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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1903)
THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, July 15,190 12 OFFICIAL RECORDS. Tho following ifiHtrumontH were filed at the Ilakur county court Iiouho during tho week ending July 14, l!K):i. RKAI. ESTATE TKAKSFKItS. DKKDH. July 2 V. 11. MuCiirty to Hurt Hunk, N. j lot 7 block '., llotiruo; .'I7. Juno I Liiura Ilrown to Miuii Allawiiy, interest In N. lid acres K. ii S. V. U Hoc. 'JO Tp. 8 K. Ill 81. July I It. A. Cussliliiy to K. Hoiiiiutt, 100 acres In Sou. fi Tp. K; K. tl It. II H; 8200. Juno 27 F. L. liowon and wlf to C. P. Cooil, IoIh 1 mill 2 block 21, I'nolflc ailii to linker City; 8050. Juno 27 It. 11. Crego estate to (loo. K. Orogo, 8. V. '.,' H. W. I4' Sc. 2! 'l'i. 7 It. 10 10; 810,00. May 20- (J. L. I'ulmor to School District Xo. 5, IoIh I to !l mid 11 to 1 1 lihmk 2, I'Ihco'h 2nd udu to linker City; 81. July II Smiiptur Wilt or Co. to Humptoi- Light mid Water Co., ItoHorvoir site, etc., in and near Kumptor; 81. March III--.loiinlo K. Smith mid hiiHlmiid lo I'. (Jutes, IoIh 11 ami 12 mid pari of lot 10 I. look A, C. A. K. Siiillh adu to Maker City; 822r. Nov. I ft, '02 O. Moody and wlfo to John II. Holmes, HxlT rodn in S. W. H N. W. '4 Hoc 21 Tp. !) It. 1ft K 8l;ft(). July ft- I'owdor Itivnr Laud and Irrigation Co., to V. W. Kppingor, about 7,000 noroH northeast of linker City; 81. July H--K. W. Kppingor and wlfo to F. H. Iaiik ot al, sumo u hint; 81. Juno :i() -I). M. Carhnlll and wlfo to Marker, 100 acres in Heo. :iTi. H It. :iH K; 81,000. Juno !I0 I'ViiiioIh KiiHtuor and hunbaiid to Amanda C. Ilowniau, lotH (I lo 10 block 21 in II. W. veii'H adn to Maker City; 82,000. July 10 M. K. (larduer to C. II. (iardiir, Introst In 8. II. ij So. 18 Tp. 10 It. :IH K; 81,7ft(). May 211 M. J. I teed y vt a I to KIhIh Ii. Lee, IH Ix lOllxIHIl feet In 8. K. l4 N. K. '4 8ee. 20 Tp. It. til K; 82ft0. March 111, '01 (War .Incobson and wife to (3. W. Neill, 120 neros In 8. W. i Sou. 10 Tp. 7 It. Ill) K;J 8180. Jan. Voting, 10, '01 U. 8. A. to M. K. patent to 80 acres ill Seen. 11) and :i0 Tp. 10 It. HO K. J uly 08 N. C. Haskell et al to Louis It. and Aliliie I. (iarriHou, 3ft7x3ll3 feet lying 100 feet north or block 17, HiiHkoll adu to linker City; 8 lft, 00. .lolly 8 N. C. Haskell et nl to Maker City, 10 foot strip along north side Park avenue in Mild oily, for BEST BUY IN EASTERN OREGON I have lo.Qoo Shares of Gilt Edge Mining Stock, on which it is absolutely necessary that I raise some money. It is in the Grizzly Gold Mining Co. You can have it in one bunch for $ cents, in broken blocks 4 cents, j j Address BERNARD FLYNN SUMPTER, OREGON a street; 81. Jan. 10, 01 U. S. A. to Frank 11. Hindinan, patent to 109 acres in Sort. 0 Tp. 11 R. 30 E. Doc. 10, '01 Frank II. Hindman to Minnie D. Card, 100 acres In Soc. ftTp. 11 R. 30 E; 81 CO. Oct. 2ft, '02 A. F. Estos to O. J. AIlHtroadt, ft acroH in N. E. N. E. H Sec. 2 ft Tp. 7 R. i GE; N. Co. road; 8300. Juno 23 Jerry Vnudovontor to C. K. Fisher, 280 acreH in Socs. 17 and 18 Tp. 7 R. 38 E; 8377. July 8 John Niederkoru to I'eto AlorH, loin 7 mid 8 block 1 in Ilourne; 8100. MINING MATTERS. DKKDS. July 1 M. W. Orlfllu to Moso FucIih, introst in Ophir quartz claim; 81. MORTGAGES. Juno 27 Geo. R. Crogo mid wlfo to M. (Irlllln, S. W. U 8. W. H Sue. 20 Tp. 7 R. 10 E; 8100. June 10 C. 1. Vautls and wlfo to J. I). MoKouuoii, lots 8, i) and 10 block 20 McCrary's adu to Maker City; 822ft. July 3 Walter C. Illguold to Amanda Hudson, Sumpter Daily Reporter newspaper and outfit; 81,000. July 0 C. Shelton to Sam F. (lover, -1 cows and 30 hogs; 8100. July 11 C. H. mid C. O. Noppo to Frank L. Mooro 80x10ft foot adjoining uortliwost School District block, Maker City; 8800. July 8 Stluson-drnlugor Co. to Clark Snydo, chuttels In Hotel Sumpter; 87,500. July 7 O. O. Maisloy and wlfo to Alliance Trust Co., 100 acres In Soo. 32 Tp. 0 and Sou. ft Tp. 7 It. 30 E; 81,2ft0. MISCELLANEOUS. Judgment Henry Wldmaii und wlfo favor M. Woll & Co. ; 80ft. Attachment L. Criibill vs N. 11. Thlbault, amount notes; 8001. Judgment A. A. Hibbs favor H. K. Drown ot at; 8ft, 148. Judgment 1. M. Mowdon favor John Wheeler; 8720. Judgment E. L. Daly favor P. MiiHt'he; 8187. Redemption July 11 Shorilf to Single Standard G. M. und M. Co., of Creek mid ft quartz claims from sale in case E. L. Wtiittuker vh Co., to Whlttaker, Fob. 20, '03; 83,112. Judgment D. C. Coble favor Oregon Liquor und Cigar Co., Maker City; 8001. Suit A. J. Suhuiimokor vs. Cluis. M. Chaplii et al, forouloslng lieu on Phoenix mines; 800. Mill of Sale July 3 Amanda Hudson to W. C. Illguold, Sumpter Reporter newspaper and printing out lit; 81,200. If in want of clothing, see Neill Mer cantile company. T. C. Harrison, agent (or Giant now dor company. ...J. W. C0WDEN... HAS A FINE LINE OF PHOTOGRAPHIC VIEWS OF ALL THE MINES AND PROS PECTS IN THE SUMPTER GOLD FIELDS 525255222 MINE VIEWS ONLY Address J. W. Cowdon, Sumpter, Or. ATTENTION! Do you desire to sell stock in your Gold, Copper, Mining or other In dustrial companies? If so, you can not find n bettor advertising medium than THE DIXIE MANUFACTURER B1RMINBHAM. ALABAMA. It is the lending industrial and financial paper published in tho South. It reaches that class of rend ers who nre interested in financial and industrial affairs. It is old and established. Published semi-monthly. Guaranteed circulation 10,000. Subscription prico fL'.OO per year. Advertising rate reasonable. Send for sample copy and advertising rates. Address, Rountni Publishing Company Birmingham, Alabama. THE NATIONAL BANKER 84 and 86 La Salle St. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS A journal of national circulation. Is read .by bankers, capitalists, in vestors, retired merchants. If you want to reacli a good class of buyers and tho moneyed and investing pub lic, advortiso in the National Banker. Thousands of copies of each issue of the National Danker goes to investors throughout the Middle West, KaBtern and New England states. The best journal in the country in which to reach investors. Sample copies free. Advertising rates on application. Tickets at Low Rates to the EAST VIA The Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Will Ihj on nale at nil ticket offices on June 4th and 5th, June 21th to :t0th, inclusive; July Kith and ltUh, and August 25th and Siltli. Tickets good for going passago for ten days from date of sale, with tlnal return limit of 00 days, from date of sale. For further Information, ad dress, II. S. Kowb, General Aaent. Portland, Oregon. mmszat j5J foe Only transcontinental line assing directly through Salt Lake City Leadville Colorado Springs and Denver Three splendidly equipped tra ns dally TO ALL POINTS EAST. Through Sleeping and Dining Can anu irco declining uiinir uara. The most Magnificent scenery In America by daylight. Stop overs allowed on all classes . of tickets. t For cheapest rates and descriptive . T literature, address v W. C. MoBRIDE, Cenenl Agent RIO GRANDE LINES :l Portland, Oncoon - GMt OREGON SHOtyTLlNE Union Pacific AND TO Salt Lake, Denver, Kansas City. CHICAGO ST. LOUIS NEW YORK Ocean steamers between Portland and San Francisco every five days. L-ow Rates I Tickets to and from all parts of the United States, Canada and Europe. Through Pullman Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cari daily to Omaha, Chicago, Spokane; Tourist Sleeping car daily to Kunsas City ; through Pullman tourist sleeping cars (per sonally conducted) weekly to Chi cago, Kansas City; reclining chair cars (seats free) to the East daily. For particular!, call on or add: H. C. Bowaai, Agent, Baker City, Or