pageant Secretary Wallace's advisors are and clear away a dinner for four In 1910 he moved to Beaverton, Rev. and Mrs. W illard Hall and fall. will be the W ar Dance; Round making a big mistake. guests Each contestant is limited and there established a large or daughters, Charlotte, Beverly and This spring, the Sylvan school namental nursery. Since 1930 he Dance, the Victory dance if the I f so, now is a time—during this to $1.50 for food supplies. Cathryn. visited with friends here tribe was victorious in their war applied to CPA for permission to 4-H members entering the con “ international scare” of 1946—to Sunday and Monday. The Halls Dolph G. Stuart, County Ser add four additional class rooms, had specialized in growing iris like undertakings and participated test are: Helen Hansen. Route 4, buy securities as it was smart to under the firm name of the N a proceeded to Vancouver for a in by both the men and women. turned down. Their buy stocks during the depression Sherwood; Patsy Hiller, Route 4, short visit with relatives before vice Officer, will be in Beaverr but were ton, September S, to assist ex-ser school was built before the war tional Iris gardens. The Owl Dance is a flirtatious scare “of the 1930’s” ; and again Sherwood; Phyllis Linendall. Rte. returning to their hqme in The The Weed irises have become vicemen in filling out blanks for to handle 75 children. Last year dance from which the maidens during the “ real estate collapse” 4, Sherwood; Grace conudl, Rte. Dalles. known Dot oaly all over the Uni their terminal leave pay. the enrollment was 125 and they ted State but in other parts of choose their future husbands. of a few years ago. On the other 1, Hillsboro; Barbara Meier, Rte. • • + Beaverton headquarters will be expect It will increase to 150 this Hillsboro; Nancy Heinrich, Visiting The Canoe Dance relates to the hand, unless the Big Four get 1, the world as well. taken up in Rasmussen’s Gar fall. Reedville; and Muriel Granum, fishing expeditions o f the tribe together to give the people a Mr. Weed is survived by his Miss Alice Clement spent last age and an attendant will be Present accomodations are very wife, Edna C. Weed, Beaverton; in which twelve maidens with ca World Government and eliminate Reedville. week with friends in Rhododen there until 9 p.m. in the evening. noe paddles disclose in their dunce inadequate. As a temporary so militarism, we are headed for dron. John J. Bleizefber, quarter mas lution Sylvan is “ fixing up” two sons, Wilbur W. Weed, Eugene, how the salmon, one of the chief • • • World W ar in. ter of Beaverton V. F. W. Post, rooms in the basement to serve and Thurlow M. Weed, Beaverton; foods, will be killed as they corQe Returns From California This could come within five or will be on hand to help in filling as class rooms. These have pool- daughter, Edith V. Weed, Detroit, up the river. Michigan; brother, Clarence M. ten years and would surely result Mrs. George Thyng, who has out terminal leave pay forms. ventilation and heating and are Twenty Tepees in a special camp in wiping out the big cities of been visiting her sister, Mrs. Til- Blanks will be available at Ras not desirable places for children Lowell, Mass., and sisters, Mrs. will house the 60 members of the Charles E. Neff, Bryan, O., and A map showing the location of lie Kelley, of Los Angeles, Cal., mussen’s Garage. the world. Boston, New York, Bal to spend their day. They will al Mrs. Joseph E. Coulter, Grand pageant cast in an Indian village timore, Philadelphia, Washington, over 300 mineral deposits in the arrived home last Thursday eve I f unable to be there in per so again use the principal's of Rapids, Mich. at the Fair Grounds. Pittsburg, Buffalo, Cleveland, De state of Oregon has just been ning. Mrs. Kelley came with her The pageant will be presented troit, Chicago, San Francisco and published by the State Department and will stay until after the wed son you may write for details to fice as they did last year as a the County Service Officer, Amer class room, which is much too each evening in the Ball Park Los Angeles could be smashed in of Mineral Industries. ding of Miss Rhoda Thyng. ican Legion Bldg., Hillsboro. small and poorly ventilated. under lights which are to be in Principal localities of 43 min the first twenty-four hours of the • • • Raleigh School, Dist. 95, started stalled for that purpose. erals are shown in red on a base war. Hence, I say we are headed Vacationing And Visiting construction on a 58’ x 75' con either for Great Prosperity or else map measuring 22 inches by 34 Mr. Peckham has been on a crete and brick addition last Mon inches . Brief explanatory notes vacation, going to Sioux City, Mo. Terrible Chaos. The Gabel Country Day School day, August 26. Inability to get What Shall U. S. Investors Do? describing 12 of the most impor Mrs. Peckham visited in Hills material delayed this construction. of West Slope, will open Sept. 9, tant ores are printed on the mar For once the people of our small boro the first of the week. McKay School District No. 18 In { with an enrollment of 125 pupils. • • • rural communities, especially in gin. is the eleventh year the the Whitford area ia adding two This A small index map showing gen The Fifth Annual Regional Con New Busses Coming the South and Central West, away school has been in its present new class rooms and enlarging the Congregational The Beaver Theater. formerly from large cities, are in an envi eralized locations of beach and The new busses for the Union ference of which was the former play space in the basement. They location, able position. They need now only stream gold placer deposits is al High School will arrive this week. Churches is being held on the Pa are the farthest along with their Multnomah Golf club, club house. the Ritz Theater, owned by Rob Mr. Shurman, who was driving cific University campus at Forest invest in a diversified list of well so given. Although Gabel’s is a private ert J. Mattecheck and Harold Gun- Copies o f the map may be ob one has had trouble with it and Grove with the last meeting on construction. selected industries which — like school it is fully accredited by ness is receiving a complete ren When the school opens Sept. 9, tained at the department’s office. August 30 (today). will be a week or more later than certain chain store companies — the State Board of Education and ovation. The program calls for an The program includes U. S. Sen two temporary class rooms will offers nursery school and kinder expenditure of $20.0400.00 to make have their assets distributed in 702 Woodlark Building. Portland, the others. be used. One will be in the base ator Wayne Morse, of Oregon, several hundred interior commun or at the field offices at Baker garten classes for children of 3, the Beaver Theater one of the • • • Miss Pattie Lee Coghill, New York ment which in largely underground 4 or 5 years, as well as classes outstanding theaters in the valley. ities. Then if World Peace comes, and Grants Pass. Price postpaid Scenic Trip Everything is being done to In they should greatly profit thereby; 10 cents. Mr. and Mrs. Shellenbei ger and just hack from India; Miss I^eiia and the other in the old school from the first through the eighth many years crease the comfort and pleasure while if Chaos comes they will daughter, Gladys, and two sons, Anderson, Secretary-elect to the building discarded grade. ago. These will be used until the To Open Sept. 3 have saved their lives. returned from an extended vaca Division of Christian Education, The groups are limited in size of patrons new machines, new The Barnes School, Disetrict No. Dakota; Dr. new ones are finished. Mr. Matte- and emphasis is placed up on the heating equipment. People of large cities should al 57, will start the school year on tion going to Yellowstone Park, formerly of South Your children’s health and well development Grand Coulee Dam and different Fred Richards, layman’s head in of the individual check and Mr. Ounness will have, so have their funds in such secur Tuesday, September 3. Oregon; Dr. Henry David Gray. being are vital. Poor heating, poor child, physically, scholastically and when it is completed, the very places bf interest ities as above outlined. These se • m m inadequate lighting emotionally. South Pasadena. Just returned ventilntion, latest designed marquee and plans • • • curities should be kept in atomic Janice Osfield had a guest from Car Found and over crowding are hazards to from England; and Mr. George There are fourteen teachers on are going forward immediately to bomb-proof safe deposit vaults or Troutdale visiting her recently. George Klein had his car stolen L. Thomas, Portland leader In which they should not be sub the faculty, each one trained for build an entirely new front. else in a vault of some safe rur Better pictures are assured in from where he works in Portland race relations; Miss Lois Hamer, jected. his or her particular field. al bank. Photostatic copies of wills one day last week. It was found Salem, and, possibly, Dr. Ken In addition to meeting all the the future it is announced. In or and important contracts should in Seaside last Saturday, driven neth Scott Latourette. of Yale | requirements of the state course der to obtain earlier releases on surely be deposited with some down by two sailors. University. of study the school offers classes the best pictures, the producer* safe country bank. I f Chaos comes, Among those attending from i in conversational Spanish science demand an Increase in admission • • • corporations having most of their Silver Anniversary Beaverton are Rev. and Mis. Geo. manual training, music and danc prices. assets In large cities will greatly Mrs. Alexander and sister, Mrs. Berriman. Mrs. Carnine and Rev. The new prices go into effect on suffer; but securities indicated ing. Jones, of Sacramento, attended a and Mrs. F. T. Sturtevant The Women's Council of the A new science room has just September 1. above should be fairly safe. silver wedding anniversary din Church of Christ went to Camas been completed at the school and Buy A "Little Home In The West” ner of Mr. and Mrs A. L. Aabling last Friday to the home of Mr. includes facilities for laboratory | IN VESTO RS L IV IN G IN } of Portland last Saturday even and Mrs. Virgil Myers, former res work. During the summer much | LA R G E CITIES, HOW EVER, | ing and a most enjoyable time idents of Beaverton. About thirty new equipment for indoor and SHOULD BUY SOM ETHING was had. women attended. out door play has been pur MORE TH A N STOCKS AND • • • After the pot luck dinner a mis chased for the classes conducted INI >S T H E Y S H O U L D NOW- Fly Home Another examination In the In company with their pastor. sionary report was given. At the by Mr. W. V. Osterhous, director BUILD A SM ALL HOUSE. W IT H Guy Carr and two daughters. Rev. Everett L. Bowers, the fol business meeting the question of of physical education. Portland city civil service accel LA N D SU F FIC IE N T FOR A K IT - j Shirley and Dorothy Lee, came Miss Priscilla E. Gabel, admin erated post-war testing program CHEN GARDEN. IN SOME lowing young people from the lo how to distribute missionary con home Saturday from Victoria by cal Methodist Youth SM ALL COM M U N ITY IN TH E Fellowship tributions to the different mission istrative head of the school, has will be held September 21. it was plane. Mrs. Carr is coming later. last week attended the Barvlew In addition to her college work, announced by the Board. The po C E N TR A L W E ST OR SOUTH| fields was discussed in which she majored In psychol sitions to be filled are those in the W H E RE R E IA T T V E S OR Institute near Rockaway. Those A committee was appointed to On Visit T o Father ogy, done graduate work in psy Radio Technician class. FRIEN D S NOW L IV E I BE in the group were Misses Carmel- Mrs. Floyd Carlson has gone to lita Napier, Noelie Burton, Loie plan a missionary budget for the chology and education at Smith The positions, on the journey L IE V E TN L IF E A N D F IR E IN coming year. San Diego to visit her father, Jean Sweet, Janet Sweet and Har College and Columbia University. man level, require skills used in SURANCE; BUT TH E MOST IM who is very ill. Mrs. Frederick A Kiefle, who is the Installation, operation, main P O R T A N T IN SU R AN C E T O D A Y ! old vonReadon, Bob Raasch and | • • • in charge o f the elementary school tenance, and repair o f both sta Mahlon Hunt. FOR C IT Y DWTELLERS IS TO ! Returns Home curriculum completed her under tionary and mobile police and fire LEARN A TRADE AND TO Swimming, boating, softball and Mrs. Belle Walker, who has been graduate and graduate work at radio and public address equip HAVE A SAFE REFUG E TO , visiting her son and family in other form* of recreation in the ] Columbia University and taught ment. Men. 21 years of age or ov W HICH T H E Y CAN RU N IF afternoon balanced the morning j San Francisco for some time, ar In New York City. er, who hold the Federal Commun W ORLD CONDITIONS G ET TOO 1 and evening hours which were j Because we are going to rived home Monday evening. Previous to the purchase of the ications Commission first class ra BAD. spent in group quests of the Bible [ close Monday. Kept. 2, to help site in the Tualatin Valley the dio telephone operaor’s license are and practical Christian living. you celebrate Labor Day we’ll Week End At Reach school was located In Portland. eligible to apply. There were over two hundred I he a day short nest week. Our Mr and Mrs. Robert Summers Gabel's school has long been rec T O P HONORS for Oregon in tht Candidates must be registered high school young people present paper will rome out on time ognized among educators for Its voters who have resided at least 1916 model car design competition and Mr and Mrs. Guy Alexander from the Portland and Salem dis hut we will he rushed. and grandson. Teddy, spent the high scholastic requirements. It is one year in Multnomah, Clacka o f the Fisher Body Craftsman's Guild week end at Seaside. tricts of the M Y.F. W e will greatly appreciate the only country day school In mas. or Washington counties. Went to Louis Hanberg of Portland, It If our correspondents will the northwest. • • • They must be graduates of high On Wednesday afternoon at the w h i won the state junior award as Picnic Huge Success I»s A n geles V is ito r get I heir copy In by Tuesday, school or a three-year trade regular monthly meeting of the well as the regional junior award as The Beaverton I.O.O.F and Re- F. W. Gilbert, of Los Angeles. j and If our advertisers will school course with special train Women's Society of Christian Ser have their enpy ready on Tues bekah picnic held Sunday. August who has been visiting his nephew. ing In electricity and radio. vice. which met at the Methodist best in the states of Oregon, Wash 25 at Avalon Park waa decidedly Carl W Roger«, left for Corvallis ! day when we call for It. If any Veterans taking the examination Church, Rev. H. F. Pemberton, ington, Montana. Wyoming and Idaho. a success. of our advertisers could please Friday to visit another nephew for Radio Technician will receive who is serving his sixth year as He received a $100 state award and P bring the ropy to us they will Sixty-five persons attended the I Dr. Earl C. Gilbert, Professor of an additional 10 per cent o f their pastor o f the Hillsboro Church and will attend the national convention picnic and enjoyed the pot luck Chemistry at Oregon State Col certainly rerelve our blessing. The dairy production payment final earned ratings The effective who served several years as a at Detroit, Mich., to compete for dinner. lege. program for the second quarter salary range Is $237-1262. missionary to India, spoke about I university scholarships. The Crafts The day was spent swimming I Mr. Gilbert has been touring the j Visitors of 1946 closes on August 31. Pro Application blanks, available In his experiences there man’s Guild is an educational foun rlavtng games boat rides and a United States since April, having Mr and Mrs. F^jward Harden, ducers who have not yet applied Room D. Municipal Auditorium. 9. Mrs. Nan Bourquin and Mrs good time in general. driven through the south as far of Parkland Wash , are guest* of for their payment on milk and W Third and Clay. Portland, may Helen Oeertgens sang a beautiful dation sponsored by General Motors • • • as Florida, north to Boston, New 1 Rev and Mrs. Werner Fritz, 7921 hutterfat »old in the April June I he obtained now. The deadline for duet and Mrs Fdna Sheets con to encourage handiwork and crafts Evelyn and Ted Hetu are vaca York, etc. and hack through Can 9 W Canyon Crest Drive Mr* period will need to do so before filing applications Is Wednesday, manship among ’teen-age boys. ducted the devotlonals. tioning around Vancouver, B. C ada. Harden is the sister of Rev Frits that date. September 1*. Sylvan School Opening Sept. 16 Over Crowded School Condition* Create I Lizards I low a r (1 F. Weed Attention Ex G. I/s Oregon Minerals Are Mapped Gabel Day School To Open Sept. 9 Conference Being Held At Pacific Oregon Boy Wins Cosily Marquee For Theater Women** Couneil J Meet* At Gama* Younji People* Allend Institute Portland Civil Service Exam When A Fella Need* A Friend Rev. Pcnilterton Speaks At W.S.C.S. Dairy Payment Fml* Aumi*t 31