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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1903)
Wednesday, July 15, 190$ THE SUMPTER MINER 1? STORM KING AND OTHERS. Getting; Out Timber and Pre paring for Winter Work. Mauagor Costollo, of tho Storm Kiug, operated by tbo Forest Milling company, is in from the miuo today. He baa, he states, a forco of men at work getting out timbers and lagging preparatory to winter opera tions. He expects to drive botween 1,000 and 2,000 foot on tho threo lodges during the fall and winter. On tho McKinley and Roosovolt, paralleling the Storm King and oporatod by tho Advauco, an associated company, Mr. Costollo states that two shifts are at work. A 150 crosscut will bo driven to tap tho lodge at a depth of 2G0 feet. Tho ledge has sovon feet of oro between walls, four feet of which runs from $15 to 20. Mr. Costollo says that a few days ago WUIoy aud Aklus located a claim ou Sloau mountain, Cablo Cove, near tho Storm King, whore a lodgo had not boon suspootod. Tho rock shows rich gold sulphides, and they traced tho load throughout tho ontiro length of tho claim. Tho mountain is lltorallly packoed with Oro, 110 8BJ-B. EPISCOPAL CHURCH TO BE OPENED shaft, howover, was traceed up aud is expected hero at once. r The laboratory aud BKay ollico have been completed, aud tho com pauy Is now ready to do all work coming uuder this bend. It has tho : agency for tho Elmoro oil con ceutratiug process, aud all np-to-diito methods will bo employed. Ores will bo treated, tested or biiudled on a cash basis, aud It Is stated that If I tho busiuess justifies tho plaut will i bo lucroased in capacity to suit tho demands. Owing to tho situation and arrangomeut of tho building this can be douo with but little addi tional exponse. Inaugural Strvlcci Will be Held Sunday Evening. Tbo Episcopal church on Auburn and Bonanza streets, has been com pleted, and the opening servloo will be held Sunday evening at 8 o'clock, itov. Dr. Heppo will deliver tho sermon. All tho otbor churches in the city will bo closod aud the ministers will participate iu tho sorvico. An Episcopal Sunday school will bo orgaulzed Sunday aftornoon at .1 o'clock. This hour was soloctod so as not to conlllct with tbo othor Sunday schools lu the city. WORK AT COUGAR. Will Start Shipping Soon Mill in Com mtstbn Later. The Cougar, iu tho Granite district, owned by Messrs. Larkln and Evans, of Spokane, resumed operations last week. A strong forco of men was put to work ou the proporty, with Frank MoCarvel as foreman. It is stated that tho company will push development work and begin shipping at an early date. Arrange ments are also being made to put the mill in commission shortly. SAMPLING. WORKS. Will be Ready to Operate in A Few Days. The Sumpter Sampling and Testing Works, owned by MoEwen, Arthur and MoEwen, will probably start operation the last of the week. The principal part of the machinery has been placed and the plant could have sarted work before this, but owing to the faot that the line shaft got misplaced in Portland the matter of starting has been delayed. The WORK ON THE S. V. EXTENSION. Part of Right of Way Cleared, Grading to Start Soon. William Chappoll,, ouo of tho stockhholdors iu tho Listen Lake iu tho MoNamoo district, cumo in from tho proporty yosterdiiy aud roportod that work on tho extension of tho Sumpter Valloy railroad beyond Whltuoy Into tho Uroouhorns is rapidly progressing. He says that right of way has been elenrod from Whitney to tho top of Hurut Klver hill, a distauco of about eight miles. A good portion of tho ties havo boou gottou out aud collected. Further, bo states, that tho hording cars havo boou pulled iuto Whltuoy, and it is learned that gradlug la to begin at an early date. Tho oxtouslon, it Is understood, will bo about twolvo miles iu length, but it Is not stated definitely whoro tho terminus will bo. Tho now piece of road, howovor, it is thought, will go wltblu a short distauco of tbo Llstou Lake proporty aud furnish an outlet for Its oro. OFFICIAL RECORDS. The following instruments were filed at the Bakur county court house during the week ending July 14, 1903. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. DKSDS. Oct. 23, '01 David Copping and wifo to D. P. llradloy aud wife, lot 2 block 0, Sumtpor; 9700. Juno 0 F. H. Urabuer and wife to J. R. Shook and wife, 335 acres i'n Soecs. 27 and 31 Tp. 11 R. 43 E; and iu Sees. 10 aud 30 Tp. 10 R. 44 E; 98,000. July 7 Jas. M. Malouoy aud wifo to Jos. H. Kauffman, lot 4 block 2, St. Louis adn to Sumpter; 91. July 13 W. S. Rowers and wife to E. L. Sullivan, blook U of DeRoos and to Baker City; 9700. ' MORTGAGES. July 13 A. J McCorkle to Emlee McLean Carriage Co., one mountain boggy; 980. Isaac Hewitt and wife to First National bank, Baker City, 600 sheep; 95000. MISCELLANEOUS. Judgment F. J. Hewitt favor O. R. & N. Co., coats; 910,. Judgment W. H. Kelly, W. A. Sanders and W. D. McMillan, favor E. Adorns, costs and 95. Attachment Cbas. Liebenstein vs. Combination Gold Mining Co., amount of advertising, United Bullion group of quartz claims attached; 9123. IF YOU WANT A STOCK PROPOSITION eSB i j tip tiP iS 5 ONE WHICH IS ALSO THE MAKING OF A GREAT MINE, HERE IS THE CHANCE OF A LIFETIME Gomany is Incorporated, has Perfect Title to Property, Enough Work on whioh has Been Done to Establish the Existence of a Strong, Rich Ledge. Good Buildings and Other Improvements on the Ground. Control Can be Bought at a j j j RIDICULOUSLY LOW FIGURE t2&i tSp1 !p p Op 12&1 tSp1 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ADDRESS J. W. CONNELLA SUMPTER, 3 OREGON SB U U A FINE LI IN .. GROCERIES .. ALWAYS IN STOCK Fresh Vegetables Arriving Dally. Prompt Delivery. Give Us a Trial and We Will Please You. EOF D. A. EDLIN Opera Houss lak Phona 361 SUMPTCft. OREGON c MOUNTING BOARD MOUNTING CARDS OFFICE SUPPLIES STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS K jjAT 3 fiercer Drug (Co. a GRANITE STREET SUMPTER, OREGON UUUUULRJUUUU THE GEM SALOON A. J STINSON, Prop. (Successor to Snyde tt Stlnson) Only tht Boat Brands of Liquors Sirvd Ovtr tin Bar SUMPTER, OREGON