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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1903)
t VOL. IV. SUMPTER, OREGON, JULY 22, 190$. NO. 46 MILL TO BE BUILT AT THE GOLDEN WIZARD. Decided At Tacoma Meeting Of Board Of Directors Monday To Install Plant At Once. A 100-ton capacity mill is to be erected on the Golden Wizard at once. J. M. McPhee, superintend ent of the property, returned this forenoon from Tacoma, where a met ing of the directors waa held Mon day. 'He saya the decision reached by the directors was to proceed at once with the erection of a plant. While he states it was decided generally to put in a 100-ton plant, it is possible that it may be more than this, as the plans have not been passed upon. Various machinery companies were represented at the meeting but it was concluded not to adopt any special kind of mill until the ore has been thoroughly tested and it la found what sort of machinery la best suited to its reduction. In con formity to this plan several tons of ore will be shipped to Ban Francisco and Denver, whero thorough tests will be made, lu the meau time the various machinery companies will submit plans, and a choice will be arrived at as soon aa the returns frost the ore are received. It U the purpose of the company to start the construction of the pla&t a the aoonest time possible and Superintendent McPbee states that the mill will undoubtedly be in operation before the first of the year. Development operations are procedlng very satisfactorily at the property. The drift tunnel is now In over 450 feet and every energy is being bent toward blocking out ore before the mill goes into commission. Dr. L. O. Miller, of Three Rivers, Michigan, president of the company, who stopped over In Sumpter on bis way to Tacoma, returned east after the ad journment of the meeting. FOUR FOOT ORE BODY OPENED. Assays Reported In The Stand ard Vein As High As $500. Dr. Ed W. Mueller, general maun ger of the Standard, returned from the mine this week, and reports that the drift on the Cleveland vein from the Standard tunnel No. 1 has opened a four foot body of ore carrying a value of $30 to the ton with ten per cent copper. No length is given, but it Is stated that the shoot extends foi a considerable distance. Recent assays, Dr. Mueller says, from the rich shoot on the Standard vein ran as high as 1500 in the various metals characteristic of the property. A corps of engineers is now at work making surveys for a patent for water rights aud for the permanent workings of the mine. A big amount of development is being done. In the underground .workings crews are employed, it two shifts at five different places of the mine and operations are being carried on more extensively than ever before. Lookiag for Miaiog Property. L. B. Wlokersham, of Portlaud, who spent some time in the dstrlct looking up a mining proposition for Portland people, returned yesterday.. It is understood that be fouud what be waa looking for, though uothiug definite waa learned. PROPERTIES SOLD. an Idaho concern. These properties are locnted near tho Morning Star group in which Judge Newbury is interested. It is understood tluit work Is to start ou them at ouco. SHIPPING ORE. Imperial Sending Out High Grade Stulf lor Trctmeot. Captain Paul, manager of tlu Imperial, states that he is shipping three touB of ore a day. The ore is being hauled from the mine in wagons aud stored here uutil arrangements cau be made for Its treatmeut. Already thirty-live tous have accumulated, which Captain Paul says will average 900 to the tou. Alpine Sawmill, Superintendent Nelson, of the Alpine, waa lu the city today after some supplies. He states that a road la being built to haul lu the machinery for the saw aud stamp mill. The sawmill is already here and will be installed as soon as the road Is completed. The machinery for the stamp mill is expected soon. MILL AT THE DIXIE GROUP. Machinery To Be Purchased At Once. TWENTY TON PLANT. Will Be a Kinkaid Plant With Woodbury Concentrating Table Manager Ray Lett Today for San Francisco lo Place Order Sawmill Belag Intuited to Cut Lumber. Idaho People Will Operate la tbc Mormon Batin. Judge Newbury received informa tion from the Mormon fiasiu a' few days ago that the Head and Kunbrough mine has been sold to Idaho people for 125,000 with a cash payment of 95,000, aud that the Tarbell group in the same district has been sold for 140,000, also to BEAR GULCH LEDGE CROSSCUT. Sixteen Feet Wide And. Car ries Uniformly High Values In Gold. Late reports from Dear Utilch, where ' the rich deposit of free gold was discovered In a limestone formatiou a short time ago, state that the ledge has been crosscut, showing a width of sixteen feet carrying large amounts of free gold. W. Wade, general manager of the Scaudla Tunnel compauy, who is also interested in the liear Uulch proposlton, was at the proorty yester day. He states that the rock Is rich lu free gold boyond any question, aud the values appear to be uniform. The ledge he says Is slxteou feet wide. It is Mr. Wade's opiniou that the gold really occurs in the llniestoue aud that it is not confined alone to the siliceous seams, as is held by some; He says that there is every appearance that the rock will carry uniform values . aud that its high grade character will continue. This unusual deposit of free gold has attracted a good deal of atteutiou aud a great many uiiulug men have visited the property. Frank Ray, manager and part owner fo the Dixie group on Uranlto Boulder Creek, left today far Ban Francisco to order macbia'ery for a mill to be Installed on' the pro perty In a short time. John 8. Laldlaw has prepared plans and It Is tho purpose to get the plant In operation as soon as possible. It is to lie a twenty ton fonr foot Kinkalrtl mill with a 7x10 lllakn rock crusher aud a four foot Wood bury concentrating table. The Klukaid mill operates centrifugal)?, and while It Is new lu this district, it Is said to be well suited to soft ore aud low grade propositions. Water power will lie employed to operate the plant. A 500 foot flume will be built from Granite lioulder creek and a turbine wheel will probably lie used to run the macbiuery. Aocordlug to the plaus prepared by Mr. Laidlaw, the mill will bo so arranged that Its capacity cau be increased without-'much additional exiense. The matter of increasing the capacity was bourn in mind when the plans were made, aud It Is stated this will likely follow at an early date. The company has purchased n saw mill having an H,000 foot n day capacity and this is being installed to cut lumber for the b'ulldngs. A force of tnou is also at work getting out timbers, and will finish next week. While the Dixie group is a low grade proposition ou the whole, some very rich finds have l--n iimde. The chief merit of the property Ih the Immensity of the ore bodies. Theto gcuerujly speaking are low grade, but are of an extent to warraut continuous operatlou on large cale. Will Build.' Manning A Welvh fold lot eight in block one, Kills additon, thitt week to O. C. Wright, who will erect a Tteveu room house ou tho propi'ityat once. ..JS