Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1946)
tay Near Govt. Camp . and Mrs. Russell Grant and ten, Dick, Bob and Faye, lef^ lay, August 26, for a two a stay near Government P- R L S — Get Your New SCHOOL CLO TH ES HERE Everything brand new end High Style ioters, Skirts, Blouses, Jumpers, Dresses enhower Jackefs-Rcd or Navy You Ought To See 'em lite Dress Shop 220 S. W. First St. Oregon laverton Where Pork in I» Eosy Fish A t Odell Lak« Mr. and Mrs. Neuman Ward and sons, David and Douglas, spent last week end at Odell Lake fish ing. The Wards have had many guests recently. Among them Mr and Mrs. Ed Dronberger from San Francisco; Mr. and Mrs. Dean McCauley, from Los Angeles and Mr. Pete Hillman, from Mid dleton, Ohio. Society T o Meet At Ralston Home The firat fall meeting of the Women's Missionary Society of the Valley Community Church, United Presbyterian, is scheduled for Wednesday. September 4, at I I a.m. in the home of Mrs. Fran cis W. Ralston, S. W. Sunset Rd. It is planned that Mrs. George vice president, will I f you want to sell, trade, or buy N. Taylor, something--TRY A CLASSIFIED preside because of illness in the home of the president, Mrs. J. Kenneth Riley. Mrs. J. W. Tice, who is in Leonard's & Ernest's charge of the program for this first meeting, has obtained Mrs. Lawrence, who has served as a missionary in South Africa, as the speaker. for Prompt Each member is to bring her own sandwiches. Radio - Electric Courteous Servire O il »ON’S . . . SPORT SHOP Repairing Small Appliances BICYCLES— Sold ond Repaired LAW NM OW ERS— Serviced oys. Model Airplanes, Athletic Equipment, and Wheel Goods 317 FARM INGTON ROAD eoverton Phone 3861 SUCH AS Toasters, M is Masters, Roosters, Vaccum Cleaners, Hot Plates, etc. SEE US 109 Watson St. Beaverton BEAVERTON PHARMACY Headquarters . . for SCHOOL SUPPLIES TEXT BOOKS, WORK BOOKS NOTE BOOKS, TABLETS PENCILS, CRAYONS FOUNTAIN PENS INK, ERASERS Bring Us YOUR SUPPLY LIST And We'll Fill It Broadway Prescription Druggist Well Known Artist At West Slope When any of us are In the Cen tral Portland Public Library, we should make a special effort to go into the Children’s Reading Room and see the lovely wood carving of Alice in Wonderland that is over the fireplace, because this work was done by a neigh bor of our, Miss Florence Thomas, who lives on Murray Avenue, in West Slope. Miss Thomas has taken much of her art work at the Chicago Art Institute. While there, she receiv ed a fellowship to Europe, where she traveled around, and thnn continued her studies In Vienna, Austria. She is doing many interesting things with her training. Right now she is enjoying a vacation from her regular teaching at the Arts and Crafts Society, Kraemer Building, Portland. She expects to resume her classes there in scul pturing, wood carving and cera mics in September. Part of her time is spent at Sawyers, manufacturers of the Viewmaster. Most of the Sawyer reels have been made from col or photographs of natural scenes from all over the world. However about a year ago, Sawyers began preparing reels depicting the scenes from the fairy stories. Six story reels are almost completed. Miss Thomas has worked on the backgrounds for the settings, which are photographed and Vade up into the reels. The figures used in these first stories were made in southern California. Miss Thom as is now working on the figures and backgrounds for a series that should prove Interesting to many people. Miss Thomas said that she molds the figures, trees and many other "props” in clay. Some of the most difficult problems in trying to make the scenes appear nat ural are the color blending, and the dullness or highlights of the finished article. What might ap pear right in the original scene may appear very unnatural In the photograph. Boges Take Tour Of Mt. Hood Loop MMh SAP ARE YOU GOING HUNTING? W H Y NOT BF, COMFORTABLE - with one of our HUNTER'S TENTS and a IY)LDING COT - - either canvas or steel Come In And See Them JUST RECEIVED! and almost impossible to get SEVERAL BEAUTIFUL CHINA CLOSETS Canyon Road Trading Post One Mile East of Beaverton on Canyon Road OPEN EIGHT to EIGHT Call Us Bv Phone Eor FREE GROCERY & MEAT DELIVERY ORDERS. Phone Orders N ot Cater Than 1 p. tn. Vacation Taken At Camp In Wash.. Mr. Alva W. Graham and son, Douglas, returned Sunday, August 25, from a three weeks vacation at San Juan International Camp, which is on Lopez Island, a two hour ferry ride from Seattle, Wn. The camp is operated by the Frank Carlton Hendersons, of Se attle, and started as a hobby. There were about 125 boys and girls at tile camp. The youngsters come from all over the west and greatly enjoy the many activities offered. Mr. Graham was a coun- I selor. KOAC Air School Schedule < )ul W E SERVE — Cedar H ill. Aloha. IT est Slttpe. and the Entire Hearerton Area. THRIFTY Sunday, August 18, the V. C. Boges, Senior and Junior, and their families went on the Mt. Hood Loop trip, taking in Mult nomah Falls, a visit to Bonneville Dam and then Timberline Lodge. They, like many visitors, found it most Interesting to watch the salmon go over the fish ladders. The Sunday before the Boges and Mrs. Veldon Boge, Jr. stayed spent the day at Oceanside. Mr. at the beach the following day, and went deep sea fishing. Arleta Boge spent the week of August 18 at the Christian En deavor Conference, at Turner, Ore. MARKET PHONE BEAVERTON 3261 The annual school of the air broadcast guide issued by the state station, KOAC, has been pub- j lished for the season 1946-47 show ing an expanded schedule for this daily feature. The booklet con tains a foreword by Rex Putnam, state superintendent, praising the program and recommending it to all schools in the state. 6 Minutes of Labor a Day Keeps Your Home Warm Winkler Automatic Coal Stoker WILL SOLVE YOUR HEAT PROBLEMS Easily Installed In Your Old Furnace $325 INSTALLED AIR CONDITIONING APPLIANCES Q 'uuteA & A cke/u n a n HOME HEATIN G ON CANYON ROAD A T EAST BEAVERTON PHONE 2699 The first fall meeting of the Fir Grove Garden Club is scheduled for Wednesday, September 11, at the home of Mrs. M. Yeager, Sun set Road. Each member is to bi ing a vegetable or fruit arrangement suitable for a picnic table. The speaker will judge the arrange ments. Five points will be awarded to the winner. The club has a plan whereby record Is kept of the points awarded at each meet ing for the different arrangements plannd for the meetings; (last meeting was cup and saucer, ano ther time It will be miniatures, another monotones, etc.). A grand prize is awarded to the member with the highest number of points at the end of the year. Mrs. John Taylor and Mrs. By ron Walton are in charge of the program for this meeting. They have arranged for Mrs. J. L. S. Mead to take the members on a tour through her garden where she specializes in growing tuber ous begonias. The following Garden Club mem bers are planning to submit ar rangements In the contest at the Washington County Fair: Mrs. Paul Mead. Mrs. M. Hinds, Mrs. D. Dennison, Mrs. M. Yeager, Mrs. E. Oberst, Mrs H. T. Harvey, and Mrs. Alva W Graham. Some of the members found it a very Interesting experience to take part in the "impossible con tainer” contest conducted by Mary Cullen's Cottage of the Oregon Journal. They were all very proud of the arrangement tusked out by Mrs. Yeager, who used an antique frosted fish as the container. Visits Father © £0 © ® 3 ® WEST pONÌiMRT Ttfëfp Bu\ From Your WEST Progressive West Slope Merchants MUELLER GARAGE, Better Canyon Rd. at West Slop« SERVICE Homes Phono BE 7S42 LEACH and BUCK STATION We specialize in repairing brakes & motor tuna-up • 901 S. W. Canyon Rood PLUMBING Road Rock, Sand .Gravel, Lawn Dirt, Dump Truck Work BROS. SERVICE SLOPE Plumbing Phono BR 9669 West Slope LUMBER YARD PLYWOOD - GLASS HARDWARE Complete Building Material PHONE BRoadway 6122 9049 S.W. Canyon Rd. Portland 1, Ore. West Slope GROCERY & MARKET Shafer and Neer Two Trucks To Serve You Orders token at West Slope Plumbing Skop V A LLEY Phono BE 7S42 V IEW A N T IQ U E AND G IF T SH OP Adjacent to Richfield Service Sta. Canyon Road ot West Slops PHONE ATwater 6951 Open Evenings lie Free T o Enjoy Yourself . . . know you are "ItHtking your best" over SCHOOL DAYS AHEAD WE HAVE W H A T YOU NEED To Start The School Year R ig h t ! — We Helen's Beauty Salon on the S. W. Canyon Road 0733 WEST SLOPE RADIO & APPLIANCE PHilcO RADIO — BR 9998 Let Us "ATOM IC SEAL" Your Car d e a l e r SERVICE Canyon Road PHONE at Howatt Ave. BE 6624 WEST SLOPE BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving, Finger Waving Valley View RICHFIELD SERVICE STATION Canyon Rood at West Slope Phone A T $951 Shower Given For Dorothy Sayre Manicuring OPEN EVENINGS BY •7 1 7 S . W . Canyon Road Visit Former Went S in per» Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mattsson, of Howatt Road, and their daughter, Karlyn, returned from their recent visit at Nelscott. While there they were with Mrs. Nan Reed, for merly Mrs. Arthur Jones, of West Slope. Miss Dorothy Sayre was hon ored by a shower Monday even ing, August 26, at the home of Mrs. N. L. Peck. Many lovely • • • gifts were given to her by friqnds from Army Engineers, where she Visit In Seattle used to work ,and from around Mrs. Florence Lalll and son, Beaverton and West Slope, where Richie, left Wednesday, August she used to live. Miss Edith Jen sen was co-hostess with Mrs. Peck. 21, to visit In Seattle. Among the guests were M i s s ____ E H »."I-- S i tik mss APPOIN TM ENT Phone BE 9492 Week find A t The Billows Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Spencer spent a week end recently at Tho Billows at Ocean Lake. With them were their daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Lewis. Sister V isits Mrs. Lester Harnden of Kala mazoo, Michigan, arrived Thurs day, August 22, to spend some time visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. J . Vradenburg. Mrs. Harnden Is Mr. Vradenburg's sister. nits ii m ourn' Miss Bernice Conoly, Miss Alice Schlender, Miss Elsie Swalheim and Miss Ruth Mackle, sister of the groom-to-be. Refreshments of ice cream with sliced peaches, cake and coffee were served. Miss Sayr’s wedding is planned for Friday. September 6. at the First Congregational Church, In Portland. Fishing In Nehalem Bay Mr. Maurice Neer left Monday, August 26. for a couple of days of fishing in Nehalem Bay. • • • H>ek At Seal Rocks Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hllher left Friday, August 23. to spend about a week at Seal Rocks, Oregon. F.F.A.- Chapter Breed Specials. Herd Banners, SUMMER CUT FLOWERS PYRON & SON NURSERY 1 Block off Farmington Rood ON LAN G AVENUE THE G E N T L E M A N The bottle ia not merely covered. It's SEALED with l stardy metal cap . . . air-tight, dust-proof, (a nr pen- p r o o f. There’s complete, scientific protection for our milk after it leaves the dairy. Let one of our roucemca show you what this protection means to you and your family. Nursery School — 3 - .» years Tht SAftH Elementary Dept. — I • R High Scholastic Standards — I ii f o r m a l ion G all — IlKaeon 8313 IS R I G H T i i i and we're meeting his demands with Dacro Pro* tected Milk .., the safest package of milk you can buy* FCT OPENINGS SHU, VV MI.AIII.E A Further For An Appointmeiit AUTH O RIZED DELIVER GABEL COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL BEGINS SEPT. 9 K indergarten Call HR 6786 • S. W. Canyon Road The Washington County 4-H fall- program has just been released by the County Extension Agents and Smith-Hughes instructors. Entries for the three day fair will be taken Wednesday. August 28th so that judging of exhibits may start promptly at 9:30 a.m., Thursday, August 29th. The following events are sched uled for the three days: Wednesday, August 28: 9:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. Open for entries—4-H and. F.F.A. Thursday, August 29: 7:00 a.m. Open for entries. 9:00 a.m. All 4-H and Future Farmers’ entries closed and exhi bits in place. 9:30 a.m. Judging 4-H clothing, cooking, canning .and homemak ing exhibits (4-H building). Judg ing 4-H garden club exhibits, woodworking, forestry and handi crafts. 10:30 am. Livestock judging con test F.F.A. and 4-H. 1:30 p.m. 4-H Agricultural dem onstration contest. Friday, August 30: 8:30 .am. 4-H dairy showmanship contest (west of barns). 9:30 a.m. 4-H ^ jd F.F.A. swine showmanship. 10:00 a.m. Judging 4-H and F.FA swine entries. 11:00 a.m. 4-H and F.F.A. beef showmanship and judging beef classes. Juding 4-H dairy classes. 12:00 noon Lunch. 12:15 a.m. Direct K A L E broad cast Burton Hutton, Farm Ser vice Director. 1:00 p.m. Home Economics Judg ing contests. Sheep showmanship followed by judging sheep classes Judging 4-H dairy classes. F.F.A. dairy showmanship . and judging. 3:00 p.m. Judging t-H and F.F.A. crops 4:00 p.m. Judging poultry and rabbit exhibits. Saturday, August 31: 8:30 a.m. Continued judging 4-H dairy cattle. 10:00 a.m. Champion showman ship contest. 11:00 a.m. 4-H dairy herd show ing for Calf Manna Trophy. 1:30 p.m. Girls preparation of style revus. , 3:00 pm. Girls style revue mod eling. 4:30 p.m. Announcement and presentation of special awards. *-H—Calf Manna Trophy. Show manship plarque Breed Specials. MISS G\BKI SLOP E SHOPPER-TUNITIES Fair Program For 4-H Outlined Grades BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Lilmr Day Week-End Mrs. W. A. Tischer returned re cently from a week’s visit with her father, Mr. M. Abernathy and her brother, Mr. Del Abernathy, in Bellingham. Washington. She found the trip particularly pleas ant because her father had just recovered so completely from a recent illness. Mrs. Tischer also spent part of her vacation in Seattle with other members of her family. Since her return home, she has had the pleasure of a visit from a dear friend of hers, Mrs. Fred Simpson. Mrs. Simpson and Mrs. Tischer have been very close friends since 1914, when they used to spend their summers together in Victoria, B. C., whre Mrs. Simpson lived as a little girl; and Mrs. Tischer came with her fam ily to visit. to r & FRID A Y, AUGUST 30, 1946 First Fall Meet To Be Sept. 11 JeM- B n iu ic ib . Dacro Cap is a genuine •ml. it m u « be removed the i r u time with en opener. After that it mar be «u p p e d back on the bottle at • re-seal tod removed apem end again, even without to opener. ALPENBOSE DAIBT >6149 S.W. SHATTUCK ROAD CHervy 2424 1 '/i mi. Eost on Bertha-Beovorton Hi way to Shottuck Rood •